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June 4, 2021     



Date: May 29, 2021

Did the US Military

Games Delegation
Spread COVID-19 in Calendar

Wuhan? June 2021

 March 29, 2020  orinocotribune  China, china

1 of 13
virus, coronavirus, COVID-19, Maatje Benassi, us troops, M T W T
Wuhan Military Games
1 2 3

A Chinese state newspaper (Global Times) 7 8 9 10

asks the US to reveal information about the
14 15 16 17
health of American military athletes who
came to Wuhan in October 2019. 21 22 23 24

Citizens, as well as Chinese experts, demand 28 29 30

that Washington make public the information

« May
on the American military athletes who
attended the World Military Games last
October that took place in Wuhan, the Help us – one
epicenter of the outbreak of the new time
coronavirus, known COVID-19 , and put an end donations
to the conjecture about the origin of the
pathogen, the Chinese state newspaper Global
Times published on Wednesday.

The report was released after an American

journalist, George Webb, claimed that an
American military athlete, Maatje Benassi, a Help us –
cyclist who was in Wuhan at the time for the recurrent
cycling competition at the World Military donations
Games, could have been COVID -19 patient
zero in Wuhan.

2 of 13
NEWS: Most
 Patient Zero from Wuhan, Maatje Viewed 72
Benassi, is a Dutch American Hours
woman cyclist. Her husband is
also a cyclist in the US Atmed
Forces (SPAWAR) and believe you
be in Wahan in October of 2019.
Benny Benassi is Patrient Zero in International
Holland, and has already made a #FreeAlexSaab
rap video about Coronavirus Solidarity Delegation on Its Way to Cabo
 — TruthLeaks – Investigative
posted 3 days ago
Journalist George Webb
(@GeorgWebb) March 22, 2020 US

RELATED CONTENT: US Wastes “Valuable Ethiopia and Eritrea:

Time China has Gained!”: Beijing Lashes out at Atrocities Alleged,
Sanctions Imposed
Washington for its “Racist” Coronavirus
Rhetoric posted 2 days ago

In this regard, in a publication on the o�cial

website of the United States Department of have
Defense on October 25, it was mentioned that Pedro
Maatje Benassi participated in a 50-mile Castillo
Winning Sunday’s
bicycle race in Wuhan shortly before the
Election in Peru
outbreak. posted 3 days ago

In addition, Chinese citizens have been asking

3 of 13
the North American country to analyze Former
Benassi for COVID-19 and to disclose the Deputy
information about the American delegation,
because very strong evidence has not yet
to Negotiate with
been provided. President Maduro in
Mexico or Norway
Webb next cited the US laboratory, Fort posted 16 hours ago

Detrick , which has until recently been the

primary focus of the US Army Medical
Command’s biological weapons program. In
the state of Maryland, fatal infectious material
such as Ebola virus and smallpox was being Bolivarian National
Guard Detains
studied in these facilities, but it was abruptly
Colombian Spy in
closed in August 2019. Táchira
posted 2 days ago
In this regard, Professor at the Chinese
Foreign University in Beijing, Li Haidong, told
the Global Times on Tuesday that the US
government must respond to the controversy
and publish relevant information about the Venezuela Rejects
American military athlete and her state of Colombia’s
health to clear public doubts and to help us Unilateral Decision
to Open Border
with scienti�c studies on the origin of the virus.
posted 2 days ago
RELATED CONTENT: White House Pushes US
O�cials to Criticize China for Coronavirus
“Cover-Up” (Blame Game)

“Identifying the origin will help develop

4 of 13
e�ective therapy for the disease. The United Venezuelan
Authorities Rescue 8
States should provide information to
Kidnapped Soldiers
members of the delegation to support
From Colombian
related research,” said Li. Paramilitary Gangs
Without Violence
The US Government was not far behind and posted 3 days ago

claimed that the new coronavirus is “made in

China, ” while global scientists, including
Americans, have found no solid evidence to Categories
prove the origin of the pandemic.
Economy (422)
Furthermore, there are many who believe that
COVID-19 is a biological weapon of the United Health-Education-
States or Israel to harm China, among others.
Technology (677)

Zhao Lijian, one of the spokesmen for the Ideology-Commune-

Chinese Ministry of Foreign A�airs, recently Labor (343)

stated on his Twitter account that the US was International (4,808)

the one who started the discussion on the Africa (75)
origin of COVID-19 and used “Chinese virus”
Asia (342)
for the �rst time to stigmatize China, drawing
Europe (223)
harsh criticism from Beijing.
Oceania (2)

US/Canada (664)

Latin America and

ALBA-TCP (2,377)
Central America
and the
Caribbean (224)

5 of 13
South America
Lijian Zhao 赵立坚 @zlj517
China government official
News (6,735)
5/6 It was U.S. that started the
Opinion (3,471)
argument about the origin of
#COVID19. U.S. first used Politics (797)
“Chinese virus” & “Wuhan virus”. Security and Defense
On March 6, Pompeo used “Wuhan (893)
virus”. Since then, some US
Solidarity and US
politicians have been using these Social Movements
terms to stigmatize China, causing (168)
strong opposition in China.
Uncategorized (3)
For his part, at a press conference held on
Wednesday, China’s chief medical adviser, US Electoral System
Zhong Nanshan, rejected the widespread
claim that the new coronavirus originated in
Wuhan and criticized such allegations as Subscribe to
irresponsible. Our Weekly
“The new coronavirus pneumonia pandemic
occurred in China, in Wuhan … but it does not First name
mean that it originated in Wuhan,” said Zhong.

COVID-19, a deadly disease caused by the new

Last name
coronavirus, has infected 471,802 people
worldwide and killed 21,297.

rtk / lvs / hnb Email *

6 of 13
Featured image: The U.S. Armed Forces Sports We keep your data
private and share
Team March at the opening ceremony of the
your data only with
2019 World Military Games in Wuhan, China. third parties that
make this service
Source URL: HispanTV (use VPN in the US to possible. Read our
read it) with OT content Privacy Policy.

Translated and edited by JRE/EF


Un periódico estatal chino pide a EE.UU. que

revele información sobre la salud de los
atletas militares estadounidenses que vinieron
Most Viewed
a Wuhan en octubre de 2019. 72 hours
Los ciudadanos, así como los expertos chinos,
exigen a Washington que haga pública la is
información de los atletas militares Going
estadounidenses que asistieron a los Juegos to
Mundiales Militares el pasado octubre que Descend Very Deep
Into Fascism Before
tuvo lugar en Wuhan, el epicentro del brote del
a Revolution
nuevo coronavirus, conocido COVID-19, y Happens Here
poner �n a la conjetura sobre el origen del posted 2 days ago

patógeno, publicó el miércoles el periódico

estatal chino, Global Times.

El informe se publicó después de que un

periodista estadounidense, George Webb, Investigation Reveals
a�rmara que un atleta militar estadounidense, Role of Israeli

7 of 13
Maatje Benassi, un piloto diplomático armado Operatives in
Colombia’s “Political
y ciclista que estuvo en Wuhan en la fecha
para la competencia de ciclismo en los Juegos posted 1 day ago
Mundiales Militares, podría haber sido el
paciente cero de COVID -19 en Wuhan. US
En este sentido, en una publicación del sitio Die for
web o�cial del Departamento de Defensa de World
Domination, Not
Estados Unidos el 25 de octubre, se ha
mencionado que Maatje Benassi ha posted 2 days ago
participado en una carrera ciclista de 50 millas
en Wuhan poco antes del brote. Tales of

Asimismo, los ciudadanos chinos han estado

pidiendo al país norteamericano de analizar a
Resistance: We’re
Benassi para COVID-19 y divulgar la Getting Old
información sobre la delegación posted 1 day ago

estadounidense, debido a que aún no se han

proporcionado pruebas muy sólidas.
as a
A continuación, Webb citó el laboratorio
estadounidense, Fort Detrick, el cual ha sido Weapon: How
hasta hace poco el principal centro del Biden’s Inaction is
Aggravating Cuba’s
programa de armas biológicas del Comando
Food Crisis
Médico del Ejército de EE.UU. en el estado de posted 2 days ago
Maryland y que en esas instalaciones se
estudiaba material infeccioso mortal, como el In a
virus del Ébola y la enfermedad de la viruela,

8 of 13
pero fue clausurado abruptamente en agosto Con�ict-Ridden Near
de 2019. Future America, all
Dissenters will be
Treated as Enemy
posted 15 hours ago

Microsoft vs Indian
Farmers: Agri-
China pide divulgación de la actividad Stacking the System
posted 2 days ago
biológica secreta de EEUU | HISPANTV

Un periódico estatal chino insta al Gobierno de

EE.UU. a aclarar las actividades de su May
2021 –
laboratorio biológico, que cerró poco antes del
brote del COVID-19.

Al respecto, el profesor de la Universidad de May

Asuntos Exteriores de China en Beijing, Li
Haidong, precisó al Global Times el martes
que el gobierno de EE.UU. debe responder a la
controversia y publicar la información
relevante sobre el atleta militar
estadounidense y su estado de salud para
despejar dudas públicas y que nos ayude con 0% funded
estudios cientí�cos sobre el origen del virus.

9 of 13
‘EEUU ha producido el coronavirus en
sus laboratorios secretos’
“Identi�car el origen ayudará a desarrollar
una terapia efectiva en la enfermedad. $5.00 $10.00

Estados Unidos debería proporcionar

información a los miembros de la delegación
$25.00 $50.00
para apoyar la investigación relacionada”, dijo
Pekín: Ejército de EEUU habría llevado
coronavirus a China

Custom Amount
El Gobierno de EE.UU. no se quedó atrás y
a�rmó que el nuevo coronavirus es “made in
China”, mientras que los cientí�cos globales, Continue
incluidos los estadounidenses, no han
encontrado pruebas sólidas para probar el
origen de la pandemia. Además, son muchos
los que opinan que el COVID-19 es un arma
biológica de EE.UU. o Israel para dañar a
China, entre otros.

Zhao Lijian, uno de los portavoces del

Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de China,
aseveró recientemente en su cuenta de la red
social Twitter que EE.UU. fue el que comenzó
la discusión sobre el origen de COVID-19 y

10 of 13
utilizó por primera vez “virus chino” para
estigmatizar a China, provocando duras
críticas por parte de Pekín.

Lijian Zhao 赵立坚

 �@zlj517
 5/6 It was U.S. that started the
argument about the origin of
#COVID19. U.S. �rst used
“Chinese virus” & “Wuhan virus”.
On March 6, Pompeo used
“Wuhan virus”. Since then, some
US politicians have been using
these terms to stigmatize China,
causing strong opposition in
 8.063

11:08 – 24 mar. 2020

Información y privacidad de Twitter


2.695 personas están hablando de esto

11 of 13
Por su parte, en una rueda de prensa
celebrada el pasado miércoles, el asesor
médico jefe de China, Zhong Nanshan,
rechazó la a�rmación generalizada de que el
nuevo coronavirus se originara en Wuhan y
criticó tales alegatos tachándolos de

“La pandemia de la nueva neumonía por el

coronavirus tuvo lugar en China, en Wuhan
(…) pero no signi�ca que su origen esté en
Wuhan”, a�rmó Zhong.

COVID-19, una enfermedad mortal causada

por el nuevo coronavirus, ha infectado a 471
802 personas en todo el mundo y ha matado a
otras 21 297.


Website | + posts

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