Anode Requirements For Ships Hull

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Step 1: determine underwater hull area

Area = ( 2 * L * D ) + ( K * L * B )

L = length BP, D = mean load draft, B = breadth all in meters

K = block coefficient
* use 1.7 for vessels over 75 m in LBP.

0.6 passenger vessels

0.75 cargo vessels
0.7 tankers
0.6 tugs
0.55 trawlers, naval vessels
0.75 coasters
0.7 dredgers
0.4 - 0.5 steel yachts
0.4 launches

Step 2: determine current density to protect

Use 15 - 20 mA / sq. m For 1st class paint and surface preparation

Use 30 mA / sq. m for old hull, not shot blasted, but with scale removed and painted

Step 3: determine the amp - yrs. Of anode capacity

C = (area * current density * yrs. Protection) + 10% safety factor

Step 4: select anode type and quantity required

N = C / anode capacity

Step 5: guidelines for installation

Place 1/3 of total anodes at stern, 2/3 spread evenly around the rest of hull install parallel to

Do not install in line with propeller tips to minimize disturbance of waterflow to propellers.

Step 1: Determine the area of each tank

Add 100 - 200 % for framing and structural components

Exclude ceiling area

Step 2: Determine ballast time from shipowner

( generally 40 % )

Step 3: Determine number of years of protection from shipowner

Step 4: Determine current density for protection

Bare upper wing tanks, peak tanks: 130 mA / sq. m

Bare deep tanks and ballast only tanks: 110
Bare ballast / pet. Product tanks: 110
Bare ballast / crude oil tanks: 90
Coated tanks: 20 - 25

Step 5: Determine the Amp - yrs. Of anode capacity per tank

C = (area * current density * ballast factor * yrs. Of protection ) + 10 %

Step 6: Select anode type and quantity for each tank

N = C / anode capacity

Notes on installation / Selection

a. zinc anodes have no restrictions on mounting distance from tank bottom

b. aluminum anodes mounting distance from bottom of tank is maximum of 28 kg-m, ie. A 14 kg
al anode shode be mounted to a maximum height of 2 meters from the bottom
c. distribution of anodes

permanent ballast tanks: evenly around walls and bottom

center and wing tanks: 1/2 - 2/3 on bottom, 1/2 - 1/3 on walls

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