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Group member: Tran Thuy Duong, Le Thu Ha, Nguyen Thu Ha, Can Thanh Huyen, Nguyen Huong


[Guidance: Expected outputs? What kind of data need to be collected? How to collect data (data collection
mechanism: sources: available systems, company website, outside sources…) How to process data? ; Before
finding answer, look at how big they are, what kinds of system do they have already, their customer, etc.)

Marks and Spencer speeds up digital transformation plans as profits plunge (

Question 1: How could information systems help Marks & Spencer’s management implement this new

First, the management priority is to fit local tastes more. Therefore, their marketing team in this market will
need to collect statistical data about the consumers, such as demographic, patterns of using social media, age,
traits of buying products, etc. They can do that through use of information system such as social media, using
google form to collect data, google search data, etc. Buying patterns can be recorded by use of transaction
processing system.

After having all the data collected, the middle managers and senior managers can use data collected from all of
these information means and analyze them through use of business intelligence including management
information system for basic analysis, decision-support system for making non-routine decisions, and executive
support system for evaluate the whole business in this country and make future plan to build new competitive
advantage or strengthen existing competitive advantage. In particular, they can use MIS to optimize the
workflow process between departments thus number of managers and departments can be decreased or the
human labor on calculation or analysis tasks can be replaced by automated computer software.

In order for information to be spread consistently throughout the whole organization, for example, the
operation function will need to know what consumer needs which are then translated into product
characteristics by the information system team in the company, the firm will need to have enterprise system.
Also, they can use supply chain management system, customer relationship management system to inform
suppliers that can help lower raw material costs and better retain customer loyalty. The firm can install the
intranet for internal use and extranet for external use such as suppliers, customers to increase the overall
performance for the company and better serve the customer needs.

Question 2: What pieces of data should these systems collect to help management make merchandising
decisions that support this strategy?

The new information system should be able to collect the primary customer data like age, profession, phone
number, and email address. Through this, they can separate customers into basic customer segments.

Apart from this, the system should be able to capture the data related to clothes purchased and also the
feedback they have for the company. The system should collect data about current fashion in the market. The
MIS should collect data about the frequency people visit the store, which day of week, month or which season
of year the users visit the store, the purpose too. Then depending on the trend company can make its
production strategies. It should collect information about what kind of items they purchase in which frequency.
How much are the customers ready to pay for the launched products etc. Further what payment systems the
customers feel comfortable to use in Macy's Inc. stores. By getting this type of information the company will
know what further systems should the company adopt and improve.

Also, the customers should be able to suggest what they like to see in the store and also rate the quality and
design of the clothes sold. They need to a system where it can capture which section of the store attracts the
maximum number of customers. Based on this the top management can decide what the local customers like
and how they can modify their strategy to meet the customer demands.

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