Modern Astrology - A Critical Note

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Modern Astrology
a critical note

Mullappilly Parameswaran

Modern astrology – A critical Note

Language of the book : English

Author : Mullappilly
Category : Astrology

Size: A 5
Pages: 24
Price: $ 5.38
Rights Reserved

Dedicated to my friend and

guru N.Premachandran,


1. The Divine Plan

Are we a part of properly conceived,
meticulously planned and brilliantly
executed grand design? In other wordS ,
are we programmed by divinity? Discuss.

The universe is infinite and it

contains millions and millions of stars,
planets, satellites , asteroids, comets etc.
in its mysterious womb. But irrespective
of this vastness and multiplicity, every
being in the universe (e., small or big,
animate or inanimate) is controlled by
some strict code of discipline. It is this
divine code of conduct that makes the
stars shine, the planets rotate and

revolve, and the mysterious comets make

their regular routine visits through regular
routes. This code of behavior is applicable
to the earth and its inhabitants also, as
they are, as a whole, part and parcel of
this gigantic operation called the Universe
or Brahmanda.

Just like the divine laws which

regulate and control the functioning of
the heavenly bodies, there are some
divine laws in the lower plane also. The
span of life of life of living beings in earth
is limited , but by the mercy of the set up
the interval between the two ends of
birth and death (the period of life), is at
the disposal of the living beings. Among
the living beings, man is the most
developed one, physically and mentally.

As such, he is empowered and can do

whatever he likes.
As the uncontrolled free-will of the
individual may upset the rhythm of the
divine plan, according to Indian belief, the
law of karma is enforced to limit the area
of free-will. (Karma (the law) and Karma-
phala (the result) are the contributions of
Indian philosophy.).Still we hear daily of
many atrocities of man. The reason is that
we are not so cultured as we claim to be .
Imagine the position , if there is no divine
law to bridle the devil in man?

1. Karma (action) and Punarjanma

(rebirth) in astrology

One can do whatever he likes to do

but as per the karma phala siddhanta , he
is responsible for the results of his

actions. It may take some time for the

results to come out but they will surely
come upon the doer in due course. As
such, in ordinary cases , it so happens that
some karma (karma phala) or results are
pending at the time of one’s death. But
still he cannot escape from the Law of
Karma, for he will have to take another
birth or several births to settle the
accounts. In other words, the hands of
fate follows him like his own shadow,
through the cycle of births , deaths and
rebirths, till the karma is completely
exhausted. (In Buddhism it is the karma
and not the sole which is reborn.)

The basic assumptions of karma theory

1. Man’s inescapable habit (vasana) to
do karmas.

2. Phala (results) follows karmas and

the same should be suffered (or
enjoyed) by the doer himself.
3. Once set in motion even death of
the physical body does not stop the
wheel of karma. One will have to
take another birth/births , if there is
balance of karma at the time of
4. The cycle of birth-death-rebirth
continues till all karma is liquidated.

The structure of Indian astrology stands

on four pillars of divine laws.
1. The law of karma(karma theory
or karma phala siddhanta which
insists that man should enjoy or
suffer the fruits of his actions.

2. The influence of the planets in

the affairs of man, as a tool for
executing the law of karma.
3. The karmic pattern of an
individual, as per the law of
karma , revealed by the planetary
positions at the time of birth; and
4. Man can rise above the karmic
pattern, indicated by the
planetary positions, to certain
extent, by remedial measures.
(These are not my personal opinions. To
know the truth, read on…))

3.Classification of karmas

Classification – 1 (Based on time)

1. Sanchita karma
2. Prarabdha karma
3. Agami karma

Sanchita karma is the gross total of

karmas or karma phalas of actions done
in the past life or lives. We may call it as
opening balance of karmas at the time of

Prarabdha karma is the matured

portion of sanchita karma,like a matured
fixed deposit in a bank or post office,
result of which we have to suffer or enjoy
in the present life itself.

The karma which is added to the

main account , after the birth , and also
the balance of sanchita karma (minus
prarabdha) is Agami karma.

Classification 2 (Based on potency)

1. Drida karma
2. Adria karma
3. Dridadrida karma

Drida is the strong karma involving

all the three mechanisms, ie., manas, vak
and kaya (thought, word and body) .
These karmas get the maximum punya or
papa and they cannot be altered by
remedial measures.

Adrida is weak karma involving any

one of the three factors (mano-vak-kaya)
results of which can be changed by proper
remedial measures.

Dridadrida is a mixture of the drida

(strong) and adrida (weak) karmas,
involving any two of the manas, vak and
kaya. Remedial measures are helpful in
this case to a certain extent.

Classificaion – 3 (Quality)
Karma Nature Effect Result
Sat Satkarma Punya Sukha
Asat Dushkarma papa Dukha
Sadasat Misra Vyamisra Sukha-dukha

Like the all pervasive but invisible

‘dark matter’ which conveys light and
magnetic power in space, the karma is all
pervasive and stretches itself beyond the
limitations of time and space. It is why the
good or bad karma of an individual affects
a society or country , or the group karma
of people affects innocent individuals.

In my opinion the subject karma

requires more study.. Able philosophers
should come forward. I say this because I
think we should consider not only the
performance of the doers but also the
feelings of the affected people.

Hitler of Germany and Paulpot of

Combodia have killed millions of innocent
people. How could their karma phalas be
liquidated? What was the karma of the
innocent people who were killed by

4. Fate and free-will

Our experience shows that free-will

exists but it is regulated by karmic

A good example is a calf tied to a

post with a piece of coir (rope). It can
move freely within the circle , created by
the length of the rope, but cannot move
beyond that circle. Same is the case of a
dog or a bird , shut in a cage.

At any rate, man cannot live

without doing some action and the results
follow the actions automatically, like the
echo of a sound or shadow of figure . As a
result, the present is conditioned by the
results of past karmas and the results of
that we do now , shape our future.

As already explained , prarabdha

karma is the result of the actions which
we are motivated to enjoy or suffer
during the present life itself. Out of these,
the results which come under adrida and
a portion of dridadrida also, constitute
the free-will.

We have already found the atrocity

of the free-will of Hitler and his group. Is
it actually free-will or something beyond
free-will or the force of free-will of a
group of bad people?

God knows!

5. The role of planets.

The law of karma insists that one

should enjoy or suffer the results of his
own actions and the Punarjanma
Siddhanta (theory of rebirth) reveals that

the closing balance of results of one’s

actions, pending at the time of death, will
be the opening balance of karma-phala
for the next life. But how these assets and
liabilities are carried forward to the next
life? It is here where the planets enter the
scene. In other words, the law of karma is
brought into effect through the influence
of planets.

The horoscope in astrology, ie., the

position of planets in the zodiac at the
time of birth, shows the prarabdha karma
which we are destined to enjoy or suffer
in the present life. To know the karma,
created after the birth, prasna is the only
way. Planets have no important role here,
but the results are arrived at by mere
guess work which means prasna is not

The theory of rebirth is also

arbitrary. We have no evidence to prove

that such a thing exists. In my childhood I

have heard of some claims of rebirth and
one Banerjee was studying them.
However, no case was proved beyond
doubt as rebirth.

The Jiva (life force) and the body are

two different factors and a creation,
whether it is an animal or a tree, requires
the meeting of the two factors to live on.
When one is gone, the other is also gone.

In Buddism, it is the karma which is

reborn. But they are not clear about a
vehicle to carry the karma to the next

The belief that the planets influence

human affairs has not so far been
established beyond doubt. It is actually
only one of the many ways found out by
humanity to know the future in advance.

6. The theory of astrology based on

karma phala siddhanta
Since the positions of the planets in
the zodiac at the time of one’s birth
indicate one’s karma, an astrologer can
find out and predict his possible future
experiences with the help of astrology , as
it interprets the planetary influences on
human affairs, In other words, astrology
reveals the results of our karma ,
expressed in terms of planetary

The birth of a child at a particular

moment , at a particular place, is the
result of its own past karma and the

positions of the planets at the time of

birth indicate the course of its future
experience. In other words, depending
upon the karma phala, a child takes birth
at a particular moment, ie., the moment
which indicates the would be course of
his life by the position of the planets in
the sky at that time. The planets indicate
according to the divine law some attitude
as benefic, malefic etc. towards the child
(depending upon their positions in the
zodiac at the time of birth,) and act
accordingly. These influences of the
planets extend to all sides of human life
(like physical, mental, moral etc.) and
they continue to act as official indicators
of his karma phala till his death.

This theory is arbitrary. The karma

is a speciality of Indian astrology. The

western astrology or the tajic do not

consider this point.

7.The rationale of astrology

As already said, there can be such

periods in one’s life, when all his efforts
fail without any obvious reasons. It seems
that the time is adverse. Similarly, there
can be good periods also when one
comes out successful in his endeavors
without much effort. It shows that the
time is favorable, and if he utilizes this
opportunity intelligently he may gain
more. In other words, every one has to
pass through many adverse periods in his
life and in the midst of these divine tests,
favorable opportunities also come and go

unnoticed, as we are naturally not so

sensitive to pleasures and laughter as to
sorrows and tears.

The good opportunities in one’s life,

whenever they appear, should be
immediately seized upon and turned to
maximum benefits. This is the secret of
success in the lives of many successful
men. In short, astrology helps one to
harmonize his actions and make all round
efforts when his time is ripe and helpful.
To quote Col. S. K. Gour “do not push
when pull will open the door!”.

This is the rationale of astrology,

according to all known modern teachers
in astrology.

I agree from my experience that the

point regarding good and bad times is
correct, but I do not agree about the way
of astrology to find out these times,
because the astrology itself is not an
established system. The ayanamas and
dasa apaharas vary from place to place
and there is no way to know which are

8.Remedial measures
The purpose of remedial measures is
to counter-act the evil indications,
resulting from the adverse planetary
dispositions, in a horoscope, in a prasna
chart or in transit forecasts.

The effect of remedial measures is

limited to the area of free-will and acts

only in the case of adrida karma phalas

only. However, there are various methods
in vogue for this purpose . This includes
devotion and prayers, prayaschitha and
charity, wearing precious stones and
suitable colours, poojas and tantric

Since the misfortunes in one’s life

are the results of his past sins or bad
actions, what is actually required is
repentance and good deeds. However, if
one believes in God, the best way is to
seek His pardon, by surrendering oneself
unreservedly to His Will, as He is the final
authority to punish or leave him free.

This is the Indian belief about

remedial measures.

As regards the wearing of precious

stones or conducting costly poojas, we
have no comment!
We do not believe in short-cuts.

“It is an eternal law that man

cannot be redeemed by the power
external to himself” – HPB (Theosophist)



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