Inglés 11th Semana Einstein

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FECHA 24-05-2021 DESEMPEÑO: Reconocer los distintos tiempos verbales, teniendo en ÁREA: Inglés
CURSO 11TH cuenta el uso de los auxiliares basados en lecturas de interés VERBAL TIME REVIEW.1



1. Match the definitions with their words

1) Something that people wrongly believe to be true (j) a) humiliating

2) Likely to change or become dangerous without warning (i) b) contribute
3) Making you feel ashamed and embarrassed (a) c) lousy
4) Someone who believes that violence is wrong and refuses to fight in wars (L) d) turn down
5) To divide or break something into several parts (k) e) controversial
6) A subject,opinion or decision which people don’t approve of or disagree about(e) f) pursue
7) Intended to destroy the power or influence of a government or a belief (G) g) lack
8) A person or group who believes that important political or social changes are necessary (o) h) spy
9) To fail a test or course (m) i) radical
10) Bad or unpleasant (c) j) precarious
11) To not accept an offer or request (d) k) split
12) To follow a course of activity (f) l) pacifist
13) To not have any or enough of something that you need (b) m) flunk
14) Someone whose job is to find out secret information about a country or an organization (h) n) myth
15) To give money,goods, or your time and effort in order to achieve something (n) o) subversive

1) What made Einstein say ‘’I didn’t see any other way out’’?

When he found out that in Berlin they were making an atomic bomb and he told them that the United States
that they had to do it first

2) Why did American officers think Einstein was a spy?

Because he had a left-wing thinking and his beliefs that were not the same as those of the United States. Also for
his thought to arms, his pacifist thought

3) Who is Chaim Weizmann and what did he promise Einstein?

He was the first president of Israel and promised him the presidency although Einstein denied it

4) What can you say about Einstein’s education life?

His school life was not very good, even his parents thought that he had some kind of delay and it is
high school he passed but not well

5) Why did Einstein’s parent worry when he was young?

They worried because they thought he had a kind of delay because he spoke slowly

6) What was Einstein’s role in his wife’s career development?

He despised the scientific and physical ideas that his wife had

Explain these famous quotes of Einstein with your own words (Use at least 60 words for each using
the corresponding verbal time).
‘’Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.’’ (PAST SIMPLE)
Perhaps he meant that in an act of his career a definition or a formula should be understood to be simple. And
do not make it simple as something that is poorly structured, which should look easy but not for its elaboration,
esp if it had to be complex. This indicates that we must do things with the greatest possible effort and appear to
be easy to enhance even if it is not.

‘’I know not with what weapons World War 3 will be fought, but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and

I think that this suggests that too many resources are used during wars. And yes, it is so in the last two wars and
they used many resources, it is said that in the third war so many resources will be used that for a fourth war it
will not open or with what to fight. Only with sticks and stones

‘’A person starts to live when he can live outside himself.’’ (PASSIVE VOICE)

I think it refers to how good the internal liberation of a person would be, how cool it would be to free a person
from himself. Perhaps it also refers to freedom of expression when a person is not hooked on his past to himself,
that he can live better not being tied to himself, I feel that what he says is good and interesting

‘’Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.’’ (FUTURE)

This quote is somewhat interesting because it tells you that logic does not give you the imagination that it will
only take you from one point to another as if you were a robot and it is wrong because you have to explore
more and not just be guided by logic. It is also said that the imagination can take you to many things, places,
thoughts and actions. Imagination has a guide or a logic you go where you want to go

‘’It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.’’ (CONDITIONALS)

It may be that he talks about many things that lead us to others and it is true. Our technology takes us to many
parts and has far exceeded human logic, can it affect it? Of course, but you also have to see the good things and
they are the infinite things that technology can achieve if only it were proposed

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