Aluminium Absorptive Noise Barrier: Technical Specification Document

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Technical Specification Document

Part of the A1 Highways Group

3/65 Business Street


Phone: 07 38037279

Contact: Steven Walsh

Phone: 0400 709784


Please note that this document should be read in conjunction with the applicable Australian Standards
Disclaimer: The information presented herein is supplied in good faith and to the best of or knowledge was accurate at the ti me of preparation.
The provision of this information should not be construed as a recommendation to use any of our products in violation of any patent rights or in
breach of any statute or regulation. Users are advised to make their own determination as to the suitability of this information in relation to their
particular purpose or specific circumstances. No responsibility can be accepted by any A1 Highways group of companies or its staff for any loss,
damage caused by persons as a result of misuse of this information.
1. Directory

1. Directory ..............................................................................................................................................................1

2. Summary of the tests to be undertaken – SE11, L = 4960 mm ..............................................................................3

3. Basic principles .....................................................................................................................................................3

4. Instigation ............................................................................................................................................................5

5. Materials ..............................................................................................................................................................5

6. Construction and installation condition of the elements ......................................................................................6

6.1 Construction ............................................................................................................................................7

6.2 Installation conditions ..............................................................................................................................9
6.3 Labelling of the construction (exemplary) ............................................................................................... 10
6.4 Photo documentation – SE Element exemplarily ..................................................................................... 18
7. Load resistance ..................................................................................................................................................19

7.1 Self weight – EN 1794-1, adden B ........................................................................................................... 19

7.2 Max. vertical load an element is able to withstand – EN 1794-1, addendum B......................................... 21
7.3 Maximum normal load 90° (wind loads and static loads) – EN 1794-1, addendum A................................ 25
7.4 Maximum normal load – Loads as a result of snow clearance – EN 1794-1, addendum E ......................... 30
8. Danger of falling debris – EN 1794-2, addendum B .............................................................................................33

9. Release of hazardous substances – EN 1794-2, addendum C ..............................................................................37

10. Resistance against impact of stones – EN 1794-1, addendum C .......................................................................37

11. Addendum A: Example CE-labelling .................................................................................................................41

2. Summary of the tests to be undertaken – SE11, L = 4960 mm

Characteristic Test Procedure Classification Reference Document

Sound absorption EN 1793-1 12 dB Müller-BBM Nr. M82 648/28 2011

Airborne sound insulation EN 1793-2 25 dB Müller-BBM Nr. M82 648/27 2011

Resistance to loads
Self weight
Dry weight 0,15 kN/m2 7.1 self weight
EN 1794-1:2003, addendum B
Reduced wet weight 0,16 kN/m2 7.1 self weight
Max. vertical load EN 1794-1:2003, addendum B 4,3 kN/m 7.2 max. vertical load
Max. normal load (Wind 2,2 kN/m² (GZG)
EN 1794-1:2003, addendum A 7.3 max. normal load 90°
and static loads) 3,5 kN/m² (GZT)
Max. normal load – structural
EN 1794-1:2003, addendum A and B EXC 3 EN1090 certificate
element (upright)
Max. bending moment –
EN 1794-1:2003, addendum E EXC 3 EN1090 certificate
structural element (upright)
Max. normal load
EN 1794-1:2003, addendum E 15 kN/2m x 2m max. normal load - snow
(snow clearance)

Fire resistance against

EN 1794-2:2003, addendum A Class 3 Lt. 129 IBS Stellungnahme 2008
brushwood fire (grass fire)

EN 1794-2:2003, addendum B Class 6

Danger of falling debris 8. falling debris
EN 1794-2:2011, addendum B Class 4

Light reflection EN 1794-2:2003, addendum E NPD -

Release of hazardous
substances EN 1794-2:2003, addendum C 0 ppm 9. release of hazardous substances

Long lasting capability

Acoustic parameter – changing after 5 10 15 20 years

Sound absorption 0 0 0 -1 Lt. Lebensdauer der LSW aus Aluminium

EN 14389-1:2007 (SZA 1996, TGM 2002)
Airborne sound insulation 0 0 0 0

Lt. Lebensdauer der LSW aus Aluminium

Non-acoustical parameter EN 14389-2:2004 Min. 30 years
(SZA 1996, TGM 2002)

Resistance against impact of

stones EN 1794-1:2003, addendum C Fulfilled 10. resistance against impact of stones

Safety in collision EN 1794-1:2003, addendum D NPD -

Environmental protection EN 1794-2, addendum C 0 ppm 9. release of hazardous substances

Means of escape in emergency EN 1794-2:2003, addendum D NPD -

Transparency EN 1794-2:2003, addendum F NPD -

Sound diffraction CEN/TS 1793-4 NPD -

Illustration 1: Synoptical table SE11 in accordance with EN 14388:2008

DI(FH) Andreas Grader DI Gerhard Pölzgutter

Technical Management Management Research Centre
3. Basic principles
This test report is at the basis of following documents which are based on their respective version:

• EN 14388:2008, Road traffic noise reducing devices - Specifications

• prEN 14388:2010 (Draft), Road traffic noise reducing devices - Specifications
• EN 1794-1:2003, Road traffic noise reducing devices – Non-acoustic performance – Part 1:
Mechanical performance and stability requirements
• EN 1794-1:2011, Road traffic noise reducing devices – Non-acoustic performance – Part 1:
Mechanical performance and stability requirements
• EN 1794-2:2003, Road traffic noise reducing devices – Non-acoustic performance – Part 2: General
safety and environmental requirements
• EN 1794-2:2011, Road traffic noise reducing devices – Non-acoustic performance – Part 2: General
safety and environmental requirements
• EN 1793-1:1997, Road traffic noise reducing devices – Test method for determining the acoustic
performance – Part 1: Intrinsic characteristics of sound absorption
• EN 1793-1:2013, Road traffic noise reducing devices – Test method for determining the acoustic
performance – Part 1: Intrinsic characteristics of sound absorption
• EN 1793-2:1997, Road traffic noise reducing devices – Test method for determining the acoustic
performance – Part 2: Intrinsic characteristics of airborne sound insulation under diffuse sound
field conditions
• EN 1793-2:2013, Road traffic noise reducing devices – Test method for determining the acoustic
performance – Part 2: Intrinsic characteristics of airborne sound insulation under diffuse sound
field conditions
• EN 14389-1:2007, Road traffic noise reducing devices – Procedures for assessing long term
performance – Part 1: Acoustical elements
• EN 14389-2:2004, Road traffic noise reducing devices – Procedures for assessing long term
performance – Part 2: Non-acoustical characteristics

In addition to the aforementioned standards the ZTV-LSW 06 and RIL 804.5501 are considered analogously.
4. Instigation

On behalf of the company A1 Highways and ProCiv, the technical basic principle for the noise barrier
elements Type – AP1 and Type AP2 are to be worked out in accordance with the conditions set out in the
Main Roads Technical Standards MRTS15 in conjunction with MRTS50 and MRTS01

5. Materials

Applicable Standard – Australian/ New Zealand Standard

The principal materials to which these specifications apply are aluminium alloys that comply with AS/NZS
1734, AS/NZS 1865, AS/NZS 1866, AS/NZS 1867 and AS/NZS 2848.1.
Materials used in the manufacture of steel posts shall be in accordance with materials referenced in AS
4100 or AS/NZS 4600.
All fabrication shall be in accordance with the requirements of MRTS78 Fabrication of Structural
Steelwork. All mild steel components shall be hot–dipped galvanised after fabrication in accordance with
the requirements of AS/NZS 4680.

The noise barrier element Type-Sx1x and Sx2x consists of the following materials:

Surface: Powder-coated or natural aluminium

Extruded section: Aluminium EN AW-6060; EN AW-6063 or equivalent
Sheet metal: Aluminium EN AW-3004; EN AW-3105 or equivalent
Side cover: Aluminium EN AW-5754 or equivalent
Fastener: Pan head rivet aluminium
Sealing: EPDM-round cord sealing (piping profile D10)
Sound-insulating material: Rock wool insulating wall panel DP-10 (depending on type)
Powder coating material: Polyester plastics powder
Sealing profile: Aluminium EN AW 6060 respectively EN AL 6063 with EPDM-round cord

Absorptive Type Fences

The following properties shall apply to the panels of absorptive type noise fences –
a) the Sound Transmission Class shall not be less than 30;
b) the minimum Coefficient of Absorption shall be as stated in Table; and
c) the absorptive face shall be on the traffic side of the barrier, unless otherwise stated.
Table – Coefficient of Absorption
Sound Frequency (Hz) Coefficient of Absorption

125 0.5

250 0.8

500 0.9

1,000 0.9

2,000 0.7

4,000 0.6

6. Construction and installation condition of the elements

Applicable Standard – Australian/ New Zealand Standard

Construction activities shall be carried in accordance with the provisions of the Contractor’s Quality
System which shall comply with the requirements of AS/NZS ISO 9001 (Quality Management Systems –
Requirements). The quality planning for the project shall be documented in a project specific quality plan.

Preliminary mark:
During preliminary tests it was asserted that different punching patterns (see illustration 7) do not
influence the test result. Based on that experience this report does not go into detail with all different

Declaration of type Sxxx:

1 Digit: S – aluminium element
2 Digit: E – one sided highly absorbing
B – double sided highly absorbing
H – one sided highly absorbing with upgraded sound insulation
R – reflecting
3 Digit: 1 – sheet metal thickness 1.25 mm
2 – sheet metal thickness 1.50 mm
4 Digit: 1 – upright type HE-160
2 – upright type HE-180
3 – upright type HE-200
4 – upright type HE-220

6.1 Construction

The elements consist in each case of one top- and bottom chord extruded section on which double-sided
beaded sheets of aluminium riveted on. The elements are closed on both sides with side covers made of
deep-drawn aluminium.

The cross section of the element structures is as follows (exemplary for Type SE11):

• Perforated aluminium sheet: Beading depth approx. 4 mm; s = 1,25 mm (1,50 mm); punching pattern
6 or 12 mm; powder-coated
• Hollow space of air (approx. 15 mm) with punctual spacers made of plastic (spacing nails)
• Mineral fibre insulation (approx. 40 mm), Heralan DP 10 with glass mat lamination (on the side of
the perforated sheet)
• Hollow space of air (approx. 65 mm)
• Perforated aluminium sheet: Beading depth approx. 4 mm; s = 1,25 mm (1,50 mm); powder coated
The tested elements were taken from the serial production of the company Forster Metallbau, An der Bahn
3, 3352 St. Peter, April 2013.

Illustration of noise barrier panel.

Illustration of installed product showing concrete base.

6.2 Installation conditions

The elements are used for free standing noise barrier walls and the manufactured standard lengths are
1960, 2460, 2960, 3960 und 4960 mm. Maximum height of the elements is 500 mm with a width of approx.
122 mm. Elements with absorbing sides have perforated front panels (if double sided also the back panels).
Approximate percentage of perforation 26 – 32%.
Depending on the statical requirements the elements are installed between steel uprights type HE-160
(optional 180, 200, 220). The steel uprights and their foundation are not part of this test report. The sealing
against acoustic noise between the elements is achieved with a form-locked tongue and groove joint
between the top- and bottom chord.
The elements are used worldwide for noise barrier on roads and railways as well as in private building area.
The installation of the elements is normally carried out manually but for higher walls a hoisting platform
or a crane is used.
The Type-Sx1x and Sx2x elements are basically maintenance free. In dependence on the guidelines and
regulations of the Road Constitution (RVS) 13.03.71 “Monitoring, checking and testing of civil engineering
works – noise barrier constructions” an ongoing inspection is requested, which is executed in accordance
with the maintenance instructions for aluminium elements of the company Forster
Metallbau GmbH

Illustration 2: Installation in a steel upright

6.3 Labelling of the construction (exemplary)
Illustration 3: SE Element – one sided highly absorbing

Illustration 4: SB Element – double sided highly absorbing

Illustration 5: SH Element – one sided highly absorbing with upgraded sound insulation
Illustration 6: SR Element – reflecting
Noise Barrier Element – One Sided Highly Absorbing
Noise Barrier Element – Double Sided Highly Absorbing
Noise Barrier Element – Reflective
Illustration 7: Pattern of perforation
6.4 Photo documentation – SE Element exemplarily

Illustration 8: Construction SE Element Illustration 9: Options with perforation

Illustration 10: Side cover Illustration 11: Inside construction

Illustration 12: Practical road usage Illustration 13: Practical railway usage
7. Load resistance
Applicable Standard – Australian/ New Zealand Standard
AS 1170 deals with minimum design loads on structures (also known as the SAA Loading Code)

Loading: The loads on the structure shall be in accordance with the applicable parts of AS 1170.

Load Combinations and Load Factors: The required forces, moments and stresses for the applicable loads
shall be determined by structural analysis for the load combinations as indicated in AS 1170.1.
A factor of 1.25 shall be applied to dead load for ultimate load combinations

Wind Loading: Design loads on noise fences shall be in accordance with AS/NZS 1170.2

Where noise fences are within 4 metres of the road edge line, the design shall include an additional load
of 0.65 kPa representing dynamic suction imposed by moving vehicles for serviceability wind. For noise
fences greater than 4.0 m high, the suction load shall only be applied to the lower 4.0 m.
Attention is drawn to the specific requirements of Table D2 of AS/NZS 1170.2 for end panels (i.e. 0 to 2h)
and internal panels.

7.1 Self weight – EN 1794-1, addendum B

In accordance to aforementioned standard is the weight determined in a dry and wet condition (= reduced
wet weight). The weight of the element in dry condition is determined with a calibrated scale.
Subsequently the element is dipped for 24 hours into a water basin. Once the water is gone after 24 hours
the element in fitting position is put onto the scale and after a maximum of 10 minutes of water draining
the weight is determined (covering all types of the Type-Sx1x and Sx2x series)

The self-weight determined with the scale is as follows:

• Element dimensions: L = 4960mm, H = 500 mm, W = 122 mm
• Dry weight (SE): 0,36 kN/Element (37 kg) = 0,145 kN/m²
• Wet weight respectively reduced wet weight (SE): 0,40 kN/Element (41 kg) = 0,161 kN/m²

Conversion table of the elements:

Type SE 1x SB 1x SH 1x SR 1x
2 2 2
Dry 0,15 kN/m 0,28 kN/m 0,30 kN/m 0,13 kN/m2
Wet 0,16 kN/m2 0,31 kN/m2 0,33 kN/m2 0,14 kN/m2
Note: Due to the construction of the elements it can be assumed that no water can run down from the
elements installed in the upper part into subjacent elements. Also no water will be dammed up in load-
bearing construction parts. For elements of the Type Sx2x (1.50mm sheet metal) the weight can be
determined by simply multiplying the shown weight in the table by the factor 1.2.

Photo documentation

Illustration 14: Test setup self weight Illustration 15: Dipping

Illustration 16: Water draining 10 min. Illustration 17: Weighing procedure

7.2 Max. vertical load an element is able to withstand – EN 1794-1, addendum B

Loading of the noise barrier elements due to their net weight. The elements have to carry their net weight
in wet condition respectively the reduced weight and also the weight of the above installed elements in
wet condition without showing any failing. The following general criteria have to be met:

Local torsion instability: The horizontal deflection (dhmax) in millimetres may not exceed

dhmax = hae/50 (hae = height of element).

500/50= 10 mm

Vertical deflection: The deflection (dvmax) in millimetres for elements which are properly mounted in their
ordinary usage may not exceed

dvmax = L/400 (L = length of element).

4960∕400 = 12,4 mm

Evaluation of the characteristics through testing

• Test setup according to test record and photo documentation
• Reference to standard: EN 1794-1, addendum B
• 2 tested elements

Test result: The maximum vertical load which an element within the common length range can bear (loads
as a result of above installed elements) is 4,3 kN/m.

Test result Mathematical calculation

4960 mm 3960 mm 2960 mm 2460 mm 1960 mm

4,3 kN/m 4,3 kN/m* 4,3 kN/m* 4,3 kN/m* 4,3 kN/m*
*Manufacturer restriction

Note: The acceptable value applies for all element types covered by this report. For wall elements with bay
length shorter than 4960mm – which are by the way identical from a constructions point
of view – the rated values of the resistances may be increased if necessary at the ratio of
“4960/real bay length” (is not applied at this point).

Test reports
Illustration 18: Test report SE11 6er, V03
Illustration 19: Test report SE11 12er, V04
Photo documentation

Illustration 20: Test setup “vertical“ Illustration 21: Loading

Illustration 22: Measuring Illustration 23: Loading level 2

Illustration 24: Loading level 4 Illustration 25: Maximum loading

7.3 Maximum normal load 90° (wind loads and static loads) – EN 1794-1, addendum A

The maximum horizontal elastic deformation (dhmax) in millimetres, has to be as a result of the deflection
because of the dimensioning wind load less than:

dhmax = , 50 for LA ≤ 5 m LA = length of element in between their load bearing construction elements

= 124 mm, relevant are 50 mm (ultimate limit state of the fitness for purpose)

For the dimensioning wind load a load factor of s=1,5 is assumed (ultimate limit state of the loading
• the element may not show any signs of failure
• the element may not detach itself from the supporting beams
• the permanent deflection (dhmax), after load removal has to be less than = 9,9 mm
• a permanent displacement caused by deflection of the load bearing construction elements may
not occur

Evaluation of the characteristics through testing

• Test setup according to test record and photo documentation
• Reference to standard: EN 1794-1, addendum A
• 2 test elements (consequential average value)

Test result: After load removal a permanent deflection of ≈ 8 mm (allowed are ≈ 10 mm) was
measured. There are no signs of failure and the element does not get detached from the
supporting beams and therefore the requirements in accordance with the standard 1794-
1, addendum A are met. The maximum normal load (90°) which a 5melement can
withstand is:
- 2,2 kN/m² in the ultimate limit state of the fitness for purpose (GZG)
- 3,5 kN/ m² in the ultimate limit state of the loading capacity (GZT)
SE1x Test result Mathematical calculation

4960 mm 3960 mm 2960 mm 2460 mm 1960 mm

2 2 2
GZG 2,2 kN/m² 3,9 kN/m 4,9 kN/m * 4,9 kN/m * 4,9 kN/m2*
GZT 3,5 kN/m² 4,4 kN/m² 4,9 kN/m²* 4,9 kN/m²* 4,9 kN/m²*
4 4 4 4
Bending stiffness ≈ 280 cm ≈ 210 cm ≈ 145 cm ≈ 135 cm ≈ 130 cm4
SB1x, SH1x

GZG 1,9 kN/m² 3,3 kN/m2 4,2 kN/m2* 4,2 kN/m2* 4,2 kN/m2*
GZT 3,0 kN/m² 3,7 kN/m² 4,2 kN/m2* 4,2 kN/m2* 4,2 kN/m2*
Bending stiffness ≈ 240 cm4 ≈ 180 cm4 ≈ 125 cm4 ≈ 115 cm4 ≈ 110 cm4

GZG 1,7 kN/m² 2,9 kN/m2 3,7 kN/m2* 3,7 kN/m2* 3,7 kN/m2*
GZT 2,6 kN/m² 3,3 kN/m² 3,7 kN/m2* 3,7 kN/m2* 3,7 kN/m2*
Bending stiffness ≈ 210 cm4 ≈ 160 cm4 ≈ 110 cm4 ≈ 100 cm4 ≈ 95 cm4

*Manufacturer restriction

Note: The stiffness of shorter elements is known from earlier tests. For wall elements with bay length
shorter than 4960mm – which are by the way identical from a constructions point of view
– the rated values of the GZT may be increased if necessary at the ratio of “4960/real bay
length”. It is safe to use the shown values within the tables for the elements of the Type

Test reports
Illustration 26: Test report SE11 6er, H02
Illustration 27: Test report SE11 12er, H03

Photo documentation
Illustration 28: Test setup “horizontal“ Illustration 29: Loading with steel plate

Illustration 30: Loading level 1 Illustration 31: Loading level 2

Illustration 32: Loading level 3 Illustration 33: Loading level 4

7.4 Maximum normal load – Loads as a result of snow clearance – EN 1794-1, addendum E

The dynamic load because of snow clearance is simulated by putting bags of sand onto the elements. Due
to the fact that it is easier to carry out test with half of the load on a space of 2 x 1 m and still meet the
normative requirements, 7.5kN on a space of 2 x 1 m are distributed (this corresponds to 15 kN on a space
of 2 x 2 m). Signs of failure like cracks, buckling, permanent deformation or relative movement which could
lead to an opening of the joint between the elements may not appear with this load.

For this test the following load assumptions are used:

• speed of the plough: 60 km/h
• distance from the edge of the cleared space to the noise barrier wall: 4m
• hence a dynamic load of 15 kN on a space of 2 x 2 m is achieved

Evaluation of the characteristics through testing

• Test setup, test conditions and installation conditions according to test record and photo
• Reference to standard: EN 1794-1, addendum E

Test result: The load is distributed on a space of 2 x 1 m in the middle of the element (worst case loading).
There are no relevant deformations, signs of failure, cracks, buckling or relative movement
and therefore the highest requirements in accordance with the standard 1794-1,
addendum E are met. The tested elements therefore correspond to the normal load of 15
kN/2 m x 2 m.
Test reports

Illustration 34: Test report SE 11 6er, S02

Photo documentation

Illustration 35: Fixing snow load Illustration 36: Test setup snow load

Illustration 37: Loading with 75 bags Illustration 38: Measuring distance of joint

Illustration 39: Elements after load removal Illustration 40: Front view after load removal
8. Danger of falling debris – EN 1794-2, addendum B

The test procedure is used to determine the characteristics of the wall construction elements, which are
falling down when knock over during the defined test procedure. A hit with a heavy weight according to
the standard is carried out to the weakest point of the element (middle of the element) and the behaviour
of the reference element during the testing is recorded. The initial start-up body consists of an axially
symmetric steel double cone with a weight of 400kg which is mounted to 2 steel wire ropes. The resulting
initial start-up energy is lead in the respective elements with 6.0 kJ. For evaluation only the wall elements
are taken into consideration, which are falling down because of the first hit.

Evaluation of the characteristics:

• Test setup and initial start-up point according to test records and photo documentation •
Reference to standard: EN 1794-2, addendum B

Test result:
• no loose fragments
• photos following
• video documentation by: Fa. Forster Metallbau GmbH, A-3380 Waidhofen/Ybbs
• elements stay in the fixation
• this results in class 4 according to EN 1794-2:2011, respectively class 6 according to EN 1794-
Test reports

Illustration 41: Test report SE11 – HW01

Illustration 42: Test report SE11 – HW 05
Photo documentation

Illustration 43: Test setup impact to 4960 mm element Illustration 44: Setup 2960 mm

Illustration 45: 4960 mm element after impact

Illustration 46: 2460 mm element after impact

9. Release of hazardous substances – EN 1794-2, addendum C

Illustration 47: Declaration for the release of hazardous substances

10. Resistance against impact of stones – EN 1794-1, addendum C

The test procedure is used for simulating stone-chipping which could be caused by i.e. stones being thrown
from the road surface. A firing pin conforming to standards is hitting the test zone on 3 spots with an
impact energy of 30 Nm. Damages have to be restricted to parts on the outside of the construction as
inside building elements may not be damaged. The firing pin must not break through the outside of the

Evaluation of the characteristics:

• Test setup and initial start-up point according to test records and photo documentation •
Reference to standard: EN 1794-1, addendum C

Test result:
• No cracks or punctures to the outside of the construction are visible. Element surface is absolutely
in good order.
• EN 1794-1, addendum C is fulfilled
Test reports

Illustration 48: Test report stones SE11 12er, 1 HW

Illustration 49: Test report stones SE11 6er, 4.1
Photo documentation

Illustration 50: Test setup stone-chipping Illustration 51: Steel striker

Illustration 52: Impact point after impact Illustration 53: Impact points – total view

Illustration 54: Impact point SE11 6er, detail Illustration 55: Impact point SE11 6er
11. Addendum A: Example CE-labelling

Report no.: 20130531_CE-Typ-S_FOM-HTL_01, Eng.
Forster Metallbau GmbH
Weyrerstr. 135
3340 Waidhofen/Ybbs - Austria
EN 14388:2008
Noise barrier element Type SE 1x*, one sided
highly absorbing
≤ length 4,96m; height 0,5m
Sound absorption DLα 12 dB, group A4
Airborne sound insulation DLR 25 dB, group B3
Dry weight 0,15 kN/m²
Self weigth
Reduced wet weight 0,16 kN/m²
Max. vertical load an element is able to withstand
≥ 4,3 kN/m
Resistance to (loads as a result of the above installed elements)
loads Max normal load (90°) which a noise barrier element is able to
withstand (wind loads and static loads)
Max normal load which a noise barrier element is able to
withstand (dynamic loads as a result of snow clearance) 15 kN/ 2m x 2m

Class 6 (EN 1794-2:2003)

Danger of falling debris
Class 4 (EN 1794-2:2011)
Light reflection NPD
Release of hazardous substances / Environmental protection 0 ppm
Change of the sound
absorption after 5, 10, 15,
20 years
0, 0, 0, -1
Acoustic parameter
Long lasting capability Change of the airborne sound
insulation after 5, 10, 15, 20
0, 0, 0, 0
Non-acoustic parameter Durability min. 30 years
Resistance against impact of stones Fulfilled
Fire resistance against brushwood fire (grass fire) Class 3
Illustration 56: CE-labelling SE1x

*SE 1 1 – upright type HE-160

2 – upright type HE-180
3 – upright type HE-200
Report no.: 20130531_CE-Typ-S_FOM-HTL_01, Eng.
Forster Metallbau GmbH
Weyrerstr. 135
3340 Waidhofen/Ybbs - Austria
EN 14388:2008
Noise barrier element Type SB 1x*,
double sided highly absorbing
≤ length 4,96m; height 0,5m

Sound absorption DLα 12 dB, group A4

Airborne sound insulation DLR 29 dB, group B3
Dry weight 0,28 kN/m²
Self weigth
Reduced wet weight 0,31 kN/m²
Max. vertical load an element is able to withstand
≥ 4,3 kN/m
Resistance (loads as a result of the above installed elements)
to loads Max normal load (90°) which a noise barrier element is
able to withstand (wind loads and static loads)
Max normal load which a noise barrier element is able to
withstand (dynamic loads as a result of snow clearance) 15 kN/ 2m x 2m

Class 6 (EN 1794-2:2003)

Danger of falling debris
Class 4 (EN 1794-2:2011)
Light reflection NPD

Release of hazardous substances / Environmental protection 0 ppm

Change of the acoustic
absorption after 5, 10,
15, 20 years
Acoustic parameter 0, 0, 0, -1
Long lasting capability Change of the noise protection
after 5, 10, 15, 20 years
0, 0, 0, 0
Non-acoustic parameter Durability min. 30 years
Resistance against impact of stones Fulfilled
Fire resistance against brushwood fire (grass fire) Class 3
Illustration 57: CE-labelling SB1x

*SB 1

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Report no.: 20130531_CE-Typ-S_FOM-HTL_01, Eng.
Forster Metallbau GmbH
Weyrerstr. 135
3340 Waidhofen/Ybbs - Austria
EN 14388:2008
Noise barrier element Type SH 1x*,
one sided highly absorbing with upgraded sound insulation
≤ length 4,96m; height 0,5m
Sound absorption DLα 12 dB, group A4
Airborne sound insulation DLR 30 dB, group B3
Dry weight 0,30 kN/m²
Self weight
Reduced wet weight 0,33 kN/m²
Max. vertical load an element is able to withstand
≥ 4,3 kN/m
Resistance (loads as a result of the above installed elements)
to loads Max normal load (90°) which a noise barrier element is
able to withstand (wind loads and static loads)
Max normal load which a noise barrier element is able to
withstand (dynamic loads as a result of snow clearance) 15 kN/ 2m x 2m

Class 6 (EN 1794-2:2003)

Danger of folling debris
Class 4 (EN 1794-2:2011)
Light reflection NPD

Release of hazardous substances / Environmental protection 0 ppm

Change of the acoustic
absorption after 5, 10,
15, 20 years
Acoustic parameter 0, 0, 0, -1
Long lasting capability Change of the noise protection
after 5, 10, 15, 20 years
0, 0, 0, 0
Non-acoustic parameter Durability min. 30 years
Resistance against impact of stones Fulfilled
Fire resistance against brushwood fire (grass fire) Class 3
Illustration 58: CE-labelling SH1x

*SH 1

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Report no.: 20130531_CE-Typ-S_FOM-HTL_01, Eng.
Forster Metallbau GmbH
Weyrerstr. 135
3340 Waidhofen/Ybbs - Austria
EN 14388:2008
Noise barrier element Type SR 1x*,
≤ length 4,96m; height 0,5m
Sound absorption DLα ---
Airborne sound insulation DLR 25 dB, group B3
Dry weight 0,13 kN/m²
Self weigth
Reduced wet weight 0,14 kN/m²
Max. vertical load an element is able to withstand
≥ 4,3 kN/m
Resistance (loads as a result of the above installed elements)
to loads Max normal load (90°) which a noise barrier element is
able to withstand (wind loads and static loads)
Max normal load which a noise barrier element is able to
withstand (dynamic loads as a result of snow clearance) 15 kN/ 2m x 2m

Class 6 (EN 1794-2:2003)

Danger of falling debris
Class 4 (EN 1794-2:2011)
Light reflection NPD
Release of hazardous substances / Environmental protection 0 ppm


Acoustical parameter
Long lasting capability Change of the noise protection
after 5, 10, 15, 20 years
0, 0, 0, 0
Non-acoustical parameter Durability min. 30 years
Resistance against impact of stones Fulfilled
Fire resistance against brushwood fire (grass fire) Class 3

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