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(Chapter 10+11 B-I)

1. What is the half life of a radioactive substance if 75% of any given amount of the
substance disintegrates in 60 minutes:
(a) 2 hours (b) 30 minutes (c) 45 minutes (d) 20 minutes
2. -1
In a first order reaction the rate constant is 0.693 hr . The half-life of the reaction is:
(a) 0.693 hr (b) 1hr (c) 6.93 hr (d) 69.3 hr
3. For the chemical change A  B it is observed that order of ‘A’ in the reaction is three,
on increasing the concentration of A three folds:
(a) rate increases 4 times (b) rate remains the same
(c) rate decreases by 1/27 (d) rate increases by 27 times
4. In 1.2 years, half of 64 mg of radioactive isotopes decays. The amount present after 6
years is:
(a) 0 mg (b) 8 mg (c) 6 mg (d) 2 mg
5. A, B, C, D are four metals, Standard electrode potential values are:
A/A+ = -3.4V, B/B+ = +0.4V
C/C2+ = +0.44V, D/D2+ = +0.14V
The metal which liberates H2 from dilute HCI most easily is:
(a) D (b) C (c) B (d) A
6. On carrying the electrolysis of acidified water the volume of oxygen liberated at S.T.P
from 72g water is:
(a) 22.4 dm3 (c) 33.6 dm3
(c) 44.8 dm3 (d) 67.2 dm3
7. Which of the following will form the cathode with respect to iron anode in an
(a) Mg (b) AI (c) Cu (d) Zn
8. An endothermic reaction is represented by A   B with activiation energies E1
and E2 for forward and backward reaction respectively. Then the activation energies
are related as:
(a) E2 > E1 (b) E2 < E1
(c) E2 = E1 (d) No relation between E2 and E1
9. By removing a salt bridge between the two half cells, the voltage
(a) Increases gradually (b) Does not change
(c) Increases rapidly (d) Drops to zero
10. A study of chemical kinetics of a reaction between A and B gave the following data
A + B   Products
[A] [B] Rate constant
0.004 0.001 0.2
0.008 0.002 0.8
0.008 0.001 0.4
0.004 0.002 0.4
The overall order of the reaction will be:
(a) First order (b) Second order (c) Third order (d) Fractional order
11. What is the order of reaction for hydrolysis of ester?
(a) Zero (b) Second (c) First (d) Pseudo first
12. Al + 3e 
3+ -  Al o
E = - 1.66V
Cu + 2e 
2+ -  Cu Eo = + 0.34V
If we couple these two electrodes the cell voltage will be:
(a) 0.32V (b) 2.00V (c) 1.32V (d) 1.10V
Unique Entry Test Programme
13. In aqueous solution hydrogen will not reduce:
(a) Ag+ (b) Cu2+ (c) Zn2+ (d) Fe3+
14. Of the following matters, those that cannot be obtained by the electrolysis of aqueous
solution of their salts are:
(a) Ag and Mg (b) Ag and Al (c) Mg and Al (d) Cu and Cr
15. The element which has greatest value of Reduction potential is used as:
(a) Strongest reducing agent (b) Strongest oxidizing agent
(c) Weak oxidizing and strong reducing agent (d) None of these
16. If Cl2 is passed through hot NaOH, oxidation number of Cl changes from:
(a) –1 to 0 (b) 0 to –1 (c) 0 to +5 (d) 0 to +1
17. A dilute aqueous solution of Na2SO4 is electrolyzed using platinum electrodes. The
product at the anode and cathode are:
2 2
(a) O2, H2 (b) S2 O8 , Na (c) O2, Na (d) S2 O8 , H 2
18. The reduction potentials of non metals are.
A = + 0.54V, B = +1.08V, C = +1.36V, D = +2.87V
Which non – metal can displace all other from aqueous solution of their salts:
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D
19. Which is true about the reaction Mg + Cℓ2  MgCℓ2 :
(a) Mg is reduced (b) Mg is oxidized
(c) Cℓ2 is oxidized (d) Cl2 is reduced
20. The cell which is not a secondary cell:
(a) fuel cell (b) Ni-Cd cell (c) Ag2O Battery (d) Lead Accumulator
21. The oxide in which oxygen has positive oxidation state is:
(a) OF2 (b) H2O (c) KO2 (d) Na2O2
22. Nelson’s cell and Down’s cell are examples of:
(a) electrochemical cells (b) galvanic cells
(c) electrolytic cells (d) secondary cells
23. Al foil reacts with NaOH, on warming produces H2 gas, rate of production of H2 gas is
increased if powdered Al is used because:
(a) Activation energy decreases (b) Reaction mechanism changes
(c) Surface area increases (d) All of these
24. With increase in temperature of 10 K of the reacting gases the rate of reaction is
doubled because:
(a) With increasing temperature mechanism of reaction changes
(b) Molecules having energy greater than activation energy become double in number
(c) Above statement that reaction rate becomes double is only true when reaction is exothermic
(d) None of the above
25. The value of activation energy from graph is:
(a) Slope x 2.303 R (b) 1/slope (c) Slope (d) Slope x R
26. When reaction occurs in many steps, then which is the rate determining step?
(a) Instantaneous rate step (b) Average rate step
(c) Slowest step (d) Fastest step
27. nd
For 2 order reaction what should be unit of rate constant:
(a) Mole-1 sec-1 (b) Mole-1 dm3 sec-1
(c) Mole-2 dm6 sec-1 (d) Mole-2 dm3 sec-1
28. Radioactive decay follows ____ order kinetics:
(a) 0 (b) I (c) II (d) III
29. Rate of which reaction increases with temperature?
(a) Exothermic and endothernic reaction (b) Exothermic reactions
(c) Endothermic reactions (d) all of these
30. If for any reaction the rate constant is equal to the rate of reaction at all
concentrations ,the order is:
(a) 0 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) 3

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