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Filipinos are known for being most hardworking, dedicated, socialistic, realistic, and we always grab

opportunities. I will explain these factors through my experiences or what I've seen before. Filipino's are
hardworking because they always have to survive and strive to provide for their families. We
importance our families, the reason why we enter whatever work we can get so we can provide.
Dedicated, we are the most dedicated because, as I've said earlier, we can do whatever it takes, just to
put food on our tables. Socialistic, we are very socialistic people. We even talk to people we don't know.
And this could help to promote or persuade a lot of customers. Realistic, no one can beat us for being
realists. We even interrupt people from dreaming way off of their leagues. Lastly, we always grab
opportunities. We see everything as opportunities. If you travel here in the Philippines, you will see that
every school has a store in its neighboring houses. These factors can have a big help in creating a
business and being entrepreneur. The only problem is, we lack innovativeness and originality. If they
saw someone's business is booming, they're going to copy it. We can't admit that we don't see a trail of
stores in the streets selling the same products.

I think I do have the capacity to be an effective entrepreneur someday. Honestly, we have a food family
business, and all my family members run that business. We may encounter many difficulties and
problems. The best thing is that I've learned something from it, and I can use those lessons in my future
career someday. I had my advantages already because I'm still young, yet I'm already part of running a

As for my capabilities and personality, I can adapt to things quickly, and I"m always open to more
learnings. I also don't limit myself to more talents and capabilities. I am innovative and always
optimistic. These are my qualities now, and I hope to gain more as I grow up to be an effective and great
entrepreneur someday.

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