UFOs Are Real - C E Stone02

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lee vines nave eave corvasnet GG "mo! AO 4° °F. ‘run yo 314 mous 10 DECEMBER 1948 Doc. 1-fa Air inteligence Study 203, Doc. 1-16 Air intaligence Study 203 _ diIS SNILNOY OWIH 1 SSNOLDY wri wo 32) ‘SIrAONsaYs10 STFADELAY BOL Doo, 1-16 Air Inteligence Study 203 See Air Intelligence Report No, 100-203-798 ‘Air Intelligence Diviston study No. 26 i 10 December 1948, 2) .22° 002. ea. sesin DISTRIBUTION “‘C’ WARNING: This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States within the meaning of the Esplonage Act, 60 U.S.C., $1 and 32, as amended, Its transmission or the revelation of Its contents in any manner to an, unauthorized person 1s prohibited by law. Reproduction of the intelligence in this publication, under the provisions of Army Regulation 380-5, is authorized for United States military agencies provided the source is Indicated. Office of Naval Intelligence Directorate of Intelligence ‘Navy Department Sees erie nent a ecee Washington, D. C. © ‘DECLISSIFIED Ne sty ETN Die, S01 8 SESE APPENDIX “« Doo 1-16 Air nieigence Study 203 FE ERET ANALYSIS OF FLYING OBJECT INCIDENTS IN THE U.S. INDEX Page SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS «++ 660 eee seer cree eee e eee ete isto Introduction «2... ee sec entteese sense 8 Some Aspects Regarding Flying Object Incidents =>... * pete he 3 Possible Origin of Unusual Flying Objects = 000.0 eee eee 4 Possible Reasons or Tactics for the Use of Soviet ‘Unconventional Aircraft Over the U.S. 6 ++. e esse eee Spe aaee Gonclusion... +... fee et t6. ~ REPORTED SIGHTINGS OF FLYING : Polat edhe et APPENDIX ‘(C” - SELECTED REPORTS OF FLYING OBJECT INCIDENTS ........ 8 APPENDIX “D"” - FLYING WING TYPE AIRCRAFT . 0.0... eee eee ee eee Germany. ..... a7 Great Britain. * : 2 United States ©... : B

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