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J. Civil Eng. Architect. Res.

Journal of
Vol. 2, No. 9, 2015, pp. 947-955 Civil Engineering
Received: March 6, 2015; Published: September 25, 2015 and Architecture Research

Investigating the Delay Factors of Construction Projects

in Metropolitan City of a Developing Country

Rehan Masood1, Mahboob Ali2, Faizan Shafique3, Muhammad Awais Shafique3, Bilal Zafar4, Ahsen Maqsoom5
and Zeeshan Ullah6
1. Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, The University of Auckland, Auckland, 1142, New Zealand.
2. The University of Lahore, Lahore, Punjab 54000, Pakistan
3. University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Lahore, Punjab 54890, Pakistan
4. Department of Construction Engineering and Management, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National University
of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan
5. Civil Engineering Department, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Wah Cantt., Pakistan
6. Department of Civil Engineering, University of South Asia, Lahore, Pakistan

Corresponding author: Rehan Masood (,

Abstract: Delay in the construction projects is a phenomenon observed globally and new metropolitan cities like Lahore are no
exception. The primary objective of this research is to determine the factors causing delay in construction and their impact (effect) on
project completion and allocation of responsibility for delay causes. Previous studies have separately focused on the reasons and
impacts of delays. This study makes an integrated approach in this regard to evaluate the impact of various causes on various effects.
The allocation of responsibility is also sought. The causes and effects of delay in construction were solicited from contractors, clients,
and consultants through a questionnaire survey with the participation of 26 respondents. The study identified 10 main delay causes
and their effects from a list of 53 causes in total. 10 most important causes of delays in construction thus identified were: (1) Delay in
payments; (2) Poor weather conditions; (3) Less use of highly technology mechanical equipment’s; (4) Ineffective project planning
and scheduling; (5) Rework resulting from errors during construction; (6) Delay due to subcontractor; (7) Poor site conditions; (8)
Coordination problem with other stakeholders; (9) Delay in review and approval of design documents and (10) Unclear design details
in drawing. Five main effects of delay found included: (1) Time overrun; (2) Cost overrun; (3) Arbitration; (4) Loss of interest of
stakeholders and (5) Black listing. This study has also established an allocation of responsibility for each group of factors that result
in delays in construction projects. Overall responsibility allocation shows that contractor has 40% responsibility, consultant has 21%,
and owner has 9% whereas stakeholders share 30% responsibility because of contingencies. This study helps foreign and indigenous
stakeholders monitor and control delay risk by understanding pivotal causes in context of Lahore.

Key words: Construction projects, lahore, delay factors, delay effects, responsibility allocation, Relative Importance Index (RII).

1. Introduction contracting is a business prone to great risks and

complexities, which leads to high level of uncertainty
Construction industry is a major player in the and huge susceptibility to environmental influences
economic growth of any nation and holds a polar [3]. Pakistan’s construction industry is facing
position in the country’s development plan [1]. problems like other developing countries including
Construction projects are distinct because of the shortage of material, skilled personal and equipment;
number of parties involved with their own stakes, inadequate technological development; domination
and contradictory interests [2]. Construction of small and fragile local firms; stronghold of foreign
948 Investigating the Delay Factors of Construction Projects in Metropolitan City of a Developing Country

firms on the large projects; faulty procedures and 2. Literature Review

contract documentation. Construction project risks
Delay can be defined as the overrun of time past the
should be effectively managed, otherwise they can
date of completion stipulated in the contract or beyond
end up in failure to achieve the desired project
the date mutually consented upon by the parties for the
objectives. This leads to increased costs, time delays,
delivery of project [6]. It is the event or happening
and reduced quality. Majority of the organizations in
which extends the required time, as per the contract, to
Pakistan believe in reactive and informal risk
perform or complete [6], and may be caused by the
management. There is no or very little commitment
contractor, the employer, third parties, or force
of resources to deal with risks. The documentation of
majeure [7].
risks is almost non-existent, and is though as a trivial
Delay is normally regarded as the most common,
and time wasting practice [4]. Time delay is a vital
expensive, complicated and uncertain issue faced in
risk factor for construction projects because of
the construction projects. Time is significant for both
complex nature and uncertain environment
owner (the requirement of performance) and
involving contractors, consultants, clients, and
contractor (the requirement of profit). Therefore
suppliers [5].
delays are the biggest source of claims which often
The success of a project can be described as
end up in litigation. Although delays are a common
meeting the targets and objectives within the budget,
trait of all construction projects, the magnitude varies
time and quality constraints. We live in modern times,
from one project to another ranging from days to
where Project Management tools and techniques have
months and even years. It is very important to
been developed and reinforced with technological
thoroughly investigate and define real causes so that
advancement. However, the projects still get delayed,
delays in the construction projects can be minimized
which is a point to ponder. There are various basic
[8]. There is a wide range of views on this subject.
reasons for delays including shortage of material and
Some views attribute the delays to a single party,
failure of equipment etc. In some scenarios, where the
others hold different quarters responsible, and many
delays are interlinked, situation becomes more
attribute them more to systemic deficiencies or faults
complicated. Construction delays become a source of than to one or more groups [9].
many negative impacts on the project and its Being a project-based activity, each construction
stakeholders, including legal proceedings, loss of project is distinct and unique [10]. In a construction
profit, and contract cancellations [2]. Delay of a project, delay is a project getting slipped over the
project is the primary cause of construction claims. planned schedule and is often frequent and a major
Therefore, there is immense need to find out the problem. Faulty planning induces many possibilities
causes of delays as well as their effects on the for failure of project [11]. To the client/owner, delay
construction industry. stands for loss of revenue (in terms of lack of
Lahore is undergoing development on massive scale production facilities and space available for rent
such as Metro Bus service project, Inter-city flyovers, and/or reliance on present facilities). In most cases,
and Lahore Ring Road. Current study is an attempt to delays are unfavourable for the contractor as well.
investigate delay factors, causes and responsibility of Some of the reasons are: extra overheads because of
construction projects located in the vicinity of Lahore. the extended period of work, higher costs of material
This study helps local and foreign stakeholders to because of inflation, and liquidated damages as
learn about delay risk monitoring and control for mentioned in the contract. Timely completion of
timely completion of construction projects. project is highly desirable, but the process of
Investigating the Delay Factors of Construction Projects in Metropolitan City of a Developing Country 949

construction is subject to various risks and Concurrent Delays apply if one factor alone is the
unpredictable factors, emerging from different sources reason of delay. It is relatively very easy to find out
including (but are not limited to) the performance of time as well as money resulting from that single issue.
parties, the availability of resources, the conditions of Typically, many factors delay the project
environment, the involvement of many parties, and the simultaneously in an overlapping manner, which is
contractual relations. Therefore, it is quite rare that a more complicated in nature [13].
construction project is completed according to the A previous research study for delay factors in
original schedule [12]. Pakistan benchmarked the situation in broader aspect
Construction delays can be categorized into five and focused on projects in Karachi [14]. According to
basic types follows as: this study, major delay categories, in descending order
Excusable Delays are also called “force majeure” (of criticality) are delays related to Design,
delays. These delays occur because of natural Economy/Finance, Contract, Construction Site, and
calamities or other drastic reasons. That is why they Sub-contractor. The point to be established here is that
are commonly known as the “acts of God”. As these the causes of delays in the above mentioned categories
delays do not occur because of the negligence of any have major impact on project completion on average,
specific party, most contracts allow the contractor which other categories do not have. The most critical
leverage to have extension of time for excusable causes of delays, in descending order of criticality, are
delays, but without extra reimbursement. change orders; issues of labour productivity; weak site
Non-Excusable Delays occur because of the supervision; audits or inspections; defective estimation
negligence of contractors, subcontractors or material and control of cost; poor project scheduling; faulty
suppliers. In case of non-excusable delays, no extra design; ineffective methods of construction; payment
time and money is given to the contractor. The delays; and unfinished project drawings. Contractors
contractor, however, might be entitled to get endure major delays’ responsibility. This is especially
reimbursement from the sub-contractor or supplier true for construction site-related delays,
responsible for the delay. material-related delays, subcontracted work-related
Compensable Delays result from the negligence of delays, machinery-related delays, management delays,
owner or its agents. Inadequate drawings and and worker-related delays [15] Consultants are
specifications is the most common form of this delay. entitled to be responsible for design-related delays.
Compensable delays may also occur because of Owners are entitled to be responsible for both
owner’s failure to provide adequate information or financial/economic delays and contract-related delays
respond properly in time. The contractor is provided since payment issues, cash-flow delays, contract
with both extra money and extra time in case of selection and development, and contract changes are
compensable delays. generally caused by Owner. Owners also bear the
Non-Compensable Delays are induced by events responsibility of administrative delays, but to a lesser
or third parties beyond the reach of the client or the extent. The Government is also held responsible for
contractor. Some of its examples are protests, certain issues related to administration, regulation, law,
shutdowns, fires, and government actions in its order, and politics. This matter is especially important
sovereign capacity, etc. In these delays, the for Pakistan, all major projects are public projects and
contractor normally gets extension of completion government is the owner. In case of delays related to
time but no reimbursement is given for damages construction sites, like unforeseen soil conditions,
caused by delay. suspensions, climate change and natural calamities.
950 Investigating the Delay Factors of Construction Projects in Metropolitan City of a Developing Country

Delays because of technological backwardness and convenience sampling was used as it the most
shortage of material are also taken as shared economical and easy way to conduct the survey very
responsibility. effectively. There is freedom to choose whoever is
Marzouk, et al. (2014) [16] identified, categorized available as long as they have the required
and prioritized delay factors in the construction information.
industry of Egypt. It was found that the owner-related
3.2 Survey Instrument-Questionnaire
causes were most important, followed by the
contractor-related causes, the external causes, the Prior to the data collection process, research
consultant-related causes, the machinery/ instrument is extremely important since it facilities the
equipment-related causes, and the project-related study direction of the researcher and clarifies what has
causes. Material-related causes were given the least to be determined, from whom, and how. Survey
priority. In another similar research [17], however, the through the questionnaire is quite an effective method
contractor-related causes were given priority over all to involve a large number of individuals in the process;
others. The impact of different categories depends self-administrated survey of all types typically cost
upon many factors and varies from environment to less than the personal interviews [19]. A questionnaire,
environment. if designed well, also causes the respondent to
In the construction industry of Pakistan, generate comprehensive and accurate information. So
stakeholders are well aware of the importance of questionnaire was mostly used as a research
delays and their ramifications in terms of cost and
instrument, which is primary data collection’s
quality, but they are still oblivious of the formal and
structured technique. There were mostly closed-ended
proper delay analysis and prevention procedures and
questions (dichotomous multiple choices and Likert
scale) in the questionnaire to address respondents’
3. Methodology attitudes and perceptions of several effects of the
delay causes in construction projects. The
This study identified the causes of delay given by questionnaire had five parts: General Information of
previous researches and filtered them on the basis of Respondent; Project Information; All Delay Causes;
expert advice by the experienced industry personnel. Effect of Delay; and Recommendation.
Total 53 causes were filtered. A questionnaire
3.3 Data Collection
presented these filtered causes for the purpose of data
collection. It is important to mention here that these Response rate was significant since survey was
causes were pertinent to all the parties of the project successfully conducted on around twenty six (26)
(Client, Consultant and Contractor), directly or construction projects located in Lahore. These projects
indirectly. were diverse in nature and type including 44%
non-residential projects, 16% residential projects, 16%
3.1 Sampling
infrastructure and heavy engineering, 4% industrial,
Methods of non-probability sampling are beneficial 12% special purpose project, and 8% other projects;
in case of limited resources, when member of the according to funding, 50% were public and 50%
population cannot be identified, and when it is privately funded; and cost of projects varied from 10
required to develop a problem’s existence [18]. to 300 Million (Rupees). Respondents’ education
Unrestricted non probability samples are termed as background was bachelor’s degree (58%), Master
convenience samples [19] therefore non probability degree (31%), doctoral degree (4%), and diploma
Investigating the Delay Factors of Construction Projects in Metropolitan City of a Developing Country 951

(7%). They were well-experienced as 46% had 1 to 5 are interrelated while some are independent. Bar
years of experience, 23% had experience from 5 to 10 charts are drawn using the ranking data for each group
years, 19% had experience from 10 to 15 years, and and as well as for overall.
2% had more than 20 years of experience. Delay in Payments (0.892): The payment should be
made on time to the contractor to support the
3.4 Data Analysis
contractor’s strength to finance the project.
Collected data was analysed using statistical tool. Poor weather conditions (0.815): Poor weather
The questionnaire was processed, filtered, and entered conditions also delay the project especially in monsoon
using spreadsheets and then analysed using the basic season when the rain intensity and duration is more.
principles of statistics. In short, data was processed into Even in summer, the temperature goes above 49 Celsius
required information by interpreting and understanding which decreases the productivity of labours and makes
the answer from the filled-out questionnaire. This it very difficult to concrete at such high temperature.
procedure was opted for in this research within different Less use of highly technology mechanical
groups (i.e. contractors, clients, consultants, project, equipment’s (0.800): Pakistan construction is under
owner, labours, material, equipment, contingency). The development process. Due to limited resources the use
five-point scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 of highly technology mechanical equipment is not
(strongly agree) was used and converted to relative practicing in the field. Old methods and old fashion
importance indices (RII) for each group. technology begin continually use in construction
Likert scale: Strong Disagree = 1, Disagree = 2, projects.
Neutral = 3, Agree = 4, Strongly Agree = 5. Ineffective project planning and scheduling (0.792):
The range of RII value was from 0 to 1 (0 not Planning for most projects evolves from a high-level
inclusive), magnitude of the value of RII directly plan in the early stages to a very detailed integrated
indicated the level of importance of the delay’s cause implementation plan during the execution/
or effect. Different causes were ranked (R) using RII construction phase. It is important to realize that a
so that the relative importance method could be project plan is dynamic. We expect it to change, either
cross-compared. Following equation was used to due to changing client requirements or because of
determine RII: strategic changes. Most projects get delayed because

(I  F ) (1)
they have not been properly planned with due
consideration paid to contingencies.
A N
Rework resulting from errors during construction
Where, RII = relative importance index; I = scale (0.785): Errors happen during construction due to lack
value; F = frequency corresponding to scale value; A of experience of contractor and subcontractor causing
= highest scale value which in this case is 5; N = total the project to get delayed. Sometimes, the contractor
respondents’ number i.e. total frequency in this case. does not follow the specifications in an attempt to save
money, so work has to be redone to correct it as per the
4. Results and Discussion
consultant’s notifications which causes delay in project.
RII for each cause was calculated on maximum Delay due to subcontractor (0.785): A subcontractor
scale value of 1. The highest ranked cause had index is normally involved in more than one project at a
of 0.892 while the minimum cause had index of 0.569. time. This reduces the priority level of the project in
Top 10 causes have index more than 0.762 have been hand with the attention distributed. Subsequently it
selected for further discussion. Some of these causes may end up in delays.
952 Investigating the Delay Factors of Construction Projects in Metropolitan City of a Developing Country

Poor site conditions (0.785): Poor site conditions Unclear design details in drawing (0.762): Due to
also cause delays in project. Sometimes, water table of negligence of the consultant, unclear design detail in
site also creates problem for the construction activities. drawings cause delay in the project.
Unsuitable soil conditions have to be improved for the There are nine major categories for factors which
foundation which consumes extra time. cause delays including project-related delays (3
Coordination problem with other stakeholders causes); owner-related delays (5 causes);
(0.769): Poor coordination among the stakeholders is contractor-related delays (7 causes);
also a serious problem which causes delay in consultant-related delays (4 causes); material-related
construction projects. delays (7 causes); labour-related delays (6 causes);
Delay in review and approval of design documents design-related delays (6 causes); equipment-related
(0.769): Construction activities are dependent upon delays (6 causes); and contingency-related delays (9
the construction drawings, and thus delays caused by causes). Ranking of causes under each category has
the designer in drawing evaluation, review, been done graphically (Figs. 1 to 9). Respondents
amendment or approval can cause a delay to the provided opinions about possible effects of delays on
project itself. projects, refer to Fig. 10.

Fig. 1 Project related delay causes.

Fig. 2 Owner related delay causes.

Fig. 3 Contractor related delay causes.

Investigating the Delay Factors of Construction Projects in Metropolitan City of a Developing Country 953

Fig. 4 Consultant related delay causes.

Fig. 5 Material related delay causes.

Fig. 6 Equipment related delay causes.

Fig. 7 Design related delay causes.

Fig. 8 Labour related delay causes.

954 Investigating the Delay Factors of Construction Projects in Metropolitan City of a Developing Country

Fig. 9 Design related delay causes.

Fig. 10 Effects of delay on projects.

Recommendations from respondents were solicited study are valid for projects in developing countries in
to avoid the risk of delay which are presented in general and Lahore in particular.
ascending order as follows; project manager
8. Recommendations
capability and experience; organizational planning;
clarity on scope of project; motivation of project In light of the above mentioned findings, following
team; proper planning and payment from the client; recommendations can be made for prevention of
development of insurance claims; suitable scheduling delays in the construction projects of Lahore: the
program; clarity of contract and accuracy of bill of owner must ensure timely payments on the project;
quantities; and computation of the amount of Extensive risk management should be done for
financial damages. adverse weather conditions; modern management
tools and advanced technology should be introduced
7. Conclusion
and used; Robust and detailed planning and
The study identified and ranked the 10 most critical subsequent monitoring/controlling should be practiced;
delay causes out of the 53 selected delay causes. The the contractor should be carefully selected on the basis
factors were classified into different phases of of skills and expertise in order to avoid rework due to
construction plus general causes. The result was immature workmanship; sub-contracting should be
reliable and matched to factors causing construction avoided, and where inevitable, subcontractors should
delay. The research further explored and ranked the be engaged in a strictly controlled environment to
causes of delay for each group. Furthermore, make sure that they deliver; extensive investigations
allocation of responsibility was separately done for should be performed in order to evaluate the site
each group as well as for overall factors causing conditions properly instead of relying on basic
delays in construction projects. Implications of this reconnaissance surveys during the initiation phase;
Investigating the Delay Factors of Construction Projects in Metropolitan City of a Developing Country 955

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