Algorithm 5: Coelomic Distention Coelomic Distention

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Algorithm 5: Coelomic Distention Coelomic Distention

Signalment/History/Exam (O2
and supportive care as needed)

Obesity or Organomegaly Ascites Egg

neonate/juvenile Ultrasound to differentiate
species organomegaly from ascites if
needed; remove fluid prior to Cytologic examination See Algorithm: Egg Binding
Dietary diagnostics if ascites of fluid; bacterial or
conversion and fungal C/S if needed
weight loss if
overweight; may High WBC
be normal if Normal CBC Radiographs Biochemistry
neonate/young CBC

 WBC > 40,000; r/o  WBC < 40,000; initiate  TP – r/o  TP – r/o  AST, bile  uric acid –
chlamydia, aspergillosis, antibiotics, choanal/cloacal inflammation liver, renal acids – r/o r/o renal
coelomitis, mycobacteria or fluid bacterial C/S repro disease disease, liver disease disease

Mass, abscess, lung or air sac Enlarged reproductive tract, GI dilation, GI mass, Organomegaly including
disease, coelomitis egg yolk coelomitis cardiovascular disease, hepatomegaly, renomegaly,
ovarian cysts, cardiomegaly splenomegaly, neoplasia

Exudate Yolk or lipid droplets Transudate Neoplastic cells

Ultrasound or endoscopic Salpingohysterectomy, GnRH r/o bornavirus vs neoplasia Endoscopy, biopsy,

guided aspirate or biopsy; agonist, celiocentesis if and treat accordingly; bacterial/fungal C/S if
granuloma debridement, needed; antibiotics/NSAID if celiocentesis as needed; warranted; acid fast stains or
bacterial, fungal C/S if warranted treat heart disease based on chlamydial testing; GnRH
indicated and treat type; GnRH agonist for cystic agonist if reproductive disease
accordingly ovarian changes suspected; if neoplasia consider
additional treatment based on
tumor type; other r/o include
iron storage disease, hepatic
Cultures, titers, further tests based on signs and diagnostic results. See
Appendix: Laboratory testing

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