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Martha Nussbaum

The “capabilities approach”


Christina Hendricks
Spring 2017

Except images licensed otherwise, this presentation is licensed CC BY 4.0

Overall course theme: The
examined life and why it matters
What is Examined life Examining lives as social
examined -> happiness beings: our responsibilities
life? (self & others) towards others
Plato Epicureans Thomson: sacrifice some for
(Socrates Mill the sake of others?
Singer: focus on helping
suffering all can agree is bad

Nussbaum: ensure that all

have what need to live a life
with human dignity.
Starts her book Creating Capabilities: The Human
Development Approach (2011) with the story of

India 2011-07-18 at 07-24-

24, Flickr photo by José
Antonio Morcillo, licensed
Common approaches to
considering quality of life
“Capabilities Human and Rights” (1997)

What do you think might be good ways to

measure people’s quality of life around the
GNP or GDP (280-281)


• Need to focus also

on distribution

• Too narrow a
measure of quality
of life
Utilitarian approaches based on
preference satisfaction (281-283)

• Distribution again; focus on aggregate rather
than individuals
• “adaptive preferences”—can reinforce
Distribution of basic rights and
resources (283-284)
John Rawls: focus on
distribution of basic rights &
resources that all rational
individuals would desire, so
that even the least well off
have a minimum level

Having the rights & resources
is not enough; social
circumstances differences
in ability & opportunity to use
The capabilities approach

What Nussbaum advocates

Basics of this approach
Asks: what are people “actually able to do
and to be?” (285)

There are certain

capabilities that
are required to
live well/flourish
as a human, to
live a life with
human dignity
How differs from
Distribution: all must have these

Living a fully human life rather than

focusing just on preferences or pleasures
Suggested list of
ten central capabilities (287-288)
Life Emotions Other species

Bodily health Practical reason Leisure/pl


Bodily integrity Affiliation

Control over
Senses, imagination, thought political & material

Connect to Vasanti’s
Capabilities vs. Functioning
Combined capabilities
• Internal abilities: our own internal ability to act (289)
• Social opportunities & freedoms to express those
internal abilities (290)

Functioning: “active realization of one or more

capabilities” (Creating Capabilities book, p. 25 (not
• See, e.g., p. 289 of our reading

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