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1) Discuss any five characteristics for information gathering in any system

development process.

(a) Analyze the problem-study of current procedures and information systems

(b) Planning
(c) Implementation-hardware and software installation

(d) Design-concentrates on business aspects of the system

(e) Maintenance

2) Explain what you understand by the term risk management and describe how you
would handle it in any system development process

Risk management is the process of identifying, analyzing and responding to risk factors
throughout the life of a project and in the best interest of its objectives.
(i) Identify the risk
(ii) Analyze the risk
(iii) Evaluate the risk
(iv) Treat the risk
(v) Monitor/Review the risk

3) State and explain any four different types of systems testing.

 Usability testing-focuses on user ease to use the application, flexibility in

handling control and ability of system to meet objectives
 Load testing-is necessary to know that software solution will perform under real
life loads
 Recovery testing-done to demonstrate a software solution is reliable ,trustworthy
and can successfully recoup from possible crashes
 Migration testing-done to ensure that the software can be moved from older
system infrastructure to current system infrastructure without any issue

4) What is user-centered design? Give 5 principles of user-centered design.

Is a design process that focuses on user needs and requirements .Consistent application of
human factors, ergonomics, usability engineering and other techniques is what keeps
UCD revolving around the users.

 Design for their users and their tasks

 Be consistent
 Use simple and natural dialogue
 Provide adequate feedback
 Be helpful

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