Magnolias BP Template 2020

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Magnolias Template Business Plan

Comprehensive Business Plan

[Company Name]

[Company Address]

[Company Name] Business Plan Revision Date: 01/01/20

Controlled Document Location: Electronic Uncontrolled Revision: BP-Rev1
Hard copies are uncontrolled documents and must be updated as changes are Status: Approved
Magnolias Template Business Plan


The undersigned reader acknowledges that the information provided by [Company Name] in this
business plan is confidential; therefore, the reader agrees not to disclose it without the express
written permission of [Company Name]. It is acknowledged by the reader that information to be
presented in this business plan is in all respects confidential in nature, other than information
which is in the public domain through other means and that any disclosure or use of same by
reader may cause serious harm or damage to [Company Name]. Upon request, this document is
to be immediately returned to [Company Name].

___________________ Signature

___________________ Name (typed or printed)

___________________ Date

*This is a business plan. It does not imply an offering of securities.

This document approved for use by: .

Signature: .

Date: January 1, 2020.

[Company Name] Business Plan Revision Date: 01/01/20

Controlled Document Location: Electronic Uncontrolled Revision: BP-Rev1
Hard copies are uncontrolled documents and must be updated as changes are Status: Approved
Magnolias Template Business Plan

All copies of this Business Plan must be kept under strict control to prevent the plan from
becoming unreliable. The following procedures will ensure that the system remains current and

 Each page in the business plan will carry its own number.

 [Company Name] will be responsible for all revisions and additions being recorded.

 Changes can be suggested by any employee or financial institution but must receive
signed approval before being entered into the business plan.

 All changes must be recorded on the Table of Amendment.

[Company Name] Business Plan Revision Date: 01/01/20

Controlled Document Location: Electronic Uncontrolled Revision: BP-Rev1
Hard copies are uncontrolled documents and must be updated as changes are Status: Approved
Magnolias Template Business Plan

Table of Amendment – Business Plan

Section Page Date Description of Change Authorization
[January 1,
All All [Business Plan Finalization]

Table of Contents
[Company Name] Business Plan Revision Date: 01/01/20
Controlled Document Location: Electronic Uncontrolled Revision: BP-Rev1
Hard copies are uncontrolled documents and must be updated as changes are Status: Approved
Magnolias Template Business Plan

1. Executive Summary
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Objective

2. Project Overview
2.1 [Company Name] Profile
2.2 Mission
2.3 Company Ownership
2.4 Location

3. Keys to Success
3.1 Management
3.2 Training
3.3 Brand Awareness
3.4 SWOT Analysis
3.4.1 Strengths
3.4.2 Weaknesses
3.4.3 Opportunities
3.4.4 Threats

4. Marketing Strategy and Pricing

4.1 Online Presence
4.2 Website
4.3 Social Media
4.4 Search Engine Optimization
4.5 Search Engine Advertising
4.6 Pricing Research
4.6.1 Competitors
4.6.2 General Pricing

5. Construction & Equipment

5.1 Construction Quotation
5.2 Equipment List

[Company Name] Business Plan Revision Date: 01/01/20

Controlled Document Location: Electronic Uncontrolled Revision: BP-Rev1
Hard copies are uncontrolled documents and must be updated as changes are Status: Approved
Magnolias Template Business Plan

6. Financial Summary
5.1 Sales Forecast
5.2 Break Even Analysis
5.3 Projected Cash Flow

7. Legal Consideration
7.1 General Liability Insurance
7.2 Corporation
7.3 Business License

8. Contact Information

9. Document Register

[Company Name] Business Plan Revision Date: 01/01/20

Controlled Document Location: Electronic Uncontrolled Revision: BP-Rev1
Hard copies are uncontrolled documents and must be updated as changes are Status: Approved
Magnolias Template Business Plan

Section 1: Executive Summary

1.1 Introduction

[Company Name] is setting out to be a [Scope of Business] company with a defined

vision and modern corporate culture. Located at [Company Address], [Company Name]
will offer [Detailed Scope of Business].

This company will offer [List of Services].

This business plan outlines the keys to success, marketing strategy, pricing strategy,
development and construction costs, financial summary and legal considerations for the

The objective is to obtain [Financing or an Investment] needed to kickstart the business

and thrive with the details outlined in this plan.

All relevant documents to this business plan are listed in Section 9 (Document Register)
and can be requested at any time.

1.2 Objective

The objective of this Business Plan is to [Detailed Scope of Financial Request].

[Company Name] Business Plan Revision Date: 01/01/20

Controlled Document Location: Electronic Uncontrolled Revision: BP-Rev1
Hard copies are uncontrolled documents and must be updated as changes are Status: Approved
Magnolias Template Business Plan

Section 2: Project Overview

2.1 [Company Name] Profile

[Company Name] will be [Detailed Scope of Business]. We will offer its customers the
best [Detailed List of Services].

2.2 Mission

[Company Name] is setting out to provide exceptional service in the [Name of Industry]
and provide exceptional value to our clients.

2.3 Company Ownership

[Company Name] was incorporated on [Incorporation Date]. The director of the company
is [Name of Director]. The Incorporation Certificate is attached to this document and is
registered in the Document Register.

2.4 Location

The business is located at [Company Address].

The location was picked because of [Reason Address was chosen for Scope of Business].

[Company Name] Business Plan Revision Date: 01/01/20

Controlled Document Location: Electronic Uncontrolled Revision: BP-Rev1
Hard copies are uncontrolled documents and must be updated as changes are Status: Approved
Magnolias Template Business Plan

Section 3: Keys to Success

3.1 Management

A management team will be put together specifically for the purpose of building
[Company Name] aggressively and strategically. The manager will have worked within
the [Name of Industry] for some time and have the required experience to run general

The company directors will also be involved in the day-to-day management of the facility
and bring with them their expertise and business acumen.

3.2 Training

Training is an important part of any business. That is why [Company Name] will be
implementing an orientation system for all new employees and staff members. The
system will go through quality of service, health and safety, expectations and company

The goal is to instill a culture of success within the company. One where health and
safety and customer experience are at the forefront of how the business is run.

3.3 Brand Awareness

A combination of online marketing, personal networking and leveraging existing client

relationships will be used to create brand awareness for [Company Name]. See section 4
Marketing Strategy and Pricing for more details.

3.4 SWOT Analysis

3.4.1 Strengths
 [List of Strengths]

3.7.2 Weaknesses
 [List of Weaknesses]

3.7.3 Opportunities
 [List of Opportunities]

3.7.4 Threats
 [List of Threats]

[Company Name] Business Plan Revision Date: 01/01/20

Controlled Document Location: Electronic Uncontrolled Revision: BP-Rev1
Hard copies are uncontrolled documents and must be updated as changes are Status: Approved
Magnolias Template Business Plan

Section 4: Marketing Strategy and Pricing

4.1 Online Presence

[Company Name] will require a full online presence including a website, social media
accounts, specifically a Facebook business page, an Instagram page, and a LinkedIn
profile. This will assure [Company Name] is able to reach it’s targeted audience across
all media platforms and attract potential customers using different marketing strategies
mentioned in section 4.4 and 4.5. In order to build a full online presence, a website has
been completed.

4.2 Website

A website is a crucial part of any business as it serves as the hub of information and a
central point of contact with customers. It will be used to accomplish many different
marketing strategies and help our business grow. The web has a far wider reach than any
other form of advertising and we will advertise [Company Name] around the web on
social networking sites, forums and through pay-per-click advertising programs.

The website provides a map and directions to [Company Name], for visitors to less likely
have trouble finding our location. A proper web address and site is providing [Company
Name] with credibility. By having our website, we are giving our business the
opportunity to tell consumers why they should trust and visit us and the testimonials and
facts to back up those claims. The [Company Name] team has already invested in a
website [Website URL] which is fully functional.

4.3 Social Media

In today’s world, every business requires a social media presence. It will be an essential
piece of [Company Name] marketing strategy. It will help us connect with our customers,
increase awareness about our brand, and boost loyal customer sales. Our initial goal with
social media is to raise awareness for [Company Name] and demonstrate the expertise
and friendliness of our staff that will provide a unique experience to our customers.

We will be starting our online marketing campaigns using Facebook, Instagram, and
LinkedIn. The sponsored ads will provide us with the opportunity to let the people
become aware of the business.

4.4 Search Engine Optimization

[Company Name] will be focused on building a sound search engine optimization (SEO)
strategy, for which the website will play a crucial role in. Our marketing budget will be

[Company Name] Business Plan Revision Date: 01/01/20

Controlled Document Location: Electronic Uncontrolled Revision: BP-Rev1
Hard copies are uncontrolled documents and must be updated as changes are Status: Approved
Magnolias Template Business Plan

dedicated towards building these five key areas: technical SEO, content, on-site SEO,
off-site SEO and google maps optimization (GMO).

For technical SEO, main focus will be on ensuring that a search engine can read our
content and explore our site. The main areas to consider here are crawl, index, mobile,
speed, tech, and hierarchy.

Crawl: Can a search engine explore our site.

Index: Is it clear which pages the search engine should index and return.
Mobile: Making sure our site is adaptable for mobile users.
Speed: Fast page load times are a crucial factor in keeping our visitors happy.
Tech: We will be using a search engine-friendly tech.
Hierarchy: Our content will be structured to fully optimize algorithms.

To summarize our Search Engine Optimization, we are building a structured, methodical

process which will be followed to optimize our site. This will allow us to cut through the
noise, improve our rankings, and generate more business through organic search.

4.5 Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a cost-effective way for us to improve our business
and brand, while making it more visible for potential customers. [Company Name] will
be running ads using keywords, and location targeting to appear on related search result

This method provides [Company Name] with clear control of advertisement measures
with calculable success. These metrics will help us improve our marketing strategy and
allow us to target our audience better.

4.6 Pricing Research & Competitors

These are few companies that will engage in our scope of service directly because of our
unique offerings. There are some competitors that offer similar products and services in
our area:
 [Competitor 1] [Standard Pricing Summary]
 [Competitor 2] [Standard Pricing Summary]
 [Competitor 3] [Standard Pricing Summary]

In order to stay competitive, we will be focused on providing a great service along with
competitive pricing.

[Company Name] Business Plan Revision Date: 01/01/20

Controlled Document Location: Electronic Uncontrolled Revision: BP-Rev1
Hard copies are uncontrolled documents and must be updated as changes are Status: Approved
Magnolias Template Business Plan

Section 5: Construction and Equipment

5.1 Construction Quotation

[Company Name] had received multiple competitive quotes to construct our location and
purchase the required inventory. The total cost of the construction came to be at [Cost]
and covered everything required to open the facility doors to the public.
The quote is attached to the document as document BP 02 Construction Quote.

5.2 Equipment List

[Company Name] had put together a full list of equipment required to open the facility.
The total for all equipment was quoted at [Cost].
The list is attached to the document as document BP 03 Equipment List.

[Company Name] Business Plan Revision Date: 01/01/20

Controlled Document Location: Electronic Uncontrolled Revision: BP-Rev1
Hard copies are uncontrolled documents and must be updated as changes are Status: Approved
Magnolias Template Business Plan

Section 6: Financial Summary

6.1 Sales Forecast

We have performed both a worst case and conservative outcome to forecast sales for 3 of
the top [Company Name] products. These include [Product/Service 1], [Product/Service
2], [Product/Service 3].

Worst-Case (Summer)
Product Price (unit) Estimated Per Total
[Product/Service 1]
[Product/Service 2]
[Product/Service 3]
Other items

Conservative (Winter)
Product Price (unit) Estimated Per Total
[Product/Service 1]
[Product/Service 2]
[Product/Service 3]
Other items

*To estimate the projected cash flow, we will create an average of the best and worst-
case scenarios to minimize the risk of overestimating our financial calculations.

[Company Name] Business Plan Revision Date: 01/01/20

Controlled Document Location: Electronic Uncontrolled Revision: BP-Rev1
Hard copies are uncontrolled documents and must be updated as changes are Status: Approved
Magnolias Template Business Plan

6.2 Break Even Analysis

To study the risk of the project, we have put together a break-even analysis for [Company
Name] monthly expenditures.

Expense Total
Workforce x 1
IT and Hardware
Coffee, Food and
Beverage Cost
Transaction and Legal
Marketing and SEO
Interest Cost

We estimate that the monthly break-even cost is be set at [Total].

[Company Name] Business Plan Revision Date: 01/01/20

Controlled Document Location: Electronic Uncontrolled Revision: BP-Rev1
Hard copies are uncontrolled documents and must be updated as changes are Status: Approved
Magnolias Template Business Plan

6.3 Projected Cash Flow

We have used the sales forecast and break-even analysis to create a conservative cash
flow analysis over the first 3 years of operation.
The full analysis is available in attached document BP 04 Cash-flow analysis.

Increase Increase
10% 10%
Projected Income Statement
2020 2021 2022
Sales Forecast
[Product/Service 1]
[Product/Service 2]
[Product/Service 3]
Other items
Total Sales
2% 2%
Inflation Inflation
Workforce x 1
IT and Hardware
Coffee, Food, and
Beverage Cost
Transaction and Legal
Marketing and SEO
Interest Cost
Total Expenses
Gross Profit Before
Corporate Tax
(estimated at [Tax
Net Profit After Tax
3 Year

[Company Name] Business Plan Revision Date: 01/01/20

Controlled Document Location: Electronic Uncontrolled Revision: BP-Rev1
Hard copies are uncontrolled documents and must be updated as changes are Status: Approved
Magnolias Template Business Plan

Section 7: Legal Consideration

7.1 Insurance

Corporate Liability Insurance is purchased for [Company Name] to protect the business
from unforeseeable actions.

7.2 Corporation

The business has incorporated and has acquired business, tax and payroll numbers.

7.3 Business License

A business license was obtained prior to operation to meet bylaw requirements.

[Company Name] Business Plan Revision Date: 01/01/20

Controlled Document Location: Electronic Uncontrolled Revision: BP-Rev1
Hard copies are uncontrolled documents and must be updated as changes are Status: Approved
Magnolias Template Business Plan

Section 8: Contact Information

Director Name: [Name]

Phone Number: [Business Phone Number]

Email: [Business Email]

Address: [Company Address]

[Company Name] Business Plan Revision Date: 01/01/20

Controlled Document Location: Electronic Uncontrolled Revision: BP-Rev1
Hard copies are uncontrolled documents and must be updated as changes are Status: Approved
Magnolias Template Business Plan

Section 9: Document Register

Document Number Description

BP 01 Incorporation Documentation

BP 02 Expenses Quotations

BP 03 Equipment List

BP 04 Cash-Flow Analysis

[Company Name] Business Plan Revision Date: 01/01/20

Controlled Document Location: Electronic Uncontrolled Revision: BP-Rev1
Hard copies are uncontrolled documents and must be updated as changes are Status: Approved

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