Student's ID: Juan Francisco García Reyes (U1903052S0112)

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Student's ID: Juan Francisco García Reyes (U1903052S0112)

UNIDEG Branch: Apaseo el Grande

Bachelor: Licenciatura en Administración y Desarrollo de


Subject: Lengua Extranjera II

UVEG Teacher: Javier Alberto Urbina Graciano


 I will buy my house in the year 2025.
 I will graduate from university in 2023.
 I will buy my car in 2028.
 I will participate in sporting events in October.
 I will marry my girlfriend in 2030.
 I will visit my parents at the end of the year.
 I will change jobs in 2024.
 I will run in a marathon in 2025.
 I will buy a motorcycle next year.
 I will start a family in 10 years.

 I won't graduate from college until next year.
 We will not form a family until we have economic stability.
 We won't have children for five years.
 I will not visit my parents until the end of the year.
 I won't run until I get back to training.
 I won't buy my car until I get my license.
 I will not quit my job until I have another job offer.
 We will not travel until next year.
 I will not build my house until I have financial stability.
 I won't get married until 2028.

 Humans will be able to fly in 2100.
 Half of the animals will be extinct by the year 2050.
 Living beings will fight for oxygen in 2098.
 Countries will go to war over water in 2070.
 Trees will become scarce in 2040.
 Humans will evolve physically in 2080.
 Humans will have the ability to breathe underwater.
 People will fight for oxygen in 2060.
 Humans will be born with a counting of years of life.
 People will have the ability to teleport.

 There will not be enough water in 2100.
 There will be no trees in 2050.
 Humans will not have limbs.
 People will not have the ability to walk.
 Living things will not exist in 2500.
 We will not have oxygen in 2200.
 People will not have the possibility of starting a family.
 People will not have access to services in 2040.
 People will not be able to leave the house.
 There will be no animals in 2090.

 What will happen to the animals in 2050?
 What will people's lives be like in 2090?
 How will people be physically in the future?
 What will animals be like in the future?
 Will people evolve mentally in 2050?
 What changes will the earth have in 2060?
 Where will humans live in 2100?
 Will life still exist on earth in 2200?
 Where in the universe will humans have to live?
 The planet will have to be restored in the future?

My predictions for the future of humanity is that in 2030 the shortage of natural
resources such as water will begin, with this a war between nations will begin for
this resource, also by the year 2050 50% of the animals will be almost stiff. At the
high temperatures that the planet will suffer, with such high temperatures the
countries will unite to find a way to leave the planet and inhabit another with the
same characteristics. Other of my predictions is that humans could evolve
physically in order to withstand the climatic changes that the planet will suffer, with
this some humans will die since not all will adapt to the new normality, it will no
longer be possible to form large families since lack of resources not everyone will
have access to them. Finally, the oxygen in the earth would begin to reduce
considerably this because, due to the high temperatures, the trees and plants
would dry up and it would no longer be possible to produce oxygen.

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