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with a
Have you ever had a moment un your life, which you don’t understands what’s going on. This
can happen in everyone’s life and it always going to be unpredictable; it can be awesome or
scary depending how do you look it.

One time, I was walking to the bus stop, when I started to hear a strange sound behind me, but
after that I heard a man who shouted, “come back here you little”. Instantly, I started to run
when I noticed that the man was chasing me. Later, he was a few steps behind me, and he
jumped and shouted “gotcha”. After that I understand everything, behind me there was a
duck, he was squawking me, that was the strange sound and the man was his owner. The duck
was running in my way and the owner just wanted to capture him. When everything finished, I
could not stop laughing.

In summary, a surprise can be unpredictable, but that is the best part, when something strange
or extraordinary happened to you and you don’t know how to react, and you can stop asking
you “why me”.

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