Write A Dialogue

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Let’s test your writing skills by starting with this picture.

Write out a short dialogue that will give

your reader a complete idea of what this picture is all about.

One Month after their child passed away.

Father: It has been a month, but I still cannot accept the fact that our son is gone. (Staring at his
son’s favorite food)
Mother: I hope our son is happy wherever he is right now. Every day, I still miss his beautiful
smile and funny jokes. I hope we can get over this. (staring outside and reminiscing her
memories of where her son usually plays with his friends)
Father: Let us help each other get over this and enjoy this meal together which our son always
has enjoyed.
Mother: Okay, let us try to be happy and carry on with our lives. This is probably what our son
will want us to do.
(They eat together while remembering the happy memories wherein their son and they are
laughing in hopes that only the happy memories will remain. It eventually helps them to
slowly overcome the bad memories that happened with their son.)
End of Dialogue

Talactac, Paul Jazztin T.

BSHM 2-1
Effective Writing Exercise No.1

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