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Test 2

Lessons 6-10 Name: ......................................

1 Complete the sentences in the Past Simple. Use the verbs below. (5 x 2 = 10)

not be • give • go • ride • read • do

1. I .......................... on a camel when I was in the desert.
2. This book is good. I .......................... it last year.
3. My friend and I .......................... to the cinema yesterday.
4. Tom .......................... at the party last night.
5. What .......................... you .......................... Sam for his birthday?
6. I .......................... my homework when I came home from school.

2 Circle the correct answer. (10 x 2 = 20)

Moses Shababo is a scientist (1) who / which is from Kenya. Last week he visited my
boarding school (2) who / which is in London. He told us about his life and we listened
(3) careful / carefully.
When he was a boy, Moses lived in a small village with his family. He had four brothers and
two sisters (4) who / which loved sports. They all ran very (5) quick / quickly and always
were in first place in races. But Moses did (6) bad / badly at sports. He ran (7) slow / slowly
and lost every race. He was very (8) sad / sadly.
Moses was a very (9) good / well pupil. When he was 15, he made something for an important
science competition (10) who / which won first prize. Moses decided to be a scientist and
studied (11) serious / seriously for many years. Today Moses is famous and he loves his

3 Circle the correct answer. (5 x 2 = 10)

1. Many years ago, women ...... their own 4. We ...... at 6.00.

clothes. a. weren’t eating
a. use to make b. use to eat
b. were making c. didn’t used to eat
c. used to make
5. ...... play computer games when they
2. Dad ...... a new car last week. were young?
a. bought a. Did your parents used to
b. used to buy b. Did your parents use
c. was buying c. Did your parents use to
3. I ...... to my friend when the teacher 6. While I was riding my bike, I
came into the classroom. suddenly ...... .
a. used to talk a. was falling
b. talked b. fell
c. was talking c. used to fall

3 Here We Go! 2 Teacher’s Resource Pack Photocopiable ©

Burlington Books Score ...... / 40

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