Genetically Modified Crops Have Been Developed in the United States and Are Being Exported Around the World. There is, However, Resistance to These Exports in Many Countries. Why Do You Suppose This is So

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Genetically modified crops have been developed in the United States and are being

exported around the world. There is, however, resistance to these exports in many
countries. Why do you suppose this is so?

In March of 2015, a European Commission rule was passed that gave countries

in the European Union the option to opt-out of growing GM crops. There are 19
countries in Europe that opted out, prohibiting the biotech companies from selling GMO
seed in their territories. These countries include Germany, France, Italy, Austria,
Greece, Poland, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Belgium, among others also banning
GMOs are Algeria and Madagascar in Africa; Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Bhutan and Saudi
Arabia in Asia; and Belize, Peru, Ecuador and Venezuela in the Americas. Mendocino,
Trinity and Marin counties in California are the only counties in the US that have
successfully banned GM crops (Journey, 2020).
Genetic Modification or GM is a technology that involves inserting DNA into the
genome of an organism. To produce a GM plant, new DNA is transferred into plant cells
(Royal Society, 2016). Economically, genetically modified products/crops have provided
substantial effects and benefits to cultivating countries. A 2014 meta-analysis concluded
that GM technology adoption had reduced chemical pesticide use by 37%,
increased crop yields by 22%, and increased farmer profits by 68% (Klumper & Qaim,
Despite the economic benefits that can be attained through GMO cultivation and
imports, many countries banned it. In my own opinion, I think that some countries
banned GMOs, firstly because it is made of chemicals. They might be thinking that
naturally acquired crops are way better than the ones engineered or modified.
Moreover, GMOs provide questions and uncertainties to the public consumers which
causes pressure to the government resulting to banning to avoid controversies,
according to some researchers.
Literally speaking, genuine products are indeed better than the chemically
produced ones, but economically, GMOs contribute a lot for one’s economic growth, the
reason why countries patronizes genetically modified products however, countries that
do not consider GMOs as a key to economic success, I believe is something that
deserves recognition.

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