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The International Day for Tolerance was observed on November 16 to raise awareness about the

importance of tolerance for a peaceful society. In today’s globalised and interdependent world, all...

The International Day for Tolerance was observed on November 16 to raise awareness about the
importance of tolerance for a peaceful society. In today’s globalised and interdependent world, all of us
are aware that human societies are diverse. There are countless differences between people. However,
the quality that allows us to accept that other people have the right to say and do as they please is
known as tolerance. In simple words, tolerance doesn’t mean agreeing with other people. Instead, it
involves with disagreeing with others in a respectful manner.

We must understand that when people are naturally diverse, differences of opinion are bound to exist.
We have to respect their viewpoint because only tolerance can ensure the survival of humankind.
Whenever we don’t tolerate others, a hostile situation is created.

History bears witness to the fact that such hostilities will always have a negative impact on everyone.
The attack on Iraq by the US and the crisis in Syria are some examples of intolerance. It is believed that
the main motive behind the world wars was an intolerant attitude towards opponents. It is historical
fact that all those societies where the level of tolerance remained low have failed to survive. People in
these societies could never enjoy peace.

In our society, Mashal Khan’s murder, attacks on minorities, and other horrific social crimes also reflect
the rising degree of intolerance. However, transforming our beloved country into a tolerant one is my
ultimate objective. On various platforms, I have stated that if we want to move Pakistan towards peace,
we need to follow Quaid-e-Azam‘s vision by adopting tolerance in every sphere of life. Various ancient
philosophers, including Aristotle, Socrates, Chanakya, Confucius and Plato, have also advocated

Every religion urges its followers to adopt a tolerant lifestyle. In Hinduism, tolerance is believed to be
the most powerful weapon to combat challenges. In Islam, exercising patience is accorded importance.
Similarly, the teachings of Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism focus on promoting tolerance.

Meanwhile, the followers of intolerance gradually lose the ability to differentiate between good and evil.
Such people only value those elements that support their viewpoints. A recent example can be seen in
the reaction to the Supreme Court’s verdict in Aasia Bibi’s case. The chaos that ensued sent a negative
message to the international community that Pakistan doesn’t respect rule of law.

During such tragic events, the Pakistani media should responsibly report incidents while giving top
priority to the national interest. I am also leading a social campaign to promote tolerance and religious
harmony in Pakistani society under the platform of the Tolerant Pakistan Media Network. The motive
behind this initiative is to encourage journalists to promote mutual respect within Pakistani society and
the rest of the world. I invite media organisations and educational institutes to join hands with us and
deliver special lectures on tolerance.

The common characteristic of all successful people is that they have implemented tolerance in their
lives. I have to face my political opponents on a daily basis on different talk shows and during my 16
years of parliamentary struggles, I was criticised on various occasions. But I have always treated my
opponents with respect and accepted their criticism with a smile. A difference of opinion with others is
natural. But it should be exercised within moral and cultural limits. My endurance has helped me
maintain good relations with all stakeholders in society, even though I belong to a non-Muslim

We should also consider making lessons related to patience and endurance part of the school curriculum
so that children are taught about the importance of tolerance, forgiveness, patience and endurance to
lead a balanced life. To ensure a peaceful society, all of us must implement tolerance in our lives.

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