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Corporate Governance Compliance Analysis

Mercator Lines (Singapore) Limited, FY 2011

Code of Best Practice Company’s relevant disclosure Comply or not? Explain.
The Board of Directors From the company’s disclosure, there are
several points clearly indicates that the
company is in compliance with the code of
best practice.

a. Clearly accepted division of responsibility, Certain functions of the Board have been The first compliance identified is there is clear
no one person with absolute power. delegated to various Board Committees to accepted division of responsibilities among
ensure efficient discharge of responsibilities. the Board. From the disclosures we learned
These Committees are the Executive that the responsibilities divided to 4
Committee, Audit Committee, Compensation Committee; Executive, Audit, Compensation
Committee and Nominating Committee. and Nominating Committee.

By the fact that the delegation also

considered experiences and appropriate skills
and each Chairman of the Committee is an
independent director, added the certainty
that the risk of one individual have unlimited
power of decision can be eliminated.

b. Should meet regularly, retain full and The Board meetings are scheduled quarterly for The next compliance identified is the Board
effective control and monitor their the purpose of, inter alia, approving the release did meet regularly to rule and monitor the
executive directors. of the Group’s financial results. Adhoc and non- Company’s operation. The meeting held for
c. Should have a formal schedule for scheduled Board meetings are also held, apart each Committee as well for all Board of
decision making. from the scheduled Board meetings, whenever Directors.
the Board’s guidance or approval is required for
specific activities of the Company and/or to The meeting held for Audit, Nominating and
provide important business updates. Compensation Committee during the year
were four (4) times, three (3) times and three
(3) times respectively. Where the Board
meeting held in five (5) times during the year.
d. Should include non-executive directors. The Board comprises of seven Directors with a In related disclosures, there is also other
majority of six Nonexecutive Directors and one compliance evidence identified; the Board
Executive Director. Three of the Non-executive has a formal schedule of matters specifically
Directors are independent. reserved for determine the decision
regarding Company’s operation. Proven that
the Board indeed direct and control the

The meetings are well scheduled in advance

through consultation with the Board
members and it is legally permitted that the
Board are able to attend the meeting through
video conferencing or by teleconferencing.
These matters indicate the strong willingness
to gather all the Board members in the
meeting in order to have discretions from all
Board members which would result a better

Six (6) members of the Board are the non-

Executive directors, whose role is to provide
unbiased and independent views as well as to
provide advice and judgment to take care of
the interest of the Company, shareholders,
employees and customers.

One (1) member of the non-executive

directors is the director of the parent
Company, Mercator International Pte. Ltd.
And the two (2) others are Executive
Chairman and Managing Director
respectively, of the Company’s ultimate
parent Mercator Lines Limited, India.
This information able to describe their
expertise to perform their roles and also
shown the calibre of the non-executive
directors is suffice.

e. Should have an access to the advice and The Board members have unrestricted, With the number of the non-Executive
services of the Company Secretary. independent access to the Company’s CEO, directors and its sufficient calibre, it is
senior management, the Company Secretary possible to be concluded another Company’s
and the Internal and External Auditors via compliance of the code of best practice.
e-mail and personal meetings. In addition, the independency of the said
three (3) directors was taken into care.
Annually, each Director is required to submit
a Confirmation of Independence Form based
on the guidelines provided in the Code and as
per the additional factors governing the
independence under the best practices and
guidelines provided in the ACGC Guidebook.
For FY2011, Nominating Committee has
determined that three Directors are
independent. They are Mr Huang Yuan
f. Should be an agreed procedure for Board members are aware that they can take Chiang, Mr John Walter Sinders Jr. and Mr
directors to take independent professional advice, if necessary. Arul Chandran.
professional advice.
The compliance identified from the related
disclosures is that the Board have access to
the advice and services of the Company
Secretary, who is responsible to the Board for
ensuring the
Board procedures are followed and that
applicable rules and regulation are complied

One of the Company Secretaries attends all

Board and Committee meetings and prepares
the minutes of the meetings. The
appointment and removal of the Company
Secretaries are subject to approval of the

Before the meeting the Board members are

provided with complete, accurate and
adequate management information.

All the operational and financial reports of

the Group’s performance and prospects
including disclosure documents are furnishes
timely by the Management. By the agenda for
the Board and Committee Meetings are sent
to the Board in advance, the Board was able
to learn the information before the meeting
held and have sufficient time to take
professional advice.

Non-Executive Directors

a. Should bring an independent judgment to Three of the Non-executive Directors are Point (a) and point (b); comply.
bear on issues of strategy, performance, independent.
resources, key appointments and Given the fact that the three (3) non-
standard of conduct. The criterion of independence is based on the executive directors were not independent, it
definition given by the Code. and the other three were independent (refer
b. Majority should be independent of to point (d) above), it is quite fair to conclude
management and the Company. that the non executive directors able to give
independent judgment for the Company.

The factor that supports this conclusion is the

numbers of the independent directors, with
three (3) independent directors; it is believed
that these directors are able to balance the
non-independent directors in giving views,
judgment or decision.

Even though the independent directors

number is the same with the non-
independent directors, which means that the
independent directors is not majority, but the
equal number believed to balance the
decisions making process in the views that in
decision making process the independent
judgment and views will be the equal
numbers with the possibly non-independent
judgment . This will be more or less influence
the decision taken.

c. Should be appointed for specified terms The Company has a formal and transparent The two points also considered complied by
and re-appointment should not be process for the appointment and the Company.
automatic. reappointment of Directors through the
recommendations of Nominating Committee. Cited the disclosures, it was states that
d. Should be selected through a formal according to the Articles of Association of the
process. Company, at each Annual General Meeting
(“AGM”) one-third of the Directors retire and
are eligible for re-appointment.

With further disclose that one director was

retire and subject to re-election and one of
the director was subject to re-appointment, it
was clear that the non-executive director was
appointed for specified terms and not
automatically re-appointed.

All the procedures regarding term and re-

appointment were ruled in the Companies
Act. It means that the selection process
through a formal process.

In addition to that, the Nominating

Committee’s chairman is independent, this
should add a positive compliance views
regarding the appointment of the non
executive directors.

Executive Directors

a. Their services contracts should not Mr. Shalabh Mital appointed on August 18, From the information of the date of
exceed three years without shareholders’ 2005. appointment it was clear that the executive
approval. director was appointed for over than three
Mr Shalabh Mittal and Mr John Walter years.
Sinders Jr. shall retire from offi ce by rotation,
being one-third and longest in offi ce and Since the Articles of Association of the
submit themselves to re-election at the Company stated that at each Annual General
Company’s forthcoming AGM, to be held on Meeting (“AGM”) one-third of the Directors
July 28, 2011. retire and are eligible for re-appointment.
And further disclose that the executive
director was subject to re-elected in the next
AGM, it is clear from the process explained,
that even though the services contract of the
executive directors is exceeding three years
but it is approved by the shareholder in the

b. Full and clear disclosures of directors’ Page 29-30 of the annual report discloses the This point is considered partially complied by
total remunerations and those of the full and clear directors’ remunerations. the Company.
chairman and highest-paid UK directors.
From the disclosure it was clear that the
remuneration of the directors and the
chairman was disclose properly.
However there is no sufficient disclosure
about pension contributions and explanation
about performance measurement.

c. Executive director’s pay should be subject Compensation Committee has a written Term The Compensation Committee comprises of
to recommendation of a remuneration of Reference that describes the responsibilities four Non-executive Directors, which three of
committee. of the members. The principal duties of them are independent.
Compensation Committee include:
From the disclosures, it can be concluded that
To recommend to the Board in consultation the executive director’s remuneration is
with the Chairman, a comprehensive recommended by the remuneration
remuneration policy, framework and guidelines committee.
for remunerating members of the Board and
Key Managerial Personnel, deciding specific The above explanation, sufficient to support
remuneration packages for each of the to state that the Company complied this
Executive Directors and the CEO. point of code of best practice.

Reporting and Controls

a. Board’s duty to present a balanced and The Board provides a balanced assessment of With the quarterly financial reports available
understandable assessment of the the Company’s performance, its position and for investors in the SGX and the Company’s
Company’s position. prospects to the shareholders and investors website, it is proven that the board did
through release of the Company’s quarterly provides a balanced assessment of the
and full year financial results. Company’s performance, its position and
prospects to the shareholders and investors.

b. Ensure the objectivity and professional the Audit Committee also meets the The meetings with the auditor without
relationship with the auditors. External Auditors and the Internal Auditors management presence substantially
with and without the presence of management. represents the objective relationship with the
auditors, since in this kind of meeting, the
committee can obtain full and transparent
information about all relevant matters
without any interference. This would
maintained professional relationship with the

In addition the internal audit also submits

reports directly to the committee, this line
reporting is important to maintain the clear
and transparent views of the report.

c. Board should establish an audit The Audit Committee comprises of the In the section ‘The Board of Directors’ there is
committee of at least 3 non-executive following members, all of whom are Non- explanation that the Company did established
directors. executive Directors and the majority of whom, audit committee. From the disclosures, it is
including the Chairman are independent. noted that all the members of the audit
committee (three (3) members) were non-
executive directors.

d. The directors should explain their Page 41 of the annual report is the director Even though there is no explicit statement in
responsibility for preparing accounts. statement. the director statement stated the directors’
responsibility for preparing accounts, but in
the message implicitly stated in the all over
governance report. In order to that, we
choose to believe that the Company in this
point complies with the code of best practice.

e. Should report on the effectiveness of the Audit Committee reviews annually, the The Company did established systems to
Company’s system of internal control. adequacy of the Company’s internal controls, ensure the effectiveness of the internal
operational and compliance control and risk control which was tested by the internal audit
management policies and systems established and the result reported to the committee.
by the management.
During the year, the Company had
outsourced to perform internal audit function
under review. The scope of Internal Audit is
reasonably comprehensive to enable the
effective and regular review of all
operational, financial and related activities.
The internal audit coverage extends to areas
viz., Enterprise Risk Assessment, Fleet Marine
maintenance, Vendor management, MIS and
Audit on Compliance of various Statutory

The mentioned fact can be considered as the

real commitment of the committee to assess
and report the effectiveness of internal

f. Should report that the business is a going The financial statements have been prepared The management has prepared the financial
concern. on a going concern basis. statements on a going concern basis, and the
auditor did not have opinion if it was wrong.
So we can conclude that the management
has prepared the financial statements on a
going concern basis.

The role of auditors

a. Auditor should examine interim No information disclose about this matter. There is no sufficient information to conclude
statements. the Company’s compliance with the code of
best practice in this point.

b. Disclosure of auditors’ non audit fee Page 81 of the annual report stated that there
are no non-audit fees paid to the auditors of It is clear that the Company in this point
the Company. complies with the code of best practice.

c. Rotating of audit partners. The audit partner was appointed on October There is no sufficient information to conclude
2007. the Company’s compliance with the code of
best practice in this point.

d. Auditors should report on directors’ No information disclose about this matter. In actual as stated in the Independent Auditor
statement on the effectiveness of their report, the auditor considers internal control
system of internal controls. relevant to the entity’s preparation of
financial statements that give a true and fair
view in order to design audit procedures that
are appropriate in the circumstances.

However, since the report not available in

this annual report, then there is no sufficient
information to conclude the Company’s
compliance with the code of best practice in
this point.

e. Auditors should be given statutory No information disclose about this matter. As this matter is the wide-country rules, we
protection to report suspicion of fraud believed that this matter was regulated in
freely. others legal document and should be
assessed separately.

f. Accounting profession should continue its No information disclose about this matter. We believed that the compliance about this
efforts to improve its standards and matter has to be assessed separately from
procedures – strengthening the value and this assignment as this is out of the scope.
independence of auditors.

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