Till Voters Do Us Apar1

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Till Voters Do Us Apart…

UPA government has developed a knack to get mired into scandals every
other day. And this time it is hit by Wiki-Tsunami. The disclosures of “cash
for votes” payoffs in Wiki Leaks cables have pushed the government again
to the wall. Now the government machinery, including Pranab Mukherjee
and Dr. Man Mohan Singh, has become used to defending the government at
any costs from scam to scam and getting away with it.

It was a very brazen statement of Pranab Mukherjee that “We neither

confirm nor deny the Wiki Leak cables”. Since they can not deny the
contents of the cable there is a scope for truth in it. This indirectly means
clearly that Congress purchased votes for cash. In his statement in
parliament on 18th March 2011, Dr. Man Mohan Singh stated that the Wiki
Leaks can not be dignified by discussing them as they are unverified. Since
the cable is an internal secret communication of US government, there is no
reason for it to be false.

Lack of Probity

After 2008 trust vote, K.C.Deo committee had clearly identified one Saxena
as the bribe giver and suggested further investigation as its own mandate
was limited. Somnath Cahtterjee, Lok Sabha Speaker, had also
recommended detailed enquiry by the home ministry into three MPs who
had brought cash for display in the house. However, these probes never took
place and the government gave a quiet (and dignified?) burial to the issue
once the vote of confidence was won.

Prime Minister stated that since there has been a general election after 2008
trust vote and UPA II has the mandate from people, there is no reason to
resign. But the sins of UPA I are now in open in 2G scam and the prime
minister was forced to admit now famous “error of judgment”. Same thing
can happen sooner than later as the media goes after the facts of Wiki Leak
cables and PILs are filed in the Supreme Court.

Now the prime minister says he is not aware of such a transaction of

purchase of votes. Will this become future “error of judgment”? Not being
aware of “cash for votes” transaction, not being aware of status of Thomas
on palmolein corruption scandal before appointment, not being aware of
A.Raja’s intentions in 2 G spectrum scam, or not being aware of who Hasan
Ali is (As per CAG report 35% tax dues of the country are from Hasan Ali)
does not speak well for a prime minister. Ignorance can not be bliss when
you run a country of the size of India.

Among all the scams what is turning out is a well orchestrated cover up plan
for each of them. Governance has come to standstill and entire machinery is
busy in “save government operation”. How did lower court let off Hasan Ali
and grant him bail only to be snubbed and reversed by the Supreme Court?
Is political influence or money power playing the role?

A Reluctant Opposition

Opposition is seemingly helpless as government is unashamed and digging

heels for long drawn battles. Opposition does not want to topple the
government on this issue. The fresh-from-oven logic from L.K.Advani is
that the members of parliament want to complete their term. In simple
language, they want to hold on to their seats come what may! And how well
do they know that the voters will again vote for them in next elections for a
fresh term? Or may be they are sure that they will not be re-elected and
therefore want to enjoy the perks till last the day.

Himalayan Blunders

Recent tussle of DMK-Congress over seat sharing was nothing but a façade
behind which was negotiated safety of Karunanidhi & family including
Kanimozhi from effects of 2G scam. But come Tamilnadu assembly
elections and voters would decide whom to dump. But their choice will be
limited to equally corrupt alternative of AIADMK!

UPA government has set new standards on mis-governance, political

facades, and lack of probity, art of forgetfulness, ignorance, denials and
judgmental errors of Himalayan proportions. The new coalition dharma
seems to be free for all loot, quid pro quo on issues of corruption, and float
together if not sink together.

Nevertheless, the voters are certainly not going to be forgetful. It is clear that
UPA coalition government will survive till voters rip them apart in next
assembly elections as well as Lok Sabha elections whenever they are held.
But then is BJP gearing up to provide much awaited alternative?

Vijay M. Deshpande
Corporate Advisor,
Strategic Management Initiative
Pune 411021

March 18, 2011

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