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The Influence of Spelling Ability on Handwriting Production: Children With

and Without Dyslexia

Article  in  Journal of Experimental Psychology Learning Memory and Cognition · February 2014

DOI: 10.1037/a0035785 · Source: PubMed


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3 authors:

Emma Sumner Vincent Connelly

Goldsmiths, University of London Oxford Brookes University


Anna Louise Barnett

Oxford Brookes University


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Journal of Learning Disabilities

The Influence of Spelling Ability on Vocabulary Choices When Writing for Children With Dyslexia
Emma Sumner, Vincent Connelly and Anna L. Barnett
J Learn Disabil published online 23 September 2014
DOI: 10.1177/0022219414552018

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LDXXXX10.1177/0022219414552018Journal of Learning DisabilitiesSumner et al.

Journal of Learning Disabilities

The Influence of Spelling Ability on

© Hammill Institute on Disabilities 2014
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Vocabulary Choices When Writing
DOI: 10.1177/0022219414552018

for Children With Dyslexia

Emma Sumner, PhD,1 Vincent Connelly, PhD,2

and Anna L. Barnett, PhD2

Spelling is a prerequisite to expressing vocabulary in writing. Research has shown that children with dyslexia are hesitant
spellers when composing. This study aimed to determine whether the hesitant spelling of children with dyslexia, evidenced
by frequent pausing, affects vocabulary choices when writing. A total of 31 children with dyslexia, mean age 9 years,
were compared to typically developing groups of children: the first matched by age, the second by spelling ability. Oral
vocabulary was measured and children completed a written and verbal compositional task. Lexical diversity comparisons
were made across written and verbal compositions to highlight the constraint of having to select and spell words. A digital
writing tablet recorded the writing. Children with dyslexia and the spelling-ability group made a high proportion of spelling
errors and within-word pauses, and had a lower lexical diversity within their written compositions compared to their
verbal compositions. The age-matched peers demonstrated the opposite pattern. Spelling ability and pausing predicted 53%
of the variance in written lexical diversity of children with dyslexia, demonstrating the link between spelling and vocabulary
when writing. Oral language skills had no effect. Lexical diversity correlated with written and verbal text quality for all
groups. Practical implications are discussed and related to writing models.

dyslexia, spelling, vocabulary, writing

Writing requires integrating cognitive, linguistic, and motor In a recent study, children with dyslexia made a higher
processes. It is consistently reported that children and adults proportion of spelling errors and tended to pause more fre-
with dyslexia have difficulties with accurate spelling quently while composing a narrative text in comparison to
(Ramus, Marshall, Rosen, & van der Lely, 2013), and more their typically developing same-age peers (Sumner,
generally with the composition of written texts (Berninger, Connelly, & Barnett, 2013). The amount and duration of
Nielsen, Abbott, Wijsman, & Raskind, 2008; Connelly, pausing while writing were similar to those of a younger
Campbell, MacLean, & Barnes, 2006; Gregg, Coleman, spelling-ability-matched group. Pause behavior was not
Davis, & Chalk, 2007; Sumner, Connelly, & Barnett, 2014). explained by poor motor skills, but rather slow hesitant
The “simple view” and “not-so-simple” models of writing spelling, linked to poor spelling ability, led to a slower over-
development (Berninger & Amtmann, 2003; Berninger & all writing time and poorer compositional quality (Sumner et
Winn, 2006) highlight transcription, text generation, and al., 2013). Thus, the cognitive demand of spelling directly
executive function as the three key components involved affects the amount of time that writing takes for children
when writing, all of which are overseen by working mem- with dyslexia and is linked to the quality of writing pro-
ory resources. The lower-level transcription process (the act duced. Might there be other repercussions for the composing
of integrating spelling and handwriting to produce a visible process as a consequence of slow hesitant spelling of words?
trace of the text) must become an automatized skill to free
resources to be devoted to the compositional aspect of writ- 1
Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
ing (Berninger & Winn, 2006). With this in mind, and as the 2
Oxford Brookes University, UK
models predict, producing spellings while composing a
Corresponding Author:
written text will impose a high cognitive demand on poor Emma Sumner, PhD, Department of Psychology, Goldsmiths, University
spellers. The impact of poor spelling on the writing process of London, New Cross, London, SE14 6NW, UK.
is of interest in the present study. Email:

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2 Journal of Learning Disabilities 

Words selected for composition are mentally generated while writing and that their number of within-word pauses
and accurately transcribed onto the page through the and revisions to spelling errors together predicted 55% of
application of spelling knowledge (Berninger & Winn, the variance in written lexical diversity. Of interest,
2006; Van Galen, 1991). Transcription is thus closely Wengelin (2007) also reported that these students with dys-
related to text generation, as transcription is the tool to lexia performed at the same level as their peers on the mea-
demonstrate the ideas that the writer wishes to convey. sure of lexical diversity (vocd) when analyzing verbally
However, to date, studies on children with dyslexia have produced texts.
not yet considered the relationship between the transcrip- Findings from adult data suggest a link among spelling,
tion and text generation processes identified in models of pausing, and written vocabulary choice. The gap between
writing. spoken and written lexical diversity in adults with dyslexia
Text generation is highly dependent on the selection of (Wengelin, 2007) further highlights their difficulty with
appropriate vocabulary from the mental lexicon (Treiman, writing. However, it is possible that the participants in the
Clifton, Meyer, & Wurm, 2003). In spoken language, there Wengelin (2007) study had a more limited oral vocabulary
is a strong link between the diversity of vocabulary and the to draw on than their peers (no independent measure of
quality of a spoken narrative (Yu, 2010). Similarly, a greater vocabulary was taken). Studies have suggested that due to
written lexical diversity has been shown to significantly reduced reading exposure children with dyslexia may have
correlate with the quality of compositions produced by typi- a smaller oral vocabulary in comparison to their peers
cally developing children (Olinghouse & Leaird, 2009). (Gathercole & Baddeley, 1989). Thus, when investigating
Studies on adults with dyslexia have also shown that diverse vocabulary diversity it is important to measure performance
vocabulary choices (lexical diversity) are a key marker of on standardized vocabulary tasks as well as comparing
the quality of compositions (Connelly et al., 2006). written and oral vocabulary. If spelling difficulties constrain
However, in the literature it has been suggested that chil- written vocabulary in individuals with dyslexia, then there
dren with dyslexia avoid writing words they cannot spell should be a measurable discrepancy between the diversity
(Berninger et al., 2008), implying that these children restrict of vocabulary in oral versus written tasks.
their vocabulary when writing supposedly due to their spell- Studies to date that have examined dyslexia and written
ing difficulties. Few attempts have yet been made to test vocabulary use have primarily focused on adults in higher
this anecdotal report. education. University students may not be typical of the
A text with low lexical diversity points toward frequent broader range of individuals with dyslexia since they are
repetition of the same words. Connelly et al. (2006) used a required to frequently read and write and may have devel-
written composition task from a sentence prompt and found oped more practiced ways of coping with their difficulties.
no difference in the number of different words produced by On the other hand, little research has focused on the writing
university students with dyslexia and their same-age peers produced by children, which is important to acknowledge
and spelling-ability-matched peers. This study used a count as soon as possible to provide necessary support as required.
of the number of different words produced as a proxy for For these reasons, this study examined vocabulary, spelling,
lexical diversity. However, this measure has been criticized lexical diversity, and compositional writing in children with
for being too simplistic and prone to text length influence and without dyslexia close to 9 years of age and a younger
(McCarthy & Jarvis, 2010). Certainly in the above study, spelling-ability-matched group.
text length varied across groups.
There are ways to examine diversity, such as dividing
The Present Study
types of words produced (the number of different words) by
the tokens (total number of words in a written sample)— The focus of the present study was on the transcription and
referred to as type–token ratio (TTR). Of interest, when text generation (lower-level) processes (Berninger & Winn,
even more stringent measures of lexical diversity are 2006). The aim of this study was to investigate whether the
employed (e.g., mathematical transformations of TTR to hesitant and thus poorer spelling ability that is characteristic
control for text length) a difference is reported between the of children with dyslexia constrains the written vocabulary
written performance of university students with and without choices made and affects the quality of writing produced.
dyslexia (Wengelin, 2007, used the vocd measure, a pro- The writing process was examined using a digital writing
gram that uses an algebraic transformation model to esti- tablet to detect pause locations and durations during the
mate diversity). Swedish students with dyslexia that composition task.
composed a written text (typed) scored significantly below Pause performance was examined in relation to spelling
their age-matched peers on this lexical diversity measure. ability. Within-word pausing is thought to reflect transcrip-
Moreover, the typed compositions were analyzed using tion demands (Almond, Deane, Quinlan, Wagner, &
keystroke logging, which highlighted that students with Sydorenko, 2012). Similar to Wengelin (2007), it was
dyslexia made a high percentage of within-word pauses expected that children with dyslexia would pause frequently

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Sumner et al. 3

within words (reflecting a struggle with the spelling of Method

words already chosen for writing) and that this would be
correlated with spelling ability more so than oral vocabu- Participants
lary levels, as dyslexia is a written language problem. A total of 31 children with dyslexia (15 boys, 16 girls), aged
Guiraud’s R index (see Vermeer, 2000) was the lexical between 8 years 3 months and 11 years 1 month (mean age of
diversity measure used to assess verbal and written com- 9 years 4 months) were recruited from primary schools in
positions. Other measures of diversity (such as vocd) Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. These children were recog-
could not be used as they require a minimum of 50 tokens nized by the school special educational needs coordinators
to compute. Many children with dyslexia did not reach (SENCos) as showing significant difficulties with reading
this count in the written compositions. R is a mathematical and spelling and in the absence of any additional problems
transformation of TTR and corrects for differing text with speech and language, hearing, or neurological disorders.
lengths. R divides the number of different words by the Selection measures were administered to confirm a diagnosis
square root of the total number of words (types/√tokens), of dyslexia. A discrepancy between nonverbal cognitive abil-
implying vocabulary size is proportional to the square root ity, on the Matrices task, and their performance on a dictated
of text length. Van Hout and Vermeer (2007, p. 114) state standardized spelling task was confirmed for children with
that R is a “happy medium” between TTR and stronger dyslexia (both tasks from British Abilities Scales–II; BAS-II;
transformations of data, such as vocd, which entails select- Elliott, Smith, & McCulloch, 1996). The discrepancy crite-
ing only a sample of words from the whole compositions rion meant that all children scored within the average range
and mathematically modifying the data set, thus making it on nonverbal cognitive ability (scaled M = 50) but that chil-
more complex to interpret. Mellor (2011) reported that R dren with dyslexia scored more than one standard deviation
was useful in defining essays of high and low quality. As below the age mean on spelling performance.
is noted in the literature, there are many ways to measure Table 1 shows the scores from the selection measures
lexical diversity, but no single measure provides a perfect and additional measures of reading and vocabulary level,
result (Siskova, 2012). Therefore, a syllable count of comparing children with dyslexia to two typically develop-
words produced (used in Gregg et al., 2007) in the compo- ing groups: a chronologically age-matched group (CA) and
sitions was also used to verify the Guiraud’s R diversity a spelling-ability-matched group (SA). All children had
findings. English as their first language.
It was hypothesized that the written compositions of The CA group were recruited by individually matching
children with dyslexia and the younger spelling-ability children in the same school and year group to the children with
group would reflect a lower lexical diversity than the age- dyslexia. CA children were initially identified by the class
matched group and diversity would be lower in the written teacher as of a similar age to the already selected children with
as opposed to the verbal compositions for children with dyslexia (±3 months) and of the same gender (15 boys, 16
dyslexia (reflecting the cognitive demands of spelling). girls). The CA group differed to children with dyslexia, as they
Similar group patterns were predicted for syllable count. demonstrated a level of spelling knowledge that was age
Spelling ability was expected to predict written lexical appropriate (±1 SD of the age mean dictated spelling task). The
diversity for children with dyslexia rather than oral vocabu- SA comparison group were also individually matched to chil-
lary ability, demonstrating a relationship between spelling dren with dyslexia by gender and school. The BAS-II spelling
and written word choice. It was also predicted that children task (Elliott et al., 1996) was distributed to whole classes
with dyslexia would perform better in lexical diversity in (between 5 and 8 years of age), and those children who per-
the verbal compositions, where spelling demands are elimi- formed similar to children with dyslexia on the spelling raw
nated. It might be expected that children with dyslexia score (±1 point) were recruited for further study. All children
would perform better in verbal lexical diversity than the were previously identified as typically developing by class
younger spelling-ability-matched group due to more lan- teachers. Standardized spelling scores were also recorded to
guage experience over the years. ensure the SA group had age-appropriate spelling.
The final hypotheses relate to compositional quality. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed a
Verbal compositions produced by children with dyslexia significant difference in participant age across the three
were expected to be of a higher quality than their written groups. Tukey post hoc comparisons revealed that children
work that requires spelling. Greater lexical diversity was with dyslexia and the CA group were not different in age.
expected to relate to a higher quality of the compositions These two groups were older than the SA group.
produced (verbal and written; Olinghouse & Leaird, 2009) Multivariate analysis of variance revealed there was a
by both children with dyslexia and typically developing significant main effect of group across the remaining mea-
children, highlighting the importance of using varied sures in Table 1, Pillai’s trace V = 1.56, F(18, 146) = 28.82,
vocabulary when composing a narrative. p < .001, η2 = .78. Univariate ANOVAs (reported in Table 1)

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4 Journal of Learning Disabilities 

Table 1.  Group Means and Standard Deviations for the Selection and Additional Profile Measures.

Measures D (n = 31) CA (n = 31) SA (n = 31) ANOVA Post hoc

M (SD) M (SD) M (SD)  
Age (range) 9;4 (8;3–11;1) 9;4 (8;4–11) 6;6 (5;1–8) F(2, 90) = 111.17, p < .001, η2p = .71 (D = CA) > SA
Nonverbal abilitya
  Scaled score 51.00 (3.83) 51.74 (6.21) 54.46 (4.87) F(2, 90) = 7.92, p = .001, η2p = .15 (D = CA) < SA
Spelling abilitya
  Raw score 8.09 (3.15) 25.16 (8.34) 9.26 (2.94) F(2, 90) = 54.14, p < .001, η2p = .70 (D = SA) < CA
  Standard score 79.06 (5.33) 110.68 (13.04) 92.84 (6.58) F(2, 90) = 64.28, p < .001, η2p = .57 D < SA < CA
Reading abilitya
  Raw score 23.13 (11.70) 49.86 (8.98) 26.35 (11.68) F(2, 90) = 53.42, p < .001, η2p = .55 (D = SA) < CA
  Standard score 80.87 (10.56) 113.75 (11.68) 98.19 (13.44) F(2, 90) = 37.13, p < .001, η2p = .61 D < SA < CA
Phoneme segmentationb
  Raw score 6.65 (1.47) 11.84 (0.63) 9.29 (1.32) F(2, 90) = 122.76, p < .001, η2p = .73 D < SA < CA
Receptive vocabularyc
  Raw score 88.09 (11.19) 104.06 (18.63) 71.03 (11.41) F(2, 90) = 40.34, p < .001, η2p = .48 SA < D < CA
  Standard score 92.71 (7.21) 104.29 (5.10) 100.68 (8.48) F(2, 90) = 21.80, p < .001, η2p = .41 D < (CA = SA)
Expressive vocabularya
  Raw score 9.06 (3.56) 15.00 (3.71) 9.58 (2.98) F(2, 90) = 28.42, p < .001, η2p = .39 (D = SA) < CA
  Scaled score 40.68 (8.42) 54.94 (11.40) 49.65 (6.23) F(2, 90) = 20.15, p < .001, η2p = .31 D < (CA = SA)

Note. CA = chronologically age matched; D = dyslexic; SA = spelling-ability matched.

British Abilities Scales–II; scaled score M = 50, SD = 10; standard score M = 100, SD = 15. Raw score = total number of words spelled correctly.bDyslexia
Screening Test–Junior; raw score out of a possible 12. cBritish Picture Vocabulary Scale–II; standard score M = 100, SD = 15.

and post hoc comparisons confirmed children with dyslexia using their reasoning skills to identify the correct missing
and the SA group were matched on raw spelling skill (p = part (out of 5 options) of a visual stimulus. A scaled score
.64), whereas the CA group scored significantly higher. The was derived from the number of correctly identified answers
CA and SA groups scored within the expected range on the (M = 50, SD = 10). Internal reliability ranges from α = .78
spelling task (evidenced by the standardized score), to .90 for the specified age groups in this study
although the CA group performed better overall. The differ-
ence between the CA and SA standardized spelling scores Spelling.  A dictated single-word spelling test from the BAS-
was not considered problematic, as the primary concern II (Elliott et al., 1996) was administered to all children. A
was comparing children with dyslexia to the two control raw score was generated from the number of correct spell-
groups. ings made, and converted to a standard score (M = 100, SD
It is noted that the SA group scored significantly higher = 15); this task shows high internal reliability for the age
than children with dyslexia and the CA group on nonverbal groups (α = .84 to .93).
cognitive ability. However, this was only a slight difference,
and as the SA group were not performing more than 1 SD Reading.  Each child completed the single-word reading task
above the age mean, it was not considered to have implica- from the BAS-II (Elliott et al., 1996). Raw scores were con-
tions for compositional performance. Children with dys- verted to a standard score (M = 100, SD = 15). Internal reli-
lexia performed below the CA and SA groups on the ability for the age groups ranged from α = .88 to .95.
standardized spelling score, reading, phoneme, and vocabu-
lary measures. However, the mean vocabulary scores for Phoneme segmentation.  To assess each child’s ability to rec-
children with dyslexia did not reach 1 SD below the ognize and manipulate speech sounds, the phoneme seg-
expected value. It was noted that those children with dys- mentation task was administered from the Dyslexia
lexia who had the lowest score in the expressive task were Screening Test–Junior (DST-J; Fawcett & Nicolson, 2004).
not the lowest scorers in the receptive task. Children were asked to delete specific phonemes from a
word and to say the end result out loud. Total possible raw
score was out of 12 marks.
Nonverbal cognitive ability.  Children completed the Matrices Receptive vocabulary. The British Picture Vocabulary Scale–
task from the BAS-II (Elliott et al., 1996), which required II (BPVS-II; Dunn, Dunn, Whetton, & Burley, 1997)

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Sumner et al. 5

assessed receptive vocabulary knowledge. Children had to on the spot, without time to plan, we did not expect the ver-
correctly identify the picture that corresponded to the spo- bal compositions to be influenced by previous knowledge
ken word read by the experimenter. The raw score was con- of the written task weeks before (procedure similar to
verted to a standard score (M = 100, SD = 15). The median Wengelin, 2007).
split-half reliability coefficient is .86. The writing task was completed on lined paper that was
placed on the surface of a digital writing tablet (Wacom,
Expressive vocabulary.  The word definitions task was admin- Intuos 4), which recorded the XY coordinates of the pen
istered from the BAS-II (Elliott et al., 1996), requiring each when writing (Eye and Pen software, version 1; 100 Hz).
child to verbally describe the meaning of a word. Descrip-
tions were later scored using the criteria in the test manual.
Raw scores were converted to a scaled score (M = 50, SD =
Data Analysis
10). For this age range, internal reliability ranges from Pause analysis.  Eye and Pen software detects temporal char-
α = .83 to .92. acteristics of the execution of text, including pauses (inac-
tivity, on and off the paper) when writing. In the present
Written compositional task. A narrative prompt from the study, the aim was to identify where children made long
Wechsler Objective Language Dimensions (WOLD; Rust, interruptions to their text making. A pause threshold of
1996) was used, asking all children to describe their perfect 2 seconds was decided on as reflecting a significant pause
place to live. The prompt was typed above the writing paper from writing and is in accordance to studies that postulate
and read to the child before the task began. Children had 15 longer pauses reflect a high processing demand (Alves,
minutes to complete this task; no help with spellings or Castro, & de Sousa, 2007; Wengelin, 2007). Using the soft-
ideas were given. When finished, all children reread their ware, pauses longer than 2 seconds were coded as either
compositions to the experimenter so that misspelled words within- or between-word pauses (Alamargot, Chesnet, Dan-
could be identified. Spelling errors were noted before typ- sac, & Ros, 2006).
ing compositions and correcting the errors to prevent bias
when scoring. Productivity.  Tokens (number of words) and types (number
of different words) were recorded as indicators of produc-
Verbal compositional task.  Verbal compositional skills were tivity. Misspellings were corrected in the written composi-
assessed using the same narrative prompt as the writing task tions and used in this analysis. Spoken words showing the
(WOLD; Rust, 1996), following the same instructions, child thinking aloud, such as “um,” “ahh,” and “what’s the
albeit a few weeks later. Responses were audio-recorded word?,” were excluded from the analyses.
and later transcribed.
Lexical diversity. The Guiraud index (R) was calculated,
transforming the often-used TTR to reduce the issue of text
Procedure length influencing diversity scores. Correlations between
This study was fully approved by the university research Guiraud’s R and text length did reveal a significant relation-
ethics committee. Children were tested individually, in a ship (r = .34, at p = .02) for the whole sample. However, this
quiet room within their school. Selection measures were is a relatively small correlation, and the syllable count
administered in the first testing session to determine group below was used to further identify patterns of performance
membership, and participants later completed the general across groups and modality.
vocabulary measures and composition tasks. The written
and verbal compositional tasks were scheduled at least 2 Syllable count.  Compositions were analyzed for the number
weeks apart, with the writing task first. of words used that had 3 or more syllables. This criterion
It may be considered a limitation that the same narrative has been used to determine vocabulary level (Gregg et al.,
task was used for both written and verbal compositions, but 2007), as words with longer syllables are thought to reflect
this was deliberate so that accurate comparisons of perfor- a more advanced vocabulary, needing more consideration
mance could be made. The written task was scheduled first of phonology and morphology. There was a nonsignificant
due to concerns over attrition and the hope of getting a full correlation between syllable count and text length (r = –.03,
sample of written compositions to fully address the rela- p = .43).
tionship between spelling and lexical diversity. To help pre-
vent repetition, a gap of at least 2 weeks between the Compositional quality.  The WOLD analytical assessment cri-
sessions was scheduled (over the Christmas school holi- teria (Rust, 1996) were used to score compositions, cover-
day). Of importance, it was observed that children reported ing ideas and development, organization/coherence,
something new in the second (verbal) compositional task. vocabulary, sentence structure, grammar usage, and capital-
As these were not taught sessions and children composed ization/punctuation. A score of up to 4 was possible for each

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6 Journal of Learning Disabilities 

Table 2.  Percentage of Pause Locations > 2 s for the Three by a pause, H(2) = 20.92, p < .001. Children with dyslexia
Groups. (13%; SD = 7.98) and the SA group (12%; SD = 10.73) per-
D (n = 31) CA (n = 31) SA (n = 31) formed similarly, and made significantly more between-
Pause location (%) (%) (%) word pauses following a spelling error than the CA group
(5%; SD = 6.61).
Within-word 20  4 20 Additional analyses revealed that for children with dys-
lexia, a significant negative correlation was found between
Between-word 80 96 80
spelling ability and within-word pausing (r = –.61, p <
.001), and spelling and between-word pausing (r = –.55, p =
Note. CA = chronologically age matched; D = dyslexic; SA = spelling- .001); the lower the spelling level the more pauses occurred.
ability matched. Percentage of pauses made at each location is in relation These correlations were not found to be significant for the
to the total number of pauses.
CA or the SA group, although in the SA group it was
approaching significance (r = –.32). No significant correla-
component (total raw score possible = 24). It was decided tions were found for within-word or between-word pause
that the full WOLD assessment criteria would not be pos- frequency and the general vocabulary tasks, for any of the
sible to score from verbal compositions (e.g., punctuation), three groups.
and therefore only the following three components were
scored: ideas and development, organization/coherence, Lexical Performance in the Written and Verbal
and vocabulary. Reliability checks for the analytical scoring
were administered on 50% of the written and verbal sam-
ples (randomly selected). Interrater reliability ranged from Separate 3 × 2 (group × modality) repeated ANOVAs were
κ = .716 to .864 (p < .001) for the individually scored com- conducted for tokens, types, and lexical diversity (Table 3,
ponents. Pearson’s correlation for the overall raw score mean scores). For this and all subsequent analyses requiring
revealed an agreement of .96. multiple comparisons, Bonferroni confidence interval
adjustments were applied to control for false positives.
Results Tokens.  There was a significant effect of group, F(2, 90) =
Pause Performance in the Written Composition 20.39, p < .001, η2p = .31, and modality, F(1, 90) = 16.43, p
< .001, η2p = .15; more tokens (words) were produced in the
A frequency count identified the number of pauses of over 2 verbal compositions. There was also a significant interac-
seconds and the percentage of those pauses that were made tion between modality and group, F(2, 90) = 7.69, p = .001,
either within or between words (shown in Table 2). Children η2p = .15. Children with dyslexia and the SA group pro-
with dyslexia and the SA group paused more (20%, > 2-s duced fewer words when writing in comparison to the ver-
pauses) within words than the CA group. The CA group bal task. However, children with dyslexia were not
tended to pause more between words, and children with dys- significantly different to the CA group for this verbal
lexia again matched the performance of the SA group. measure.
Pauses around spelling errors were analyzed. A one-way
ANOVA revealed significant group differences for the num- Types.  There was a significant effect of group, F(2, 90) =
ber of spelling errors made, F(2, 90) = 15.74, p < .001, η2p = 28.25, p < .001, η2p = .38, modality, F(1, 90) = 8.99, p =
.26. Tukey post hoc comparisons demonstrated no signifi- .004, η2p = .09, and an interaction between modality and
cant difference in the number of errors made by children group, F(2, 90) = 12.62, p < .001, η2p = .22. Mean estimates
with dyslexia (M = 15.39, SD = 9.01; 24% of total text) and demonstrated a higher number of different types of words in
the SA group (M = 12.56, SD = 8.78; 37% of text), but these the verbal compositions. When writing, the SA group had a
two groups made significantly more spelling errors than the more restricted vocabulary than children with dyslexia,
CA group (M = 4.87, SD = 4.08; 4%). A Kruskal–Wallis test whereas the CA group wrote a higher number of different
revealed a significant effect of group on the percentage of types. There was a nonsignificant difference between chil-
within-word pauses (>2 s) made during a misspelled word, dren with dyslexia and the CA group for the types in the
H(2) = 25.56, p < .001. Follow-up Mann–Whitney tests verbal compositions.
revealed children with dyslexia made significantly more
within-word pauses on spelling errors (34%; SD = 26.87) Guiraud index (R).  There was a significant effect of group
than the CA (10%; SD = 23.75) and SA groups (22%; SD = membership, F(2, 90) = 20.63, p < .001, η2p = .31, but not
20.31), whereas the SA group made more of these pauses for modality, F(1, 90) = 2.01, p = .16, η2p = .02. The interac-
than the CA group. An effect of group was also found for tion between modality and group was significant, F(2, 90) =
between-word pauses whereby a spelling error was followed 4.56, p = .01, η2p = .09. Lexical diversity (R) was lowest for

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Sumner et al. 7

Table 3.  Group Means and Standard Deviations for the Lexical Measures.

D (n = 31) CA (n = 31) SA (n = 31)

measures M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) Post hoc
 Written 70.19 (35.79) 126.52 (48.64) 35.19 (20.31) SA < D < CA
 Verbal 144.42 (108.32) 122.52 (70.27) 64.35 (50.68) SA < (D = CA)
 Written 41.79 (18.25) 72.52 (22.91) 22.13 (9.64) SA < D < CA
 Verbal 67.13 (37.63) 60.65 (28.12) 36.55 (23.85) SA < (D = CA)
 Written 4.93 (1.02) 6.44 (0.96) 3.75 (0.75) SA < D < CA
 Verbal 5.57 (1.23) 5.90 (3.01) 4.45 (1.29) (D = CA) > SA

Note. CA = chronologically age matched; D = dyslexic; R = Guiraud index of diversity (types/√tokens); SA = spelling-ability matched; tokens = number
of words; types = number of different words.

Table 4.  Syllable Count (Three or More) From the Written Univariate ANOVAs and Games–Howell post hocs con-
and Verbal Compositions. firmed that children with dyslexia wrote fewer words of
D CA SA longer syllables than their CA peers, F(2, 92) = 22.36, MSE
= 95.88, p < .001, η2 = .33. However, on the verbal compo-
Syllables M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) Post hoc sitional task children with dyslexia scored at the same level
3+ syllables as the CA group on syllable length, with both groups sig-
 Writtena 1.93 (1.96) 4.10 (2.86) 0.73 (0.88) SA < D < CA nificantly higher than the SA group, F(2, 92) = 4.02, MSE =
 Verbalb 4.90 (3.76) 3.71 (4.33) 1.81 (2.09) (D = CA) > SA 75.62, p = .02, η2 = .18.

Note. CA = chronologically age matched; D = dyslexic; SA = spelling-

ability matched.
Predictors of Written Lexical Diversity
Only 22 children with dyslexia wrote at least one word of 3 or more
syllables, whereas 28 CA and 15 SA children did. Table 5 shows bivariate correlations that were computed
29 children with dyslexia spoke at least one word of 3 or more individually for the three groups to examine the relationship
syllables, 24 in the CA group, and 22 SA children.
of pause behavior, spelling ability, and oral vocabulary to
written lexical diversity (R) performance.
children with dyslexia in the written task, in comparison to A significant negative correlation was found between
their performance in the verbal task, although children in more frequent within-word and between-word pausing,
the SA group performed worse overall. Children with dys- being related to a lower written lexical diversity for children
lexia and the SA group showed a reverse pattern, in com- with dyslexia; yet only the within-word pauses were signifi-
parison to the CA group, of having a higher lexical diversity cantly related to lexical diversity for the SA group. For chil-
in the verbal rather than the written. dren with dyslexia, spelling had a significant positive
The written R results were computed again with recep- correlation with written lexical diversity, as did the recep-
tive (BPVS-II) and expressive vocabulary (word defini- tive vocabulary measure, whereas expressive vocabulary
tions) as covariates (ANCOVA). The covariates were not did not. In contrast, the verbal lexical diversity measure was
significantly related to written lexical diversity, F(1, 88) = the only significant correlation with written lexical diver-
3.33, p = .07, η2p = .04, and F(1, 88) = 0.64, p = .38, η2p = sity for the CA group.
.01, respectively. However, the significant effect of group Hierarchical regression analyses were computed to focus
membership remained as reported above, even after con- on the predictors of written lexical diversity. For children
trolling for the lower oral vocabulary levels of the children with dyslexia, spelling ability was entered first due to the
with dyslexia, F(2, 88) = 59.14, p < .001, η2p = .57, and here initial predictions made, and both within-word and between-
the difference in lexical diversity in written texts remained word pause frequency were entered together in the next step
in comparison to their same-aged peers. as predictor variables for the outcome variable written lexi-
The number of words composed of three syllables or cal diversity (R). Addressing the predictive value of oral
more was also calculated per text (Table 4). Multivariate language skills, receptive vocabulary was entered into the
analysis of variance revealed a significant main effect of regression.
group on syllable length, Pillai’s trace V = .39, F(4, 180) = Table 6 illustrates that spelling ability accounted for 41%
11.19, p < .001, η2 = .21. of the variance in performance for written R by children

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8 Journal of Learning Disabilities 

Table 5.  Written Guiraud (R) Correlations With Pausing, Ideas and development.  There was a significant main effect
Spelling, and Oral Vocabulary Measures. of group, F(2, 90) = 12.84, p < .001, η2p = .22, and modality,
Correlation measures D (n = 31) CA (n = 31) SA (n = 31) F(1, 90) = 19.26, p < .001, η2p = .18, with significantly
higher scores for the verbal compositions and a significant
Within-word pausing −.60* −.11 −.48* interaction between modality and group, F(2, 90) = 8.98, p
Between-word pausing −.59* −.26 −.22 < .001, η2p = .17. Children with dyslexia and the SA group
Spelling abilitya .64* .24 −.13 produced more developed ideas in the verbal compositions,
Receptive vocabularyb .45* .02 .01 whereas the CA controls showed an opposite pattern. A
Expressive vocabularya .38 .12 .13 decrease in the CA ideas from written to verbal meant their
Verbal R .18 .64* .28
performance was no different to children with dyslexia in
Note. CA = chronologically age matched; D = dyslexic; SA = spelling- the verbal compositions.
ability matched.
British Abilities Scales–II. bBritish Picture Vocabulary Scale–II. Organization/coherence. A significant effect was found for
*Bonferroni correction p < .01 (two-tailed).
group, F(2, 90) = 9.28, p < .001, η2p = .17, and modality,
F(1, 90) = 42.67, p < .001, η2p = .32, with scores higher in
the verbal compositions. There was a significant interaction
with dyslexia, with within-word and between-word paus- between modality and group F(2, 90) = 5.56, p = .005, η2p =
ing, significantly predicting a further 12% of the variance. .11. Children with dyslexia were no different to the SA
Once spelling ability and within- and between-word pause group in the written modality but performed better in verbal
frequency were accounted for, receptive vocabulary was compositions. Conversely, children with dyslexia matched
not a significant predictor. the CA group performance for this measure of the verbal
Linear regressions were computed for the two control compositions.
groups. The correlations in Table 5 demonstrated that spell-
ing would not influence written lexical diversity for the Vocabulary.  A significant effect was found for group, F(2,
control groups. For this reason, lexical diversity (R) on the 90) = 18.03, p < .001, η2p = .29, and modality, F(1, 90) =
verbal compositional task was the predictor variable for the 12.00, p = .001, η2p = .12: Vocabulary scored higher in the
CA group, significantly accounting for 41% of the variance verbal compositions. There was a significant interaction
in scores for written lexical diversity, R2 = .41, ß = .64, F(1, between modality and group membership, F(2, 90) = 7.36,
29) = 20.26, p < .001. In contrast, within-word pausing was p = .001, η2p = .14. Children with dyslexia and the SA
entered as the predictor of written lexical diversity for the group scored similarly in both conditions, increasing in
SA group, revealing a significant value of 15%, R2 = .15, vocabulary level when composing a text verbally. There
ß = –.38, F(1, 29) = 4.80, p = .03. was a significant difference between children with dyslexia
and the CA group in the written, but not in the verbal
Quality Ratings of the Written and Verbal
Lexical Diversity and the Quality of Written and
The full WOLD analytical scoring (all six criteria) was first
applied to the written compositions produced and revealed a
Verbal Compositions
significant effect of group, F(2, 90) = 49.09, p < .001, η2p = R was used to establish the relationship of written lexical
.53. Post hoc comparisons demonstrated that children with diversity to written text quality (WOLD raw score).
dyslexia (M = 8.61, out of a possible raw score of 24) Significant positive bivariate correlations (p < .05) were
matched the performance of the younger SA group (M = found for children with dyslexia (r = .60) and their CA peers
7.52), whereas both of these groups scored significantly (r = .36): The more diverse the vocabulary was in the writ-
below the CA group (M = 13.68). A high percentage of spell- ten compositions, the higher the compositions were graded.
ing errors in relation to text length were recorded in the com- However, this relationship was nonsignificant for the
positions produced by children with dyslexia (21%) and the younger SA group (r = .29).
SA group (39%), whereas the CA group made significantly The same comparisons were conducted for the verbal
fewer errors (4%), F(2, 90) = 57.54, p < .001, η2p = .56. lexical diversity (R) and the overall raw score of the three
Table 7 illustrates performance on the three WOLD scor- marked verbal WOLD categories. Significant correlations
ing components that could be compared across both modal- (p < .05) for all groups showed verbal R for children with
ities: ideas and development, organization/coherence, and dyslexia (r = .73), CA (r = .74), and SA groups (r = .77) had
vocabulary. Three separate 3 × 2 (group × modality) a positive relationship with performance in the verbal com-
repeated-measures ANOVAs were conducted. position task.

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Sumner et al. 9

Table 6.  Regression Equation Predicting Written Lexical Diversity (R) for Children With Dyslexia.

Predictor variables ß R2 R2 change F df p

Spelling ability .64 .41 .41 20.09 1, 29 .000**
Within- and between-word pausing −.28 .53 .12 3.53 2, 27 .044*
Receptive vocabularyb .12 .54 .01 0.61 1, 26 .44
British Abilities Scales–II. bBritish Picture Vocabulary Scale–II.
*p < .05. **p < .001.

Table 7.  Group Means and Standard Deviations for the WOLD Assessment of the Written and Verbal Compositions.

D (n = 31) CA (n = 31) SA (n = 31)

criteria M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) Post hoc
Ideas and development
 Written 1.84 (0.68) 2.68 (0.79) 1.54 (0.57) (D = SA) < CA
 Verbal 2.55 (0.77) 2.55 (0.85) 2.09 (0.74) (D = CA) > SA
 Written 1.38 (0.55) 1.94 (0.57) 1.16 (0.37) (D = SA) < CA
 Verbal 2.03 (0.71) 2.06 (0.77) 1.77 (0.49) (D = CA) > SA
 Written 1.48 (0.63) 2.48 (0.67) 1.52 (0.51) (D = SA) < CA
 Verbal 2.16 (0.58) 2.26 (0.63) 1.97 (0.71) D = CA = SA

Note. CA = chronologically age matched; D = dyslexic; SA = spelling-ability matched; WOLD = Wechsler Objective Language Dimensions (each section
marked out of a possible 4).

Discussion force the writer to pause frequently within words. The rela-
tionships among spelling, lexical diversity, and between-
The present study has confirmed that the poorer lexical word pausing also provide strong evidence to show that
diversity in written compositions produced by children with selection of the next word is highly linked to spelling ability,
dyslexia is related more to spelling ability than vocabulary and actually not to oral vocabulary, which failed to signifi-
knowledge, supported by the correlation and regression cantly correlate with between-word pausing.
analyses that have shown spelling ability has a high predic- The robustness of the lexical diversity results were
tive value on written vocabulary. Moreover, both the objec- underlined by a similar finding showing words with less
tive (lexical diversity, syllable count) and more subjective syllables were produced by the children with dyslexia when
(WOLD assessment) measures of vocabulary have demon- writing but not in the verbal narrative. Thus, the broken,
strated that the vocabulary choices of children with dyslexia hesitant style of writing of the children with dyslexia is not
when writing are poorer than their age-matched peers. The associated with the fluent style and appropriate vocabulary
extra demands that writing and spelling make on children choices that are required to keep on track with successful
with dyslexia were highlighted by the gap between verbal text generation. The use of a spelling-ability match group
and written narrative performance and the age-appropriate demonstrated that the children with dyslexia were severely
lexical diversity shown in the verbal transcripts by these delayed in their writing development but that they were not
same children. These findings confirm the view that, for that substantially different in how they write, notably paus-
children with dyslexia, spelling is a costly cognitive process ing frequently while making text, which related to written
when writing as predicted by models of writing (Berninger lexical performance.
& Amtmann, 2003), further noted by the many spelling A nonsignificant correlation between spelling ability and
errors in the texts of children with dyslexia and the poorer within-word pausing was noted for the spelling-ability-
overall quality of the written text. matched group. However, this was approaching signifi-
This study also provides evidence of how the cognitive cance and the size of the correlation was .32, showing that
demand of spelling is manifested during the writing process. it was in a very similar direction to those with dyslexia. It
Showing that written lexical diversity, spelling, and frequent may not be as strong as the children are typical for their age
pausing are interlinked demonstrates that spelling difficulties for spelling and other factors may also be contributing as

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10 Journal of Learning Disabilities 

per the typically developing group, whereas the defining selection receives little attention, neither as a resource
feature of the children with dyslexia is the constraint of (language ability) nor as an active writing component in
spelling on writing given their superior oral language skills. the simple view of writing or other contemporary develop-
Thus, one would expect a stronger relationship between mental models of writing. Our findings suggest that the
spelling and pausing in the dyslexia group anyway. transcription and text generation are closely related and
The difficulties that children with dyslexia experienced interactive. This interactivity has important consequences
are further emphasized by the comparison to their age- for the efficiency of the writing processes and the end
matched peers. This control group was actually found to product. A hierarchical level of processing can be hypoth-
produce a more diverse range of vocabulary in the written esized whereby the mental lexicon is addressed during the
task, rather than in their verbal composition. Typically online production and execution of writing. For children
developing children of the same age as this study have also with dyslexia this process is largely determined by spell-
been shown in another study to have a higher written lexical ing capabilities and the long pauses while writing demon-
diversity when comparing written and verbal compositions strate this conflict. These pauses could represent a
(Johansson, 2008). A significant relationship between writ- breakdown of the efficient parallel processing of informa-
ten lexical diversity and text quality makes a stronger case tion (reflecting the required interaction between transcrip-
for the importance of vocabulary when writing (Olinghouse tion and text generation) to a slower sequential processing
& Leaird, 2009). It could be suggested that as the age- when the cognitive demands are too high (Maggio, Lete,
matched controls do not have difficulties with spelling, Chenu, Jisa, & Fayol, 2012). Until this study, this process-
working memory resources are free to be devoted to the oriented approach had not yet been considered in research
generation of ideas (including vocabulary). The higher on dyslexia and writing performance, and this study has
WOLD quality score in writing demonstrates that these demonstrated that the activation of the writing processes is
children have reached a more proficient level of writing a recursive process.
than children with dyslexia. It has been suggested that children with dyslexia could
A potential limitation is that although the WOLD scoring have poorer vocabularies to draw on when writing through
criteria are useful to identify aspects of composition, the having deeper-seated language problems that may interfere
limited scoring scale (1–4) could lead to the younger spell- with text generation. However, a number of thorough
ing-ability group have a higher floor effect than might be reviews have emphasized that children with dyslexia are
expected. A score of 0 is not allowed but may have been distinct from those with wider language problems (Bishop
suitable for some of the younger group. For this reason, the & Snowling, 2004; Catts, Adolf, Hogan, & Weismer, 2005).
objective lexical diversity measures of vocabulary contrib- A more recent article clearly demonstrates that both dys-
ute to the present findings substantially. lexia and specific language impairment can occur indepen-
While arguing for the importance of vocabulary skill for dently (Ramus et al., 2013). To ensure the present sample
quality of writing (as shown for children with dyslexia), it did not have broader language difficulties, additional
was a surprise that the standardized assessments of vocabu- vocabulary measures were administered and, as part of the
lary were not significantly correlated with written lexical initial selection criteria, children recognized by the SENCo
diversity (R) for the control groups. This could be related to as having speech or language problems were excluded.
the idea that standardized assessments of vocabulary knowl- Children with dyslexia did score significantly below their
edge may assess something slightly different to how many peers on the standardized measures of vocabulary, although
words (diverse) children can select and use in their compo- this is not unusual (Ramus et al., 2013). On average, their
sitions. In fact, a significant correlation was found between performance did not reach more than one standard devia-
verbal lexical diversity (R) and written diversity for the age- tion below the test mean and differences found between
matched group, so perhaps this was a more appropriate groups in the study remained when the vocabulary differ-
measure of vocabulary knowledge for the assessed task. ences were accounted for statistically. Unlike studies on the
Moreover, significant correlations were found between writing of children with language impairments, where both
diversity measures and quality of writing for both the con- spelling and vocabulary contributed significantly to compo-
trol groups and children with dyslexia, further supporting sitional quality (Dockrell, Lindsay, & Connelly, 2009;
this idea. Dockrell, Lindsay, Connelly, & Mackie, 2007), it was spell-
According to the simple view of writing (Berninger & ing that was the key constraint on writing in this study when
Amtmann, 2003) it could be hypothesized that spelling examining children with dyslexia.
consumes working memory resources for children with In terms of implications, it might seem that an appropri-
dyslexia, and as a consequence text quality suffers due to ate method for children with spelling difficulties to com-
restricted vocabulary. Correlational analyses in the present pose a text would be through dictation of their work, as this
study have shown a positive relationship between spelling frees the demands of writing. Productivity has been found
ability and written lexical diversity. However, vocabulary to be highest when children compose texts through

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Sumner et al. 11

dictation, rather than writing a narrative (Scardamalia & Alves, R. A., Castro, S. L., & de Sousa, L. (2007). Influence of typ-
Bereiter, 1987). However, dictation is only a short-term ing skill on pause–execution cycles in written composition. In
solution and one that is not always practical. Writing is an G. Rijlaarsdam (Series Ed.), M. Torrance, L. van Waes, & D.
important skill for education and life thereafter. Children Galbraith (Eds.), Writing and cognition: Research and appli-
cations (Studies in Writing Vol. 20, pp. 55–65). Amsterdam,
and adults need to learn to be independently proficient in
Netherlands: Elsevier.
writing. For these reasons, it is suggested that more practi-
Berninger, V. W., & Amtmann, D. (2003). Preventing written
cal implications of the present findings would be to focus expression disabilities through early and continuing assess-
on the spelling difficulties: the root of the problem with ment and intervention for handwriting and/or spelling prob-
expressing written vocabulary. Further research should be lems: Research into practise. In H. L. Swanson, S. Graham,
targeted toward how specific spelling instruction can & K. R. Harris (Eds.), Handbook of learning disabilities (pp.
improve confidence in spellings and in turn allow these 345–363). New York, NY: Guilford.
children to use a wider range of words from their vocabu- Berninger, V. W., Nielsen, K. H., Abbott, R. D., Wijsman, E., &
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whereas another study demonstrated improved fluency in
K. B., Curtin, G.,  . . . Graham, S. (2002). Teaching spell-
writing after a spelling intervention (Berninger et al., 2002).
ing and composition alone and together: Implications for the
To conclude, the present study provides important data simple view of writing. Journal of Educational Psychology,
for an area that is largely under researched and has previ- 94, 291–304.
ously focused mainly on adults, rather than children. The Berninger, V. W., & Winn, W. (2006). Implications of advance-
findings confirm the original predictions that spelling abil- ments in brain research and technology for writing develop-
ity can constrain vocabulary choices when writing, and thus ment, writing instruction, and educational evolution. In C.
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Psychological Bulletin, 130, 858–886.
contribute to models of writing, which would benefit from
Catts, H. W., Adolf, S. M., Hogan, T. P., & Weismer, S. E. (2005).
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Connelly, V., Campbell, S., MacLean, M., & Barnes, J. (2006).
Acknowledgments Contribution of lower order skills to the written composition
Special thanks go to the children and schools that participated in of older students with and without dyslexia. Developmental
this study. Neuropsychology, 29, 175–196.
Dockrell, J. E., Lindsay, G., & Connelly, V. (2009). The impact
of specific language impairment on adolescents’ written text.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
Exceptional Children, 75, 427–436.
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect Dockrell, J. E., Lindsay, G., Connelly, V., & Mackie, C. (2007).
to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. Constraints in the production of written text in children with
specific language impairments. Exceptional Children, 73,
Funding 147–164.
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for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This Picture Vocabulary Scales (2nd ed.). Windsor, UK: NFER-
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