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BSc Project Paper in Title of Coffee Picker Robot with Full Implementation October, 2019/2020

Coffee Picker Robot to Jimma Zone

Habtamu Zeleke Biraamo

Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Jimma,

Jimma Institute of Technology, Oromia, Ethiopia.

Address: Wolaita, Ethiopia

simplest robot. The robots can be used to replace human labor i.e.

Abstract farming robots, seeding robots, picking robots and driving robots are
designed replace human labor, consume of time and increase
The goal of this project is to develop coffee picker robot to jimma
automated system. The need of different types of robots design can
zone. Jimma is one of oldest city in Ethiopia. From the nine regional
be aimed to simply pay the work task in each and every work place.
sate in Ethiopia jimma zone is live in Oromiya regional state and it
The robots doing manual work as automated ways also. My robotic
is the coffee country. Ethiopia exported two basic things to the other
vehicle is a coffee picker robot of a considerable power and great
country they are: - coffee and lazier. To have more quality and
coffee picking capacity. The machine wills pick the coffee by
simple pay human labor I am aim this project to pick coffee using
considering particular length of coffee tree and specific place at
fixed distance depending on surrounding of coffee. The robot can be population of 88,867 of whom 43,874 were males and 44,993 were
differentiating the coffee on the color to have picked. The whole females. The town is found in an area of average altitude, of about
process calculation, processing, monitoring are designed by 5400 ft (1780 m) above sea level. It lies in the climatic zone locally
hardware and software materials such as:-Among Hardware material known as Woyna Daga which is considered ideal for agriculture as
Arduino Mega, servo motor*5, DC motor*2, ultrasonic sensor, color well as human settlement.
sensor, motor deriver type L293D. Software applications used to Jimma zone is generally characterized by warm climate with a mean
these projects are Arduino IDE, protus, E-Drawing and others. After annual maximum temperature of 30oc and a mean annual minimum
full implementation the robot can be doing pick the matured coffee temperature of 14oc. The annual rainfall ranges from 1138mm to
otherwise the robot cannot pick. 1690mm. Maximum precipitation occurs during the three months
period, June to August, with minimum rainfall in December and

1. Introduction January. From a climatic point of view, abundant rainfall makes this
region one of the best watered of Ethiopian highland areas,
Jimma is the largest city in south western Ethiopia and it was conducive for agricultural production.
located 335km by road southwest of Addis Ababa. Its geographical In jimma zone there are seventy woredas totally that are: - Agaro,
coordinates are Located in the Jimma Zone of the Oromia Region, sokoru, Sarbo, Saqqā, Suntu, Yebou and Dedo etc
this city has a latitude and longitude of 7°40′N 36°50′E / 7.667°N In geological terms, the town is underlain by volcanic rocks of
36.833°E / 7.667; 36.833. It was the capital of Kaffa Province until Tertiary age, which seem to be mostly basalt in the vicinity of
the province was dissolved. Based on figures from the Central Jimma. On the lower gentle slopes, tuffs and/or weathered lava are
Statistical Agency in 2005, this town has an estimated total predominant and red and thick soils are in evidence.
population of 159,009 of whom 80,897 were males and 78,112 were Jimma was one of the most trading countries in Ethiopia that I have
females. According to the 1994 national census, it had a population seen on the first topic and the country product attracted a growing
of 88,867 people. The 1994 census reported this town had a total number of merchants from Addis Ababa, Waliso, Walqite, Agaro,

Bonga, Dedo, Saqqa, Sakoru, Mizan Tafari etc. Various Now the robots can be classified into different categories depending
manufactured items like soaps, cigarettes, cups, glasses, mirror, on their function and the market needs, human being needs and their
sugar, soft drinks, alcoholic drinks etc. were brought from the work they are designed for. In this section I have identify two major
capital. The main local products such as coffee, vegetables, cattle, classes of robots, which are industrial robots and service robots.
hides and skins, musk, honey and wax etc. were also bought in from According to the Robotic Industries Association, an industrial robot
the surrounding countryside is an automatically controlled, the whole part of the industry
automatically. That means reprogrammable, multipurpose
1.1 Background Study of the Project
manipulator programmable in three or more axes which may be
Agriculture is the backbone of Ethiopia. The robotics plays a major either fixed in place or mobile for use in industrial automation
role in various fields such as industrial, medical, military applications. The first industrial robot, manufactured by Unmated,
applications, service etc., the robotics field are gradually increasing was installed by General Motors in 1961 that I’m read on reference
its productivity in agriculture field. Some of the major problems in to have doing this. The service robots are used to more human labor
the Ethiopia agricultural are rising of input costs, availability of on the field. These robots are used farming, picking, seeding,
skilled labors, lack of water resources and crop monitoring. To harvesting and etc.
overcome these problems, the automation technologies were used in In the current generation most of the countries do not have sufficient
agriculture. The automation in the agriculture could help farmers to skilled man power specifically in agricultural sector and it affects
reduce their efforts. The robots are being developed for the the growth of developing countries. So it’s a time to automate the
processes such as fruit picking, monitoring, irrigation, etc.; all of sector to overcome this problem. In Ethiopia that I listened from
these functions have not yet performed using a single robot but to federal agricultural ministry there are 73% people dependent on
have doing some part of work I have differentiate their work and the agriculture. So I need to study agriculture. Innovative idea of my
robot. project is to automate the process of pick the coffee. My project can
be doing on coffee picker robot. This robot can be used to increase

the country economy in the globalization world, increases the 1.2 Objectives
quality of the country export and reduce human labor. The robot can
be pick the coffee in the specific distance of coffee tree and pick the The general objective of the study is to design, develop and

coffee which is matured or not that it can differentiate with the color. implement a “Coffee Picker Robot to Jimma Zone”. Specifically it

The sensor of the robot can be especially role to move the robot to seeks to answer the following objectives:

select the matured coffee.

1. To profile the current status of Coffee Farms in Jimma zone
To pick the coffee is automatically done by using dc motor. When
in terms of:
the robot reaches the end of the pick the sensor of the robot can
a. Location
change the direction and go to the matured coffee. The whole
b. Coffee planting procedure
process is controlled by microcontroller. In the previous farmer life,
2. To assess the problem encountered by coffee farmers during
when the picking is done by human labor. But it requires more time
harvest in terms of:
& the man power shortage is faced continuously. The main
a. Labor
requirement of automation is to reduce man power in our country,
b. Time Consumption
increases the quality of coffee on the market and exporting good
c. Coffee Exportation
coffee to other country; the buzzword in all industrial firms
d. Government Support
generally involves electrical, electronic component as well as
3. To specify the requirements of the System in terms of:
mechanical part. Automation saves a lot of tedious manual work and
a. Business Requirements
speeds up the production processes.
b. Functional Requirements
c. Non Functional Requirements
d. Implementation Requirements
e. Hardware Requirements

f. Software Requirements 1.3. Feasibility
4. To design the system in terms of:
a. Hardware To do and implement my project first I study an evaluations and

 Mechanical Structure of the Robot analysis of the potential of the coffee picker robot. I have evaluated

 Distance of the Sensors and Actuators from each and analysis according to three aspects, those are economical,

other for the robot to freely move in picking a technical and operational area. And also I have to analysis Risk that

coffee fruit. is involved to implement the project. This is the major activity for

b. Software the project and could potentially be a large undertaking. The

 Algorithm to identify a coffee fruit for picking or following are major feasibly concerns for my project.

not 1.3.1 Technical feasibility

 Algorithm to move the motors based on specific
From the technical point of view I have full of technical resource
like computer, software and hardware material such as Arduino,
o When a tree is identified to have a lot of
ultrasonic sensor, color sensor, servo motor and others. I have also
coffee fruit ready to be picked.
knowledge that is capable of designing the full system. So the robot
o The movement of the robot picking one
is feasible technically.
fruit after the other
 Algorithm to trigger sensors for the Robot 1.3.2 Operational feasibility
The robots that I’m going to develop are flexible and expendable’s
5. To develop the Semi- Automated Coffee Picker Robot to
from operational point of view. The robot is user friendly because it
Jimma Zone
contains the user manual. So any farmers that have coffee owner buy
6. To test the acceptability of the system
the coffee picker robot by easy cost and use it. Therefore does not

need skilled guys that monitor the robot to operate it. From this 2. Methodology
point of view the coffee picker robot is operationally feasible.
2.1 Methodology of the project
1.3.3 Economic feasibility
To develop my project I use very easy and cheap material that I have A methodology in engineering is a framework that is used to
access easily. So to manufacture by low cost and deliver to the structure, plan, and control the process of developing an information
customer by cheap cost that any customer can buy. After developing system, Design, workflow and others. Methodology is a formalized
this robot, it has its own benefit for the jimma zone coffee owner approach to implement System Development Life Cycle. There are
farmer and country economy that get form coffee exports. The different types SDLC or software development life cycle. Among
coffee owner farmers collect the mature coffee fruit easily in short these different types I have selected RAD model to work the coffee
period of time. So it saves labor and money that the farmer picker robot. In My project I use Rapid application development
expenditure for picking mature coffee fruit. And also have so many (RAD) model technique for every necessary step. RAD methods
purposes in the country economy that means the robot pick the well take iterative ideas to the extreme. Instead of using iterations lasting
matured one rather than un-matured fruit. Due to this the country a year or two, their iterations last a month, a week, or even less.
exports has good quality and sells by the highest cost and get more Some RAD techniques also apply iteration to everything, not just to
money. At that time globalizations increase from the previous. From programming. It is more important than the other type of models. It
this point of view the robot feasible economically. applies iteration to requirement gathering, requirement validation,
and design.


 More accurate requirements.

 The ability to track changing requirements.

 Frequent customer feedback and involvement. Basic phases of RAD
 Reduced development time.

 Encourages code reuse.

 Possible early releases with limited functionality

 Constant testing promotes high‐quality code and

eases integration issues.

 Risk mitigation.

 Greater chance of success.

Disadvantages are:
 Reusable components are required to reduce development
 Not an appropriate model in the absence of user
Figure 2.1: Basic phases of RAD

2.2 Overall Block Diagram Color sensor
Color sensor is a sensor which the light sensor works by shining a
The block diagram describes the overall processing of the project. In white light at an object and then recording the reflected color
any project there is a block diagram, this means to have implement a through red, green and blue color filters the photodiode converts the
project I must design a block diagram to that project. amount of light to current. The converter converts current to voltage
which arduino can read. In the above diagram sensor works to have
select the maturity of the coffee fruit. The robot arm stands to coffee
tree and the color sensor sense that which fruit is matured to have
pick. The fruit is un-matured the sensor cannot sense. In the code I
was given that the fruit is more than 80% red the color sensor can be
sense it.
Ultrasonic Sensor
Ultrasonic sensors emit short, high-frequency sound pulses at
regular intervals. If they strike an object, then they are reflected back
as echo signals to the sensor, which itself computes the distance to
the target based on the time-span between emitting the signal and
Figure 2.2: Overall Block Diagram receiving the echo. The distance can be measured on the ultrasonic
Working Principal sensor to the movement. The ultrasonic sensor measure the distance
and the dc motors start to move. Again the ultrasonic sensor has
To understand the above Block diagram, I have written the overall
used to rotate servo motor in my project. After measuring distance
working principal to the diagram. The following objectives are the
the robot go to coffee tree and this sensor stop automatically the dc
working principal of the circuit or block diagram
motor. After dc motor it starts the servo motor part to coffee fruit.

From base up to gripper the ultrasonic sensor have main role in this arduino and the DC motor and servo motor connected with the
project. deriver
Arduino Mega
Servo Motor
Arduino Mega is like the UNO's big brother. It has lots (54!) of
Servo motor works on PWM (Pulse width modulation) principle
digital input/output pins (14 can be used as PWM outputs), 16
means its angle of rotation is controlled by the duration of applied
analog inputs, a USB connection, a power jack, and a reset button.
pulse to its Control PIN. Basically servo motor is made up of DC
Arduino is the back bone to all other, because all the others
motor which is controlled by a variable resistor (potentiometer) and
connection integrated with the arduino. The color sensor and
some gears. In this project servo motor has main role on the robot
ultrasonic sensor can be connected with the arduino first, when the
arm and gripper. Ultrasonic sensor gives the command to servo
color sensor senses the maturity and the ultrasonic sensor move the
motor and the servo motor start rotation. The servo motor rotates
robot by measuring distance. After the distance measuring the
360 degree in the arm part. The color sensor differentiates the
ultrasonic sensor again stop and the arm stand to coffee tree. The
maturity the servo motor rotate the arms to the coffee fruit to have
color sensor takes action to the select matured coffee fruit. This all
process can be done on the arduino, again the code can be write on
the app and arduino board to process DC Motor
DC Motor: - The working of DC motor is based on the principle
Motor Deriver
that when a current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field,
Motor Deriver: - I have used L293D type motor deriver to IC works
it experiences a mechanical force. The direction of the mechanical
on the basic principle of H-bridge; this motor control circuit allows
force is given by Fleming's Left-hand Rule. Know in this part when
the voltage to be following in any direction. As I had known that the
the ultrasonic sensor takes the distance and the dc motors are
voltage must be change the direction of being able to rotate the DC
starting the movement. The DC motors depending on the ultrasonic
motor in both the directions. The motor deriver connected with
sensor at the time of picking. While developing the project starts

from the documentation to the implementation I use the following Software Materials
No Material Price per unit
2.3 Material Specification and Cost Estimation
1 Arduino IDE Free
Hardware Materials
3 Solid work Free
Roll Material Type Cost in
4 Edraw max Free
Total 00.00 Birr
1. Arduino Mega 750
3. Servo Motor*5 150*5 Table2.2: Software cost in the project
4. DC Motor*2 150*2
5. Ultrasonic Sensor*2 150*2 3. DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS
7. Motor Driver type L293D 600
3.1 Profile of Coffee Farms in Jimma Zone
8. Jumper Wire 200
9. Metal, wood, plastic, plaster, glue and 420 3.1.1 Location
10. Total cost ETB 3320 Jimma is located 335km by road southwest of Addis Ababa. Its
geographical coordinates are Located in the Jimma Zone of the
Oromia Region, this zone has a latitude and longitude of 7°40′N
Table2.1 Hardware Cost to the project 36°50′E / 7.667°N 36.833°E / 7.667; 36.833. It was the capital of
Kaffa Province until the province was dissolved. Based on figures
from the Central Statistical Agency in 2005, the town of jimma has
an estimated total population of 159,009 of whom 80,897 were

males and 78,112 were females. According to the 1994 national region one of the best watered of Ethiopian highland areas,
census, it had a population of 88,867 people. The 1994 census conducive for agricultural production.
reported this town had a total population of 88,867 of whom 43,874
3.1.2 Coffee planting procedure
were males and 44,993 were females. The town is found in an area
of average altitude, of about 5400 ft (1780 m) above sea level. It I gathered data from the federal, zone and kebele agricultural
lies in the climatic zone locally known as Woyna Daga which is minster to have known the procedure of coffee planting. Depending
considered ideal for agriculture as well as human settlement. on this data I have shown the steps to plantings. These steps are

The jimma town lies on a low hill on the left side of the wide
i. Acquisition of quality planting materials
alluvial plain of the river Gibe, an affluent of the Omo River. It is
o At the right age (should have 6-8 pairs of leaves; more or
crossed by two small streams, the Aweyitu and the Kitto, which
less 1 year in the nursery from the time it was sown)
subsequently join the Gibe via the Gilgal (small) Gibe.
o Hardened (placed under the sun 1 – 2 months before planting
Topographically it exhibits features of the upper part of the Gibe-
in the field)
Omo River basin, made up of gentle slopping hills. Some of the
o Suited to the right elevation:
hills, like Ghincio and Male located to the north of the town, are
ii. Land preparation
important sources of water supply for the town.
o The land should be cleared by removing weeds and
Jimma zone is generally characterized by warm climate with a mean
unnecessary trees that cannot be used as shade.
annual maximum temperature of 30oc and a mean annual minimum
o Newly opened area for planting should be intensively
temperature of 14oc. The annual rainfall ranges from 1138mm to
1690mm. Maximum precipitation occurs during the three months
iii. Field lay outing
period, June to August, with minimum rainfall in December and
o The layout of the field should be prepared following the
January. From a climatic point of view, abundant rainfall makes this
recommended planting distances:– 2m x 2m (mono

cropping); 2m x 3m or 2m by 5m if vegetables will be Coffee plants should be mulched with a rice straw or other
intercropped appropriate material to maintain the moisture of the soil.
iv. Holing/hole preparation vii. Fertilization
o The hole should be dug at least 60cm x 60cm to provide a The soil should be fertilized by basal application using the
good room for root development. following recommended nutrient composition:
o The holes should be backfilled with top soil and add
compost. 3.2 Design of the Coffee Picker Robot to Jimma Zone
o Ideally, the holes should be left for two months before
planting. This allows the nutrients to be available for the new
tree. 3.2.2 Mechanical Structure of the Robot
v. Transplanting of seedlings
Generally there are two type of mechanical structure of the robot.
o Planting of coffee seedlings should be done during the
cloudy days, in June through August, during the wet season. Mechanical structure of Arm part of robot
Avoid planting seedlings when the conditions are windy or
Mainly the robot arm contains four parts. Those are base, elbow,
hot and dry or during the hottest time of the day.
wrist and gripper used to hold the picker and place part of the robot.
o Before planting, the trees should be thoroughly watered in
The base part of the arm rotates 360 degree and also carries the all
the bags.
part of arm. It has higher carry capacity (force) rather than other. At
o The plastic bag should be removed when planting.
the elbow part the arm rotate 60 degree up to 270 degree and carry
o The seedling should be placed upright in the hole. Do not
the remaining part of arm. The wrist parts of the arm rotate 90
plant at an angle.
degree up to 300 degree and carry gripper part of the arm. The
o The soil should be firmly pressed with your feet.
mechanisms of robot arm gripper can be classified into some ways.
vi. Mulching

The style of finger movement is the first ways. The closing and
opening gripper can be actuated by either pivoting, or linear or
translational movement. The purpose of mechanical gripper of robot
arm is for grasping an object with its mechanically operated finger.
It is used as end effectors in a robot arm. Normally in industries, two
fingers for a gripper are already enough to hold a material. But, for
these project more than two fingers are also can be used. This part
includes not only the gripper of the robot also it includes overall
robot arm design. The role of picking can be focus on the gripper,
mini servo motor can be attached with the gripper and it can be
rotate the gripper as simply. The following points are the basic part
on the arm design that is: -

Calculations to the Arm

During the design analysis stage I was carried out a number of

calculations to specify the motors. These calculations were based on
simple kinematics as well as the following assumptions:

 The weight that each segment of the arm experiences is

located along the center axis.

 The load’s weight is evenly distributed around the center.
 The length of each segment is determined from one center
point to the next.
 The size of coffee fruit is very small so the gripper length
and width is designed on the fruit size.
 The coffee tree planted horizontal and vertical 2m distance;
the robot can be designed horizontal and vertical length 1m.
 The maximum height of coffee tree is 4m after that it can be
damaged. The robot arm can be designed the same height of
coffee tree.
 The weight of each joint is determined by choosing a
Figure 3.1: Force and moment Diagram
standard sized motor that might be used.
Force acting at c
The calculations considered the weight of the motors, about 9 grams, ΣFy= (L+Wgrip+Dm+Wc+Cm)g-Cc=0
except for the weight of motor at joint B, since it is carried out by
Force acting at b
link BA.

Force acting at a

ΣFy=(L+Wgrip+Dm+Wc+Cm+Wb+bm+Wa)g -Ca=0

Moment at point at c


Moment at point at b using Arduino as the ‘brain’ of the controller. This servo motor
controller board will be used in controlling the robot arm by means
of controlling five servos via a serial connection to a personal
Wc(Lbc+Lcd/2)- Cm(Lbc)Wb(Lbc/2)+Mb=0
computer (PC).
Moment at point at a
Robot Arm Inverse Kinematics
To validate the right positioning of the robotic arm, inverse
kinematics calculations are carried out. Such calculations used to
Wb(Lab+Lbc/2) –Bm(Lab)-Wa(Lab/2)+Ma=0
obtain the angle of each motor from a position given are by using
Once the initial dimensions for the robot arm and the motor were the Cartesian coordinate sys- tem, as shown in Figure. Each motor
defined, the design was carried out using the Edraw Max platform. will have a specific function: the motor located in the A union
By end of design in edraw max, each part was implemented in full in positions the final element in the y axis, the motors B and C
robot design. In turn, I built the first prototype of the robot arm. positions the final element in the x and z axis.
Next, parts of the robot arm were gripper parts to pick and hold
The problem was simplified by using the XZ plane, as shown in
down. The detailing on the parts was done in a professional
Figure. In which the following known values were defined [9]:
workshop since the parts of robot arm were too small and it is not an
easy for accomplishing such small and accurate cuts. During LAB: the forearm length.
assembling the robot parts with the motors, few problems pop up.
LBC: the arm length.
As for the gripper, the parts are tightened with enough force to allow
the pieces to move freely without friction and unwanted sound but Z: the position in the z axis.

enough to hold the parts in place. The final step is to mount the X: the position in the x axis.
gripper to the wrist. A servo motor controller board is constructed
Y: the position in the y axis.
Using trigonometry relations, as shown in Figure, the motor angles The motor B is going to use θ1 and the motor C is going to use θ2.
θ2 and θ1 are obtained, as seen in below two Equations The angle for the motor A is calculated as seen in θ0 equation. With
these calculations, the angles of servomotors are obtained and in
θ2 =180̊-arcCos((LAB2+LBC2-x2-z2)/(2*LAB*LBC))
turn they take the action to move the whole structure to the specific
θ1 =arcTan(z/x)+arcCos((LAB2-LBC2+x2+z2)/(2*LAB* (x2+ position.
Mechanical structure of base part of robot
θ0= arc Tan(y/x) (15)
The base part of the robot contain two brushless dc motor and gear
that attach to the dc motor used to carry the entire base part and the
robot arm and it also contain a catena that join the two series gear
that moving together to the needed direction. It also carries the main
microcontroller Arduino, motor driver and breadboard that used to
connecting different kind of materials. The base carry the entire part
of the robot and moving different direction as needed the robot as it
wanted. That means instruct by the integration of color sensor,
ultrasonic sensor and actuator. It can move forward, backward, left
and right. The moving part as shown figure below used for moving
any background of earth structure that doesn’t get obstacle.

Figure 3.2: XZ plane for the Robotic Arm

Figure 3.3: Mechanical structure to base

3.3 Use case Diagram to the project

Use case diagram used to show the work task for each actor. In this
part there are three actors; that are: - coffee owners, sensors and
actuators. Coffee owner: - it moves the robot using the program
load to hardware and takes the robot after finishing the picking. The
next it is user of robot. Sensor: - there are two types of sensor; Figure 3.4: Use Case Diagram of the Project
ultrasonic and color sensor. As together the ultrasonic sensor
measuring the distance to the movements of robot and color sensor
detect the maturity of the fruit. The third actor is actuators; the
movement of base part and all the arm part depending on these

3.4 Work flow Diagram of my project 3.5. Proteus Simulation

3.5.1 Simulation part of coffee picker robot

Figure 3.6: Proteus design to project

For the simulation purpose I had to use as above Arduino mega
2560 used for controlling of the entire system, color sensor for
visualization and identifying the maturity of coffee bean, four servo
motor used for the movement of the arm depend on ultrasonic sensor,
two dc motor used for moving the entire robot, ultrasonic sensor
used for measuring distance and give instruction for the servo motor
Figure 3.5: Workflow Diagram to coffee picker robot and the dc motor to move, motor driver l293d used for controlling

dc and servo motor, this only used for simulation purpose due to give instruction for servo motor to have rotate the movement of the
varying the signal of ultrasonic potentiometer and virtual terminal arm and the dc motor to move the robot until reach the mature
only used for displaying purpose. coffee bean; after that servo motor approach to the mature coffee
bean and pick it and place on the luggage. Repeat this step until the
mature coffee bean is finished.

3.6 Screenshots of the System (raw pictures)

Figure 3.7: Proteus simulations to project

The working principle

First I write the code Arduino IDE and upload the hex file of the
code to the arduino mega and the hex file of ultrasonic to the
ultrasonic sensor then the start run the protues, then the entire
system depend on the color sensor that means first see the color
Figure 3.8: Physical structures to the project
sensor maturity of the coffee fruit, after that if there is mature coffee
bean give instruction to the ultrasonic sensor and also the ultrasonic

4. Conclusion 5. Reference

In this paper I have seen the robots used; to pick and place, [1] Agricultural Robotics: A Streamlined Approach to Realization of
harvesting and also come across the advantage to support humans as Autonomous Farming H.Pota ,R.Eaton , J.Katupitiya ,
simplest way. This thesis focuses on the coffee picker robot to S.D.Pathirana School of Information Tech and Electronic
jimma zone. There is no coffee picking robot in Ethiopia previously, Engineering, Australian Defense Force Academy, Canberra ,
and to reduce the farmer’s labor as more I designed and Australia
implemented this automatically coffee picker robot to jimma farmers.
[2]. Tomato Harvesting Robot: Naoshi Kondo. 2009. End effectors
The robot can be work on anywhere of Ethiopia, but I specified
for tomato harvesting, Engineering in agriculture, environment and
jimma zone. To overcome these advantageous I have come up with
food. AABEA Publishers, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 606-850.
new design and implementation of devices. As generally thesis can
be to profile the current status of Coffee Farms in Jimma zone in [3]. European Project Semester – autumn 2017 Novia University of
terms of: Location and Coffee planting procedure. The location can Applied Sciences, Finland
be suitable or not to planting coffee tree and the procedure to
planting the coffee tree on that location. In the other way assess the
problem encountered by coffee farmers during harvest in terms of:
Labor, Time Consumption, Coffee Exportation and Government [5].

Support. Previously the farmers produce more labor to pick some d&q=color+sensor

distance coffee fruit, they consume more time, and also on the
exportation there is affection on the market depending on the quality
and quantity. Know I had designed this automated system to reduce
all that previous problems.


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