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Credits Contents

Original Solomani Alien Module Introduction 2

Marc W. Miller, John Harshman, J. Andrew Keith and Rob Toy

Mongoose Traveller Solomani Characters 3

David L. Pulver The Solomani Race 24
Charlotte Law
History 52

Layout Equipment and Technology 77

Will Chapman
Spacecraft 88
Kate James
Encounters 106
Cover Illustration
Pascal Quidault Worlds 115
Interior Illustrations
Nuno Nobre and Bruno Romanos Alpha Crucis Sector 123

Deckplans Campaigns 177

Mark Lucas

Special Thanks Campaigns 180

Boris Cibic, Robert Eaglestone, Donald McKinney, Marc Miller and
Timothy Pulver.

Alien Module 5: Solomani ©2012 Mongoose Publishing. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this work by any means without the written
permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden. All significant characters, names, places, items, art and text herein are copyrighted
by Mongoose Publishing. This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form
without written permission. To learn more about the Open Game License, please go to
This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United Kingdom and of the United States. This product is a work of fiction. Any
similarity to actual people, organisations, places or events is purely coincidental.
Traveller is a trademark of Far Future Enterprises and is used under licence. Printed in the USA.
These are influential members of the Solomani Movement and
its ruling Party.

Qualification: Soc 6+. Must be of pure Solomani race (or pass

as one) with Social Standing 7+.

If you are aged 34 or more: –1 DM.

Per previous career: –1 DM. You qualify automatically if your
Social Standing is 10+.

Choose any of the following:

• Official: You served in the ruling Solomani Party organisation,

making you eligible for a government or civil service
position or appointment to one of the many corporations or
nongovernmental organisations run by the Party.
• Intellectual: You were a philosopher or spokesperson
for the Solomani Cause, working to promote and develop
the views of your particular Party faction. You could be a
rabble-rousing activist or work for Party-affiliated mass
media, a think tank or an academic institution.
• Militant: You were a front-line fighter for the Solomani Cause.
You may have been a terrorist or rebel waging a guerrilla war
to topple non-Solomani governments or a tough Party street
fighter who can turn a noisy demonstration into a bloody riot
or teach uppity non-Solomani to know their place.

Career Progress
Survival Advancement
Administrator Int 5+ Soc 7+
Intellectual Edu 6+ Int 6+
Militant End 7+ Int 6+

Skills and Training

Roll 1d6 Personal Development Service Skills Advanced Education (minimum Edu 8
1 Carouse Advocate Admin
2 +1 End Comms Advocate
3 Persuade Deception Computer
4 +1 Int Drive (any) Language
5 +1 Edu Flyer (any) Pilot (any)
6 +1 Soc Leadership Any Science

Roll Specialist: Administrator Specialist: Intellectual Specialist: Militant

1 Admin Art (writing) Deception
2 Advocate Advocate Explosives
3 Computers Life Sciences (Genetics) Gun Combat (any)
4 Diplomat Persuade Melee (any)
5 Persuade Art (holography or writing) Remote Operations
6 Admin Social Sciences (history, philosophy or psychology) Streetwise

Ranks and Benefits
Rank Official Skill or Benefit
0 Cadre —
1 Alternate Admin 1 and Social Standing 10
2 Delegate Social Standing 11
3 Deputy Advocate 1 and Social Standing 12
4 Commissioner Leadership 1 and Social Standing 13
5 Chairman Social Standing 14
6 Minister Social Standing 15

Advancement in Party Official rank automatically grants a particular Social Standing. If a character already has that Social Standing
or greater, Social Standing is unchanged.

Ranks and Benefits

Rank Intellectual Skill or Benefit Militant Skill or Benefit
0 — — Follower
1 Pundit Advocate 1 or Social Sciences (any) 1 Soldier Gun Combat (any) 1 or Melee
(any) 1
2 — — — —
3 Philosopher +1 Social Standing Cell Leader Advocate 1 or Leadership 1
4 — — — —
5 Leader Social Standing 10 or +1 Social Brigade Commander Tactics (military tactics) 1
Standing, whichever is higher
6 — — — —

1d6 Mishap
1 You are involved in a riot, revolution, assassination or terrorist attack and suffer injury. Roll once on the Injury table.
Gain one of Explosives 1, Gun Combat 1 (any) or Melee 1 (any).
2 An anonymous SolSec monitor transmits reports claiming your political views are out of step with the current zeitgeist.
SolSec moves against you, ending your career.
3 You become disillusioned with the inability of the Solomani Party to achieve positive results and feel compelled to
drift away from your present career. If your next career term is Drifter gain an extra roll on the specialist table of
your choice.
4 A senior Solomani Party member who was your patron falls from favour and in the ensuing purge you go down with
him. You may defend him or denounce him. If you defended your patron, increase your Advocate skill by one but lose
one Social Standing. If you denounce him, you are still forced out but as a reward for following the Party line, you also
keep this term’s Benefit roll.
5 An intimate or friend is discovered to have secret non-Solomani blood. Due to your connection to them, you are tainted
by this scandal, which forces you out of the Party. If you decide to remain on favourable terms with them despite this
shocking revelation, gain them as an Ally but lose one Social Standing.
6 You travel to the Imperium to assist the Solomani Movement in the occupied systems. Imperial authorities discover
your activities and arrest you on suspicion of aiding terrorism. You are interrogated and imprisoned, then deported back
to the Confederation. Roll Streetwise 8+ to survive prison; if you fail, roll on the Injury table. Gain a Contact in a terrorist
cell or the Imperial underworld.

Dolphin Civilian Rank Liaison Skill or Benefit
Uplifted Dolphins who are engaged in aquatic non-military 0 — —
careers. 1 — —
2 Representative Diplomat 1; Soc +1
Assignments 3 — —
Choose one of the following: 4 Ambassador Battle Dress 1; Soc +1
5 — —
Dolphin Liaison: You are acting as an intermediary between 6 — —
Human and Dolphin cultures or as a guide to Humans working
underwater. In the process you may learn important skills that
Rank Nomad Skill or Benefit
allow you to enter other Human careers or negotiate trade deals.
0 — —
Dolphin Nomad: You are living the ‘barbarian’ life of an ancestral 1 — —
feral Dolphin, eschewing most technology and interaction with 2 Pod leader Leadership 1; Minimum Soc
Confederation society. This is the only career open to Dolphins 6 or Soc +1
who are living on TL 6 or less worlds. This is equivalent to the 3 — —
Drifter career: a Dolphin who fails to qualify for a new career 4 — —
may opt for Nomad. 5 Megapod leader Minimum Soc 8 or Soc +1
6 — —
Qualification: Automatic for Dolphins.

Career Progress
Survival Advancement
Dolphin Nomad End 7+ Str 7+
Dolphin Liaison Int 6+ Soc 6+

Mustering Out Benefits

Roll Cash (Cr.) Other Benefits
1 None Contact
2 500 Waldo Set
3 1,000 Ally
4 1,000 Waldo Set
5 1,500 +1 Edu
6 2,000 +1 Soc
7 4,000 Dolphin Battle Dress

Skills and Training

1d6 Personal Development Service Skills Advanced Education (Minimum Edu 8+)
1 +1 Dex Athletics (co‑ordination, strength or endurance) Advocate
2 +1 End Athletics (co‑ordination, strength or endurance) Art (acting, dance, singing)
3 +1 Int Brawling (natural weapons) Broker
4 +1 Str Brawling (natural weapons) Leadership
5 +2 Edu Carouse Navigation
6 Survival Recon Social Sciences (any)

The Solomani Confederation contains a multitude of worlds of varying Tech Levels, all of which produce their own vehicles.
Common designs similar to those used in the Imperium are all in use. This section describes some of the more modern vehicles
that are likely to used be used by Solomani Confederation military or government officials.

All of the vehicle designs presented here have been designed using the rules in the Vehicle Handbook.

Armoured Grav Limousine

This is a luxury stretched grav limousine used by high-ranking Solomani Party and government officials and corporate executives.
Although it is nearly as well protected as a military g-carrier, this light grav vehicle is much more comfortable.

Crew / Cost Shipping

Vehicle TL Skill Agility Speed Range Passengers Cargo Open? Hull Structure (Cr.) Size
Armoured 14 Flyer +2 525 3,600 1/6 0.125 No 6 6 985,700 5 tons
Grav (grav) tons

Location Armour
All 20

Other Equipment/Modifications:
Advanced Controls, Autopilot (skill level 2), Communications (TL 14, V. Distant, encrypted, boosted range, tightbeam), Computer/5,
Decreased Range (lower fuel capacity), Electrostatic Armour, Entertainment System, Gun Ports x8, Hostile Environment Protection,
Increased Hull, Increased Structure, Navigation (standard), Sensors (TL 14, basic), Prismatic Aerosol, Wet Bar.

Executive Communications Vehicle (‘Comm Sled’)

This is an enclosed armoured air/raft mini-van packed with secure communication and support equipment. A convoy of senior
politicians travelling in armoured grav limousines may be accompanied by one of these light grav vehicles to provide specialised
communications gear. SolSec also use these vehicles as mobile command posts. Major news agencies use them for reporting in
dangerous areas.

Vehicle TL Skill Agility Speed Range Crew / Cargo Open? Hull Structure Cost Shipping
Passengers (Cr.) Size
Comm 14 Flyer +2 575 4,000 3 0.125 No 5 5 988,500 5 tons
Sled (grav) tons

Location Armour
All 15

Other Equipment/Modifications:
Advanced Controls, Autopilot (skill level 2), Communications (TL 14, extreme, encrypted, tightbeam, uplink), two Computer/4, Hostile
Environment Protection, Meson Communicator (TL 14, distant, encrypted, uplink), Navigation (standard), Sensors (TL 14, basic).

Marathon-class Solomani Fleet Courier
The Type SX fleet courier is designed to carry news orders, messages, vital packets and reports between Solomani Confederation
Navy bases, task forces and headquarters. It also serves as a personal transport for senior officers travelling between commands
and for SolSec agents who require fast interstellar transport. SolSec also uses its own fleet couriers to transmit monitor reports
and other sensitive information, especially on the military. As fleet couriers often transport high-ranking officials, their interiors are
designed to be somewhat more comfortable than ordinary naval vessels of their size.

The Marathon class fleet courier entered service in 1071. It is a TL 14 design built by Solomani Military Industries, a commercial
division of the Confederation Navy. It replaced the earlier TL 13 Columbus design used during the Solomani Rim War. Improvements
include a quicker-cycling jump drive, better atmospheric mobility and superior control interface. Several dozen of the older Columbus
class fleet couriers continue in service.

The fleet courier’s typical crew consists of a pilot, navigator, engineer, medic and two gunners. With this crew it will carry one
passenger, although it may carry more passengers if the crew accept; double occupancy. The fleet courier is sometimes lent to
worthy retired senior SolSec or Solomani Party officials to enable them to support Solomani Cause in an unofficial capacity.

Ships in Confederation service are named after famous races, couriers, riders, messengers or fast runners, such as Hermes, Sybil
Luddington, Paul Revere or Raramuri.

This is a standard design in the Solomani Confederation for which the 10% discount applies.

Marathon Fleet Courier Tons Price (Mcr)

Hull 200 tons Hull 4, Structure 4 — 8
Streamlined — 0.8
Armour Bonded Superdense 6 points 10 4
Self-Sealing — 2
Jump Drive C Jump 3 20 30
Fast-Cycle Jump 3
Manoeuvre Drive C Thrust 3 5 12
Power Plant C 10 24
Bridge 10 1
Holographic Controls — 0.25
Computer Model 2 bis Rating 10 (15 for jump control) — 0.24
Electronics Basic Military DM +0 2 2
Hard point #1 Triple Turret (Beam Laser x3) 1 4
Hard point #2 Triple Turret (Beam Laser x3) 1 4
Fuel 72 One Jump-3 and four weeks of operation 72 —
Cargo 11 tons 11 —
7 Staterooms 28 3.5
Extras — —
Aerofins 10 2
Fuel Scoops — 1
Launch 20 14
Luxuries 1 — 2
Ship’s Locker — —
Software — —
Manoeuvre/0 0 — —
Fire Control/2 10 — 0.2
Evade/1 10 — 1
Jump Control/3 15 — 0.3
Library/0 0 — —
Maintenance Cost (monthly) — 0.0089467
Life Support Cost (monthly) — 0.014
Total Tonnage and Cost 200 107.361

Alpha Crucis Sector
Alpha Crucis sector is located directly to trailing of the Solomani escorts. They followed chains of jump-1 and later jump-2 routes
Rim. The majority of this sector lies within the Solomani on long odysseys across poorly charted space, always with the
Confederation but two entire subsectors and sections of three risk of encountering disaster far from any chance of rescue.
others were captured by the Imperium in the Solomani Rim The military escorts were often required to return afterward
War. These worlds remain under Imperial occupation. Active to report that the mission reached its destination, leaving the
Solomani guerrilla movements supported by factions in the colonists to fend for themselves. Many of these expeditions
Solomani Confederation have prevented their full integration were sleeper ships carrying several thousand passengers and
into Imperial society. The presence of many non-aligned livestock travelling in cryogenic suspension. Limited availability
worlds and the nationalistic aspirations of former pre‑Solomani of reliable jump drives and refuelling stops in the early years
Confederation states further complicate sector politics. of the Interstellar Wars period even saw a few expeditions
travelling at sublight speed.

Historical Perspective The most important single factor in the Terran settlement of
Alpha Crucis was first visited by the Vilani circa –4500. They Alpha Crucis was the absence of any major competitor for
named it Amkarim, an archaic personal name meaning ‘lonely colonisation of the region. Except for the six coreward subsectors
duty’. The great mercantile Sharurshid bureau of the Ziru Sirka where a Vilani presence endured, the Terran explorers were
had responsibility for exploiting the sector and established true pioneers, often the first sentient beings to set foot on the
outposts and later colonies, the earliest at Umkarguu in the worlds they visited. The Terrans found no star faring races that
Ximenes subsector. Eventually the Vilani would explore and had come before them and encountered no alien or Human
establish further colonies in the subsectors later known as minor races whose inhabitant’s technologies had progressed
McKenzie, Orichalc. A few outposts were also established in beyond the Stone Age. While they were not really the first to
Auva, Denobola and Dagir subsectors but the rest of the sector venture into the sector – Ancient ruins were later discovered on
was unexplored. In –4100 the Vilani made contact with a minor the world of Jedda – most of the sector’s history largely began
alien race, the Grkaadudgaagii. Their balkanised early atomic- with Terran colonisation.
era civilisation adjusted poorly to the shock of first contact
and destroyed itself in a nuclear spasm. The scandal induced After the Terran Confederation’s great victories of the Ninth
Sharurshid to halt further exploitation of Amkarim. This would Interstellar War the motivation for colonisation changed from
likely have ground to a halt in any event as the Ziru Sirka’s strategic expansion to serving as a social safety valve. Terran
expansionist period was nearly at an end. society was being irrevocably altered by the political and
cultural adaptations required to maintain unity and strength in
In –2424 Terra made first contact with the Vilani. At the time the long war against the Vilani. Not everyone was happy with
Amkarim was viewed by the Vilani as a barbaric frontier such changes. Some tightly knit ethnic and religious groups
and hardship posting. The Terran Confederation saw their that wished to preserve their traditions and independence
opportunity and dispatched survey missions into the sector as chose to do so by emigrating to distant interstellar colony
early as –2300. Terran free traders ventured into the Vilani- planets. They accepted the hardship of settling sub-optimum
settled regions of Denobola during lulls in the Interstellar Wars worlds far from Terra as the price of their freedom. The Terran
but most Terran exploration was concentrated on the rimward Confederation government tacitly supported this as a way of
region of the sector where they correctly believed no Vilani removing possible dissidents and further outflanking the Vilani
settlement had taken place. Their goal was to find habitable or Empire. Much of the funding for these cultural émigrés came
resource-rich worlds that could expand the Terran population from private organisations that wished to establish colonies with
and industrial base and keep its culture alive if the Confederation particular ethnic, political or religious characters.
lost to the Ziru Sirka.
One of the largest-scale efforts came from a coalition of religious
At least five long-range colonisation expeditions are known to organisations that sponsored the settlement of Denobola
have been launched by the Terrans into the sector between the and Veracruz subsectors. The Alpha Crucis Foundation was
First and Ninth Interstellar Wars. These were part of a lengthy a Christian colonial and missionary coalition that sponsored
series of missions loosely known as the Phoenix Expeditions. some of the first private expeditions into the rimward regions
Each was a small convoy of starships and a few small military of Ziusudra, Veracruz and Denobola subsectors. It was this


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