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Qs01. Identify and explain five and above areas where computer is applied in todays society?

Aid in education, Computers have its dominant use in the education field which can
significantly enhance performance in learning. Even distance learning is made productive and
effective through internet and video-based classes. Researchers have massive usage of these
computers in their work from the starting to till the end of their scholarly work.
Computers in our health and medicine
Most of the medical information can now be digitized from the prescription to reports.
Computation in the field of medicine allows us tooffer varied miraculous therapies to the
patients. ECG’s, radiotherapy wasn’t possible without computers.
Aid of financal institution
We know well that computers are being used by the financial institutions like banks for different
purposes. The foremost important thing is to store information about different account holders in
a database to be available at any time. Keeping the records of the cash flow, giving the
information regarding your account.
Computer is the part transport
With internet on computers we can know the details of the buses or trains or the flight available
to our desired destination. The timings and even the updates on the delay can also be known
through these computers.We can book our tickets through online. Staff of the transport system
will keep a track of the passengers, trains or flight details, departure and arrival timings by using
Computer is used in defance
Computers are the main tools which help in developing missiles and other equipment in the
deference system. Designing and the maintenance are possible only through computers.
Computer builds the links between the soldiers and commanders through the satellite.
Construction of weapons and controlling their function is not possible without the aid of
computers. The list of the criminals and the records of the cops are maintained regularly in the
Qns2 describe five and above key factor to consider when purchasing a computer
The proseccer
This is the most important factor when choosing a computer nowadays and there are many
factors in processor choice the main thing is that in my opinion Intel are at the moment making
the best chips and their core 2 duo range is the best so go for one in this family and you will be
RAM (computer memory)
Essentially, the more rams you have, the more browsers and applications you can open. 4Gb is
the most basic nowadays. 8GB is the sweet spot for most people. If you are a gamer, photo or
video editor, or planning to do CAD/CAM work, you need at least 16GB of Ram. Make sure you
get windows vista 64bit as your operating system.
Hard disk
This is the next piece you should tackle. Computers today usually come with 250GB and 750GB
of space in the hard drive. As more people are storing their information online on cloud storage,
you may want to rethink of buying a huge hard drive space. 
Anti-virus software
The last thing to do with the actual computer is a good virus and spy ware package. Don’t be
under any illusion this is possibly the most important part of protecting your computer. It will get
attacked at some point be prepared when it does.
Now all computers come with some form of graphics built in. But my recommendation is to go
with something a little better possibly from NVIDIA or AMD. They make your computer
resolution better. AMD cards are good for mining while NVidia is good for Adobe programs.
Computer software
Most computers comes with microsoft software. The latest is Windows 10,and other use open
source software such as obuntu and linux 
Qns 3. Describe five and above issus that can led to poor performance of the computer you
have purchased

1) The speed of the CPU

The speed of the CPU is also known as the clock speed of the CPU. The clock speed of the CPU
is the frequency of which the processor executes instructions or the frequency by which data is
processed by the CPU. It is measured in millions of cycles per second or megahertz (MHz). If
the Clock speed of the CPU is fast then definitely the performance of the computer will be
affected positively, in other words the computer will carry out processing functions at a faster

2) The size of the RAM (Random Access Memory)

The RAM is referred to as the active part of the computer. This is because the RAM has the
capability of storing data that the computer is currently using, because of the fact that it is fast to
retrieve data stored in the RAM. With the definition above, a large RAM size will mean a faster
computer performance and a smaller RAM size will result to slower computer performance.

3) The speed of the hard disk

The hard disk speed is defined as the rate at which material and content can be read and written
on it. The hard disk speed of different hard disks is not consistent because they vary by
manufacturer, drive type and the use of the hard disk. It therefore means that the higher the speed
of the hard disk thefaster the performance of the computer and vice versa.

4) Hard disk space

The bigger the space on the hard disk will result to faster performance of the computer. The
smaller the space on the hard disk will result in a slower performance of the computer. The hard
disk is filled with data this will use most of the memory leaving less memory for the operations
of the processor.

5) Multiple applications running on the computer

Multi-tasking tends to slow down the performance of the computer because memory is used to
support more than one applications compared to when one application has all the memory to
itself. This means that the more applications that are running the slower the computer will
perform. Likewise if less or one application is running the performance of the computer will be

6) Type of graphic card

When it comes to quality of pictures and animations graphic cards are the main factors. So if a
machine processes many graphics and it has a weak graphic card it will perform slower. This
means that the more powerful the graphic card is the faster the performance of the computer.

7) Defragmenting files
Files that are broken or it takes long to read them will mean that the computer will have to
defragment them first. This will slow down the performance of the computer.
Qns 4 descibe five and above factors that led people resist on adapting computer technology at
the work place.
1. Poor Timing: This is another viable reason why employees resist change at work. Change
must be introduced when there are no other major initiatives going on. Sometimes it is not what a
leader does, but it is how, when and why she or he does it that creates resistance to change!
Undue resistance can occur because changes are introduced in an insensitive manner or at an
awkward time.
For any significant organizational change effort to be effective, organizational leadership must
come out of their mahogany paneled air-conditioned offices, roll up their sleeves, and prepare a
comprehensive change strategy from the onset to address barriers. If they can’t do it, then, they
should delegate or hire a change management agent to design an effective change management
strategy with the help of some of the organizations’ managers.
2. Lack of Reward: There is a common business saying that managers get what they reward.
Organizational employees will resist change when they do not see anything in it for them in
terms of rewards. Without ‘WIIFM’ or a reward, there is no motivation to support the change
over the long run. This often means that organizational reward systems must be altered to
support the change that management wants to implement. The reward does not have to always be
major or costly.
3. Office Politics: Every organization has its own share of in-house politics. So, some employees
resist change as a political strategy to “show or prove” that the change decision is wrong. They
may also resist showing that the person leading the change is not up to the task. These employees
are committed to seeing the change effort fail.
4. Loss of Support System: Employees already in their comfort zones, working with the
managers they get along with, and who are operating within predictable routines know their
support system will back them up during challenging times. Changing the organizational
structures may shake their confidence in their support system. They may worry about working
for a new supervisor, in a new team, or on unfamiliar projects because they fear that if they try
and fail, there will be no one there to support them.
5. Former Change Experience: Our attitudes about change are partly determined by the way
we have experienced the change in the past. For instance, if in your organization, you have
handled change badly in the past, the employees will have good reasons for rebelling. Again, in
personal lives, how employee’s families reacted to change during their early years is going to
affect the way they view change. Employees, who live in the same house, shop at the same
stores, visit the same social club, and drive the same routes daily throughout their formative
years may have more difficulty dealing with change than people who grew up in several different
neighborhoods. In the same way, those who become accustomed to associating with people who
have the same values and ethics may find it more difficult to appreciate the diversity of today’s
6. Loss of Job: This is a major reason and the first of the 12 reasons why employees resist
change in the workplace. In an organizational setting, any process, technological advancement,
systems, or product change will include streamlining, working smarter, cost reduction,
efficiency, faster turn around times. All these means staff and managers will resist the changes
that result in their roles being eliminated or reduced. From their perspective, your change is
harmful to their position in the organization! The satisfaction that employees have with their job
determines a portion of their reactions during times of change.
Employees who experience a high degree of job satisfaction are better able to weather periods of
change. They are more positive in their approach to their work and can see change as an
organizational necessity. Unhappy employees, on the other hand, view change as just another
annoyance in a long list of complaints. Chances are, whatever the change, any disgruntled
employees will view it as having a negative impact on both the organization and them
7. Bad Communication Strategy: This is another crucial reason why employees resist change.
This point is equally as important as that of change planning on the list of 12 reasons why
employees resist change in the workplace. Why? The communication of change from the onset
could make or break change because it falls under the planning phase of change. The way in
which any change process is communicated to employees within the organization is a critical
factor in determining their reactions. If you can’t communicate what, why, how, when, who and
what success will look like or how success is going to be measured, then, expect resistance!
If employees do not understand the need for change, why ask for a buy in the first place?
Especially for those who strongly believe the current way of doing things works well…and has
done for the past twenty-five years! When upper management plans and communicates early and
effectively with all employees and explains the reasoning behind the change, employees are
much more likely to buy into it.
8. Shock and Fear of the Unknown: This is yet another crucial reason why employees resist
change. Employees’ responses to organizational change can range from fear and panic to
enthusiastic support. During periods of change, some employees may feel the need to cling to the
past because it was a more secure, predictable time. If what they did in the past worked well for
them, they may resist changing their behavior out of fear that they will not achieve as much in
the future. The less the organization knows about the change and its impact on them, the more
fearful they become.
Leading a change also requires not springing surprises on people! The organization needs to be
prepared for the change. In the absence of continuing a two-way communication with leadership,
grapevine rumors will fill the void and sabotage any change effort.

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