Lexias V

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ICJ will be making a ruling on the constitutional crisis that’s been pushed around.

Jackson Windsor (UK-HS) — 28/03/2020

After looking at few past resolution. Regarding the Roleplay Session that occurred
last night.
Today I will be making a judgement regarding that session in accordance to
resolution 20.(edited)

Jackson Windsor (UK-HS) — 28/03/2020

According to Resolution 20, I believe that the Roleplay session without the HCE
present to react towards the following countries, P5 Member United Kingdom, Kingdom
of Ramco, Hakokuria, Finland, Lexais. I believe the session should be ruled void on
the basis of this presented in the court.
I believe that ruling the Roleplay Session "VOID" may our best bet in presenting
fairness and cancelling the war declaration as well. Please say "I Object," then
state why you object. @Member States(edited)

Jackson Windsor (UK-HS) — 28/03/2020

International Court of Justice has the ruled the Roleplay Session of March 2020
VOID and Unjust! @everyone(edited)

The United Kingdoms Ultimatum will go back into effect.
The UNGA will be order to establish NATO-Commonwealth Protocol as well as
performing seriousness and realism.
30 March 2020

Deleted User — 30/03/2020

@Jackson Windsor (UK-HS) we also carried action
mostly stealing intel.
and kidnapping officals

Jackson Windsor (UK-HS) — 30/03/2020

Um what?

Deleted User — 30/03/2020

we took part of the war(edited)
everyone forgets about finland
in the starting attack we sent some people over did some carpet bombings and at the
end we put on a grand show of bending space time with high frequency electro
magnetic waves similar to a blackhole and directed them all at the HCE. basicly
burning everything.
super radiant scattering at its finest.
31 March 2020

Jackson Windsor (UK-HS) — 31/03/2020

One that not scientifically feasible yet and Two I ruled it VOID.
4 May 2020
Jackson Windsor (UK-HS) — 04/05/2020
@Member States Court is now in session regarding the Lexais Government(Spain) v.
Finland Government.
@Deleted User 478015b8 and @rooski are now both obligated to take the Court Oath.
I swear that the evidence that I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth, so help me God.

rooski — 04/05/2020
I swear that the evidence that I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth, so help me God.

Jackson Windsor (UK-HS) — 04/05/2020

Opening Statement of the Issue The Plaintiff accuses the Defendants that they are
in illegal possession of counterfeit currency. The Plaintiff claims that the
Defendants are violating Resolution 20, that they are defying and ignoring all
means of realistic and modern roleplay.(edited)
@Deleted User You will be speaking first. All objections can be said during the
time Mr. Jager does his speech.(edited)

rooski — 04/05/2020

Jackson Windsor (UK-HS) — 04/05/2020


rooski — 04/05/2020
More recent evidence shows that it is not worth 1.4 trillion euros.

Jackson Windsor (UK-HS) — 04/05/2020

Please submit your evidence to the court.

rooski — 04/05/2020

You're about 97 trillion euros off.
Statement conceded.

Jackson Windsor (UK-HS) — 04/05/2020

Hmm it appears that this conversation has between His Majesty and President Jager

rooski — 04/05/2020
@Deleted User

Jackson Windsor (UK-HS) — 04/05/2020

By international law the there is 999 Billion Dollar or 916.36 Billion Euro Cap,
the minimum is 999 Billion and Maximum is 1 Trillion in worth, and profits. Both
Countries and Companies. But in terms of Gross Domestic Product that is a different

rooski — 04/05/2020

Jackson Windsor (UK-HS) — 04/05/2020

So I can get proper understanding of this "Nano Coin". How much is one Nano Coin in
terms of Euros. I need the exact mathematical worth.
I understand His Majesty has been in a small state of confusion.
But hence you cannot make alterations in the presence of the court. Regardless of
1; Confusion of any kind. 2; We acknowledge that there was confusion. By law any
changes to lore or custom is final it make not and should not be changed unless the
law says it's illegal.(edited)

rooski — 04/05/2020

Jackson Windsor (UK-HS) — 04/05/2020


rooski — 04/05/2020
If you have not altered anything, explain these 2 photos. Notice the "(edited)."

Along with the "I'll take these trillions of euros somewhere else."
The origin number was 1.4 trillion, which means that goes 400 billion above the
@Jackson Windsor (UK-HS)
He directly witnessed it.

Jackson Windsor (UK-HS) — 04/05/2020

So President Jager for that matter does the 82 euro have increased and decreased

rooski — 04/05/2020
Does my word count as evidence?(edited)
If so,

Jackson Windsor (UK-HS) — 04/05/2020

As the evidence submit to the court it is proven that the evidence is official and

rooski — 04/05/2020
Your own image, edited?

Jackson Windsor (UK-HS) — 04/05/2020

Your Majesty, Please provide a full screenshot of the fact that you are not using
inspect element or that you are not using a web browser.(edited)

rooski — 04/05/2020
All of the photos I have taken are on mobile.
Henceforth, I cannot use IE.

Jackson Windsor (UK-HS) — 04/05/2020

Well there is proof that he's using phone.
You cannot "inspect element" on phone.

rooski — 04/05/2020
AND, I wouldn't have enough time to send it to my laptop.
Where is this proof that my laptop broke?
That's not this situation, stop trying to change the subject.
@Deleted User
That doesn't mean it's completely broken, it didn't work at that time.
It was lagging the hell out of Minecraft.
You're being a tryhard, no cap.

Jackson Windsor (UK-HS) — 04/05/2020

With that being said the court has determine by the idea of "reasonable suspicion"
that President Jager is disregarded the fact that the proof submitted to the court
is final. Also I as the ICJ Justice have access to Audit Logs to any changes that
have been made.

rooski — 04/05/2020
no but you can plead guilty
You're hysterical.

Jackson Windsor (UK-HS) — 04/05/2020

Ruling: The court has determined by idea and case law of "fair roleplay" or "fair
rp" the defendant has negated the recognition of Resolution 20 and shall be
expelled for violation the Breach of Peace(the Charter), violating the United
Nations General Assembly's Resolution 20. The court has also determined by all the
warning that were given by other Member States of the United Nations. The Court has
determined by "reasonable suspicion" Finland has went of the currency cap in the
efforts to become superior in the Minecraft and has proven that person name "Jäger"
cannot handle the duties of Minecraft Country. The court has determined by all
fairness and by the rule of law and by the Charter and resolutions made by the
United Nations. That Finland will be deprived of status as country and go into
vacancy and "Jäger" will no longer and from this day forward shall hence by the ICJ
be forever expelled from all United Nations connected servers shall prompt the
removal of "Jäger". The court has also determined that "Jäger" likes to make
multiple accounts so hence the court advises to for him and his other accounts to
be removed as expulsion of said person is in effect as of date 5/4/2020. The court
is ruling that Mr. Jäger is unfit, unsuitable, ignorant, and unprofessional to be
in any political related roleplay like server and should be barred for life time
reason. As this ruling is final until appealed by the Defendants.(edited)

Jackson Windsor (UK-HS) — 04/05/2020

@rooski Official Ruling above.
Case Law will be released soon.
I 'm gonna go back afk.
7 May 2020

Jackson Windsor (UK-HS) — 07/05/2020

@everyone I hereby overturn Finland’s expulsion into a probation(suspension) for 2
weeks until after the official ruling of the retrial.(edited)
They (as in Finland, more specifically Mr. Jäger) may return the to the UN chat but
any rule violations just like any other country will result in penalties.(edited)
5 June 2020

Jackson Windsor (UK-HS) — 05/06/2020

@everyone I’m here to announce that Mr. Jäger Asjborn will be ban will by tomorrow.
He will be on 3-week probation(real weeks) for Diplomatic Immunity and Qualified
Immunity. Also he will be under supervision if violation of the Arbitration
Agreement are made. The Lexias v. Finland Case Law will go back into effect.
Mr.Jäger Asjborn will be on “supervised release”.(edited)

123.74 KB
Arbitration Agreement - Lexias Government, Mr. Jäger Asjborn(edited)
18 June 2020

Jackson Windsor (UK-HS) — 18/06/2020

@Member States International Court of Justice will be hearing @voodoooatmeal Case
for Lexias On charges for Abetting Criminal Offences and collusion.(edited)

voodoooatmeal — 18/06/2020

Jackson Windsor (UK-HS) — 18/06/2020

You made the request to the ICJ remember? @voodoooatmeal

voodoooatmeal — 18/06/2020
I want him banned I guessed

Jackson Windsor (UK-HS) — 18/06/2020

By this evidence. The Court has determined that Collusion and Abetting Criminal

ICJ: Judgement in favour of the plaintiff. The Court has ruled a Temporary
Suspension of 12 months.
The Defendant may appeal.
29 September 2020

Jackson Windsor (UK-HS) — 29/09/2020

Court Ruling: Has been hence justified by the international law and the United
Nations Charter, The Country Hakokuria respectively the Japan or "Nippon-koku"
(Which literally means "State of Japan"). This Justification has been hence
clarified any further question or appeal can be raised. @Member States

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