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Ministry of Economy,

Trade and Industry

Responding to a
Nuclear Emergency

Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency

Responding to a Nuclear Emergency①

Q.1 It is a radioactive leak

Q.2 Depending on the
What is a nuclear How does radiation
from nuclear installation. quantity, it might be
emergency? affect the human
detrimental to public

Cosmic 1.3mSv/year

Nuclear Facility
Ingestion of
Inhalation of radioactive
radioactive material material Food
Direct radiation 0.33mSv/year

Ground/ soil
External Internal
contamination contamination

In order to protect the body from external contamination

(1) Protection by distance (leaving from the source of radiation as far as possible)
(2) Protection by time (receiving radiation for as short a time as possible)
(3) Protection by cover (entering into a building made from concrete)

In order to protect the body from internal contamination

(1) Preventing inhalation (with a mask or a handkerchief)
(2) Preventing Ingestion (not eating polluted water or food )
Responding to a Nuclear Emergency②

Q.3 Q.4
If a nuclear The public is warned What should our Remain calm and
emergency occurs, through a range of response be when follow instructions
what will happen, media. we hear of an broadcast or
what should we do? accident occurring transmitted by the
Information ? competent authorities.
Prefecture office
city office

Nuclear power

Off-Site Center
Urgent contamination
dealt with by
Q.5 You should following
medical services What should we do the various instructions
in terms of in different places and
Make sure you listen to contacting our family wait until things settle
instructions carefully. or children, etc? down.
of the radiation
in the environment

Responding to a Nuclear Emergency③

Q.6 Based on the correct Q.7 You must go indoors –

About what kinds of information, you must If you are asked to go to the nearest
thing must we watch act calmly. take shelter indoors, available building,
out for? what should you do? house, public facility,

Pay attention
not to fall victim to
rumors or
Make sure toDemonstrations.
Enter a nearby house,
information with office or nearby public
Wash your hands
Shut all doors and windows and face well, if
neighbors! Please be extra facility you were outside
careful if you are
in a big crowd

Put food into a container

Stop ventilation fans and wrap it
and fan heaters

Take a shower and shampoo

your hair if asked to.

Secure drinking
Remove the clothes you wore as they may have been water in a sealable
exposed, put then into a plastic bag, and shut the mouth
of the bag firmly, if asked to dispose of your clothes.
Responding to a Nuclear Emergency④

Q.8 Calmly prepare for

Q.9 First you should
If we are asked to evacuation/refuge and What happens in proceed with
take refuge, what follow instructions. the shelter/first-aid registration.
should we do? center?

Turn the gas off and remove

plugs from sockets
If you have suffered
<Makes sure you keep
basic equipment and exposure or
Valuables with you>
i.e. a radio, flashlight
Close all
You will be checked for exposure to
radiation and given first-aid as necessary
contamination, this
cash, passbooks, seals
a change of clothes will be registered and
Call in on neighbors
masks, handkerchiefs
emergency food you will receive a
drinkable water
Contact the local authorities
about disabled and
handicapped people to help
them take refuge

Walk to a shelter- don’t Provide pets with food and

take your car water and keep them inside

If you have been contaminated, Those requiring specialist care will be

Follow directions of competent officials, i.e. police, you should wash and clean off transported to the requisite medical facilities
rescue, fire brigade or local govt. officials as necessary. 4

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