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Guidance Note

Bridge articulation No. 1.04

Scope Basic principles for good articulation
This Guidance Note gives advice on the selec- A bridge can be articulated in one of a number
tion of the articulation arrangements, the of ways. The following principles should gen-
choice of bearing types and dispositions of erally be followed:
bearings, for bridges where relative movement
(translation and rotation) between the deck and Minimise the number of bearings and joints by
supports is accommodated. Bridges that do the use of continuous spans.
not allow relative movement are known as ‘in- The fewer the number of deck joints, the
tegral bridges’ - they are not covered here. fewer the number of bearings and the less
Movable bridges (bascule, lifting, etc.) are also the opportunity for water to leak through
not covered in this Note. and create potential durability problems.
(The ultimate expression of this principle is
Much of the advice is applicable to railway to use ‘integral bridges’.)
bridges as well as road bridges (unless other-
wise noted), but designers of rail bridges Proportion the spans and detail the superstruc-
should also refer to the particular requirements ture to ensure that uplift does not occur at a
and guidance of the relevant railway authority. bearing under any load combination.

See GN 2.09 for advice on ensuring that bear- Choose an arrangement that provides simple
ings are properly aligned. restraint against longitudinal loads.
Provide longitudinal fixity at only one sup-
General port, unless the supports are flexible enough
Bridges are subjected to a variety of influences to allow sharing of longitudinal loads.
that cause displacement of the bridge deck and
its supports. If these movements are resisted, Provide only one lateral restraint at each sup-
forces will be generated within the structure. port, unless the supports are flexible.
To control the development of restraint forces As well as unequal sharing of reactions, re-
it has become normal practice to place the strained bearings may restrain rotation of
bridge deck on support bearings which allow the beams about their longitudinal axes,
some freedom of relative movement between thus inducing extra forces on the bearings.
the deck and supports. The arrangement of
supports and freedoms of movement is known Anticipate the need during construction for
as the ‘articulation’. temporary lateral restraint of individual girders
Each girder, or pair of braced girders, will
Sources of movement require temporary restraint. Choose the lo-
Sources of movement include: cation of the permanent restraint to facili-
tate the temporary restraint.
- temperature change (uniform and differential)
- shrinkage and creep of concrete
Consider at which end the bridge should be fixed
- dead load deflections/rotations
In highway bridges, take account of the ge-
- traffic load deflections/rotations
ometry and drainage provisions, to minimise
- deflections/rotations due to horizontal loads
the exposure of the major expansion joint to
(braking, traction, skidding, wind loads)
surface water flow. Rail bridges are ideally
- settlement of supports
fixed (subject to abutment capacity) such
- earth pressure on abutment walls
that the beams are in tension under the
- deflections of slender piers
dominant longitudinal force for the prevail-
- vehicular collision
ing direction of traffic.
- seismic effects (not generally in UK)
The design values of movements due to com- Try to choose as the fixed or guided bearings
bined actions are determined in accordance those with the largest minimum vertical loads
with EN 1990. Characteristic values of actions coexistent with the maximum horizontal load.
are given by the various Parts of EN 1991. Guided or fixed bearings with low minimum
Forces on bearings and joints are calculated for vertical loads are likely to require special
the relevant design situations. designs and may be more expensive. Alter-
natively, use a separate guided bearing that
does not carry vertical load.
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Guidance Note

Consider the effect of fabrication tolerances  can the substructure withstand the loads
Consideration should be given to making an transmitted?
allowance for fabrication tolerances in cal-
 do slender piers need to be laterally re-
culating design values of positions and
strained at the top to reduce their effective
translations for the bearings - including sys-
tematic growth/ shrinkage of steelwork -
see GN 5.03, Tolerances on length.  if there is more than one fixed or guided
bearing, is there sufficient flexibility to
Avoid buried movement joints on steel bridges share loads?
(unless spans are very small or there is an inte-  can structure/bearings withstand extra
gral configuration). forces generated (e.g. due to expansion be-
Larger rotations/deflections on steel bridges tween two fixed bearings)?
(compared to concrete bridges) can lead to
early joint failures.  can the structure be fixed at the centre, to
reduce movements at abutments and to
Horizontal restraint balance bearing friction and associated re-
A continuous bridge needs only three horizon- straint forces?
tal restraints to be statically determinate. That  can the structure span laterally between
can be achieved most easily by one longitudi- bearing restraints?
nal restraint and two lateral restraints, which
can be arranged by having a fixed bearing at In addition, full consideration should be given
one end and a laterally restrained bearing at the to enabling erection to commence at the posi-
other. All other bearings can be free. How- tion of longitudinal fixity, thus avoiding the
ever, it is common to provide one guided bear- need to provide temporary fixity and the prob-
ing at each intermediate support to carry ability of having to jack assembled steelwork
transverse loads (the structure is then a con- longitudinally to set the bearings correctly.
tinuous beam in plan as well as in elevation).
In a multi-girder bridge, the fixed and guided In some circumstances, it is desirable to share
bearings would normally be under an inner longitudinal forces between a number of sup-
girder, where there is always a significant co- ports, but without any loads being induced by
existent vertical load. thermal strain. In such cases, shock transmis-
sion units may be used; these can resist sud-
Some designers consider it safer (because of denly applied loads (e.g. braking and traction
greater redundancy) and more economic to as- forces) but provide very little resistance to
sume that longitudinal load can be shared by thermal movements (which occur very slowly).
more than one bearing, even by all the bearings
on a bridge with four or more girders. How- Curved bridges
ever, it should be remembered that fixed or On continuous curved multi-span structures,
guided bearings may allow a movement of up careful consideration must be given to the
to 2 mm (because of clearances in the bear- alignment of the guided bearings, to the con-
ing), and consequently it is probably unwise to sequences on movement at expansion joints
assume equal sharing of horizontal loads. and to lateral forces that may result from the
Also, in some circumstances (such as when constraint of the expansion of the curved con-
the cross section tries to ‘warp’, because the figuration.
rotations in elevation are different for each
girder) opposing reactions can be developed There are three basic alignments that may be
without any externally applied horizontal load. considered:
Similarly, lateral restraint to more than two
 provide guidance such that the deck ex-
(closely spaced) girders would restrain ‘distor-
pands radially in plan from one fixed point
tion’ (different rotations about longitudinal axes
of the girders) and should normally be avoided.  provide guidance such that there is radial
expansion and rigid body rotation in plan
Consider the following in positioning fixed  provide guidance such that the deck moves
bearings: in plan tangentially to the curve of the
structure at each bearing.

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Guidance Note

The first of the above arrangements means contact, but do provide rotational restraint per-
that at the end furthest from the fixed point pendicular to that axis.
the movements are at an angle to axis of the
deck and thus the expansion joint has to ac- When considering use of line rocker bearings to
commodate displacements along its length as provide torsional restraint to main girders the
well as expansion/contraction. If the angle is designer needs to take into account skew an-
large, this may be difficult to achieve. gle and span to width aspect ratio when de-
termining the arrangement of the transverse
The second arrangement overcomes the trans- members of the deck and/or the bracing be-
verse displacement at the expansion joint by tween main girders. Line rockers would not
aligning all the guided bearings to achieve normally be used with deck type bridges em-
movement at the expansion joint along the ploying multi girder or ladder deck type steel-
bridge axis only. As this is achieved by some work systems.
plan rotation, movements at intermediate sup-
ports are neither tangential nor radial, but will Line rockers are often used, particularly in half-
be at some angle in-between and different at through U-frame bridges, to provide torsional
each support. This will complicate definition of restraint to steel beams at their support (see
guided bearing alignment at these supports. A PD 6695-2, EN 1993-2 and EN 1993-1-5).
typical configuration is illustrated in Example 7 However, significant moments can be induced
(Figure 7). on the bearings in such situations and line
rockers should not be used where rotational
The third arrangement effectively guides the restraint (about an axis square to the rocker) is
expansion around the original curvature by effectively provided by other stiff components,
aligning all the guides tangentially to the curve. such as diaphragms. In most cases, there are
This necessarily imposes lateral forces on the three choices:
bearings (particularly those on the end spans at
either end of the deck) and forces plan bending 1. Provide torsional restraint to the main
of the deck. A typical configuration is illus- beams through transverse beams or bracing
trated in Example 8 (Figure 8). and not use line rockers.

If the deck has a varying curvature along its 2. Use line rockers to provide torsional re-
length the third arrangement should be chosen straint and keep the stiffness of members
because it is very difficult to permit free ex- transverse to the beam to a minimum, for
pansion at the same time as providing lateral example deck slab only (do not provide a
restraint (against wind forces etc.) at interme- moment connection between a deeper
diate supports. It would also be appropriate trimmer beam and the main girder). For
where the alignment includes a mixture of small skews, the line rockers can be square
straight and curved lengths, but movements to the beam or parallel to support line.
need to be carefully analysed (an expanding
straight pushing into a tight curve may produce 3. (More often used in half-through railway
high loads on guided bearings). bridges.) Provide line rockers for torsional
restraint and provide transverse beams that
Skew bridges are either pin connected to the main beam
On skew bridges, in general, set the direction or supported on their own bearings. The
of movement of bearings parallel to span, not transverse beams then act as simply sup-
perpendicular to support. ported beams.

On highly skewed bridges, the movement par- For a bridge with significant skew, line rocker
allel to the joint may exceed that perpendicular bearings are usually inadvisable, because the
to the joint. twist deflections caused by the skew can pro-
duce particularly large moments on the bear-
Line rocker bearings ings. However, for very large skew (60 or
Line rocker bearings provide longitudinal and more), line rocker bearings may be required at
transverse restraint to movement; they provide acute corners because it is difficult to provide
no rotational restraint about the axis of the line

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Guidance Note

torsional restraint to those beams by any other Example 2: Two span continuous road bridge
Symbolic representation
It is common practice to indicate symbolically
on drawings the different movements or re-
straints at each bearing. The representation
should follow that of Table 1 of EN 1337-1,
which also indicates bearing type. Examples b)
are shown below. Only the pot bearings are stem
used in the example arrangements; elastomeric
bearings might be used for smaller bridges.
Symbol Type Symbol Type c)
Pot bearing Elastomeric bearing
(movements re- columns
Pot bearing with Elastomeric bear-
uni-directional ing, restrained in Figure 2 Arrangement for example 2
sliding part one direction
Pot bearing with Three alternative arrangements are shown:
sliding part a) can be used if there is no horizontal load on
the pier, other than friction.
Examples of articulation arrangements b) can be used to reduce maximum movement,
Eight examples are presented, each with brief the pier resisting deck longitudinal forces.
comments, illustrating typical arrangements c) can be used if there are slender pier columns
and the use of the symbols. needing restraint, the piers resisting deck longi-
tudinal forces and accommodating transverse
Example 1: Simply supported road bridge expansion forces

Railway bridges are typically single spans of

half-through construction, with two main
Fixed Guided
beams, one at each edge of the deck.
Example 3 Typical single span railway bridge

Figure 1 Arrangement for example 1

The composite deck has multiple steel girders;

only three are indicated, for simplicity.

The fixed and guided bearings are on the same Figure 3 Arrangement for example 3
beam, to avoid problems with alignment of the
guided bearing.
For square span railway bridges, the bearings
under both beams are usually fixed at one end
The fixed and guided bearings are on a centre
of the bridge. The bearings at the other end are
beam to reduce transverse movements, but
guided, to ensure that movement of the bridge
they could be on an outer beam.
is parallel to the tracks. Movements transverse
to the tracks are usually insignificant.

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Guidance Note

Example 4 Typical skewed road or railway ports are usually free at both ends of the
bridge bridge.

Multiple span road bridges involve more exten-

sive articulation arrangements.

Example 6: Multi-span continuous

There are four possible arrangements (see Fig-
Figure 4 Arrangement for example 4 ure 6):
For skew bridges, the usual configuration is for a) may be used if longitudinal loads can be re-
the bearing at one corner to be fixed, the bear- sisted at the abutment
ings at the two adjacent corners guided and - this leads to the largest bearing movements
the other bearing free (see Figure 4). All four (at the far end)
bearings supporting half-through deck type - intermediate guided bearing(s) are needed if
beams should allow for rotation about a longi- the deck cannot span laterally between
tudinal axis (parallel to the main girders), abutments
unless allowance is made in the design for the
b) reduces the maximum movement compared
higher loads on the inner side of the bearings,
to (a)
due to the rotation of the beams under load.
These higher loads are most significant for - a strong pier is required at the fixed bearing
railway bridges. to resist the longitudinal loads.
- the deck acts in plan as a two-span beam.
Example 5 Heavily skewed railway bridge c) If the pier columns are flexible laterally, each
bearing may be guided; if the central columns
are strong enough, they may provide the longi-
tudinal restraint, as in (b).
d) If the central piers are tall and flexible, they
Figure 5 Arrangement for example 5 may share in providing longitudinal restraint.
Note that in (c) and (d) the columns are re-
For heavily skewed railway box girders in ac-
strained transversely at the top by the deck.
cordance with the standard bridge design, ad-
ditional supports may also be provided under
the trimmer girder. The bearings of such sup-

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Guidance Note


Pier stems


Pier stems


Pier columns


Pier columns

Figure 6 Arrangements for example 6

Examples 7, 8 and 9 The second arrangement (shown in Figure 8)

The deck for these three alternative articulation aligns each of the guided bearings at an angle
arrangements is an indicative example of a three-  to the radial line from the fixed bearing, such
span curved bridge with two bearings at each that the movement at the expansion joint is
support. For multi-girder bridges, there would guided to be only in a direction normal to the
usually be four or more bearings at each support. joint. The angle  is the same at all guided
bearings and is the angle between the radial
In the first arrangement, shown in Figure 7, the line from the fixed bearing to the guided bear-
guided bearings are aligned radially from a ing at the expansion joint and the normal to the
fixed bearing at one abutment. This arrange- joint (i.e. to the end of the deck). Expansion
ment has the distinct disadvantage that the and contraction in this arrangement results in
expansion joint (at the opposite end from the rigid body rotation in plan, as well as change in
fixed bearing) must accommodate both normal length.
and transverse displacements.

Figure 7 -Curved deck with radial articulation

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Guidance Note

Figure 8 Curved deck with articulation for normal movements at expansion joint

The third alternative articulation for the curved (because, if free to expand, the radius and cur-
deck is shown in Figure 9. At each pier and at vature would increase/decrease at the same
the abutment remote from the fixed bearing, rate as the change in length). This articulation
the guided direction follows that of the longi- arrangement is very easy to specify and install
tudinal axis of the bridge at that point. Thus (there is less scope for confusion when aligning
the expansion/contraction is forced to follow bearings than in the arrangement in Figure 8
the curve through the guided bearings and in but the constraint results in forces normal to
so doing, the deck is forced to bend in plan the guided direction.

Figure 9 Curved deck with movement guided tangentially to the curve

1. Lee DJ, Bridge bearings and expansion
joints, 2nd edition, E & FN Spon, 1994.
2. Ramberger G., Structural Bearings and Ex-
pansion Joints for Bridges, IABSE Struc-
tural Engineering Documents 6, 2002
3. EN 1990:2002 Eurocode: Basis of struc-
tural design
4. EN 1991: Eurocode 1: Actions on struc-
tures (in numerous Parts)
5. PD 6695-2:2008, Recommendations for
the design of bridges to BS EN 1993
6. EN 1337 Structural bearings (in 11 Parts)

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