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Proposal / Application

ICT-Related Research and Development Grant

< Protection to Wind Power System with DFIG Using

Crowbar Protection System>

<Nadeem Ahmed
<Noman Ahmed>
Read carefully before filling the form.

1. Please do not alter the layout of the application form. Information

must be filled in the spaces provided, under set format.
2. Guidance notes in various fields should not be deleted.
3. Required information should be duly filled in the specified fields.
4. Required heads/fields which are not relevant to the project
should be marked N/A (Not Applicable) or left blank and should
not be deleted.
5. Specifications, justifications, purposes must be provided against
each item in the Budget file.
6. Please do not change the formulas in the budget sheets.
7. We have prepared financial guidelines to evaluate the
remuneration for human resource associated with the proposed
project. The guidelines are available on our website.

Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page I

List of Abbreviations and Acronyms

EE External Evaluators
ICT Information and Communication Technologies
IPR Intellectual Property Rights
CPI Co-Principal Investigator
PI Principal Investigator
PIO Principal Investigator’s Organization
"Principal Investigator’s Organization" means the person, company,
partnership, undertaking, concern, association of persons, body of
individuals, consortium or joint venture which receives funding from
the Company to execute a research and development project.”
R&D Research and Development

List of Abbreviations and Acronyms Used by PI in the Proposal

(Please add abbreviations and acronyms in the table below, if any.)
DFIG Doubly Fed Induction Generator
IG Induction Generator
SDR Series Dynamic Resistance

Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page II

Application for ICT-Related Development and Research Grant
Guidelines and Forms

National ICT R&D Fund was created in January 2007 by Ministry of IT with the vision to
transform Pakistan's economy into a knowledge-based economy by promoting efficient,
sustainable, and effective ICT (IT and Telecommunications) initiatives through synergic
development of industrial and academic resources. Collaborative efforts between academia,
research institutions, and industry are greatly encouraged to ensure that local economy can
reap the monetary benefits of investment in research. This organization has significant funds
available for proposals that are geared towards creating ICT related technologies.

Research grants will be awarded for high-level and promising ICT-related development and
research projects by individuals or groups from academia and/or industry actively involved in the
research and development individually or collaboratively. These projects should be based on
either a universally known technology or a new technology developed by the applicant and
should be aimed at achieving economically viable systems, products, or processes beneficial to
the nation.

The grant will cover the honoraria of the principal investigator and co- principal investigators,
salaries of professional researchers and developers at market rate, stipends for student
research assistants, and supporting staff. It will also cover travel(s) within and outside the
country for project-related activities and for scientific conferences where project team’s research
paper, an outcome of the project, has been selected for presentation. The grant may be used to
purchase very specific unavoidable equipment kept to the bare minimum, consumable
materials, and other items needed for the project.

Submission Procedure
Duly filled application forms complete in all respects along with any documents should be
submitted online through Fund’s website www.ictrdf.org.pk. A hard copy should also be
submitted by registered post or by fax at our mailing address given below. On receipt of the
applications the proposals will be evaluated internally as well as externally as laid down in our
policy documents. The PI may need to revise the proposal in light of the evaluator’s

There is no deadline for submission of the application forms for Unsolicited Projects. The
deadline for Solicited Projects will be given in the RFPs whenever floated.

Joint Funding
The project proposal may be jointly funded by ICT R&D Fund and other funding
agencies/industry. The efforts to obtain joint funding will be at the discretion of the Principal
Investigator Organization (PIO) to which Principal Investigator belongs. However any such
information must be provided to ICT R&D Fund. The funds released will be provided to the PI.

A written agreement will be made between National ICT R&D Fund and PI. The PI will
undertake to administer the grant according to the agreement and to provide laboratory space,
and other facilities necessary for the project. The equipment purchased with ICT R&D Fund for

Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page III

the approved project will remain the property of ICT R&D Fund. The laptops will be returned to
ICT R&D Fund after completion of the project. The grantee is required to submit a final narrative
and financial report within one month of the completion of the project. The IPR issues will be
sorted according to the policy in vogue.

For further information, please contact:

Solicitation and Evaluation Department,

National ICT R&D Fund,
6th Floor, HBL Towers,
Jinnah Avenue, Blue Area, Islamabad
Tel.: (+92-51) 921 5360 - 65
Fax: (+92-51) 921 5366
Website: www.ictrdf.org.pk

Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page IV

Table of Contents
Description Page #

Section – 1.......................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Project Identification...........................................................................................................1
Section – 2.......................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Background..........................................................................................................................4
2.2 Outcomes and Benefits........................................................................................................5
2.3 Objectives............................................................................................................................5
2.4 Research Approach..............................................................................................................6
2.5 Risk Analysis.......................................................................................................................7
Section – 3.......................................................................................................................................8
3.1 Resources & Other Requirements.......................................................................................8
3.2 Contractual Matters.............................................................................................................9
Annexure–A: Project Schedule / Milestone Chart........................................................................10
Annexure–B: Proposed Budget....................................................................................................11
Annexure–C: Curriculum Vitae....................................................................................................12

Note: To update the table of contents, right click in the table and select ‘update field’ and then select
‘Update Entire Table’.

Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page V

Application for ICT-Related Development and Research Grant

Section – 1

1.1 Project Identification

Reference Number:
(for office use only)

Project Title:
< Protection to Wind Power System with DFIG Using Crowbar Protection System >

Principal Investigator (PI):

Dr. Hafiz Ashiq Hussain

Designation: Chairperson & Associate Professor (HEC Approved Supervisor)

Organization: Hitec University, Taxila
Mobile # : Tel. # :

(A letter from the competent authority regarding PI’s time commitment for the proposed research project
must be provided.)

Co-Principal Investigator (CPI): NA

Mobile # : Tel. # :

Contact Person: (If different from PI.) NA

Mobile # : Tel. # :

Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page 1


Principal Investigator’s Organization (PIO):

(Please indicate the name, address, telephone and fax of the Principal Investigator’s Organization. The
Principal Investigator should belong to this organization.)


Address: Taxila Cantt Pakistan
(Please attach certified
Registration #: copy)
(Please attach certified
National Tax #: copy)
Tel. # : Fax # :
Website: www.hitecuni.edu.pk

What technology is core to your product? (Please mark  where applicable)

[ ] 3D/4D Printing [ ] Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality
[ ] Big Data, Artificial Intelligence [ ] Blockchain
[ ] Cloud [ ] Neurotech
[ ] Robotics [ ] Shared economy
[ ] The Internet of Things [ ] Wearables, Implantables
[✓] Others (specify): Renewable Energy Using Wind Power
What is the target market(s) for the products? (Please mark  where applicable)
[ ] Automotive, aviation, marine [ ] Business, marketing, finance
[ ] Defence, security, safety [ ] Education and training
[ ] Environment, water management [ ] Entertainment, tourism, sport/recreation
[ ] Food, livestock, agribusiness [ ] Healthcare
[ ] Infrastructure, housing & transport [ ] Mining equipment technology & services
[✓] Oil, gas, energy [ ] Textiles, clothing, footwear
[ ] Others (specify):

How did you hear about us? (Please mark  where applicable)
[✓] www.ictrdf.org.pk [ ] ICTRDF Brochure [ ] ICTRDF Rep [ ] Event/Seminar
[ ] Google [ ] Social Media [ ] Print Media [ ] Word of Mouth
[ ] Other (specify):

Other Organizations Involved in the Project: (Please identify all affiliated organizations
collaborating in the project, and describe their role/contribution to the project.)

Industrial Organizations:
# Organization Name Role / Contribution
1. HRFT HIT Pakistan

Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page 2


Academic Organizations:
# Organization Name Role / Contribution
1. HITEC University Taxila

Funding Organizations: NA
# Organization Name Role / Contribution

Other Organizations: NA
# Organization Name Role / Contribution

Key Words: (Please provide a maximum of 5 key words that describe the project. The key words will
be incorporated in our database.)

<type here>

Research and Development Theme: (If the proposal belongs to a theme specified by NICT R&D
Fund, please identify the Research Theme.)

<type here>

Project Status: (Please mark )

[ ] New [ ] Modification to previous Project
[✓] Extension of existing project

Project Duration: 3 months

Proposed Budget: PKR 70,000

The Problem:
(Please describe the problem / opportunity / gap / need that you want to address/solve. Maximum 300

< In Energy producing Industries world’s greatest challenge is the pollution and renewable
energy resources like solar and wind power systems are reducing the cost of producing the

Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page 3

energy and pollution as well. In DFIG 70 % power is received from stator to grid as rotor
connected directly with grid and 30 % power is obtained through rotor. DFIG is more sensitive
towards fault and it will disconnect during fault if grid code criteria will not meet and remain
offline until fault is completely finished. In the fault condition there are so many possible
techniques like crowbar. >

Following are some of the well-known (identify the best known if possible) existing
solutions to this problem. Their known strengths and weaknesses are also provided.
(Maximum 200 words.)

< There are different types of protections methods like Crowbar, DC Chopper protection,and
SDR . Types of crowbar used today are like Ignitron, Sparkgaps and thyratrons etc >

Our solution will address the following weaknesses of above mentioned solutions.
(Maximum 200 words.)

<We must protect our rotor by placing a protective circuit mentioned above but best suitable is
crowbar >

We will use the following techniques to achieve improvements mentioned above.

(Maximum 200 words.)

<We will first simulate our project using matlab 2017b and by getting our required result we will
implement the logical design and introduce our product in market >

Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page 4

(A brief description of the idea, in non-technical language, explaining product benefit, target market,
basic technology, commercial partners, investors, and potential customers. Maximum 200 words.)

< I try to overcome and control rotor current I_r if I_r but it does not have any control over
voltage and stator current I_s as it is designed to protect the rotor current only. If rotor current
will increase the probability of errors for rotor current may produced and due to increase in rotor
current speed of rotor will also increased from rated speed and due to which the rotor winding
may damage as these are designed on some specific rating if Ir will be more than rated current
there should be some threshold that provide the resistance to control the Ir and if it will be
below the threshold it will be turn of and provide bypass and resistance will be turn off.

Rating of crowbar is very important as its main part of my design if any other resistance less or
greater will used it may cause degraded performance of voltage and frequency and may cause
unbeneficial objectives as we required to subtract the over current from reference rated current
of rotor Ir. So we must optimize this resistance in order to achieve better performance.

Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page 5

Section – 2

2.1 Background
Scope of the Project:
< In Energy producing Industries world’s greatest challenge is the pollution and renewable
energy resources like solar and wind power systems are reducing the cost of producing the
energy and pollution as well .Wind energy as compare with other sources of energy is most
reliable and efficient source because of producing power with small environment impact
.producing the energy from wind the speed of active wind power is 20-50 m/s. wind carries
power in the form of Kinetic Energy (K.E) so to convert this energy to electrical energy as
system is needed.

The induction generator with fixed speed and varying speed can be assemble for the
conversion but every type of induction generator has its own advantages Most of power
systems are producing the wind energy to electrical energy by means of DFIG doubly fed
induction generator due to its small size as compare with other types .It’s about 25-30% size of
convertors .Similar cause to choose DFIG on other types of Induction generator is that it
provides constant level of voltage as well as frequency while speed of rotor varies. >

Literature Review: (Detailed summary of what all has been done internationally in the proposed area
quoting references and bibliography. Maximum 1500 words.)

< In DFIG 70 % power is received from stator to grid as rotor connected directly with grid and
30 % power is obtained through rotor. Rotor control circuit consist of two types Rotor side
convertors RSC and Grid side converters GRC are separated by dc link capacitor and DC link
capacitor is placed by calculating the optimum value of DC Link capacitor. Energy produced
from wind turbine is transmitted to grid but in order to meet criteria the both energy producers
and national grid must agree on different special parameters called grid code. Grid codes are
FRT, LVRT, Voltage, Frequency and power factor ratio. DFIG as compare with FRT and IG are
preferred due to its small size of converters as most of the power is transmitted directly without
processing through control mechanism. Another factor of preferring DFIG over other types of
generator is its sensitivity during fault condition.

DFIG is more sensitive towards fault and it will disconnect during fault if grid code criteria will
not meet and remain offline until fault is completely finished. In the fault condition there are so
many possible techniques like crowbar. There are different types of crowbar used today like
Ignitron, Sparkgaps and thyratrons etc . Energy storage banks systems[ESS] are also used
which will deliver the energy until fault is reduced these types of system maintain the power
generation but cost of storing energy also increased as these types of systems need batteries
to store the energy and also control mechanism is needed. In this paper I try to overcome and
control rotor current I_r if I_r but it does not have any control over voltage and stator current I_s
as it is designed to protect the rotor current only. If rotor current will increase the probability of
errors for rotor current may produced and due to increase in rotor current speed of rotor will
also increased from rated speed and due to which the rotor winding may damage as these are
designed on some specific rating if Ir will be more than rated current there should be some
threshold that provide the resistance to control the Ir and if it will be below the threshold it will

Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page 6

be turn of and provide bypass and resistance will be turn off. >

Current State of the Art: (Please describe the current state of the art specific to this research topic.
Maximum 500 words.)

<I have designed the protection of rotor through resistance called crowbar resistance Rc as
shown in Fig.1 here wind turbine of 5Mw is considered and its providing the power to grid
through 2 split lines of 50 KM distance as if any fault in one line will observed the power flow
will be from the 2nd path of transmission line. Threshold for Ir will be less then Ir rated current
as it could provide the protection before reaching to rated current in order to avoid the losses. If
any phase current will be more than threshold the logical circuit will turn ONN the crowbar
switch and provide the resistance to rotor current. At the start it is possible that wind turbines
rotor current will exceed from threshold value but it should not turn onn the crowbar it should
remain deactivate during initial t=0.4 seconds but after the t=0.4 seconds any fault may occur
like transients and lightening due to which current could exceeds form threshold point but it
may probable that only one phase current or two could rise from specific threshold so every
phase current should be under control of rotor crowbar resistance for that purpose we need to
establish a resistance path to every phase current separately and OR all these comparative
outputs of threshold with each other so any phase abnormal conditions could be monitor and
also time of fault is monitored through mono chromatic switch. Output of both will AND to get
required out but switch will be RS logical Flip Flop operated only in during the fault and remain
Offline for normal conditions>

Challenges: (Please describe the challenges, specific to this research topic, currently being faced
internationally. Maximum 500 words.)

<The great Challenge in Crowbar Implementation was to consider all three phase current as
any one of phase current could be high at same time so I designed such a logical switch which
can work in all three phase at same time >

Motivation and Need: (Please describe the motivation and need for this work. Maximum 500

<DFIG are most preferable in wind energy due their size and unique effects, but the rotor
winding could be protected from any disturbance on grid or on wind turbine so implementation
of protected circuit is compulsory>

Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page 7

2.2 Outcomes and Benefits
Expected Outcomes: (Provide a list of proposed project outputs including publications, databases
<By Placing such protected circuits we could save our DFIG Turbine’s rotor which is the main
objective of our project >

Key Benefits and Beneficiaries: (Please identify clearly the benefits and potential
customers/beneficiaries of the project.)

Technology Transfer/Diffusion Approach: (Please describe how the outputs of the project will be
transferred to the beneficiaries/customers. Maximum 500 words.)
< DFIG protection performance depends on crowbar and its very essential to select an
optimum value for crowbar so for optimum value we have to check the criteria by varying the
crowbar resistance value and checking the performance of speed, frequency and active power
curves during fault with and without crow bar resistance .Crowbar value is selected from the
Isc means short circuit current rating first we have to evaluate the short circuit current and
perform then collect the optimum value of crow bar .
Formula for short circuit current is as below

Here Is-c short circuit current and RT is calculated by

Rotor voltage is calculated by the following formula

From this formula we could calculate the R crb means Resistance of crowbar from below given

Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page 8


2.3 Objectives
(Please describe the measurable objectives of the project and define the expected results. Use results-
oriented wording with verbs such as ‘to develop..’, ‘to implement..’, ‘to research..’, ‘to determine..‘, ‘to
identify..’ The objectives should not be statements and should actually specify in simple words
what the project team intends to achieve (something concrete and measurable/ deliverable). Fill
only those objectives that are applicable to the proposed project.)
Research Objectives: (if any)
 <To Implement a Protection Circuit for Wind turbine based on DFIG >

Academic Objectives: (if any)

 <To Publish a research paper >

Commercial Objectives: (if any)

 <To Present my model in Wind Energy Market >

Other Objectives: (if any)

 <NA>

2.4 Research Approach

Development / Research Methodology:
(Please describe the technical details and justification of your development and research plan. The
block  diagrams, system flow charts, high level algorithm details etc. have to be provided in this section.
Maximum 3000 words.)

Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page 9

<Modeling of DFIG based genarator
Let suppose the rotor power is Prot and stator power is Pstat then relationship of both power is
defined by the following formula

Generated power will be calculated by

Slip will be calculated by the following formula


In three phases it’s very difficult to calculate all three phase currents and voltage so we
approximate our circuits to two phases by means of Park Transformation Equations.

Stator voltage equations

Stator flux equations

Rotor voltage Equations

Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page 10

Rotor flux equations

Stator Transformation Matrix

Rotor Transformation Matrix

According to park transfer rule inverse of park transfer matrix will be equal to park transfer
matrix transpose



Dq equations for rotor and stator voltage and current are as follow

Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page 11

Stator flux equations

Rotor voltage equations

Rotor flux equations

Crowbar optimizing
DFIG protection performance depends on crowbar and its very essential to select an optimum
value for crowbar so for optimum value we have to check the criteria by varying the crowbar
resistance value and checking the performance of speed, frequency and active power curves
during fault with and without crow bar resistance .Crowbar value is selected from the Isc
means short circuit current rating first we have to evaluate the short circuit current and perform
then collect the optimum value of crow bar .

Fig.2 Designed Protection Using Crowbar Resistance Circuit

The Restance circuit as shown if fig.2 is called as passive protected crowbar based circuit [6].

Formula for short circuit current is as below

Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page 12

Here Is-c short circuit current and RT is calculated by

Rotor voltage is calculated by the following formula

From this formula we could calculate the Rcrb means Resistance of crowbar from below given

If we will approximate the results the optimized crowbar will be as under [6]:-

Table 1. Calculation of I and V for 5 MW Grid

This ratio shows that when resistance of crowbar is 20 times of rated rotor resistance the
current of rotor will be decreased from nominal value of 4.08 pu to 3.34 pu.

IV Results

Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page 13

With and without crow bar the results are prepared on the behalf of simulation performed for 5
MW wind power systems and the from given below results its very clear that without crowbar
rotor current exceeds from threshold value but with crowbar it does not exceeds from specified

1. Without any Fault.

When there is no fault is applied rotor current and voltage and all factors shown below
remain same as far as there is no disturbance recorded except initial period of DFIG.

Fig.3(a).Rotor V without Crowbar and without fault.

Fig.3(b).Rotor I without Crowbar and without fault.

Fig.3(c).Stator V without Crowbar and without fault.

Fig.3 (d).Stator I without Crowbar and without fault.

Fig.3 (e).Active Power Without any fault

Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page 14

Fig.3 (f).Reactive Power Without any fault

Fig.3 (g).DC Link Voltage without any fault

2. DFIG Simulation with 3 phase fault .

When there is fault is applied rotor current and voltage and all factors shown below
remain disturbed as far as there is no protection is used with DFIG.

Fig.4(a).Rotor voltage without Crowbar and with fault

Fig.4(b).Rotor current without Crowbar and with fault

Fig.4(c).Stator voltage without Crowbar and with fault

Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page 15

Fig.4(d).Stator current without Crowbar and with fault

Fig.4(e).Active Power Without any fault

Fig.4(f).Reactive Power Without any fault

Fig.4(g).DC link Voltage without any fault

3. DFIG Simulation with crowbar circuit

When there is no fault is applied and crowbar is used with DFIG for only protecting the
rotor current its very clear that only rotor current is controlled but all other does not
effected by this designed circuit so there is no control on stator voltage and current of

Fig.5(a).Rotor voltage with Crowbar and with fault

Fig.5(b).Rotor current with Crowbar and with fault

Fig.5(c).Stator Voltage with Crowbar and with fault

Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page 16

Fig.5(d).Stator current with Crowbar and with fault

Fig.5(e).Active Power With 3 Phase fault and crowbar

Fig.5(f).Reactive Power With 3 Phase fault and crowbar

V conclusion
On the basis of results it is concluded that wind energy systems with DFIG’s are more prefer
able as compare with the other types because of its unique characteristics and performance
but if DFIGs are used this type generator must use crowbar protection scheme or any other
scheme for both rotor and stator in order to protect the winding of rotor we can implement the
crowbar protections but for start we could use series crowbar technique for better result and it’s
very clear from my Matlab’s simulation that when a crowbar resistance is used the rotor current
does not exceeds from threshold point but it also shown here that no control of voltage and DC
link is established here in my purposed design but for better achievements we can modify my
purposed design by using separate protection of stator and rotor voltage and current.

Key Milestones and Deliverables: NA

(Please list and describe the principal milestones and associated deliverables of the project. The timing
of milestones is also to be shown in the Gantt chart in Annexure-A. Quarterly deliverables are

Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page 17

The information given in this table will be the basis of monitoring and release of funds by the National
ICT R&D Fund.

No. Elapsed time Milestone Deliverables

from start (in
months) of
the project
1. 3 months
2. 6 months
3. 9 months
4. 12 months
(Please add more rows if required.)

2.5 Risk Analysis NA

(Please list the risks that may cause delays in, or prevent implementation of, the project. For each risk
estimate the likelihood, likely impact/consequences on the project and steps to minimize/avoid the risk.)

Risk Likelihood Impact Mitigation

(Low, Med, High)

Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page 18

Section – 3

3.1 Resources & Other Requirements

Project Team:
(Please attach the CVs of P, CPI(s) and key research/development personnel which should clearly
show their expertise in relation to the needs of the project. Please follow the format included in
Annexure-C. The numbers in the table below must tally with the HR Cost sheet in the Budget

Title / Position Number

Team Leads 18SP-MS-EE-014
Researchers / Developers
Researcher / Development Assistants
Support Staff
Contract Staff (please specify)
Others (please specify)
Add more rows if required
Team Structure:
(Please define the team structure (organogram) and role/key responsibilities of each member. If in
collaboration with another partner, the division of manpower at various locations of partners be


Title/Position Role/Key Minimum Expertise / Minimum

(of each member) Responsibilities Qualification Background Experience
Required Required Required
Nadeem Research and Analysis BS High Voltage Power NA
Ahmed/Researcher Engineering in Electronics and
Electronics Digital Logic design

Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page 19

3.2 Contractual Matters
Contractual Obligations under this Project: (Please indicate any contractual obligations with
third parties that will be entered into for this project.)


Ownership of Intellectual Property Rights: (As per policy in vogue, following clause is

All newly developed intellectual property rights arising out of or capable of legal recognition
with respect to the projects implemented by the National ICT R&D Fund (The “Company”)
shall vest with the Company.

The Company may assign or license its rights in the said intellectual property to any person
on such terms as it may deem appropriate.

Competent Authority of the Principal Investigator’s Organization:

(Documentary proof of the Competent Authority (VC/Rector/CEO) as being the authorized signatory
for the PIO is mandatory for approval of the Project Proposal. Please attach copy of the proof.)

Name: Dr. Hafiz Ashiq Hussain

Designation: Chairperson & Associate Professor (HEC Approved Supervisor)
Email: ashiq.hussain@hitecuni.edu.pk

Date: Signature
& stamp:

Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page 20

Annexure–A: Project Schedule / Milestone Chart

(Project schedule using MS-Project (or similar tools) with all tasks, deliverables, milestones, cost estimates, payment schedules clearly
indicated are preferred.)



Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page 21

Annexure–B: Proposed Budget

Please use the embedded Excel Worksheet for providing budget details.

Double click the icon to open the worksheet.

TR&D Budget.xlsx

Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page 22

Annexure–C: Curriculum Vitae

Please provide relevant information and also attach CVs of key research / development
personnel (if available) and PI, CPI.

A. Professional Information

1. Name : Dr. Hafiz Ashiq Hussain

Chairperson & Associate Professor (HEC Approved

2. Title or Position Held : Supervisor)
3. Experience : (yrs) NA

4. Email Address : ashiq.hussain@hitecuni.edu.pk

B. Research Papers in Relevant Area

<NA >

C. Courses Taught in Relevant Area


D. Thesis / Projects Supervised in Relevant Area

<NA >

E. Grants Received in Relevant Area

<NA >

F. Industrial Work Done in Relevant Area

<NA >

Please paste detailed CV here

Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page 23

Please provide relevant information and also attach CVs of key research / development
personnel (if available) and PI, CPI.

A. Professional Information

1. Name :
2. Title or Position Held :
3. Experience : (yrs)
4. Email Address :

B. Research Papers in Relevant Area

<type here>

C. Courses Taught in Relevant Area

<type here>

D. Thesis / Projects Supervised in Relevant Area

<type here>

E. Grants Received in Relevant Area

<type here>

F. Industrial Work Done in Relevant Area

<type here>

Please paste detailed CV here

Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page 24


[1] < R. Cardenas, R. Pena, S. Alepuz and G. Asher, "Overview of Control Systems for the Operation of
DFIGs in Wind Energy Applications," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 60, no. 7, pp.
2776-2798, July 2013.

[2] A. Noubrik, L. Chrifi-Alaoui, P. Bussy and A. Benchaib, "Analysis and simulation of a 1.5 MVA doubly
fed wind-power in MATLAB SimPowerSystems using crowbar during power systems
disturbances," 2011 International Conference on Communications, Computing and Control
Applications (CCCA), Hammamet, 2011, pp. 1-6.

[3] S. Swain and P. K. Ray, "Fault ridethrough and power quality improvement of Doubly-Fed Induction
Generator based wind turbine system during grid fault with Novel Active Crowbar Protection
design," 2016 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), Singapore, 2016, pp. 2628-2633.

[4] Mansour Mohseni, Syed M. Islam,”Review of international grid codes for wind power integration:
Diversity, technology and a case for global standard”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,
Volume 16, Issue 6,2012,Pages 3876-3890.

[5] J. -. Jensen and W. Merz, "Light triggered thyristor crowbar for klystron protection
application," Proceedings of the 2003 Particle Accelerator Conference, Portland, OR, 2003, pp. 749-
751 Vol.2.
doi: 10.1109/PAC.2003.1289465

[6] Beniuga, Razvan & Istrate, Marcel & Oana, Beniuga " Crowbar protection impact on wind farm
behaviour during grid disturbance," 10.1109/MPS.2017.7974390 ,2017.


Application for ICT-Related Research and Development Grant Page 25

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