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DECEMBER 4, 2004

RECORD In this issue

$A6000 in the can
for charity

Signs makes new

friends in Greece

The heart
of worship

Adventists in the South Pacific now have two documents to help guide them in their musical choices.

Music guidelines voted Wahroonga, New South Wales

eventh-day Adventists in the South Pacific now have two documents to help guide them
S in their musical choices.
Delegates attending the year-end executive committee of the South Pacific Division (SPD)
voted to accept a document giving guidelines about an Adventist philosophy of music and
one suggesting how to implement that philosophy in local churches across the South
The first document comes from the General Conference (GC), the second from the SPD.
“We believe the gospel impacts all areas of life,” the GC document reads. “We therefore
hold that, given the vast potential of music for good or ill, we cannot be indifferent to it.”
The church has not had a music statement, or guideline, since the early 1970s, explained
Pastor Ted Wilson, a general vice-president of the GC and member of the music committee,
during the GC’s Annual Council in October. “This document, I’m sure, has some items that
may not be agreeable to everyone,” he said.
The committee aimed at a “very balanced approach to this subject based on Scripture” and
the counsel of one of the church’s founders, Ellen White, who wrote on the subject.
Pastor Jan Paulsen, GC president, emphasised the nature of the document. “A document
such as this is presented as guideline, not policy,” he told delegates.
(Continued on page 5)
ISSN 0819-5633

Stewardship of little things

n his victory speech on the night of the imposed regulation as an expression of share their story of what God has done in
I Australian Federal election, Prime
Minister John Howard made reference to
my stewardship responsibility toward the
needs of the community and conserving
their lives.
I think of a pastor’s wife in Brisbane,
the re-election of his coalition govern- one of God’s natural gifts to humankind. who befriended a young person on a train
ment as a vote for good stewardship in Water conservation is good stewardship, and invited her to church. Today this
knowing how to manage the resources of and a spiritual reminder that water, like young person is baptised and a member
the country. all of life’s gifts, comes from God (see of the Adventist family. I think of a meter-
As an Adventist Christian, I was James 1:17). reader for a power company in an island
encouraged to discover that the concept Shopping at supermarkets, I’m also mission, who takes Signs magazines with
of stewardship, then, was not an out- confronted with a creative and simple him when he does his run, and gives
dated concept but a dynamic and way to control the excessive use of them to the people in the homes he visits.
meaningful word, even in government plastic, and care for the environment at In stories such as these, we see
circles of a secular society, such as the same time. I’m talking about the discipleship—the building of friendships
Australia. green bags (an environment-friendly and the sharing of the good news of
option) sold to shoppers at checkouts. Jesus—taking place as a personal
Acknowledging the lordship These bags can be recycled indefinitely. expression of one’s faithfulness to God.
of Jesus Christ So what is the point of these two Discipleship is a lifestyle of the believer.
But what is stewardship? Is it merely a examples? We, as Adventist Christians,
high-sounding word a politician might can make a big difference through little The sum of little things
use for a political purpose? Is it a biblical things we do often in everyday life to Stewardship is not a program. Steward-
anachronism, a term that’s lost its mean- show we care not only for biblical truth, ship is a matter of living the life of a
ing in the complexity of living in today’s but for living out the principles of disciple in whatever situation we find
world? stewardship in society. ourselves. It is faithfulness to God in the
I think not! Rather, stewardship is a little things, recognising who He is as
spiritual response that calls us to A personal witness Creator, Redeemer, Saviour and Lord of
surrender our will and total being to the But stewardship is more than using less our lives, and responding to Him with all
rulership of God in Jesus Christ. In this water around your home and using green we are and have.
sense, stewardship is the overarching bags when shopping. It is more than And when He comes to usher us into
theme that ties in everything we are as returning to God the tithe that is His, and His eternal kingdom, you and I can
Christians in terms of living as disciples the giving of free-will offerings. expect to hear these words from Him:
of Jesus today. It also includes the commitment and “Well done, good and faithful servant!
Let me share some simple examples of involvement of all of Jesus’ followers in You have been faithful with a few things;
how stewardship ought to encompass the Great Commission to make disciples I will put you in charge of
everything we think and do in society. of all people groups. In this Year of many things. Come
Living on the Central Coast of New Evangelism, I have been privileged to be and share your
South Wales, I am reminded constantly of involved in a number of reaping master’s happiness!”
the value of water. The water restrictions programs around the South Pacific, and (Matthew 25:21,
in many parts of Australia remind us in training church members to become NIV).
water is a resource that can run out (at personal witnesses for Christ.
least from the reservoirs), if not used What I’ve found empowering in these
judiciously and managed properly. But situations is the willingness of Erika Puni
beyond the responsible use of water and individuals to build relationship with Stewardship, Personal
Ministries and Sabbath
fines for misuse, as a Christian, I am others—neighbours, work mates, school School Director
forced to think of this government- friends, relatives, even strangers—and South Pacific Division

OFFICIAL PAPER Editor Nathan Brown Mail: Signs Publishing Company

South Pacific Division Senior assistant editor Lee Dunstan 3485 Warburton Highway
Seventh-day Adventist Assistant editor Kellie Hancock Warburton, Vic 3799, Australia
Church Editorial assistant Scott Wegener Phone: (03) 5966 9111 Fax: (03) 5966 9019
ACN 000 003 930 Copyeditor Graeme Brown Email Letters: Editorial secretary Meryl McDonald-Gough Email Newsfront:
Layout Peta Taylor Email Noticeboard:
Vol 109 No 47 SPD news correspondent Brenton Stacey Subscriptions: South Pacific Division mailed within
Cover: David Flemming Senior consulting editor Barry Oliver Australia and to New Zealand, $A43.80 $NZ73.00.
Other prices on application. Printed weekly.

2 December 4, 2004

• Small groups go big in PNG • Assembly of God joins Dubbo church for Sabbath worship
• Adventist churches spread worldwide • The Passion shows Muslims the gospel • and more
—Compiled by Scott Wegener—

The General Conference’s musical ability,” says Ms

Office of Global Mission is
hosting an interfaith sympo-
$A6000 in the can for charity Sharon Littlewood, principal
of Ipswich Adventist Primary
sium at Fox Valley Commu- ore than 2.5 tonnes of cannned food was collected by Avondale School. “They want to know
nity church in Wahroonga, M College students for the Salvation Army in Newcastle to stock when they are coming
NSW, on December 11 and 12, their shelves for Christmas. At the end of October, 70 collectors back!”—Katy Bidmead
which will help Adventist descended on the streets of Wallsend, Cooranbong and other suburbs,
church members and pastors asking residents to dig deep into their pantries. Doing so enabled
build bridges to the growing them to collect cans of food to the approximate shelf value of $A6000. Yarra Music, with the
segment of Western society Howard Mole, Salvation Army liaison for the event, was impressed vision of giving musicians and
that subscribes to belief sys- and expressed songwriters the chance to
tems other than Christianity. thanks on behalf of have their music published
The Sabbath afternoon pro- the organisation. for Adventists to use and
gram will feature short The Salvation Army sing in their
presentations from a Bud- workers now have churches, has
dhist, a Hindu, a Jew, a hours of work released two
Muslim and a Christian. ahead of them with brand new
Each will explain why they the sorting and w o r s h i p
find their respective religion stocking of shelves. albums. The
attractive. Pastor James Coffin, Avondale College “Show me
director of the Center for has been collecting the way”
Secular/Postmodern Mission cans for Christmas album is all
(CSPM) based in Longwood, over the past few about praise,
Florida, USA (and former years. worship,
editor of RECORD), says, reflection and
“Adherents to the various faith systems will in the past few months.—Alex Kiluwe Palie inspiration. The album
describe their own faith, giving an insider’s “For you” has been
view. On Sunday, CSPM directors will look inspired by the notion that
at the same belief systems through the lens In October, the Northpine Christian everything we have is a gift to give back to
of Adventism, showing where we have College, Qld, worship band and singers God. For more information see:
common ground on which to build as we (pictured) had their inaugural tour, which <>.—Bevan Craig
seek to establish a relationship in which we included visits to Ipswich Adventist School
can, by both word and deed, share the and Darling Downs Christian School.
gospel.” (See Noticeboard for details.) Some 21 people took the two-day, 400- The Dubbo Adventist church, NSW,
kilometre tour that allowed them to use has been renting their church to the Dubbo
their talents to share in worship with City Church (AOG) for their worship
Small-group evangelism has been students from other schools. “Our students services. Recently, renovations to the
introduced into all 20 districts of the loved having the Northpine band and rostrum provided the situation where the
Western Highlands Mission, PNG, and as singers at our school and were inspired to two congregations met and worshipped
a result some churches are now full at 2.00 learn new songs and improve their own together on a Sabbath morning in their
pm. It is during this time that all the small hall. The pastor of the Dubbo City Church
groups present their inreach and requested to join the Sabbath service as
outreach activities of the week, blessings some of their members wanted to help
and problems encountered, and sing a song with the Sunday renovations. Comments
of praise and thanksgiving. Churches of such as “It seems just like Sunday today.
other denominations are emptying as Why do we worship on Sunday
members make the shift to the Adventist anyway?” were heard, and some who
Church because of small-group evan- believed Adventists were a cult who
gelism. Reports from the Porgera District excluded other Christians enjoyed the
alone show 142 people have been baptised worship experience.—Laurie Landers

December 4, 2004 3

Many new Adventist churches are being churches in the next three years. South
planted around the world and include:
Britain: more than 25 new churches in two
Sudan: 52 new churches planted and 43
new branch Sabbath schools organised in
Off the record
to three years, with 20 planned in the next the past six years; plans for 32 new Danielle Carins of Scottsdale church,
five years in London alone. Hungary: 16 churches each year in coming years, with Tas, has once again won the Ag Art
new churches in five years; another 20 40 new church buildings to be completed Wear Competition at Agfest with her
church plants in early stages; plans for 15 in 2005-06. Netherlands: nine new “hessian bride” outfit. Having to
more in the next five years. Finland: four churches and three projects moving toward model an outfit made from materials
new churches in the past five years and five a plant; plans for 15 new church plants in found on a farm, Danielle’s outfit
church plants launched; plans for 13 the next three to five years. Poland: six included materials such as hessian seed
churches in the next five years. Israel: 24 new churches and five new groups bags, milk filters, a bird
new churches and companies in the past established since 1999; plans for 10 new net veil and an old pair
six years; plans for more than 12 new churches in the next three to five years. of Blundstones covered
Norway: three new churches and plans for in wool. In a previous

Don’t panic
another five to seven planting projects in year’s competition
the next four to five years.—Peter Danielle was requested
Roennfeldt to model her outfit on a
first-time youth crusade with a Sabbath, which she
A difference, “Don’t panic,” kicked off
in Christchurch, NZ, on October 23. Muslims have been seeing Mel Gibson’s
declined to do. Then,
given the opportunity to model her
Stepping outside the traditional church The Passion of The Christ film because outfit on another day, she ended up
building location and onto the 14th floor they heard that it’s anti-Jewish. This movie winning first prize.—Tasda News
of Christchurch’s Grand Chancellor has broken records in all Middle Eastern
Hotel, each night attracted between five countries and in Kuwait the film has been
and eight new people. The presenters so popular that theatres have cancelled Warwick church, Qld, held
ranged in age from 19 to 27, speaking on other films to show it. Muslim audiences celebrations for their 50th anniversary,
topics such as, “Is God real?” and “The have been shocked by the message: “Love filling the church
truth about death.” your enemies! Forgive them!” In Qatar, a with members,
Advertising for this event featured full- missionary says, “In two short hours, more former members
colour brochures, created by local design Qataries heard the gospel than I have been and friends. Eight
student Blair McLean, which were able to reach in nearly five years.” Even in previous ministers
distributed around the three main Saudi Arabia, which has no movie theatres, were present for
educational campuses in Christchurch— vendors report they can’t keep up with the anniversary
Teachers College, Canterbury University demand for the pirated DVDs.—ACC celebrations (pictured, with their
and Polytech (TAFE). wives). Four of the original members
The purpose for this youth event was still regularly worship at Warwick
to foster the speaking talent of Seventh- An elderly Christian couple has church.—Mary Fedorow
day Adventist embarked on a year-long prayer journey
young adults that will take them to every state capital
in South New in the USA. Phillip Epperson, who Six-year-old Nikki Miles (pictured
Zealand and recently turned 65, and his wife of 38 with her teacher, Mrs Hanley) of
to share Jesus years, Vicki, began their Prayer Across Papatoetoe church, NZ, won first place
with those America campaign <www.prayer in the poetry category at the 2004
who don’t yet> on September 11 in Young Australian
know who He Springfield, Illinois. The two will conclude Writers Award
is. Galina Sen- their odyssey on September 11, 2005, at with her poem,
kovich, one of the US Capitol in Washington, DC. In “When we were
the speakers, between, they will be praying from 1.00 to Chicks.” “It wasn’t
summed the 2.00 pm every Thursday afternoon, while meant to be a
event up by travelling the 27,000-kilometre poem,” she says.
saying, “It was expedition in a recreational vehicle.— “It was a story.” Open to primary school
good to have a Charisma News Service students throughout Australia and NZ,
variety of almost 2000 entries across eight
speaker styles Days and offerings categories were received this year. Nikki
because we could reach more people this December 18—Pacific Islands is the daughter of regular Signs
way.”—Zara Hardy Advancement Offering magazine writer Christine Miles.

4 December 4, 2004

Music guidelines voted Support for mass

distribution of literature
(Continued from page 1) like this years ago,” says Pastor Andrew
Kingston, chair of the committee that Wahroonga, New South Wales
“Guidelines are a point of reference. . . . produced the document. “Tragically,
I would hope and will make specific churches have split over the issue of eventh-day Adventist literature will
recommendation that any guideline on
music our church adopts does not become
music. It’s tragic because music is a God-
given gift that allows us to offer Him our
S reach more people in the South Pacific
under three plans presented to the
an instrument by which we measure praise and worship.” church’s year-end executive committee.
spirituality. It is destructive to our The document, like that from the GC, is Signs of the Times will be distributed to all
community to engage in such.” He added, not prescriptive. Pastor Kingston: “The households in Australia and New Zealand
“We allow it to talk to us in our various church in the South Pacific is multi- under a plan presented by the magazine’s
cultures. . . . Music must express itself in cultural and multi-generational. Who are volunteer ministry coordinator, Pastor Des
every culture.” we to say, ‘You must worship this way’?” Hills. Three church members have already
See “Music principles to guide the Pastor Kingston recommends the pledged $A100,000. Members of the com-
Christian” for a list of the document’s nine worship committees of local churches mittee referred the plan to the executive
principles. “thoughtfully study” the document. committees of the Australian Union
The document from the SPD “First, look at the biblical principles and Conference and the New Zealand Pacific
complements these guidelines. Its pur- ask, ‘Do we understand them?’ Then look Union Conference.
pose, according to the preamble, “is not to at the practical considerations. They also endorsed, in principle, a plan
dictate a list of dos and don’ts, but rather “This is a helpful document if taken to distribute a new edition of Adventist
to provide both broad-reaching statements seriously. It’s written in a positive way Review. Adventist World will replace the
and practical considerations.” because it is a genuine attempt to enhance world edition of the magazine inserted into
Ten sections make up the document. and improve our worship.”—Brenton RECORD each month. The worldwide
One contains a list of music principles Stacey with Wendi Rogers/ANN church will cover all printing costs.
with reference to specific Bible verses. The third plan is to distribute 10 of
Others consider the role of lyrics, of music Visit <> or write to the SPD church founder Ellen White’s books to
and of the audio and visual team, and the Communication Department (Locked Bag 2014, every Adventist family in the South Pacific
Wahroonga, NSW 2076) to read the documents.
impact of culture. One section addresses Division. The cost of the seven-volume set
worship leaders. Another encourages will be only $US1.00. The plan will cost the
See RECORD next week for a full report
churches, schools and families to provide South Pacific Division about $A30,000 and
from the year-end executive committee
music and technical education. its unions about $A30,000 over five
of the South Pacific Division.
“We should have prepared a document years.—Brenton Stacey

Music principles to guide the Christian

he music that Christians enjoy should be regulated by the 6. Vocal music employs lyrics that positively stimulate
T following principles:
1. All music the Christian listens to, performs or composes,
intellectual abilities as well as our emotions and our will power.
Good lyrics are creative, rich in content, and of good composition.
whether sacred or secular, will glorify God. They focus on the positive and reflect moral values; they educate
2. All music the Christian listens to, performs or composes, and uplift; and they correspond with sound biblical theology.
whether sacred or secular, should be the noblest and the best. 7. Musical and lyrical elements should work together
On these two foundations—glorifying God in all things and harmoniously to influence thinking and behaviour in harmony
choosing the noblest and the best—depend the other principles with biblical values.
listed below for the selection of music by Christians. 8. It maintains a judicious balance of spiritual, intellectual and
3. It is characterised by quality, balance, appropriateness and emotional elements.
authenticity. Music fosters our spiritual, psychological and social 9. We should recognise and acknowledge the contribution of
sensitivity, and our intellectual growth. different cultures in worshipping God. Musical forms and
4. It appeals to both the intellect and the emotions and impacts instruments vary greatly in the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist
the body in a positive way. It is holistic. family, and music drawn from one culture may sound strange to
5. Music reveals creativity in that it draws from quality someone from a different culture.
melodies. If harmonised, it uses harmonies in an interesting and Excerpt from “A Seventh-day Adventist Philosophy of Music—
artistic way, and employs rhythm that complements them. Guidelines.”

December 4, 2004 5

The church in Asia celebrates centennials

wo Asian countries recently celebrated the Adventist Church, along Korea
T 100 years of Adventist presence. The Sri
Lankan Mission (SLM) marked its
with a fellow pioneer.
It took 16 years to establish
There are more than
171,000 Adventists in
centennial with three days of meetings the first Adventist church in Korea, and more than
from October 22 to 24 and the Korean Kollupitiya, along with others 15,000 of them attended the
Union Conference (KUC) capped a year of in Moratuwa and Kandy. centennial rally at Olympic
celebrations with a huge rally on Today the SLM has a Stadium, Seoul.
November 6. membership of almost 3600. Seventh-day Adventism in
Im Chang-yeol.
Pastor Jan Paulsen, General Korea began in 1904 with
Sri Lanka Conference president, and a guest digni- two pioneers, Son Heung Cho and Lee
The first Adventist to visit Sri Lanka was tary at the celebrations, said, “One of the Eung Hyun, who were baptised at the Kobe
Abraham La Rue, who visited Colombo in striking features of the church in Sri Lanka Seventh-day Adventist church in Japan. Mr
1893 and distributed literature. Then in is that it exists in a region where another Cho returned to Korea to spread the
1904, Harry Armstrong came to Sri Lanka, religion is dominant; a religion that is Adventist message to his neighbours, and
settled there and laid the groundwork for embraced by two-thirds of the people and was joined by Im Ki Ban, with whom he
is embedded in the culture of the nation. had shared the message while on board the
Yet even in this environment, our church— Korea-bound ship.
just a tiny minority—is able to give an National figures also came to honour the
appealing witness for Christ, last year KUC’s centennial. Reflecting the early
showing a net growth of some 200 new missionaries who preached aboard a Korea-
believers.” bound ship a century ago, one of whom
He adds, “The church in Sri Lanka has was his own grandfather, Im Chang-yeol,
not presented itself in an aggressive former governor of the Gyeonggi Province,
manner, speaking negatively about other and former minister of Finance and
religions. Sri Lankan Adventists have Economy and Deputy Prime Minister,
demonstrated that their purpose is not to attended the centennial ceremony.
discredit others, but rather to do good During his congratulatory speech he
within the communities where they live— said, “My heart is full of deep emotion and
through their education and health-care thankful to be invited to give a
systems and their commitment to being a congratulatory message as a descendent of
Dignitaries received a Sri Lankan welcome. productive part of society.” an Adventist pioneer.”—ANN

Adventists evacuated from Jamaicans march against violence

Abidjan ore than 10,000 Kingston at the

S ome General Conference (GC) staff

members and other regional church
M Adventist men,
women and children
conclusion of the
march. Thousands
leaders were recently evacuated to their recently marched gathered in the park
home countries from Abidjan, Ivory Coast, through the streets of to hear a message
when a clash between French troops and Kingston and Saint from local church
Ivory Coast nationals broke out. Catherine, Jamaica, leaders.
In Abidjan to attend annual business bearing a message of Percival Patterson,
meetings for the Cote d’Ivoire Conference, hope and family unity. Adventists marched to an anti-violence Jamaica’s Prime
GC staff were evacuated after a five-day The march, said to be summit in Jamaica. Minister, attended the
confinement in their hotel. Regional leaders the largest ever on the island, kicked off a summit and commended the church for
were able to complete their meetings summit aimed at countering a steep rise its efforts in promoting moral values. He
because the church compound was located in violence in Jamaica over the past year. also asked Adventists to remain united
close to the presidential palace, which was The summit, “Men: Agents of change,” with the government against crime and
heavily guarded.—ANN took place in National Heroes Park in violence.—ANN

6 December 4, 2004

Nunawading nativity turns 10

Nunawading, Victoria
was a porcelain doll,
or the past 10 years, for one week in but every other year
F December, the lives of several thousand
people in the eastern suburbs of Mel-
it has been real,
newborn babies—
bourne have been touched and changed over 30 in all—that
by witnessing the Christmas story in its have played the role
raw state, seeing the birth of Christ of Baby Jesus.
without the Hollywood glossiness or the To run the light

Geoff White
Christmas-card halos. and sound systems
Through dust, wind, heat and chilling there are three kilo-
rain (sometimes all on the one evening), metres of heavy
This year some 12,000 people are expected to visit Road to Bethlehem.
the cast and crew of Road to Bethlehem cable that must be
(RTB) have always delivered a free program washed before being returned. For those who know the story, RTB
to the wider community on the Victorian More than 700 people came to rekindles memories of Christmas, donkeys,
Conference grounds in Nunawading. experience RTB during the inaugural and soldiers and a babe in a manger.
From humble rain-soaked sessions a decade ago. Some of For those who’ve never really heard the
beginnings— those 700 have been back every year and Christmas story, it opens their hearts to the
with no funding, still marvel at the choir of angels, praise the reason Christmas is so special to Christians
very little adver- professional acting and soak up the across the world.
tising and a tiny Christmas spirit. The comment book is But it does more than that; it builds a
committee— overflowing with positive affirmations. bridge between the Adventist Church in
something Every visitor receives a show bag the eastern suburbs of Melbourne and the
unique was born. including items such as Sanitarium community that surrounds it.
An event that products, a Signs magazine, craft activities As one visitor remarked to an RTB
seems to cross all for the children and a listing of local greeter, “I did not realise that Seventh-day
the barriers— Adventist churches. This free bag further Adventists believed in the Bible and the
small children emphasise the “gift” of RTB. For that is story of Jesus’ birth!” A 10-year-old boy
Geoff White

stand awestruck what RTB is, “. . . a gift to the community summed RTB up by saying, “It isn’t
at the same from the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Christmas till we’ve been to Road to Beth-
manger where Victoria.” lehem.”—Kate Jones
More than 350 men from
local churches, schools and tears roll down The phone at the Victorian Conference
Pathfinder clubs have played wrinkled cheeks. office begins to ring in November with Road to Bethlehem will be held December 13 to 16.
the role of soldiers in Road
to Bethlehem. The first year people not wanting to miss out on the RTB For more information phone 9259 2311 or log on to
the baby Jesus experience.

Signs makes new friends in Greece

Athens, Greece programs the group was running, such as Taking Charge of Your
Life seminars.”
uring the Athens Olympic Games, the local English-speaking According to Pastor Kulakov, the English church believes Signs
D church distributed Signs of the Times magazines. Prior to the
Games, the Signs Publishing Company sent a box of Signs to the
magazines played a very important role in their evangelistic efforts,
which were part of their special project called Making Friends for
Greek Mission (Newsfront, August 28), where Pastor Victor Christ. The project emphasises the strategy of winning people to
Kulakov led out in using the magazines for evangelism. Jesus through establishing friendships with them. This has proved
“We distributed the magazines in the streets, squares, everywhere to be successful.
English-speaking people were found,” says Pasor Kulakov, minister The Greek Mission is hoping to purchase more Signs magazines
of the international groups in the Greek Mission. “Due to these to use for outreach in the future. Lee Dunstan, Signs campaign
magazines, we were able to establish friendships with new people. coordinator, is presently seeking donors for additional magazines
“Each member of the group would carry magazines with them for Greece among the large ethnic communities in Melbourne and
and hand them out to people they met, along with invitations to Sydney Adventist churches.—Adele Nash

December 4, 2004 7

The heart of worship by Neone Okesene

orship is an essential part a layperson’s approach, which

W of church life. In fact, as a
word it is almost synonymous
begins and ends with a simple
analysis of what Jesus said to the
with the word church. Yet the Samaritan woman in John 4.
issue is a troublesome one in the Coincidentally, three of the four
Adventist Church. main points correspond roughly
Perhaps one of the reasons for antithetically with the three
this is that whenever we discuss reasons given above.
the subject of worship, the
emphasis seems to be on two Jesus’ statement on
aspects of worship—music and worship
form. The dialogue usually Jesus made the following
becomes a heated debate on the statement on worship: “A time is
rightness or wrongness of coming when you will worship
certain kinds of music, or on the the Father neither on this
biblical validity or non-validity mountain nor in Jerusalem. You
of certain forms of worship. Samaritans worship what you do
The concept of worship is so not know; we worship what we
entrenched in Adventist do know, for salvation is from the
thinking that any discussion of Jews. Yet a time is coming and has
it becomes inevitably entangled now come when the true
with notions of identity. Phrases worshippers will worship the
such as true worship, false Father in spirit and truth, for they
worship, the three angels’ are the kind of worshippers the
messages (the first of which Father seeks. God is spirit, and
deals with worship), his worshippers must worship in
worshipping the image of the beast and so and inevitable, they represent leanings spirit and in truth” (John 4:21-24, NIV). In
forth are deeply imbedded in the Adventist peculiar to Adventists, which hinder these few sentences are set out for us the
psyche. So much so that some Adventists attempts to discuss worship for worship’s parameters by which we should be able to
believe that the way we worship should be sake. The perspectives they represent are understand worship fully.
as definitive of the remnant as are the intrinsically connected to and are pre-
doctrines on the sanctuary and judgment. loaded in favour of Adventism. For God is spirit
And worship is a sensitive subject in the instance, the anticipated end-time delusion At a glance, the phrase “God is spirit”
Adventist Church because of the place engineered through worship is linked with would suggest Jesus was simply making a
worship occupies in Adventist under- a system symbolised by the beasts of casual reference to God the Father. But a
standing of last-day events as depicted in Revelation 13. The extension of this closer analysis of its relation to the rest of
the book of Revelation and the desire to interpretation is the identification of the the passage namely “and his worshippers
avoid deception. According to prominent Seventh-day Adventist Church as the must worship in spirit and in truth,”
theologians, worship is the central issue in antithesis of this system, so that in an reveals that Jesus is making a profound
the great controversy between good and indirect but convenient way, true worship statement about the nature and origin of
evil. They believe worship is the medium is defined as that which is associated with worship.
through which the powers of evil will the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The fundamental point expressed here is
make a final concerted effort to delude the Worship thus cannot be rigorously that as Spirit, God grants to us a
whole world. discussed independent of existing connection with Himself, which not only
Adventist Church culture and teachings. enables us to worship Him, but also
Breaking circular reasoning But let’s attempt to discuss worship from validates that worship. Worship does not
While these reasons may be significant a perspective that is relatively neutral. It is begin with us but with God. Worship is a

8 December 4, 2004

relationship rather than a set of rituals, and and with much passionate expression of person who sincerely desires to have a
Jesus bypassed the what, the when, the how human emotions. According to this close relationship with Him.
and the why of worship to focus on system, the bigger the sacrifice and the The validation of worship is not on the
defining the true worshipper. louder the worship, the more likely that basis of prescribed forms and styles, but on
the god being worshipped would be the basis of the worshipper being a true
Worship begins with God appeased. Basically it was a “god over worshipper. The worship of God is
The main point of most articles on there, and the worshipper over here” kind acceptable to God not because of the wor-
worship is what we do. It might be singing, of a system. shipper adhering to some system, but
playing music, praying or preaching, but it But Jesus does not use these symbolic because of the worshipper’s sincere desire
is always an action by us. As a church we rituals. Instead, He uses a simple state- for a relationship with God through which
recognise that God is our Creator and our ment, “God is spirit, and his worshippers God subsequently validates His condition
Saviour, and it is because of these aspects of must worship in spirit and in truth.” The as true worshipper by His own Spirit and
who He is that we worship Him. Christian God is not worshipped through a grace. This genuine and sincere longing for
But too often in the execution of our set of rituals pertaining to actions we God is the emphasis of the Saviour in the
worship and in the discussion of the sub- perform, or through some so-called true use of the word truth in His definition of
ject, the starting point seems to be about worship system as opposed to a false the true worshipper.
us, about what we should do to serve, worship system, but through a relationship
please or appease the God we worship. where He comes in to be with the A simpler perspective
This may well be why the debate on worshipper. If we analyse what Jesus said The parameters in Jesus’ statement have
worship continues in the Adventist to the Samaritan woman in the light of helped me realise I do not have to be
Church; because it is always over what we what He said to Nicodemus in the previous bogged down with the never-ending debate
do, how we should do what we do, and chapter, we see that worship is a on the rightness and wrongness of music,
what we should use in what we do. relationship initiated by God Himself for they transcend music; that I do not
If we worship on the basis of this through Jesus Christ, and through the have to be hung up on the issue of identity,
premise, we will always struggle to accept work of the Holy Spirit. because my identity is not linked to nor
forms of worship that are different from In Jesus Christ, God established does it come from a system, but is from
ours. We will also find that reality will justification for everyone. This makes it God and it links me to Him; and that
always contravene our efforts to formalise possible for whosoever will believe to have neither do I have to be paranoid about the
worship across the board because, except the confidence that all has been done for delusion in the last days as for me, worship
for where absolute morals are the pre- his or her salvation in Jesus Christ. is a relationship with God sustained and
emptive requirements, cultural and social Through His Holy Spirit, God gives to us affirmed by His Holy Spirit as it works in
backgrounds tend to dictate what we do personally the life-changing blessings and my life through His Word.
and how we do them. merits of this salvation and enables a In knowing the essence of what Jesus
After reading Jesus’ dialogue with the continuous interaction and relationship says, I can look beyond the complicated,
Samaritan woman, we should shift the with God. Worshipping God thus is a sometimes disconcerting, and often
starting point of worship to God. Real privilege afforded to us by God Himself contrasting milieu of worship rituals and
worship while it involves us, and what through a relationship, which He initiates practices, beyond the multitude of rhythms
we do, is not about us or about these and in which He imparts to us His Holy and sounds in the worship of different
actions. It is about who God is, and what Spirit. cultures, beyond the free-flowing style of
He did, does, and will continue to do for the contemporaries and the restrained
us and to us. Worship starts with God, Jesus intentionally defined rituals of the ancients, beyond the
not with us. true worshippers cacophonous worship of the Corinthians
The last important aspect of worship in and the pedantic ways of the Jews, and feel
Worship is a relationship, not the context of the dialogue between Jesus free to worship God through a relationship
a set of rituals and the woman is that Jesus was by- with Him in any Christian setting
It is interesting that when Jesus talks passing the where, the how, the why and anywhere in the world.
about worship to the Samaritan woman, the when of worship to focus instead on More importantly, it has helped me to be
He does not use the commonly accepted defining the true worshipper. In defining respectful and accepting of the way other
rituals of His time. These would have the true worshipper Jesus starts with God people have chosen to show their gratitude
included such practices as offering and motives, not forms or styles. to God for the relationship God has called
sacrifices and the singing of songs. God is seeking the true worshipper, not them into through the sacrifice of His Son
Traditionally, these were rituals pagans also a worship system. In other words, God is and the fellowship of His Holy Spirit. r
used in the worship of their gods. not looking out for what we bring to Him
Most ancient Middle Eastern pagan or perform for Him, nor is He looking out
worship systems revolved around for where or when we may present these to Neone Okesene pastors the New Lynn Samoan
appeasing a wrathful god with sacrifices Him. Rather, He is looking out for the church, Auckland, New Zealand.

December 4, 2004 9
V O L U N T E E R 2 0 0 5

Volunteer: It’s as good as it gets

ore and more people are discovering that serving others is as
M good as it gets. Being involved in a service project is the
highlight of a year.
In 2003 a record number of volunteers from this division
served through Adventist Volunteer Service. This year will see
more. A strong and growing culture of service within the church
in the South Pacific beckons people of all ages to live extra-
ordinary lives. And a kaleidoscope of opportunities exist both
within the church and community—STORM Co, fly’n’builds,
the ADRAcare challenge (two hours a week in your local
community), the Pinnacle team, youth and children’s
ministries, teaching ESL, nursing,

caring for kids in

orphanages, tentmaker
ministry, maintenance
and prayer support. The
list is comprehensive, and
new opportunities are
added weekly.
If you haven’t yet
discovered the miracle of
service—you receive more
than you give (see Acts 20:35)—make the
choice to give it a go in 2005.
Start with a short-term project or local,
regular commitment to your community.
And when the time is right, move into a
longer-term stint as a volunteer. It will
change your life.
So why not volunteer for 2005?—Mel Lemke

10 December 4, 2004
V O L U N T E E R 2 0 0 5

Volunteer service opportunities . . .

Short term
South Pacific Division
● Karalundi Aboriginal Education Centre. A number of projects are available for individuals as well as teams through 2005. Contact
Glenn Grey on (08) 9981 2933 for details.
● Fly’n’builds. For short-term projects within the Pacific, contact your local conference’s short-term missions coordinator. A number of
projects are available in Fiji this year end.
● Youth mission trips. Contact your local conference youth director for mission trips to Fiji this year end.
● STORM Co trips. Contact your local conference youth director.
● ADRAcare. Contact your ADRA office for hundreds of ideas on how you can get involved in your local community.
● Family service. Consider taking on either a local or overseas project as a family, during school or university holidays.

Longer term
New Zealand
● Youth adventure training team member. Three positions available; 12-month call, starting January 27, 2005; ages 18-30; high school
diploma. The Adventure Plus program works with high school students to teach life skills of communication, confidence building,
good risk-taking skills and personal growth. Skills in dealing with young adults and children, public speaking (small groups), outdoor
recreation (rock climbing, abseiling, ropes) are useful.
● Program facilitator. One position; 12-month call, beginning July 1, 2005; age 20-28; minimum of three years university level; The
program requires abilities in public speaking, program delivery, group facilitation, outdoor recreation instructing (training provided),
general office administration, program development and evaluation.

● Youth leader. South Brisbane church, Queensland; 12-month call, beginning January 1, 2005; age 23-25; experience in youth
leadership, organisational skills; committed Christian; passion for people and witnessing. Duties include involvement in all aspects of
youth church life, with particular emphasis on older teen and younger youth age groups. Work with youth leaders in coordinating
youth program, including Bible study, music, worship and vesper programs.
● Youth-teen minister. Kellyville church, Sydney; 12-month call, beginning February 1, 2005; age 25-35; minimum two years university
or active experience working with high school students; co-leadership of Sabbath school class (13- to 18-year-olds); assist or lead
Sabbath school three times each month; conduct weekly after-school, high school Bible-study groups during term; co-organise high
school group Sabbath school calendar, including spiritual, social, community and outreach activities; assisant chaplain at Adventist
primary school.
● Pastor/youth minister. Westridge church, Toowoomba, Queensland; 12-month call; be involved in a wide range of ministry tasks,
with emphasis on junior to young adults; limited chaplaincy at school.
Pastor/youth minister. Central church, Toowoomba; 12-month call, similar to Toowoomba, above.

Other divisions
● ESL teachers. Thailand, Japan, China, Korea, Poland and Russia.
● Youth evangelist. France, Saleve Adventist University; age 18-35, fluent French speaker. Duties include witnessing, worship
coordination, public relations and organisation.
● Science elementary teacher. Honduras, Maranatha Bilingual School; age 18-30; average Spanish speaker; one year college/university.
● Teacher aide.Hong Kong, Hong Kong Adventist College; 19 positions; 12- to 24-month call.
● Computer teacher/teacher aide. Puerto Rico, Bella Vista Adventist Academy.
● Maintenance worker. Delap, Marshall Islands; two positions; 10-month call; custodial duties, maintain physical plant (plumbing,
electrics, carpentry); supervise student labour; teach classes on a casual basis.

For more information

Contact Mel Lemke or Alex Sanchez, South Pacific Division Adventist Volunteer Service Centre
Phone: +61 2 9847 3275
Mail: Adventist Volunteer Service Centre, Locked Bag 2014, Wahroonga NSW 2076, Australia

December 4, 2004 11

Like river, snow and moon by Ross Chadwick

here is a river that reminds us there is a sun

T abounds with God’s
resources and from it we can
and a new day. It is the
moon that brings forth the
gather the refreshment of waters to fill the coast once
support, love, courage, more. It is the moon itself
wisdom, experience, know- that waxes and wanes and
ledge, values and reminds us that all nature
companionship. These are has seasons and the heart
things we need for the must too. It is the moon that
spiritual pilgrimage of life. It is reminds us that this is what
meant to be—as God our righteousness is like,
designed it—the community waxing and waning, at its
of faith from which we can best full of holes but
enrich our own faith. brightest when facing the
A true community of faith sun.
becomes God’s arm on the So when does the church
shoulders of the weary and heavy laden; a tunnel. In the cave we will become lost as shine brightest? When it is the river of
they become companions for the journey. we grope friendless in darkness. In the grace, and the arm on the shoulder of the
This is why studies show that unless a new tunnel we can hope for the better side. In weary. When it is the evergreens amid the
convert makes at least five friends in the every affliction there is the seed of a great snow-covered landscapes in somebody’s
church, they are unlikely to remain for blessing or a window of opportunity. It was life.
more than one or two years. in one of these dark nights that I Then, like the moon, it is fully reflecting
Churches without friends are like bleak experienced the river of grace upon which the light of the Son, and all its
winter landscapes. But friends appear even my vessel had been flowing all this time. imperfections are lost in the splendour of
amid the winter-chill of disappointments. True friends are like angels that lift us to its glow. r
They come when the summer dreams of our feet when we have fallen. True friends
the forest fades and the winter winds blow. are like the rising of the moon when the
There amid the blazing snowdrifts the tide of life is at its lowest ebb and the crabs Ross Chadwick writes from Oak Flats, New South
evergreens emerge like lovely sentinels. are playing in the mud. It is the moon that Wales.
Dotting the snow-clad landscape, the
evergreens are like friends who remain
after the storm’s coldness has travelled
through the forest of life. These are
Just for children
friendships born in the cradle of chaos. "... Count it all joy when you fall into
Friends that come amid the trials and
tribulations of life are gifts from God. True
various trials, knowing that the
friends appear like stars in the night. testing of your faith produces
I never realised this when times were patience."
good, but then the landscape of my life
changed and I experienced this miracle of James 1:2, 3
Christian community. I was able to draw
on the resource God provided long before
my need. There is no sun without shade;
even the night is but a shadow and so
Peta Taylor

when the dark nights of our soul come,

and we find ourselves under the mountains
of our troubles, we can either dig a cave or

12 December 4, 2004

Action worth more than words our social activities, even when they were to remain quiet with respect to these moral
Clara Pongrass, NSW
well into retirement. Roy was also willing issues.
to lead a youth meeting whenever needed.
As one of the daughters of the Michnay Thank you, Mr and Mrs Cross, as well as
Ray Dabrowski, USA
family, let me tell you about my mother— the other youth leaders she mentions.
missing from the short “Adventist pastor: Thank you for zeroing in on the centre
Holocaust hero” Newsfront report of Christian responsibility. We are often so
(“Gender sensitivity missing,” Letters, Christians, the church and politics preoccupied with what is right that we
November 6). Nick Brightman, email miss what is real. The Gospel is talking
Our mother was a most devoted about our “realness” and a need to simply
Seventh-day Adventist Christian, a wife “A victory for greed and fear” say to God, “I am ready.” If the Gospel
and a mother who toiled hard for everyone, (Editorial, October 30) was important as, message is correct, God will open our eyes
including the persecuted and the poor of I suspect, the majority of Seventh-day to see the needy, hear the voiceless and
the church. She would spend weeks Adventists in Australia—like the popu- proclaim authenticity of deed, which will
preparing food for poor members for the lation at large—based their vote on WIFM always shout louder than the pointed
winter—a long and difficult process before (What’s in it for me). The editorial and Jeff fingers of moralists in the name of
the blessing of factory processing. Charity Crocombe’s “How would Isaiah vote?” rightness.
was always in her heart.
Indeed, many risks were taken during Our fear of addressing political issues inside
the Holocaust, but both of our parents, the church causes us to remain quiet with
possessing a devotion to and faith in God,
knew nothing would ever harm us. She
respect to these moral issues.
was the epitome of virtue and what a true (Features, October 30) remind us, as J Reid, NSW
Christian woman ought to be. Christians, that we’re not on earth simply
I sincerely hope this fills the gap, for our to enjoy it but have a responsibility to our “A victory for greed and fear” was a
mother’s life resonates with the words of neighbour. We Australians, while only a breath of fresh air. The self-interest in
Proverbs 31:10-31. minute fraction of the world’s population, modern politics should make us wary,
need to be reminded that we enjoy a especially when politicians court Christian
greater fraction of the planet’s wealth and power groups. It was Jesus’ compassion for
Tick for youth leaders have a responsibilty to those who have the wounded that gained Him favour with
Jan Clarke Pearce, England less. ordinary people, not holding up check
Next time around, give space to these lists to secular powers.
I enjoyed reading Muriel Cross’s “Youth important issues as well as the impli-
leaders and lost dogs” (Feature, November cations of voting for a particular party. Our Name supplied
6), especially as I recalled the influence she membership might be able to approach
and her late husband, Roy, had on the election date a little better informed about “A victory for greed and fear” missed the
youth of the Albion church in Brisbane, their pros and cons. Our fear of addressing mark, as it forgot the main issue: If
years ago. Their home was often open for political issues inside the church causes us economic ability isn’t competent and
sustained by the top, then no matter what

Just a coincidence your opinion on social issues, the money

won’t be available for them. Behaviour is
also important, as a government head is on
show, and isn’t that an issue for Christians?
I feel sorry for politicians, as they have
to balance justice for all and not just small
minorities—Christianity’s bottom line is
that your rights end where my nose
Let’s not criticise until we’ve walked in
their shoes.

Note: Views in Letters do not necessarily represent those of the

editors or the denomination. Letters should be less than 250
words, and writers must include their name, address and phone
number. All letters are edited to meet space and literary
requirements, but the author’s original meaning will not be
changed. Not all letters received are published. See masthead
(page 2) for contact details.

December 4, 2004 13

Youth Volunteer opportunity of

Volunteers a lifetime! Travel Tasmania with
a team of youth volunteers.
Positions vacant
▲ Principal/Teachers—Bundaberg Adventist Primary School (Qld) is
Youth/Teen Minister—Kellyville SDA seeking expressions of interest for the positions of Principal, Teacher and Lower
Church, NSW. Work with young peo- Grades Teacher. The successful applicants will be committed, baptised and practising
Operate the Pinnacle of Terror.
ple aged 13-18, be co-leader of high Seventh-day Adventists. Ideally suited to a husband-and-wife team. This is a growing,
Be involved in the running of
school Sabbath school class etc. 30 conference youth events. well-resourced two-teacher school that enjoys strong support from local churches.
hrs/week. Term: 12 months, com- Operate a “Positive Life” Bundaberg is a beautiful city with an agreeable climate, and has some of the best
mencing asap. program for youth in high schools. beaches in Queensland nearby. For further information contact Elwyn Cherry,
Experience a year of new associate director, on 0414 829 038; or email <>.
Pastor/Youth Ministry—Westridge friendships and memories.
SDA Church (Toowoomba, Qld). Be ▲ Chef—Adventist Residential Care (Rossmoyne, WA) is seeking an
involved in a wide range of ministry
Positions include: experienced and qualified Chef for their facility. The successful applicant will be
tasks, with particular emphasis on • 4 team members (ages 19-26) working in a well-equipped, modern kitchen, providing meals for 80 residents. A good
Junior/Teen/Youth/Young Adult • remunerated under the Taskforce knowledge of vegetarian cooking is essential, and an understanding of the HACCP
ministry. Term: 12 months, com- Volunteer Program principles would be an advantage.
mencing asap. Application deadline ▲ Registered and Enrolled Nurses—Adventist Residential Care
December 10, 2004. Apply in writing to Jeff Parker (Rossmoyne, WA). Interested in continuing or commencing your career in the
GPO Box 1039 Hobart 7001 highly specialised area of aged care? Then this is the place for you. Vacancies exist
Email: Email for day and evening shifts; rostering is flexible and above-award wages paid.
For more information phone Jeff Experience in aged care is desirable but not essential, and new graduates are
For more positions, check the web on
0407 261 886 encouraged to apply. For further information please contact the Director of
Nursing, Karen Kinsella, on (08) 9354 4133; fax (08) 9354 3977; or at Adventist
Residential Care–Rossmoyne, 31 Webb Street, Rossmoyne, WA 6148.
+61 2 9847 3275
Advertisements ▲ Senior Accountant—North New South Wales Conference (Newcastle,
NSW) is seeking a full-time Senior Accountant. The successful applicant will have a
Note: Neither the editor, Signs Publish-
degree or other appropriate qualification in business or accounting and be a practising
Wedding ing Company, nor the Seventh-day
Adventist Church is responsible for the
quality of goods or services advertised.
Seventh-day Adventist. For further information contact Russell Halliday on
<> or phone (02) 4951 8088. Applications in writing
(including CV and the names of three references) should be forwarded to the
Smith—Finch. Dr James Patrick Finch, Publication does not indicate endorse-
General Secretary, North New South Wales Conference, PO Box 7, Wallsend, NSW
son of Dr and Mrs Ray Finch (Lansing, ment of a product or service. Advertise-
Michigan, USA), and Victoria Ann Smith, ments approved by the editor will be 2287, no later than January 10, 2005.
daughter of Kevin and Helen Smith inserted at the following rates: first 30
(Wahroonga, NSW), were married on words or less, $A44; each additional ▲ Bus Operations Manager, Brisbane Adventist College—South
12.9.04 in a candlelight ceremony at the word, $A2.20. For your advertisement to Queensland Conference is seeking a full-time Bus Operations Manager to maintain
beautiful seaside chapel at the Grand appear, payment must be enclosed. Clas- and operate the bus fleet in consultation with the school principal and conference
Wailea Resort, Maui Hawaii. sified advertisements in RECORD are avail- chief financial officer, effective as from January 2005. The successful applicant will be
Craig Young able to Seventh-day Adventist members, a practising member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church; possess appropriate
churches and institutions only. See mast- mechanical qualifications and driving certification suitable for heavy vehicles; and
head (page 2) for contact details. have experience in the repair and maintenance of buses. Applications in writing

Obituaries We are seeking suitably qualified and

experienced people who are looking for
should be forwarded to the Chief Financial Officer, South Queensland Conference, 19
Eagle Terrace, Brisbane, Qld 4000, no later than Thursday, December 23, 2004.

Samuels, Yvonne June (nee Freyling), full-time employment to join our team Ballarat Seventh-day Adventist imum). Free pick-up. Phone 0011 64 3
born 15.7.1927 at Toowoomba, Qld; in the following disciplines: Structural/ Church Primary School commenced 349 8022; fax 0011 64 3 349 8218.
died unexpectedly 16.7.04 in St Vin- Civil Engineers, Structural in 1974 and, if circumstances had per- Check our web calculator <http://
cent’s Hospital, Toowoomba. In 1946 Draftspersons, Mechanical Engi- mitted, 2004 would have been its 30th>.
she married Bill, who predeceased her neers and Mechanical Drafts- anniversary year. To recognise this
in 1989. She is survied by her children, persons. We currently employ 13 full- “anniversary,” Ballarat church is setting Understanding our neighbours from
Dale, Garry, Russell and Shane; her 11 time staff and are looking to expand our aside Sabbath, December 18, to give different faith traditions—an inter-
grandchildren; and two great-grandchil- team. Situated on the Murray River on the opportunity for past students, parents faith symposium at Fox Valley Commu-
dren. Yvonne was a devoted mother and border between NSW and Victoria. and staff to get together to reminisce. nity church, 183a Fox Valley Road,
nanna, and she loved her Lord. 100,000 regional population, 120 km to The day’s program will be: 9.30 am, Wahroonga, NSW, December 11 and 12.
Allen Sonter the snowfields. Large water reserve cater- Community hymn singing. 9.45 am, For more details contact Dr Brad Kemp,
ing for waterskiing, sailing and fishing. Bible study hour. 11.15 am, Worship director of the Institute of World Mission
Slade, Nathan Albert, born 16.12.1983 Plenty of hills and trails close by, catering service. Combined luncheon followed by at the South Pacific Division on email
at Bowral, NSW; died 25.6.04 as a result of for all levels of dirt-bike riders. Three SDA reminiscences of school days. Free time. <>; or phone
a car accident on the Central Coast. He is churches, including a Slavic church, and 7.30 pm, Christmas program. For (02) 9847 3333.
survived by his father, Paul, and his wife, also a church school that will offer Year 12 inquiries, acceptances/inabilities, greet-
Teresa; his mother, Pamella; his brothers, by 2006. Country living at its best. To find ings or messages, please contact Merrilyn How secure is your future? Are you
Ben and Elton; his sisters Yvonne and out more, phone 0417 535 546 or apply in Hastings, phone (03) 53 346 472; or sure you have adequate finance or insur-
Anna; and other members of the wider writing to the Manager, PO Box 1549, email <>. ance? Phone M & A and Associates, con-
family circle. Nathan loved life, was a loyal Wodonga, Vic 3689. sultants for your finance and insurance
friend, and was not ashamed of his best Medical Missionary Course requirements, on phone/fax (07) 4634
Friend, Jesus. John 5:24. Safe television—enjoy Christian Accredited, Austudy approved. Includes 3995; 0419 789 940; or email
David McKibben, Lea-Anne Smith satelite TV. DIY satellite kits $A320 + Bible ministry, natural health and Diplo- <>.
freight, or $A475 for a “hassle-free” pro- ma of Community Education. To obtain
Turvey, Kynan James Turvey, born fessional installation by an insured full- details contact: Administrator, Medical Christian television available now
16.7.04 in Canberra Hospital, ACT; time installer. Country areas extra. Pen- Missionary Training Institute, 1 Fryers 24/7. Satellite kits only $A325 (+freight)
died 23.9.04 in Canberra Hospital. He is sioner and group discounts. Phone Don Road, Herveys Range, North Qld 4817; and your purchase price includes a dona-
survived by his parents, Andrew and and Aileen Sforcina 0417 855 795. phone (07) 4778 0000; fax (07) 4778 tion to Adventist Media to expand satel-
Tania; his sister, Courtney; and his twin 0077; or email <>. lite broadcasting. Three Angels Broad-
brother, Jasper. A life of 69 days was just Go Veg supplying delicious vegetarian casting Network and four other Christian
too short. “Come soon, Jesus, so we can pies, schnitzels, lasagnas and more. 21 A1 Rent-a-Car Christchurch channels available now, free to air—no
have him back and our family can be Berry Street, Granville NSW. Phone (02) (NZ). “Thrifty” cars, vans from further charges. Phone Rural Electron-
together at home with You.” 9897 0000. Delivery available Sydney $NZ49/day, “Budget” cars from ics on (02) 6361 3636; email
Dale Arthur area, conditions apply. $NZ39/day all inclusive (5/10 day min- <>.

14 December 4, 2004

artner Helping
Our P Avo
me nd
co a



ACF Investments LTD

Contact Chris, Fay or Greg
Ph (02) 9989 8355 Fax (02) 9989 8340
PO Box 502, Wahroonga NSW 2076

House sitter needed. Responsible ani- A working holiday at Avondale.

mal lover to look after our cat and dog, Avondale College is seeking tradesmen
also water plants, December 19 to Janu- (carpenters, painters etc) who are willing
ary 2. Mud-brick house on idyllic, to volunteer for a working holiday at the
secluded 20 acres. Good bushwalking college this summer from January 9-21.
and views, Smiths Gully, outer north-east Free accommodation and meals. For
Melbourne. Phone (03) 9710 1090. more information contact Allen Steele,
assistant to the president at (02) 4980
Data projectors, screens, sound 2294; or>.
equipment, TVs, DVD players,
VCRs, PA systems. Rural Electronics Web site design. We specialise in
Orange is run by an Adventist couple designing web sites that you can eas-
committed to helping SDAs to get a bet- ily maintain yourself. Phone Webstu-
ter deal for their churches, schools, dio 1800 008 606 in Australia; 0800
homes etc. Avondale College, Wahroon- 249 735 in New Zealand, or visit
ga and many NSW churches helped
already. DVD players on special for
$A99. For more information phone Bowen (Qld)—best of busy and
Trish (02) 6361 3636; email beach—deceased estated, quiet, 7.5 fer-
<>. tile acres, fruit trees, 2 dams, 2 bores, col-
droom, 3-bay shed, 2 unique homes. A-—Australian Union framed “Swiss chalet,” handcrafted stair-
Conference web site. Do you have a min- cases, window hoods, boxes and shut-
istry idea to share? Or are you needing ters. $A425,000. (07) 4785 2456; email
assistance? Check out the new Ideas <>.
Exchange forum.
Rawson’s Retreat. Private camping/
Funeral directors—K & E Swan- caravan park on the shores of Lake
borough. Compassionate and profession- Hume, 40 mins from Albury, NSW.
al care at an affordable cost from those who Smoke-, drug- and alcohol-free. Peace-
understand. Obligation-free advice on all ful, natural bush setting, on-site vans
your funeral requirements, including pre- also available. (02) 6020 2010.
planning. Phone (07) 3800 9655 24 hours.

Move to Maroochydore, business

hub of the Sunshine Coast. Close to
university, relaxed lifestyle. Friendly,
welcoming church. Bus service to
Noosa Christian College. Year 8 in
There are no vacations from
2005. Phone (07) 5447 7808. the school of experience.

December 4, 2004 15

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