Foros Portafolio Descarga

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This forum is to get to know each other and tell a little about each one, so let's follow the
instructions correctly.

My name is Lina Saina Matos Rodríguez, I´m 36 years old, I was born in the disappeared town of
Armero (Tolima), I have been a university teacher, trainer and currently virtual English tutor, I love
cinema, not only because I love movies, but also because of the experience of going to this place that I
find very fun.

I have a healthy lifestyle, so I train functional exercise every day for 2 hours. My greatest expectation
with the course, is to be able to enrich their knowledge so that each one can achieve and exceed the
goals proposed with the training program, so I hope to be able to interact with everyone in order to
contribute to their professional development.

I invite you to participate clicking in REPLY.

This forum is to get to know each other and tell a little about each one, so let's follow the
instructions correctly.

My name is Lina Saina Matos Rodríguez, I´m 36 years old, I was born in the disappeared town of
Armero (Tolima), I have been a university teacher, trainer and currently virtual English tutor, I love
cinema, not only because I love movies, but also because of the experience of going to this place that I
find very fun.

I have a healthy lifestyle, so I train functional exercise every day for 2 hours. My greatest expectation
with the course, is to be able to enrich their knowledge so that each one can achieve and exceed the
goals proposed with the training program, so I hope to be able to interact with everyone in order to
contribute to their professional development.

I invite you to participate clicking in REPLY.

Fecha inicio: 2020-10-23 22:50:00 - Fecha fin: 2020-12-04 23:59:00



<p>My name is Reyna, I&#39;m 55 years old. I&#39;m&nbsp; from venezuela. I&#39;m teacher but
not now. I want to learn english. I like the movies and dance. I dont like insects.</p>
2020-10-24 03:58:07

Continuous improvement allows us to be agents of change in the professional development of our

apprentices, that it is very important to know and identify the positive aspects or to improve that each
one can present during the use of the platform.

This forum allows to know their perception of the use of the platform, so the invitation is to
generate their appreciations.

Continuous improvement allows us to be agents of change in the professional development of our

apprentices, that it is very important to know and identify the positive aspects or to improve that each
one can present during the use of the platform.

This forum allows to know their perception of the use of the platform, so the invitation is to
generate their appreciations.

Fecha inicio: 2020-10-23 22:52:00 - Fecha fin: 2020-12-04 23:59:00



This platform is good but sometime it's very slow

2020-10-24 04:01:35

In this forum you can imagine and explain your ideal home, you must make a description that includes
the rooms and furniture using the structure there is / there are, prepositions of place and the
vocabulary of furniture and parts of the house.

Example: My ideal home is in the city with a single floor, there are three rooms, there is a big garden,
there are a lot of flowers, there is a pool and there are two chairs for sunbathing.

the second part of this activity is to select one participation of your classmates and write two questions
about your partner's ideal home. To ask the questions use the structure there is / there are, and
vocabulary related to furniture and parts of the house.

Example: ¿Are there mirrors in your ideal home? ¿Is there a car in your ideal home?

In this forum you can imagine and explain your ideal home, you must make a description that includes
the rooms and furniture using the structure there is / there are, prepositions of place and the
vocabulary of furniture and parts of the house.

Example: My ideal home is in the city with a single floor, there are three rooms, there is a big garden,
there are a lot of flowers, there is a pool and there are two chairs for sunbathing.

the second part of this activity is to select one participation of your classmates and write two questions
about your partner's ideal home. To ask the questions use the structure there is / there are, and
vocabulary related to furniture and parts of the house.

Example: ¿Are there mirrors in your ideal home? ¿Is there a car in your ideal home?

Fecha inicio: 2020-10-23 22:49:00 - Fecha fin: 2020-12-04 23:59:00



My idela home is located in Cartagena and it is a single floor, there are four rooms, there is a tree big in
front, there is large stree, there are tow moto, there are three bacycle to go out for a walk with my

2020-10-24 18:25:30

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