Chloride Removal Using Freidel Salt - OK

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Materials Transactions, Vol. 59, No. 2 (2018) pp.

297 to 302
©2017 The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials

Removal of Chloride Ions from an Aqueous Solution Containing a High Chloride

Concentration through the Chemical Precipitation of Friedel s Salt
Li Pang Wang1,*, Wei Hao Lee2, Shu Man Tseng2 and Ta Wui Cheng2
Institute of Environmental Engineering and Management, College of Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology,
Taipei 10608, Taiwan, Republic of China
Institute of Mineral Resources Engineering, College of Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology,
Taipei 10608, Taiwan, Republic of China

This study explored the feasibility of removing chloride ions from an aqueous solution containing a high chloride concentration through
the chemical precipitation of insoluble Friedel s salt, which was triggered by the addition of calcium and aluminum compounds. Calcium hy-
droxide (Ca(OH)2) and sodium aluminate (NaAlO2) were used as the reagents. Key factors for the removal of chloride ions, including the dos-
age of the reagents, reaction temperature, reaction time, initial pH, and initial chlorine concentration, were investigated.
The results indicated that an optimal chloride removal efficiency of 84.0% was obtained when the molar ratio of Ca:Al:Cl was 10:4:1.
The main crystal phases in the formed precipitates, confirmed through X-ray diffraction analysis, were Friedel s salt (Ca2Al(OH)6Cl·2H2O),
portlandite (Ca(OH)2), and katoite (Ca3(Al(OH)6)2). In addition, the chloride removal efficiency increased when the reaction temperature, ini-
tial pH, and initial chlorine concentration were higher. Chlorine removal could be further improved by conducting a second-stage treatment,
regardless of the residual concentrations of chloride, calcium, and aluminum ions after the first-stage treatment.

(Received September 4, 2017; Accepted November 7, 2017; Published December 8, 2017)

Keywords: chlorine, chloride removal, wastewater treatment, Friedel s salt, layered double hydroxides

1. Introduction Friedel s salt, triggered by the addition of calcium (Ca) and

aluminum (Al) compounds. Calcium hydroxides (Ca(OH)2)
Wastewaters generated from some industrial processes, and sodium aluminate (NaAlO2) were used as reagents. Key
such as tanning, canning, pickling, and bottom ash washing, factors for the removal of chloride ions, including the dos-
often contain high concentrations of chloride ions1–5). age of reagents, reaction temperature, reaction time, initial
Wastewater containing a high chloride concentration cor- pH, and initial chlorine concentration, were investigated.
rodes pipelines and exerts harmful effects on agricultural ir- The results were confirmed through an X-ray diffraction
rigation and fisheries. Several methods to remove chloride (XRD) analysis of the produced precipitates.
ions from aqueous solutions through either adsorption or ion
exchange using a synthetic adsorbent or resin have been re- 2. Materials and Methods
searched3,4,6–11). However, these methods are not suitable for
treating wastewater containing high chloride concentrations An aqueous solution containing a high chloride concen-
because desorption and regeneration of the adsorbent and tration was used in all experiments. The solution was pre-
resin is frequently required. Only a few studies have focused pared using calcium chloride (CaCl2) (Ferak Berlin GmbH,
on the treatment of wastewater containing high chloride Germany). Unless stated otherwise, the chloride ion concen-
concentrations. tration was set to 2,600 mg/L, which reflected the concen-
Friedel s salt, an insoluble chlorine salt first described by tration found in a bottom ash washing wastewater. Calcium
Friedel in 1897, is produced from the reaction of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) (Scharlab, S.L., Spain) was used as the
oxide (CaO) and aluminum chloride (AlCl3)12). The chemi- Ca reagent and sodium aluminate (NaAlO2) (Taiwan
cal formula of Friedel s salt is 3CaO·Al2O3·CaCl2·10H2O or Organic Chemical, Co. Ltd., Taiwan) was used as the Al re-
Ca4Al2(OH)12Cl2(H2O)4. Its crystal structure is a type of lay- agent. All chemicals were reagent grade. In this study, the
ered double hydroxide where chloride ions enter the middle dosages of Ca(OH)2 and NaAlO2 were presented as the mo-
of the layered structure of [Ca4Al2(OH)12]2+ to balance the lar ratio of Ca:Al:Cl. The actual addition amounts of
electrical charge. Friedel s salt is also an anion-exchange Ca(OH)2 and NaAlO2 were calculated on the basis of the
mineral that has a high adhesion for anion ions and is used chloride ion concentration, whereas the amount of Ca ions
as an adsorbent in the field of wastewater treatment13–15). already in the aqueous solution was deducted. In addition,
Based on the formation and characteristics of Friedel s salt, Ca(OH)2 and NaAlO2 were fed as powders.
we hypothesized that chloride ions in aqueous solutions can All of the experiments were conducted as batch experi-
react with added calcium and aluminum ions to form the in- ments. For each, 600 mL of a chlorine solution were poured
soluble Friedel s salt, thus enabling removal. into a 1,000 mL beaker equipped with a stainless magnetic
This study explored the feasibility of removing chloride stirrer. After the addition of Ca(OH)2 and NaAlO2, the solu-
ions from aqueous solutions containing high chloride con- tion was mixed at 150 rpm for 1 h. Solid–liquid separation
centrations through the chemical precipitation of insoluble was then performed using vacuum filtration. Filters with a
diameter of 55 mm and a pore size of 1 μm were used. The
Corresponding author, E-mail: concentrations of residual Ca and Al ions in the liquid frac-
298 L. P. Wang, W. H. Lee, S. Man Tseng and T. W. Cheng

tion were analyzed through inductively coupled plas- ions. Hence, the chloride removal efficiency could not be
ma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) (SPS 7800, further improved, regardless of increases in the Ca(OH)2
Seiko Instruments Inc.). Next, the residual chloride ion con- dosage. This can also explain the results of chloride removal
centration in the liquid fraction was determined using at the molar ratio of Al/Cl of 2 when Ca/Cl is higher than
Mohr s method, which is a precipitation titration method, four. In these cases, the chloride removal efficiency was ap-
where chloride ions in aqueous solutions are titrated with proximately 70% at the most. By contrast, when the molar
silver nitrate16,17). Subsequently, the chloride removal effi- ratio of Al/Cl ≥  3, the effect of the Ca(OH)2 dosage on the
ciency was calculated on the basis of the difference between removal of chloride ions became significant. Specifically, the
the initial and residual chloride ion concentrations. Finally, chloride removal efficiency increased with the Ca(OH)2 dos-
the solid fraction (precipitate) was dried and the crystal age. The optimal chloride removal efficiency was 84.0%
phases in the precipitate were analyzed using an XRD when the molar ratio of Ca:Al:Cl = 10:4:1.
(DMX-2200, Rigaku). As indicated in Fig. 2, when the molar ratio of Ca/Cl was
2, the chloride removal efficiency decreased with an increase
3. Results and Discussion in the dosage of NaAlO2. Conversely, when the molar ratio
of Ca/Cl ≥  4, the increase in the NaAlO2 dosage improved
3.1 Effect of the dosages of Ca(OH)2 and NaAlO2 on the chloride removal efficiency. However, when the molar
the removal of chloride ions ratios of Ca:Al:Cl were higher than 4:2:1, 6:2:1, or 8:4:1, the
The chemical reaction of the formation of insoluble chloride removal efficiency could not be further improved
Friedel s salt in this study, triggered by the addition of and actually decreased. It is thought that when excess
Ca(OH)2 and NaAlO2 to an aqueous solution containing a NaAlO2 was added, NaAlO2 and Ca(OH)2 react with each
high chlorine concentration, was as follows: other as follows:
CaCl2 + 3Ca(OH)2 + 2NaAlO2 + 8H2 O 3Ca(OH)2 + 2NaAlO2 + 4H2 O
(1) (2)
→ 2Ca2 Al(OH)6 Cl · 2H2 O + 2NaOH → Ca3 (Al(OH)6 )2 + 2NaOH
According to the chemical formula of Friedel s salt, the which leads to a reduced production of Friedel s salt; thus,
theoretical molar ratio of Ca:Al:Cl is 2:1:1. In this study, the the chloride removal efficiency decreased.
dosages of Ca and Al compounds were set at 1 to 5 times the These results suggest that higher dosages of Ca(OH)2 and
theoretical molar ratio (i.e., Ca/Cl  =  2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and Al/ NaAlO2 than those theoretically predicted are required to
Cl  =  1, 2, 3, 4, 5). The effect of the various dosages of improve the chloride removal efficiency. It is because the
Ca(OH)2 and NaAlO2 on the removal of chloride ions is il- Ca(OH)2 introduced to the aqueous solution cannot com-
lustrated in Figs. 1 and 2. Specifically, in Fig. 1, the Al/Cl pletely dissolve and the NaAlO2 introduced can also react
molar ratios are presented on the horizontal axis to demon- with the Ca(OH)2.
strate the effect of the Ca(OH)2 dosage, whereas in Fig. 2, The XRD analysis results of the precipitates produced at
the Ca/Cl molar ratios are presented on the horizontal axis molar ratios of Ca:Al:Cl =  4:1:1–4:5:1 are shown in Fig. 3.
to demonstrate the effect of the NaAlO2 dosage. Notably, the main crystal phases in the precipitates detected
According to Fig. 1, when the molar ratio of Al/Cl was 1, by XRD were Friedel s salt (Ca2Al(OH)6Cl·2H2O), portland-
increasing the Ca(OH)2 dosage barely affected the removal ite (Ca(OH)2), and katoite (Ca3(Al(OH)6)2). The XRD anal-
of chloride ions. The chloride removal efficiency was ap- ysis confirmed that adding Ca and Al compounds to a chlo-
proximately 54% at the most. It is thought that the Al ions in ride solution triggered a reaction between chloride ions and
the solution fully reacted under this condition. No extra Al Ca and Al ions to form the insoluble Friedel s salt and thus
ions could react with chloride ions and the introduced Ca enable the removal of chlorine. In addition, the presence of

Fig. 1 Effects of the dosages of Ca(OH)2 and NaAlO2 on the removal of Fig. 2 Effect of the dosages of Ca(OH)2 and NaAlO2 on the removal of
chloride ions; the Al/Cl molar ratios are presented on the horizontal axis chloride ions; the Ca/Cl molar ratios are presented on the horizontal axis
(experimental conditions: initial chloride concentration  =  2,600 mg/L, (experimental conditions: initial chloride concentration  =  2,600 mg/L,
reaction temperature = 25 C, reaction time = 1 h). reaction temperature = 25 C, reaction time = 1 h).
Removal of Chloride Ions from an Aqueous Solution Containing a High Chloride Concentration through the Chemical Precipitation 299

portlandite, owing to the unreacted Ca(OH)2, confirms that when Ca:Al:Cl was 10:3:1. These results suggest that the re-
the introduced Ca(OH)2 is not entirely contribute to the for- moval of chloride ions through the addition of Ca(OH)2 and
mation of Friedel s salt. Hence, higher dosages of Ca(OH)2 NaAlO2, which forms Friedel s salt, can be improved by in-
are required to improve the chloride removal efficiency. creasing the reaction temperature. Specifically, the solubility
Meanwhile, the katoite is the reaction product of NaAlO2 of Ca(OH)2 increases with the temperature, enhancing the
and Ca(OH)2, which confirms that these compounds react formation of Friedel s salt.
with each other as indicated in eq. (2). Furthermore, higher
dosages of NaAlO2 reduced the production of Friedel s salt. 3.3 Effect of reaction time on the removal of chloride
As indicated in Fig. 3, the intensity of the main characteris- ions
tic peaks of the Friedel s salt are reduced when Ca:Al:Cl =  Figure 5 shows the effect of the reaction time on the chlo-
4:5:1. Therefore, the chloride removal efficiency is reduced. ride removal efficiency. The molar ratio of Ca:Al:Cl was al-
ternately set at 4:2:1 and 10:3:1. The results showed that at
3.2 Effect of reaction temperature on the removal of both ratios, the chloride removal efficiency increased rapidly
chloride ions within the first 20 min and reached equilibrium after 1 h.
The effect of the reaction temperature on the chloride re- This indicates that chloride ion is rapidly removed through
moval efficiency is shown in Fig. 4. The temperature was the formation of Friedel s salt.
variously set at 25 C, 45 C, and 60 C, and the molar ratio of The XRD analysis results of the precipitates produced at
Ca:Al:Cl was 4:2:1 and 10:3:1. The results showed that with different reaction times at the molar ratios of Ca:Al:Cl  = 
an increase in reaction temperature, the chloride removal ef- 4:2:1 are presented in Fig. 6. The crystal phases of Friedel s
ficiency increased from 69.0% at 25 C to 80.0% at 60 C salt, portlandite, and katoite were detected in the precipitate
when Ca:Al:Cl was 4:2:1. Similarly, the chloride removal produced at 20 min; this further confirms the quick synthesis
efficiency increased from 81.2% at 25 C to 87.5% at 60 C reaction of Friedel s salt. In addition, the intensity of the
characteristic peaks of portlandite and katoite decreased as
the reaction time increased, signifying that the introduced

Fig. 5 Effect of the reaction time on the chloride removal efficiency (ex-
perimental conditions: Ca:Al:Cl =  4:2:1 and 10:3:1, initial chloride con-
Fig. 3 XRD analysis of the precipitates that were produced through the
centration = 2,600 mg/L, reaction temperature = 25 C).
addition of Ca(OH)2 and NaAlO2 with molar ratios of Ca:Al:Cl set at
4:1:1–4:5:1 (experimental conditions: initial chloride concentration  = 
2,600 mg/L, reaction temperature = 25 C, reaction time = 1 h).

Fig. 4 Effect of the reaction temperature on the chloride removal effi- Fig. 6 XRD analysis of the precipitates that were produced at various re-
ciency (experimental conditions: Ca:Al:Cl  =  4:2:1 and 10:3:1, initial action times (experimental conditions: Ca:Al:Cl =  4:2:1, initial chloride
chloride concentration = 2,600 mg/L, reaction time = 1 h). concentration = 2,600 mg/L, reaction temperature = 25 C).
300 L. P. Wang, W. H. Lee, S. Man Tseng and T. W. Cheng

Ca(OH)2 fully reacted and contributed to the formation of ranging from pH 4 to pH 12, the chloride removal efficiency
Friedel s salt during a longer reaction time. Eventually, the at the molar ratios of Ca:Al:Cl of 2:1:1, 4:2:1, and 8:4:1 in-
produced katoite, which is the reaction product of NaAlO2 creased from 25.4% to 80.1%, from 33.5% to 84.2%, and
and Ca(OH)2, dissolved again. The results imply that the from 50.1% to 88.5%, respectively. In short, a higher chlo-
formation of Friedel s salt as presented in eq. (1) is superior ride removal efficiency was obtained at a higher initial pH;
to that of the katoite presented in eq. (2); in short, a reversed this occurs because Friedel s salt is formed and exists stably
eq. (2) reaction occurred. above pH 1218). Therefore, a higher initial pH is beneficial
for chloride removal. However, chloride removal from a
3.4 Effect of initial chloride concentration on the re- solution with a low initial pH can be improved by increasing
moval of chloride ions the dosages of Ca(OH)2 and NaAlO2, as demonstrated by a
The effect of the initial chloride concentration on the solution that had an initial pH of 4 where the chloride re-
chloride removal efficiency is shown in Fig. 7. The initial moval efficiency at a molar ratio of 8:4:1 was higher than
concentration was set at 2,600 mg/L, 5,000 mg/L, and that at a ratio of 2:1:1 and 4:2:1. Furthermore, the pH of the
10,000 mg/L, and the molar ratio of Ca:Al:Cl was 4:2:1 and chloride solution increased to more than pH 12 after the ad-
10:3:1. The results indicated that for both molar ratios, the dition of Ca(OH)2 and NaAlO2. It is because NaOH is also
chloride removal efficiency increased with the initial chlo- produced when Friedel s salt forms, as shown in eq. (1). This
ride concentration; a linear relationship was observed be- result suggests that Ca(OH)2 and NaAlO2 are suitable re-
tween the two. Specifically, when the initial chloride con- agents for the formation of Friedel s salt and that an addi-
centration increased from 2,600 to 5,000 mg/L and then to tional pH adjustment of the chloride solution to maintain the
10,000 mg/L, the chloride removal efficiency increased stability of the produced Friedel s salt is not required.
from 69.0% to 71.5% and then to 76.6%, when Ca:Al:Cl =  Nevertheless, the solution after chloride removal needs to be
4:2:1, and from 81.4% to 84.5% to 90.0%, respectively, adjusted to a neutral pH before being discharged to meet
when Ca:Al:Cl = 10:3:1. most of the effluent standards on pH values.
The XRD analysis results of the precipitates produced
from the various initial chloride concentration solutions at
the molar ratio of Ca:Al:Cl = 10:3:1 are shown in Fig. 8. The
main crystal phases in the precipitates were Friedel s salt,
portlandite, and katoite. Notably, higher initial chloride con-
centrations corresponded with the higher-intensity character-
istic peaks of Friedel s salt and the lower-intensity peaks of
katoite. This finding suggests that at higher initial chloride
concentrations, the reaction among Ca, Al, and Cl (which
produces Friedel s salt) is superior to that between Ca and Al
(which forms katoite). Hence, Friedel s salt became the ma-
jor product and the chloride removal efficiency increased,
similar to the effect of increased reaction time described in
Section 3.3.

3.5 Effect of initial pH on the removal of chloride ions

The effect of initial pH on the chloride removal efficiency
is depicted in Fig. 9. The results showed that for all tested
Fig. 8 XRD analysis of the precipitates that were produced from each ini-
molar ratios, the chloride removal efficiency increased with tial chloride concentration solution (experimental conditions: Ca:Al:Cl = 
an increase in the initial pH. Specifically, for an initial pH 10:3:1, reaction temperature = 25 C, reaction time = 1 h).

Fig. 7 Effect of the initial chloride concentration on the chloride removal Fig. 9 Effect of the initial pH on the chloride removal efficiency (experi-
efficiency (experimental conditions: Ca:Al:Cl  =  4:2:1 and 10:3:1, reac- mental conditions: Ca:Al:Cl =  2:1:1, 4:2:1, and 8:4:1; reaction tempera-
tion temperature = 25 C, reaction time = 1 h). ture = 25 C; reaction time = 1 h).
Removal of Chloride Ions from an Aqueous Solution Containing a High Chloride Concentration through the Chemical Precipitation 301

3.6 A second-stage treatment for residual chloride ions 3.7 Practical application to real high-chloride
To further improve chloride removal, a second-stage treat- wastewater
ment for residual chloride ions was conducted. The dosage The method proposed in this study was applied to a bot-
of the molar ratio of Ca:Al:Cl was set at 10:3:1. The actual tom ash washing wastewater generated from a municipal
amounts of Ca(OH)2 and NaAlO2 added were calculated on solid waste incinerator in Taiwan. The concentrations of Cl,
the basis of the residual chloride ion concentration, whereas Ca, and Al ions as well as the pH of the wastewater are
the amount of Ca and Al ions already in the aqueous solu- shown in Table 2. The wastewater contains chloride ions at
tion were deducted. The experimental conditions were the 2,600 mg/L with a pH of 12.2. The experimental conditions
same as those for the first-stage treatment (i.e., stirred at were the same as those in the fundamental investigations,
150 rpm for 1 h at 25 C). The experimental results are sum- namely stirring at 150 rpm for 1 h at 25 C. Two molar ratio
marized in Table 1. For comparison, two types of residual dosages, Ca:Al:Cl  =  4:2:1 and 10:4:1, were tested. The ac-
chloride solutions after the first-stage treatment were used. tual amounts of Ca(OH)2 and NaAlO2 added were also cal-
The first one was obtained at the molar ratio of Ca:Al:Cl of culated on the basis of the chloride ion concentration, and
10:2:1, with a chloride removal efficiency of 69.8% and a the amounts of Ca and Al ions already in the wastewater
residual chloride ion concentration of 785.0 mg/L; the resid- were deducted. The wastewater originally contains a high Ca
ual concentrations of Ca and Al were 457.5 mg/L and ion concentration (1,077.4 mg/L), and the actual amount of
31.5 mg/L, respectively. After the second-stage treatment, Ca reagent added can be reduced. The results are shown in
the residual chloride ion concentration in this solution de- Table 3. In the case of Ca:Al:Cl  =  4:2:1, the chloride ion
creased to 148.6 mg/L and a chlorine removal efficiency of concentration in this wastewater decreased to 858.0 mg/L,
81.1% was achieved. The overall chlorine removal efficiency and a chloride removal efficiency of 67.0% was obtained.
was increased to 94.3%. The residual concentrations of Ca The residual concentrations of Ca and Al were 172.7 mg/L
and Al after the second-stage treatment were 138.1 mg/L and 19.8 mg/L, respectively. In the case of Ca:Al:Cl  = 
and 14.3 mg/L, respectively. The second solution was cre- 10:4:1, the chloride ion concentration decreased to
ated at the molar ratio of Ca:Al:Cl =  2:4:1, with a chloride 390.4 mg/L, and a chloride removal efficiency of 85.0% was
removal efficiency of 35.2% and a residual chloride ion con- achieved. The residual concentrations of Ca and Al were
centration of 1,686 mg/L; the residual concentrations of Ca 282.0 mg/L and 23.7 mg/L, respectively. The final pH of
and Al were 138.6 mg/L and 1,494 mg/L, respectively. the wastewater of the two dosage cases both slightly in-
After the second-stage treatment, the residual chloride ion creased to pH 12.7. The results were similar to those shown
concentration in this solution decreased to 356.7 mg/L and a in the fundamental investigations, which confirmed the fea-
chloride removal efficiency of 78.8% was achieved. The sibility of this method.
overall chlorine removal efficiency increased to 86.3%. The
residual concentrations of Ca and Al after the second-stage 4. Conclusions
treatment were 296.7 mg/L and 30.6 mg/L, respectively.
The aforementioned results suggest that a second-stage This study explored the feasibility of removing chloride
treatment can further improve chloride removal efficiency, ions from an aqueous solution containing a high chloride
regardless of the residual concentrations of Cl, Ca, and Al concentration through the chemical precipitation of Friedel s
ions after the first-stage treatment. In addition, the dosages salt, which was triggered by adding Ca(OH)2 and NaAlO2.
of Ca and Al reagents substantially affect not only the chlo- Specifically, the following results were obtained:
ride removal efficiency but also the residual concentrations (1) Higher dosages of Ca(OH)2 and NaAlO2 than the the-
of Ca and Al ions after chloride removal. Under optimal dos- oretical molar ratio of Friedel s salt (i.e., Ca:Al:Cl  =  2:1:1)
age conditions of Ca and Al reagents obtained in this study, were required for optimal chloride removal efficiency, be-
a higher chlorine removal efficiency as well as lower resid- cause of the lower solubility of Ca(OH)2 as well as the reac-
ual concentrations of Ca and Al ions after treatment can be tion between Ca(OH)2 and NaAlO2. Overall, an optimal
achieved. chloride removal efficiency (84.0%) was obtained when the

Table 2 Concentrations of Cl, Ca, and Al as well as pH in the bottom ash

washing wastewater.

Cl Ca Al pH
Table 1 Results of the second-stage treatment.
2600 mg/L 1077.4 mg/L 0.8 mg/L 12.2
Initial chloride concentration (2600 mg/L)
10:2:1 2:4:1
First-stage Residual chloride concentration (mg/L) 785.0 1686.0 Table 3 Chloride removal results for the bottom ash washing wastewater.
treatment Chloride removal efficiency (%) 69.8 35.2 Residual chloride Chloride removal
Ca:Al:Cl Final pH
Second-stage Residual chloride concentration (mg/L) 148.6 356.7 concentration (mg/L) efficiency (%)
treatment Chloride removal efficiency (%) 81.1 78.8 4:2:1 858.0 67.0 12.7
Overall chloride removal efficiency (%) 94.3 86.3 10:4:1 390.4 85.0 12.7
(Experimental conditions: reaction temperature = 25 C; reaction time =  (Experimental conditions: reaction temperature = 25 C; reaction time = 
1 h) 1 h)
302 L. P. Wang, W. H. Lee, S. Man Tseng and T. W. Cheng

molar ratio was Ca:Al:Cl = 10:4:1. 61–72.

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