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2020 MAKE and DO | Print - Quizizz


30 Questions

1. We still haven`t nished, but we...........progress.

a) are making b) are doing

c) do d) make

2. I'll go shopping when I' chores.

a) done b) did

c) made d) make

3. This is a private deal - we don't have to..........everything by the book.

a) make b) made

c) did d) do

4. That new guy is great – he’s...........wonders for the company.

a) made b) done

c) to do d) to make

5. To keep the company alive, half the workforce is


a) made b) making

c) done d) did

6. It's late - I think it's time we............a move.

a) made b) make

c) making d) to do 1/5
27.05.2020 MAKE and DO | Print - Quizizz

7. He............a habit of ignoring me whenever his friends were around.

a) has made b) did

c) has done d) made

8. I............ up my mind where to go on holiday yet.

a) haven't made b) didn`t make

c) haven`t done d) didn`t do

9. It's been a with you.

a) to make b) making

c) doing d) did

10. Don’t worry about getting everything done correct. Just...........your


a) make b) to make

c) do d) to do

11. I have to go home and...........some chores this afternoon.

a) make b) making

c) do d) doing

12. He has..........his duty and look after his elderly parents.

a) to make b) made

c) did d) to do

13. My a huge favour and lent me some money the

other day.

a) did b) has done

c) made d) have made 2/5
27.05.2020 MAKE and DO | Print - Quizizz

14. I spilt co ee on my suit and tried to clean it, but I..........more harm
than good. It looks even worse now!

a) made b) has made

c) have done d) did

15. You should eat your vegetables. They’ good!

a) did b) do

c) to make d) to do

16. Let’s........... the housework quickly this morning, then we can go out
for lunch.

a) to do b) do

c) to make d) making

17. My mother always listens to the radio whenever she ...........the


a) do b) make

c) makes d) does

18. He...........the laundry, cleaned the house, and made dinner.

a) did b) has done

c) have made d) made

19. He broke into a bank, was caught by the police, and now he........

a) is making b) does

c) ’s doing d) makes

20. I’m so sorry that I upset you – how can I.........amends?

a) do b) to do

c) make d) to make 3/5
27.05.2020 MAKE and DO | Print - Quizizz

21. She had a toothache, so she appointment with the dentist
for the following day.

a) did b) made

c) has made d) had done

22. The children’s favourite game is to ..........believe that they are kings
and queens from long ago.

a) make b) made

c) do d) did

23. I think the café opens at six, but let’s...........certain. I don’t want to be
standing in the street waiting!

a) to do b) done

c) make d) made

24. I...........some changes to the document.

a) made b) did

c) have done d) ’ve made

25. Which job are you going to take? You need to...........a choice.

a) do b) have done

c) make d) makes

26. You’re not trying hard enough! e ort!

a) Make b) To make

c) Do d) Did

27. I’ decision. I’m going back to university.

a) done b) did

c) make d) made 4/5
27.05.2020 MAKE and DO | Print - Quizizz

28. When John was last in London he ..........a discovery – a beautiful little
café in a quiet street.

a) did b) has done

c) has made d) made

29. You shouldn’t sing in front of everyone! You’ll..........a fool of yourself.

a) make b) making

c) do d) doing

30. I.........some research for my thesis at the moment.

a) did b) am doing

c) am making d) made 5/5

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