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Concerned with:
1. Manipulation of energy for practical purposes
2. Relationship between the properties of matter and its energy content [energy resides in
mater in various forms]
Needs mathematical framework (Newtonian mechanics) and consistent set of units (SI)
Forms of energy
Nuclear – binds protons and neutrons within atomic nuclei
Chemical – binds electrons to nuclei within atoms to each other within molecules
Latient – binds molecules to each other in solids and less strongly in liquids
Sensible/ Thermal – vibrations within atoms and molecules, between molecules in solids,
random motions of individual molecules in liquids and gases

These together constitute internal energy. Write as U (J) if referring to internal energy of
mass (kg) or as u (J/kg) if referring to internal energy power unit mass (specific internal
Also mechanical forms of energy:
Kinetic – possessed by matter by virtue of its mean motion in a particular direction)
m v2 v2
KE= (J), pe= (J/kg)
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Gravitational Potential – possessed by virtue of displacement within a gravitational field
PE=mgz(J), PE ¿ gz(J/kg)
Total energy can be written
m v2 v2
E=U + +mgz (J),e= +gz (J/kg)
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Every physical change involves change of energy levels – either the total energy of a
particular mass or its distribution between the different forms or both.

1st Law of thermodynamics

Energy is neither created nor destroyed – it is just moved around (energy transfer) and is
converted form one form to another (energy conversion)

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