ICT Activity Name: Muhammad Ammar Registration # 54991

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ICT Activity

Name: Muhammad Ammar

Registration # 54991

Ans # 1
Everything got its uses and misuses too. The world is developing as the discoveries and inventions are
happening. The vehicles are the most important inventions of the
19th century. You and everyone else use vehicles to get to work, visit
another state, go for a holiday and move around in everyday
errands. This is what has come to define the use of vehicles. In
fact, to many people, this is the only use of vehicles they know.
Among the advantages of owning a vehicle, in my opinion,
freedom of travelling is the most important one. Someone
who owns a vehicle can plan his route, timing and
destination. The number of vehicles owner are increasing
day by day. The best thing about it is time saving.

As there are advantages of owning a vehicles there some disadvantages and risks too. For example the
air pollution is increasing day by day due to the excessive usage of vehicles and more and more
accidents have been reported annually as the usage of vehicles are increasing people walking around
the road die by them by accidents. In cities most of the travelers faces hours in traffic jam due to more
usage of vehicles.

These risks can be minimized if we stop using excessive use

Vehicle like for the short term distance if we travel by walk

So it will be a first step to reduce pollution and that traffic

Jams in public. But if we remove the use of vehicles from our

life it will affect us like every day we use it to reach our educational institutes or offices or wherever we
work we can’t reach their at the time.
It will more significant for the citizens as well as government because cars save the time of the
respective citizens and the government get opportunity to ask their automobiles company to increase
their value as the citizens buy the vehicles or automobiles .

Ans #2
Today mobile phones bring so many facilities in our we can pay bills , watch movies , read news, store
data , make documents/schedule , play games and much more through our smart phones . It became an
essential aspect of life. Cell phones are the perfect way to stay connected with others and provide the
user with a sense of security. In the event of emergency, having a cell phone can allow help to reach you
quickly and could possibly save lives.

As it gives us way of living with tech but there are also some misuses of it. The usage of phone are not
allowed in many organization to prevent the leakage of their secret information or something they are
hiding. In schools mobile phones are also not allowed because the students will cheat on exam with
them or they play games during the lecture which will affect their grades. Similar kinds of action of the
smartphone are being anonymously talking to someone and giving them threats it is a cybercrime and
the one who is doing it is a criminal. Such actions shows the illiteracy of one.

To stop these types of factors we should spread the awareness of use of the mobile phone in public and
the parents need to not to give their children the mobile phone before their proper age. The cybercrime
is getting done by some evil mind people who done wrong things from their phone just like anonymity
factor. The good thing is the cybercrime has now an active participation in events in Pakistan there are
offices of it where we can report our issues. We just don’t need to ban the usage of mobile phones
because it provides us various type of facility we just need to spread awareness and make every mindset
positive to prevent this type of issues.

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