Name: Tias Astika NIM: 112010094 Study Program: Nursing Diploma

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Name : Tias Astika

NIM : 112010094
Study Program : Nursing Diploma

1. Names of wards and department in hospital / Wards and departments in hospital.

A. Hospital Ward
If the patients are staying in hospital, in beds,that is a ward. Or rooms with inpatients.
block forming a division of a hospital (or a suite of rooms) shared by patients who
need a similar kind of care.

(Jika pasien tinggal di rumah sakit, di tempat tidur, itu adalah bangsal. Atau kamar
dengan pasien rawat inap. /blok membentuk divisi rumah sakit (atau suite kamar)
bersama oleh pasien yang membutuhkan perawatan serupa.

Names of ward Meaning Definition

Medical Ward Ruang The definition of medical
Perawata ward in the dictionary is a
n Umum hospital ward in which patients
are being treated by drugs
rather than surgery.

Pediatric Ward Ruang a ward in which the beds are

Perawata used exclusively for the care of
n Bayi children

Surgical Ward Ruang The units which provide care

Perawata for pre-and post-surgical
n Bedah patients, and/or which may
specialize in certain types of

CVCU Ruang Cardiovascular Care Unit


Orthopedic Ward Ruang It is a medical specialty that

Perawata focuses on the
n Untuk diagnosis,correction,prevention
penderita , and treatment of patients with
Kelainan skeletal deformities

ICU Ruangan Intensive Care Unit

Perawata is a special room provided by a
n intensif hospital to treat patients with
conditions that require close

B. Hospital Department
Hospital department means a specialized division of a large organization.
(Divisi/seperangkat kelompok yang terdapat dirumah sakit)
For example:
Delta : Which department do you work in, Tias?
Tias : I work in Admissions,.

So... The word department is not usually used although for some reason, I work in
the Billing Department / I work in the Emergency Department sounds more natural.

Names of Department In Hospital Definition

A & E: Accident and Emergency / It is a department specializing in acute care
Emergency Department of patients who don’t have a prior
appointment and who come to the hospital
either by their own means or by ambulance
Radiology or X-Ray It is a department where radiographies are
Taken to patients
Admission department Hospital department which administers all
Departmental functions and the provision of
Surgical diagnostic and therapeutic services
Out Patients’ Department It is a department where you can find those
Patients who are not hospitalized overnight
But who visit a hospital or a clinic for
Diagnosis or treatment.
2. Medical Supplies and Equipment Name in English

Medical equipment is designed to aid in the diagnosis, monitoring or treatment of

medical conditions.
Or Any item that is essential for treating illness or injury.
For example:

Medical Supplies and Equipment

No Medical Equipment Function Sentence

1. Needle Is a hollow needle Take your thumb off
commonly used that needle and
with a syringe to slowly withdraw it
inject substances from her neck.
into the body or
extract fluids from
2. Syringe A tool which is used The majority of
to inject fluid into doctors surgeries
the body or use disposable
withdraw fluid from syringes these days.
3. Sterile Syringe This device Don't worry about
penetrates the skin Sterile Syringes
with a needle before which are safe to
the medicine is use
released from a
cylinder area. A
sterile syringe refers
to a needle that has
been protected from
bacteria through
formal cleaning
processes called
4. Reflex Hammer Testing for reflexes The doctor uses the
is an important part tendons in the knee
of the neurological using the reflex
physical hammer
examination in
order to detect
abnormalities in the
central or peripheral
nervous system.
5. Scalpel For making skin You wouldn't want
incisions, tissue me to go in with a
dissections, and a blunt scalpel.
variety of surgical
approaches since the
onset of 'modern'
6. Tourniquet Used to apply We're going to have
pressure to a limb or to put a tourniquet
extremity in order to around her thigh
limit – but not stop above the wound.
– the flow of blood.
7. Thermometer A tool to measure Due to the toxicity
temperature of the of mercury, mercury
body thermometers were

8. Stethoschope A tool which is used When you complain

for listening to to a GP about acute
someone's breathing cough, he or she
or heart uses a stethoscope
to listen to your

9. Scissors To cut body tissues Tias used scissors to

cut the gauze
10. Tongue Depressor A tool used during Now please open
examinations of the your mouth and I
throat which helps will use a tongue
keep the view open depressor to check
your throat.
11. Sphygmomanometer To measure blood before consultation
pressure it is better to do a
blood test using a
12. Electic bp monitor Same function as Use the Electic bp
Sphygmomanomete monitor to make
r but this type is your work easier
very easy to use and
provides accurate
data by showing
blood pressure with
digital numbers.
You don't need to
use a stethoscope
because it will work
without having to
listen to the first and
second beats
13. Otoscope A tool used to look The doctor looked
inside the ear into the ear using an
14. Tweezers Tweezers are small Just get the tweezers
tools used for and get the bullet
picking up objects out, baby.
too small to be
easily handled with
the human fingers .
15. Test tube Test tubes are Some anticoagulants
convenient are used in medical
containers for equipment, such as
heating small test tubes.
amounts of liquids
or solids with a
Bunsen burner or
alcohol burner.
16. Tubing Used for a number immediately unplug
of different very the tubing, and
important tasks, replace a new one
such as delivering
medication and in
catheter systems.
17. Oxygen bag Used to provide The patient had
positive pressure difficulty breathing
ventilation to and was
patients who are not immediately given
breathing or not an oxygen bag

Patient Supplies and Equipment

No Patient Equipment Function Sentence

1. Crutches Sticks which fit She’s been walking
under your arms and on crutches for 4
are used to walk weeks now and is
when your leg or foot really looking
is injured or broken forward to the
moment when her leg
has fully recovered.

2. Wheel Chair A rolling She's been in a

transportation device wheelchair since she
often used by had her leg
someone who cannot amputated.
3 Cane A long thin stick I felt that if i used a
with a curved handle cane, i would look
that you can use to weaker.
help you walk
4. Walker This tool is used to Ismed fell even
walk though he was
already gripping the
5. Brace An object to support The patient has
a body part and hold suffered a severe
it in the correct head injury and there
position after injury is a risk for a spinal
cord injury, he or she
will have to wear a
neck brace.

6. Sling A piece of cloth to As i have injured my

support your arm in wrist and have to
case it’s injured wear a sling, i’m
going to take a few
days off work.

1. Week 1 about: “Names of wards and department in hospital / Wards and departments in
a. Hospital Ward
If the patients are staying in hospital, in beds,that is a ward. Or rooms with inpatients.
block forming a division of a hospital (or a suite of rooms) shared by patients who
need a similar kind of care.
Names of ward Meaning Definition
Medical Ward Ruang The definition of medical ward in
Perawatan the dictionary is a hospital ward
Umum in which patients are being
treated by drugs rather than

b. Hospital Department
Hospital department means a specialized division of a large organization.
(Divisi/seperangkat kelompok yang terdapat dirumah sakit)
For example:

Delta : Which department do you work in, Tias?

Tias : I work in Admissions,.

So... The word department is not usually used although for some reason, I work in
the Billing Department / I work in the Emergency Department sounds more natural.
Names of Department In Hospital Definition
A & E: Accident and Emergency / It is a department specializing in acute care
Emergency Department of patients who don’t have a prior
appointment and who come to the hospital
either by their own means or by ambulance

2. Week 2 About : Medical Supplies and Equipment Name in English

Medical equipment is designed to aid in the diagnosis, monitoring or treatment of

medical conditions. Or Any item that is essential for treating illness or injury.

3. Week 3 about : Medicine Names / List

a. Categories of medication
 Pharmacy medicines ( obat apotik )
Pharmacy Medicines are only available to purchase behind the counter at
a pharmacy
 Prescribed Medicine (Obat berdasarkan resep dokter)
A treatment that must be prescribed by a doctor and is not licensed for
sale to the general public
b. Types of medicines
 Liquid / syrup
 Tablet
 Capsule
 Topical medicines
 Suppositories
 Drops
 Inhalers
 Injection
 Imhlants or patches
4. Week 4 about : asking and showing directions
When you don't know where you are, or when you don't know how to get to a place, you
can ask directions. Talk to the first person that you see. Ask that person where you
should go.
a. Asking
Sometimes we or someone need to find a place. And we need to ask someone else
for help.
(memiliki makna kalimat tanya)
example: Can you give me directions to the nearest hospital?
b. Showing
Example :
If we know don’t know the answer, we can say:
 I am sorry.
 I don’t know.
 I am stranger here myself.
On the other hand, If we or someone know the question, give the directions / showing
direction. You can say:
Ok sir, you have to Go down or walk down the street. Continue straight ahead
ma’am... For at least about a mile.. The hospital is on the left.
5. Week 5 about : Types of doctors
Medical practitioers are qualified people who work as doctors in a hospital or private
practice (klinik). When a person has a medical concern, they may turn to a doctor for
There are many types of doctor, and a person’s specific concern will usually
determine the type of doctor they choose.
Surgeon: Does operations in a hospital
Dentist:Tooth specialist
Cardiologist: Heart Specialist
Midwife: helps women deliver babies in a natural way
Neurologist: Brain Specialist
Ophthalmologist : specializes in eye diseases
Pediatrician: specialist for babies and children
Psychiatrist : Specialist in mental health
physical therapist : specializes in the body's movement
radiologist : Specialist in imagine test
pediatrician: specialist for babies and

6. Week 6 about : critical thinking admission to hospital

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