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 0   The Disappearing Story of COVID-19 International  Close

Posted by u/ShinobiTenzen 1 year ago 

0 The Disappearing Story of COVID-19


This story appeared at the very beginning of COV-19, as it was unfolding, and
before any talk of Animal Markets, but has been completely scrubbed from the
internet since then. It is now gone from existence.

It stated that COVID-19 was in American hands, and secretly taken to China by
American Scientists directly to the Wuhan Virology and Weaponized Pathogens
Laboratory, and sold to the Chinese there by the American Scientist, where it may
have been somehow mishandled and transferred to humans. A story which
surfaced from a highly reliable source when COVID first appeared, and which has
since been completely erased from the Internet in order to blame China for
everything and let the anti-China, Wet-Market Story take over.

The Original story told of one of America's top Virology Labs, which created and/or
had on hand COVID-19 for quite some time with the rest of their pathogens,
maybe for years. It told of a Western Scientist there who made 10 trips in the last
year to Wuhan, and was suspected of taking & selling or giving the samples to a
Scientist or Government Agent at one of China's top virology Labs in Wuhan.

Her superiors had to ban her from any further travel to China.

One absolute fact in the story was that COVID-19 was carried by American Virology
Labs, and well-known to the American Scientists, long before this outbreak. And it
seemed completely normal. It's of course normal for American Virology Labs to
have all kinds of terrible things we don't know about.

We also now know that the first person to contract COVID-19 was Maatje
Benassi, a United States Armed Diplomatic Security Officer who works directly for a
4-start General, and for the NATO Supreme Allied Commander, who was in Wuhan
at the exact time of the outbreak.

Logic dictates she was involved with the transfer of COVID-19 to Wuhan by the
American Scientist Agent who was covertly/openly working for the US
Government, with a "Bicycle Race" as a cover for her to get into China and do the
covert dealings.

So why was it sanitized?

The obvious conclusion is that the transfer by the scientist was a covert act by a
covert agency, of which the scientist was also an agent of. And that perhaps the
samples were purposefully contaminated on the outside before being sealed in a
larger container for transport to Wuhan, and upon opening the package, the virus
was released, even before the sealed vials or whatever were opened.

Another theory is that the rising tide of Anti-China sentiment was playing out in
their favor, and they seized on the opportunity to make that their only story.

Another possibility was that they don't want anyone digging any further into what
the American Lab and Scientist were doing, and what things they are involved in or
working with, and for what reasons.

And yet, the most likely story is that this is going to wipe out a large amount of
people on Earth, and in America, and they simply don't want to be named as
culpable or at fault.

The story has been completely sanitized from the internet. It was also scrubbed
from my own browser history, the 2nd time such a thing has occurred, and is easily
done by the NSA thanks to Microsoft's Windows 10 cooperation, and the hostile
takeover of Firefox by the NSA some years back. Every other Browser, and things
like Mac OS have been under the control of the NSA for much longer.

That's a very large effort to expend to simply make people hate China, unless you
take into account the shift of America's military spending and structure to one
preparing for War with China. In which case, this can simply be a move to get
Americans on board with the Idea of another Large-Scale World War with China,
Russia, Iran & North Korea, all for more profits and spending.

And make no mistake, America is willing to murder anyone who is not American
for Military Spending and more Profits to War Profiteers.

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