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i. B
ii. C
iii. B
i. Xylem
ii. Phloem
i. Do this yourself, can’t measure it online
ii. A scanning electron microscope was used to take this picture as it is a
3D image
i. The scientists would have compared evolutionary relationships
between other species in the Archaea domain and see if there are any
similarities between the two species. DNA base sequences and
protein sequences can also be compared to see if they are genetically
ii. The scientists could compare the amino acid sequences on proteins. If
the proteins and amino acid sequences are similar, then the
organisms could be related. Scientists could also compare the mRNA
and DNA base sequences of both species; if both sets of sequences
are similar, then the species are related.
i. B
ii. During interphase, the chromosomes will replicate and form double
the number of chromosomes.
i. Prophase
ii. B
iii. Alleles b and e are located on the same arm of the chromosome
whereas Allele A is located on the short arm of the chromosome which
can be crossed over and not inherited
i. The longer the seeds are stored, the less chance they have of
germinating. This is because they were stored below 0℃ where the
rate of reaction for enzymes are very slow and so growth is not viable
at this temperature.
ii. The advantage of the first method is that the chance of success of a
plant growing is increased through each plant growing. Also, more
seeds are more likely to be produced by each plant of the same
species. The advantage of the second method is that adult plants can
produce offspring which can be used to store in seed banks for future
i. 130000 x 0.4 = 52000
ii. Sustainable means that the production of this product is made from
renewable products which are not finite.
i. Draw a diagram here
ii. C
iii. A
i. [(1.1 - 0.5) / 1.1] x 100 = 54.5454545% = 54.55%
ii. B
iii. Because the cell is replicating, more proteins need to be made for
DNA synthesis and replication. More proteins must also be modified
depending on the type of cell that is replicating. Therefore, more Golgi
bodies must be made in order and so increases during the cell cycle
a. Not in my spec
b. The first mating strategy can be effective as the graph shows that as the
length of the middle region increases, so does the swimming speed of the
sperm cell. When females mate with many males in a short period of time,
there is an increased chance of successful fertilisation (since females
produce multiple egg cells), therefore producing more offspring and hence
increased reproductive success. This mating strategy also increases the
genetic diversity of the offspring as the females mate with multiple males. The
second mating strategy can be reproductively successful for the male and
female as offspring are produced. However, the genetic diversity will be
reduced as the female is only attracted to one male due to the
spermatophores as opposed to the first mating strategy where multiple males
can fertilise a single female. The third strategy is also successful as offspring
can be certain due to the storage of the sperm. Reproductive success is
ensured here in addition to the wide genetic diversity due to the sperm of
numerous males being stored in the female, so eggs can be laid even in
times of harsh environmental conditions.
a. 17000 / 0.85 = 20000; 20000 x (1.064⁵) = 27273.328 = 27,273.
b. As the number of tourists increase, the number of recorded non-endemic
species increases as well
i. N = 147; N(N-1) = 147 x 146 = 21462
∑n(n-1) = 33422
21462 / 33422 = 0.642151876 = 0.6
ii. Don’t know
a. The fungal cell has a cell wall made of chitin whilst a plant cell contains a cell
wall made from cellulose. Also, a plant cell contains a cell membrane
whereas a fungal cell does not. However, both cells contain an 80S ribosome,
mitochondria and a vacuole.
i. A fungal infection on this plant will result in reduced growth as a
reduction in gene expression of DNA synthesis means replication may
not occur at the same rate, thus resulting in less growth over time.
Additionally, less synthesis of lipids, starch and sucrose means the
plant will not have the molecules needed to synthesise cells and
sugars, both of which are needed to grow.
ii. If the plant is infected with the fungus, it may be advantageous as the
fungus increases the expression and synthesis of flavonoids. An
increased concentration of flavonoids shows that it is an effective
antimicrobial agent against P. aeruginosa, enabling the plant to protect
itself against the bacterium if infected and at the same time, also
protect the fungus against the bacterium. However, the disadvantages
of the fungus infecting the plant is that it absorbs nutrients from the
plant and reduces the synthesis of DNA, lipids and sugars which will
stunt the growth of the plant. However, this enables the fungus to grow
as it will gain the required nutrients needed to grow. Additionally, the
fungus increases the expression and synthesis of Tannin. Increased
tannin means that the plant is damaged and grazed more, which is
harmful to the plant as less leaf surface area means the plant will
photosynthesise less and so grow less.
iii. The drug could be given to half of the patients in the trial while the
other half receive a placebo, ensuring that there is a reference to be
compared to.

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