Narajczyk Thematic Unit Plan

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Natalia Narajczyk 1

Thematic Unit Plan

THEME Weather

CONTENT AREA FOCUS and TOPIC Science- the weather in various environments

GRADE LEVEL/S Preschool/Kindergarten (Bilingual Setting-will mainly be referring to a

Kindergarten level but the unit plan could still apply to Preschool students,
particularly those who are bilingual/ESL learners)

STUDENT LANGUAGE/S Polish and English

LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY LEVEL/S Mostly beginners who primarily speak Polish at home and are only now
experiencing a school setting in which they are immersed into the English

LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION English, however, there will be a lot of code-switching as students are
becoming accustomed to the English language and need references to their HL.

TIMELINE 2-3 Weeks


1. What does the weather look like outside?

2. What are the different types of weather?

3. How do the 4 seasons differ from one another?

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PRINT Various books relating back to the weather as well as different seasons. The following children’s
books can be incorporated into this theme:
 Maisy’s Wonderful Weather Book by Lucy Cousins
 What Will the Weather Be? by Lynda DeWitt
 Hello, World! Weather by Jill McDonald
o Simpler vocabulary for the bilingual students.
 Jabłonka Eli by Catarina Kruusval
o Book in Polish all about a girl’s apple tree and how it changes over the seasons.

AUDIO & VISUAL There is a multitude of songs and quick videos to play/show the children in order to help them with
vocabulary as well as the concepts of weather and seasons. The following are examples of these songs
that could be incorporated:
 The Weather Song
 If You Know All the Seasons
 Seasons Song
 4 Pory Roku
 Pogoda

DIGITAL In terms of digital resources, there are a lot of songs and videos that could really get the point across
throughout this unit plan. Additionally, it is simple to find various worksheets, vocabulary cards,
songs, videos, books, and many more materials to use in the classroom as well as send home with the

REALIA & ARTIFACTS Personally, I would bring in various resources ranging from leaves, pieces of grass, flowers, rocks, and
so much more. There are really endless possibilities of artifacts to bring in relating to weather/seasons.
Natalia Narajczyk 3

For language objectives, you want to look at the WIDA (Illinois) English Language Development standards

READING Common Core Reading Standards: Foundational Skills #1 (Kindergarten): Demonstrate understanding
learning objective: of the organization and basic features of print; a. Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and
page by page, b. Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific
sequences of letters, c. Understand that words are separated by spaces in print.

WRITING W.K.2 Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts
learning objective: in which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic.

LISTENING Common Core Speaking and Listening Standards #3 (Kindergarten): Participate in collaborative
learning objective: conversations with diverse partners about Kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small
and larger groups.

SPEAKING Common Core Speaking and Listening Standards #3 (Kindergarten): Participate in collaborative
learning objective: conversations with diverse partners about Kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small
and larger groups.

CONTENT AREA Next Generation Science Standards, Structures and Processes K-LS1-1: Use observations to describe
learning objective: patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive.

 In this case, the students would need to describe patterns of the weather and the environment,
which can include plants and animals, as well as humans.
Natalia Narajczyk 4


This unit will be all about the weather and the way weather affects seasons. I will introduce students to the different types of weather
that we experience around the world. Then, once we have a set understanding of weather and its various characteristics, we will
move into identifying the 4 different seasons. While covering each of the seasons, we will correlate their characteristics directly
back to the different types of weather. This way, the students will be able to differentiate when we see the most snow, rain, and
more. Additionally, once the students have an understanding of these 2 general concepts, we can tie in the topic to a social studies
concept of how weather is different in environments all around the world. Through the use of educational resources such as books,
songs, videos, and more, the students should be able to have a good understanding of the theme, in both English, as well as their
home language of Polish.

ANTICIPATORY SET [Explain how it will connect to prior knowledge and build background knowledge]

ANTICIPATORY SET The theme will be relating to what they see going on an everyday basis. The students all have
DESCRIPTION experience with the weather, as well as different seasons. This unit will either help them identify the
vocabulary and concepts that go along with their previous experiences, or it will introduce children to
new concepts. Additionally, some students may have experience with the weather in another country
or city that they have come from or visited (perhaps we will have a student from Poland or something
similar) and they will further build our knowledge of weather and seasons in different environments.
Natalia Narajczyk 5


NAME AND Strategy Name: Photo Essays

what students will do Steps: The teacher will provide the students with a variety of photographs that depict the different
what the teacher will do stages of seasons. The student will have to sit down and put the pictures into order and then write out
the process of what is happening in the pictures. This can be done in English or in their home
language, or a mixture of both.

Considerations: If a student cannot write yet, they can simply draw out what they understand from the
pictures or at the least put the pictures into the correct order showing understanding of seasons.

DIFFERENTIATIONS In order to make sure every student is able to complete the work to their best ability; I would
BY LANGUAGE differentiate the work in a few different ways. Ideally, I would like everyone to try to put the pictures
PROFICIENCY & in order. Then, for those who cannot write on their own, I would have them narrate what is going on in
SCAFFOLDS the pictures and I would write it down for them, word for word. Next, for the students who do not
know how to write in English, they can do their best to write in Polish. Additionally, if students feel
comfortable drawing out their thinking, they can choose to do so instead. I would be there for all of the
children in case they need to talk out their thinking or simply need help with any part of the activity.

CROSS-LINGUISTIC Since the children could write in Polish, this would be relating back to the vocabulary we learned
CONNECTIONS translated into Polish. This way they are practicing both of the languages.
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NAME AND Strategy Name: Dialogic Reading

what students will do Steps: Dialogic reading can be down with all of our books that we read throughout the unit. The
what the teacher will do teacher will simply prepare a few key points and questions to bring up while reading a book. These can
relate directly to what is happening in the story or tapping into students’ prior knowledge on weather
and seasons. The students may be asked for predictions of what will happen next in the story, as well as
about connections to the story or topic. The students will simply have to participate and use their
speaking and listening skills.

Considerations: I will do my best to make sure everyone is able to turn and talk to a partner after I ask
a question. This way, every child is able to share their thoughts out loud, even if they do not share them
with me and the whole group afterwards.

DIFFERENTIATIONS This strategy is fairly simple to differentiate between language proficiency levels. I may try to sit
BY LANGUAGE students together or already have pairs/groups created beforehand based on which students may need
PROFICIENCY & extra support from peers who are either more proficient in Polish or English. Additionally, I may offer
SCAFFOLDS different seating options for those students who physically need extra support in order to fully
participate, or at least try their best to do so.

CROSS-LINGUISTIC Polish will be incorporated into these activities as we will be reading bilingual books throughout this
Natalia Narajczyk 7

CONNECTIONS unit. Therefore, students will be exposed to both languages.


NAME AND Strategy Name: Word Cards

what the students will do Steps: Students will create word cards for new vocabulary that they are learning. They can write the
what the teacher will do English word on one side of the card and then on the back they are able to add a description,
translation, or drawing in order to help them associate this new vocabulary with a certain idea. The
teacher can provide the vocabulary terms that they need to create word cards for. Also, the students can
create these word cards throughout the unit, making a new card after each lesson. Then, at the end of
the unit, the student will have something similar to a portfolio all about what they have learned on
weather and seasons.

Considerations: Again, students will be able to narrate what they want on the card in the case that they
want a specific translation or description. However, I would want them to do their best to come up with
individualized word cards that will best help them personally.

DIFFERENTIATIONS Students will be able to narrate to their teacher if they need assistance with writing. Also, they can
BY LANGUAGE simply choose to draw in replacement of writing. Additionally, students will be able to take these word
PROFICIENCY & cards home if they would like to practice or perhaps add on to their work with the help of their parents
SCAFFOLDS or family members.
Natalia Narajczyk 8

CROSS-LINGUISTIC The word cards will be written in both English and Polish, whether the children choose to write the
CONNECTIONS description in Polish or vice versa.


NAME AND Strategy Name: Total Physical Response

what students will do Steps: TPR is a method of teaching language and vocabulary that engages students through physical
what the teacher will do movement. TPR builds associations between movements, such as specific gestures, and language
connections. For this particular unit, I would want the students to use TPR for certain activities that
relate directly back to our weather vocabulary. There will be different movements that I teach the
students which can help them better understand

Considerations: If some students cannot physically participate then they can have smaller movements
possibly just for their hands.

DIFFERENTIATIONS These movements will correlate to vocabulary in both English and Polish. We may need to learn the
BY LANGUAGE movements at different paces if some kids need more time in order to comprehend the vocabulary.

CROSS-LINGUISTIC The vocabulary is both in Polish and English. Also, some of the music that we will be listening to, and
CONNECTIONS incorporating TPR, is also bilingual.
Natalia Narajczyk 9

CULMINATING ACTIVITY [Explain how it will wrap up the unit and what was learned]

The culminating activity for this unit plan may be for the children to each come up with their own personalized weather reports. We
can set up the room as a small weather station, to really immerse them in the full, real experience. Then, the students would each
receive a video of a weather scene of picture. They would have to present their report using the vocabulary they have learned. Also,
they could use TPR while explaining the weather represented in their given material. This would be a whole classroom activity that
all of the previously listed strategies will have prepared the students for. The children would also have to write out a report that
corresponds to their material. We would have a big discussion after all of these “presentations” to cover what we have learned. This
will include the different types of weather, why weather differs between places, as well as the way seasons compare and contrast to
one another.


COLLECTION & DOCUMENTATION I will observe students while I am reading to the whole group. This will test how
they are following along through the pages. Additionally, I will take notes as I
have students read to me or with me. Ideally, I will want them to use a pointer or
finger to follow along throughout the book so that I see their understanding of
reading a story, as well as how words are made up.

EVALUATION I will evaluate the children’s reading skills mainly based on how well they
understand the actual process of reading a story. Then, I can evaluate them based
Natalia Narajczyk 10

on their recognition of words and being able to actually read simple stories.


COLLECTION & DOCUMENTATION For this particular unit, the students will be doing writing with their word
cards/vocabulary, as well as with the picture story project. I will have their
physical work as part of a final portfolio which will allow me to track their
progress and development in their writing skills in both English, as well as Polish.

EVALUATION I will evaluate the students based on two criteria. One of which will be their actual
understanding of the material we have covered throughout the unit. Then, I will
evaluate their writing itself, just to see how they are doing in terms of
understanding semantics, syntax, and more.


COLLECTION & DOCUMENTATION Speaking: I will observe the students as they participate in conversations with
peers and in a whole group. Additionally, I will observe students as they speak
with me whether it is to explain their work, or just in general.
Listening: This will be observed mainly in any situation when I am speaking or
when we are listening to our peers.

EVALUATION I will evaluate students based on how well they are able to share their newly
learned vocabulary. Also, I will pay close attention to how everyone is behaving
when they are expected to be quiet and listening to whoever is speaking in
whatever situation.
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COLLECTION & DOCUMENTATION This will be done throughout the entire unit, as a mixture of observing physical,
verbal, as well as written work related back to weather and seasons.

EVALUATION I will evaluate students based on whether or not they can explain the patterns of
weather and mainly the patterns of the seasons and how they differentiate between
one another. This evaluation will be ongoing throughout the unit; however, the
final evaluation of the understanding will occur at the end of the unit, during their
weather reports.

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