Executive Functions For Reading and Writing in Typical Literacy Development and Dyslexia

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Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology

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Executive functions for reading and writing in

typical literacy development and dyslexia

Leah E. Altemeier , Robert D. Abbott & Virginia W. Berninger

To cite this article: Leah E. Altemeier , Robert D. Abbott & Virginia W. Berninger (2008) Executive
functions for reading and writing in typical literacy development and dyslexia, Journal of Clinical and
Experimental Neuropsychology, 30:5, 588-606, DOI: 10.1080/13803390701562818

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Published online: 05 Jun 2008.

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2008, 30 (5), 588–606

Executive functions for reading and writing in typical


literacy development and dyslexia

Leah E. Altemeier, Robert D. Abbott, and Virginia W. Berninger

Executive Functions in Literacy and Dyslexia

University of Washington, WA, USA

Experiment 1: Hierarchical linear modeling of growth trajectories of three executive functions (inhibition; rapid
automatic switching, RAS; and combined inhibition/switching) in typical readers and writers showed steady
improvement of inhibition but leveling of RAS and inhibition/switching about fourth grade. In multiple regres-
sions, RAS, entered after inhibition, contributed uniquely to literacy outcomes at every grade. Improvement of
executive functions over the first four grades predicted literacy outcomes at fourth grade. Experiment 2: For children
with dyslexia, executive functions explained less variance in literacy outcomes, and boys were worse in inhibition
and inhibition/switching. Developmental, educational, and clinical significance of findings are discussed.

Definitional issues component processes across time and space (Roberts

& Pennington, 1996).
Conceptualization of executive functions has Defined broadly, executive functioning is self-
shifted from a unitary construct of supervisory government for regulating mental functions. Exec-
attention to a constellation of functions that enable utive functions are important in any problem-solving
an individual to self-regulate and engage in goal- activity that is not automatic because conscious,
directed behavior (Lyon & Krasnegor, 1996). Fac- reflective problem solving requires inhibiting irrel-
tor analytic studies have validated at least three evant or overlearned responses when generating
executive functions: inhibition, shifting, and response options, devising and applying strategies
updating/monitoring (Hughes, 1998; Miyake et al., during planning, and maintaining these strategies
2000; Pennington, 1997a, 1997b). These executive and shifting them as needed when pursuing a goal
functions are both intercorrelated and separable (Zelazo, Carter, Reznick, & Frye, 1997). However,
(Miyake et al., 2000). Most researchers agree that executive functions may also facilitate the develop-
inhibition is the primary executive function that ment of efficient, automatic processing of information
precedes and allows development of other execu- (Denckla & Cutting, 1999).
tive functions (Barkley, 1997; Carlson & Moses,
2001). Inhibition supports other executive func-
tions such as mental set shifting, which requires
switching attention among stimuli or tasks (Blair, In order to engage in conscious, reflective prob-
Zelazo, & Greenberg, 2005; Hughes, 1998; Miyake lem solving, one first needs to inhibit automatic
et al., 2000; Pennington, 1997a, 1997b). Other rele- responses in order to engage strategic processes in
vant executive functions include self-monitoring, favor of a long-term goal. Inhibition delays a pre-
updating working memory, setting goals, and mak- potent (automatic, overlearned) response in order
ing plans (Barkley, 2003; Denckla, 1996; Miyake to achieve a goal and may protect that delay even
et al., 2000; Pennington, Bennetto, McAleer, & in the face of interference (Barkley, 2003). When
Roberts, 1996). Executive functions also coordinate prepotent responses are inhibited, a temporal

Grants HD25858 and P50 33812 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) supported this
Address correspondence to Leah E. Altemeier, 5506 33rd Ave NE, Suite D, Seattle, WA 98105, USA (E-mail: leaha@

© 2007 Psychology Press, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business
http://www.psypress.com/jcen DOI: 10.1080/13803390701562818

pause occurs that allows for development and/or retrieval of linguistic information from memory
implementation of self-directed or self-regulatory while learning to read. Inhibition is thought to
actions. According to Barkley, inhibition first affect memory at both the encoding and retrieval
appears in development around age three or four, stages (de Ribaupierre, 2002). Efficient retrieval of
but continues to develop through adolescence. The the phonological codes for letters and letter units,
other self-regulatory functions follow behavioral for example, may be affected by the ability to sup-
inhibition in development. Inhibition can occur at press irrelevant codes and quickly search and
the behavioral level (response control) and/or at the retrieve the relevant response.
cognitive level (attentional inertia). Theories may To explain the basis for dyslexia (a reading and
emphasize one over the other, but usually the bound- spelling disorder), researchers have primarily
aries between them are blurred as cognitive disinhibi- focused on language-based processes such as pho-
tion often leads to behavioral disinhibition. At a nology (Morris et al., 1998; Wagner & Torgesen,
cognitive level, lack of inhibition leads to representa- 1987). More recently, however, executive functions
tional inflexibility rather than a response control (Swanson, 2000) have been explored as a contrib-
problem (Diamond, 2002). According to Diamond, uting factor to dyslexia because affected individuals
Carlson, and Beck (2005), cognitive set shifting is an have difficulty with organization, automatization,
outgrowth of being able to exert inhibitory control. and integration of multiple processes and perform
poorly on executive functions of inhibition and
Set shifting and rapid automatic switching shifting/cognitive flexibility (Berninger et al.,
(RAS) 2006b; Brosnan et al., 2002; Denckla, 1996;
Helland & Asbjornsen, 2000; Kelly, Best, & Kirk,
Set shifting is the ability to flexibly shift atten-
1989; Purvis & Tannock, 2000; Reiter, Tucha, &
tion as task demands change. Set shifting requires
Lange, 2005). To separate processing speed from
inhibiting an activated set in order to shift to and
inhibition performance, Reiter and colleagues
activate another set. Both inhibition and attention-
(2005) showed that children with dyslexia were not
switching mechanisms (among stimuli and tasks)
only slower in their processing time on the color
are probably involved in set shifting (Barkley, 2003;
naming, word reading, and the inhibition condi-
Denckla, 1996; Miyake et al., 2000; Pennington
tions of the Stroop test, but also demonstrated a
et al., 1996). Perseveration in repeating the same
small to medium effect size in the number of errors
response may be due to an inability to switch atten-
and corrections on the interference (inhibition)
tional focus from one target to another one (Lezak,
condition. This finding suggests that children with
1995). Rapid automatic switching, which Wolf
dyslexia exhibit a tendency to engage in prepotent
(1986) developed to study normal reading and dys-
(i.e., disinhibited) responses.
lexia, involves set shifting of linguistic information.
Executive functions are correlated with writing
RAS taps executive functions that regulate scan-
tasks in normally developing populations (Hooper,
ning across lines, sequencing within lines, and inte-
Swartz, Wakely, de Kruif, & Montgomery, 2002),
gration of visual and verbal codes (Wolf & Bowers,
influence handwriting (Berninger et al., 2006a) and
1999). Rapid automatic naming (RAN) tasks
overall written output (Hooper et al., 2002), and
involve naming stimuli (e.g., letters; Denckla &
add unique variance to models of integrated read-
Rudel, 1974; Wolf, Bally, & Morris, 1986), but
ing–writing tasks such as note-taking and report
RAS or rapid automatic switching involves nam-
writing (Altemeier, Jones, Abbott, & Berninger,
ing alternating categories of stimuli (e.g., letters
2006). From the perspective of writing, executive
and numbers). RAS therefore increases the role of
functions have been defined as control processes
executive functioning over RAN by requiring more
that guide the self-initiation of thoughts, affect,
disengaging from the preceding stimulus in order
and behaviors used to attain writing goals (Zim-
to switch attention to the next stimulus.
merman & Risemberg, 1997). Executive functions
monitor recursive planning, translating, and
Relationship of executive functions reviewing/revising processes in the problem-solving
to reading and writing process of writing (Hayes & Flower, 1980). Zelazo
and colleagues’ (1997) sequential framework for
Executive functioning may be related to normal executive functions begins with problem represen-
reading and writing development, but the relation- tation, followed by plan generation and then exe-
ship of executive functioning to typical reading cution (intending/rule use), and finally evaluation
development has received scant research attention. (error detection/correction). This framework is
Executive functions may govern the integration of remarkably similar to Hayes and Flower’s (1980)
visual and linguistic information and the automatic influential model of the cognitive processes in writing.

Individual differences in executive functions for were no main effects for gender on executive tasks
self-regulation of the writing process may affect and no interactions between age and gender in
both the high-level composing processes (Graham, their sample of children aged 3 to 12 years (Welsh,
1997; Singer & Bashir, 1999) and lower level hand- Pennington, & Groisser, 1991). Few studies have
writing and spelling processes (Berninger & investigated gender differences in both children
Amtman, 2003). Lower level writing processes with and those without reading or writing disabil-
include automatic letter writing of the alphabet ity as was the aim of the current study.
from memory, which is predicted by executive
functions (Berninger, Nielsen, Abbott, Wijsman, &
Research questions
Raskind, in press-b) and, in turn, predicts high-
level composing (Berninger & Amtman, 2003).
The first study, which investigated the develop-
Executive functions also affect dysgraphia (hand-
ment of executive functioning and its contribution
writing and/or spelling disability) that occurs alone
to literacy outcomes for typically developing read-
and/or in combination with dyslexia, which is a writ-
ers and writers, addressed three research questions:
ing, as well as reading disorder (Berninger et al., in
(a) What are the developmental trajectories of inhi-
press-b). Handwriting automaticity requires execu-
bition, rapid automatic switching, and inhibition/
tive control for the integration of multiple processes,
switching? (b) What are the concurrent relation-
including motor planning, orthography, ortho-
ships between those three executive functioning
graphic-motor integration via the orthographic loop
and literacy outcomes in typically developing first
of working memory, and processing speed, any one
through fifth graders? (c) What is the longitudinal
of which may be impaired in dysgraphia (e.g.,
relationship between the development (slope) of
Berninger et al., in press-b). Individuals with dys-
those three kinds of executive functioning across
lexia are impaired in executive functions involving
Grades 1 to 4 and literacy outcomes at Grade 4?
inhibition, switching set, and updating verbal work-
Three hypotheses were tested: (a) The three execu-
ing memory (Berninger et al., 2006b).
tive functions would improve over the course of
elementary school; (b) the three executive func-
tions would contribute differentially to concurrent
Gender differences in executive functioning
literacy skills; and (c) longitudinal improvement in
executive functions would lead to increased liter-
Research findings on gender differences in dyslexia
acy achievement. The second study addressed two
and in executive functions have been mixed. For
research questions across samples of children with
example, most epidemiological studies have found
and without dyslexia: (a) Is the relationship
more males than females to have dyslexia, but
between executive functioning and literacy the
genetics research suggests that the gender differ-
same or different for typically developing fifth-
ences observed in dyslexia are actually due to the
grade readers and writers and children with dys-
associated writing problems that are more severe
lexia of the comparable age? (b) Are there gender
in boys than girls (Berninger, Nielsen, Abbott,
differences in executive functioning in typically
Wijsman, & Raskind, in press-a). Some research
developing readers and writers, and/or children
evidence documents a gender difference with girls’
with dyslexia? Two hypotheses were tested: (a)
performance superior to boys in executive func-
Executive functions would contribute more to
tions. Preschool boys may show less response inhi-
reading and writing achievement in children with-
bition than girls (Berlin & Bohlin, 2002; Carlson &
out than in those with dyslexia; and (b) gender dif-
Moses, 2001). In a sample of typically developing
ferences would be found such that boys performed
children, boys outperformed girls on tasks of oral
more poorly on the same three measures of execu-
fluency, while girls outperformed boys on tasks of
tive function as those used in Experiment 1.
written fluency (Berninger & Fuller, 1992); execu-
tive functions are thought to control the memory
search processes underlying fluency. American
Caucasian girls outperformed their male counter-
parts on a Stroop test (Lezak, 1995; Wolff, Hur-
vitz, Imamura, & Lee, 1983). Well-documented
gender differences exist in the prevalence of atten-
tion-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD; male-
to-female ratio of 3:1; Barkley, 2003), a disorder in For all of the research questions in the first
which deficits in executive functioning are primary. study, students from a longitudinal study of normal
However, in a study of typical development, there reading and writing development participated.

This sample was recruited from local schools in a on the Color–Word Interference Test, based on
large metropolitan urban school district in the the classic Stroop (1935) test. The Color–Word
Northwest region of the United States. All parents Interference test consists of four conditions: nam-
of children who would be entering first grade or ing color patches, reading words, naming the color
third grade in the fall received a letter explaining in which words are printed (instead of reading the
the opportunity to participate in a research project words), and switching between naming the color
and procedures for contacting the research coordi- in which words are printed and reading words that
nator for further information if interested. The are printed within a box. The score from the third
research coordinator obtained informed consent condition, Inhibition, is used in this study, and
from those parents who decided to enroll their the score is based on the time students take to
child and bring their child to the university annu- complete the task. Test–retest reliability for this
ally for five years to complete comprehensive subtest is .90.
assessment of writing, reading, and related proc-
esses. Altogether 128 first graders (71 girls and 57 Inhibition/Switching. The D-KEFS (Delis et al.,
boys) participated in Year 1 Cohort 1 when they 2001) Inhibition/Switching score is derived from
were in first grade, and 113 third graders (57 girls the fourth condition of the Color–Word Interfer-
and 56 boys) participated in Year 1 Cohort 2. ence Test, in which the individual is required to
Overall, the attrition rate was low and mainly due switch quickly between naming the color in which
to families moving to another state. For Cohort 1, words are printed and reading words that are
124 participated in Year 2, 122 in Year 3, 119 in printed within a box. Similar to the Inhibition
Year 4, and 114 in Year 5. For Cohort 2, 110 par- score, Inhibition/Switching is based on the time
ticipated in Year 2, 106 in Years 3 and 4, and 99 in students take to complete the task. Average test–
Year 5. However, at the time this research was con- retest reliability coefficient for this subtest is .80.
ducted, data were available for only Years 1 to 4
when Cohort 1 was in Grades 1 to 4, and Cohort 2 Rapid automatic switching. The Process Assess-
was in Grades 3 to 6. ment of the Learner (PAL; Berninger, 2001) Rapid
Self-reported ethnicity and parents’ level of edu- Automatic Naming of Words and Letters subtest
cation (indicators of socioeconomic background) (PAL RAS) requires the individual to alternate
documented the diversity in the sample in Year 1: between rapidly naming a high-frequency struc-
(a) Asian-American (23.4%, Cohort 1; 21.2%, ture/content word (article, pronoun, conjunction,
Cohort 2), African-American (6.3%, Cohort 1; preposition) that is not completely predictable in
9.7%, Cohort 2), European American (64.8%, phonological decoding (e.g., the, one) and a double-
Cohort 1; 65.5%, Cohort 2), Hispanic (1.6%, digit number presented in five rows of 10 items
Cohort 1; 0.9%, Cohort 2), Native American each. Z-scores for grade were computed based on
(1.6%, Cohort 1 only), and other (2.3%, Cohort 1; means and standard deviations for grade in the test
2.7%, Cohort 2); and (b) lower than high-school manual. Average test–retest reliability coefficient
education or graduated from high school (7% for this subtest is .92.
mothers and 12.5% fathers, Cohort 1; 7.1% moth-
ers and 7.1% fathers, Cohort 2); higher than a Reading accuracy. The Wechsler Individual
high-school education but lower than a college Achievement Test–Second Edition (WIAT-II; Psy-
education (11.7% mothers and 7.8% fathers, chological Corporation, 2001) Word Reading
Cohort 1; 11.5% mothers and 14.2% fathers, and Pseudoword Decoding subtests were used to
Cohort 2); undergraduate education (45.3% moth- measure untimed real-word reading accuracy and
ers and 39.8% fathers, Cohort 1; 50.4% mothers pseudoword decoding accuracy. Average test–
and 36.3% fathers, Cohort 2); graduate degrees retest reliability coefficients for both subtests are
(33.6% mothers and 32.0% fathers, Cohort 1; .97. In addition, the scaled score for Accuracy on
30.1% mothers and 35.4% fathers, Cohort 2); miss- the Gray Oral Reading Test, Third Edition (GORT-
ing for 2.4% of the mothers and 7.9% of the fathers III; Wiederholt & Bryant, 1992) was included. The
in Cohort 1 and 0.9% of the mothers and 7.2% of average test–retest reliability coefficient for
the fathers in Cohort 2. GORT-III Accuracy is .90.

Reading rate. The Sight Word Reading Effi-

ciency and Phonemic Decoding Efficiency subtests
Inhibition. The Delis–Kaplan Executive Func- from the Test of Word Reading Efficiency
tion System (D-KEFS; Delis, Kaplan, & Kramer, (TOWRE; Torgesen, Wagner, & Rashotte, 1999)
2001) Inhibition score is derived from performance were used to measure reading rate. The TOWRE

consists of two timed measures of real-word read- Association’s guidelines for safeguarding the rights
ing and pseudoword decoding. The score reflects of participants in research.
accuracy within a 45-second time limit. Test–retest
reliability coefficients for these subtests are .91 and Data analysis
.90, respectively. In addition, the scaled score for
First research question. Hierarchical linear mod-
Rate from the GORT-III (Wiederholt & Bryant,
eling (HLM) was used to model the trajectories of
1992) was included. The average test–retest relia-
the three measures of executive functioning: D-
bility coefficient for GORT-III Rate is .87.
KEFS Inhibition, PAL RAS, and D-KEFS Inhibi-
tion/Switching. Trajectories from both the younger
Reading comprehension. The WIAT-II (Psycho-
(Grades 1 through 4) and older (Grades 3 through
logical Corporation, 2001) Reading Comprehen-
6) cohorts were modeled. The two trajectories were
sion subtest requires students to read and answer
evaluated statistically to determine whether they
questions pertaining to different passages within a
could be combined into a single trajectory mode-
grade-appropriate item set. Questions about the
ling the development of each executive function
passages involve the content of the passages, such
from Grade 1 through Grade 6 for Inhibition and
as detecting the main idea and supporting details,
Inhibition/Switching and for Grade 1 through
making inferences, and defining vocabulary. The
Grade 5 for RAS (because this measure was not
test–retest reliability coefficient is .95.
given to Cohort 2 in Year 4 when they were in
Grade 6). This trajectory was then examined for
Written expression. The WIAT-II (Psychologi-
developmental trends.
cal Corporation, 2001) Written Expression score
is based on combined performance on Word Flu-
Second research question. Multiple regressions
ency and Combining Sentences in the primary
were performed separately for each grade level to
grades and on Word Fluency, Combining Sen-
identify the combination of variables that together
tences, and Paragraph tasks in the upper grades.
account for the most variance and how much addi-
For Word Fluency, students are given 60 seconds
tional variance is explained by systematically adding
to write as many words as possible that share a
predictor variables one at a time according to a the-
common characteristic. For Combining Sen-
ory-driven model. For the regressions, data from the
tences, students are asked to combine sentences
two cohorts were combined for Grade 3. These ana-
into one meaningful sentence and to generate a
lyses were restricted to Grades 1 to 5 because RAS
sentence from cues. The Paragraph task requires
was not available in Grade 6 (Year 4, Cohort 2).
the student to write a paragraph based on a story
starter format that uses good spelling, punctua-
Third research question. HLM was used to create
tion, organization, and vocabulary. The test–
values representing the development (indexed by
retest reliability coefficient is .86.
slope) of each executive function measure over time,
which was then entered as an independent variable in
Spelling. The WIAT-II (Psychological Corpora-
regression analyses to determine the correlation of
tion, 2001) Spelling subtest requires the individual
the degree of longitudinal development of executive
to spell real words in writing from oral dictation.
function with literacy outcomes at Grade 4. This
The test–retest reliability coefficient for this subtest
analysis focused on the effect of growth of executive
is .94.
functions during Grades 1 to 4 on fourth-grade read-
ing and writing achievement because Grade 4 is a
Procedure transition period in writing development from early
childhood to middle childhood when curriculum
All measures were individually administered
places increasingly more complex demands on devel-
during an annual visit of the participating children
oping writers than in the earlier grades.
to the university by supervised research assistants.
Age norms were used for all measures except the
PAL for which means and standard deviations for
grade in the national norming sample were used to
compute z-scores; the scaled scores for PAL II
RAS were not available at the time this research
was conducted. This study was deemed exempt
by the institutional review board for human
subjects, but was conducted in keeping with the The sample of typically developing children has
university guidelines and the American Psychological already been described. Children with dyslexia had

been recruited for participation through mailings to children (3.3% Asian-American; 1.6% African-
directors of special education, contact with school American; 0.8% Native American; and 3.3%
psychologists, special and general educators, news- other); ethnicity was not reported for 2.5%. Their
paper and radio announcements, self-referred par- mothers’ level of education ranged from high
ents, and referrals from the medical, psychological, school (5.7%) to community college/vocational
and educational professions. These children quali- training (22.1%) to college (52.1%) to graduate
fied their family for participation in the genetics degree (19.8%); this information was missing for
study if they met the following inclusion criteria: (a) 0.8%. Their fathers’ level of education ranged from
prorated Verbal IQ (based on Information, Similar- high school (13.3%) to community college/voca-
ities, Vocabulary, and Comprehension) was at 90 tional training (24.2%) to college (36.7%) to gradu-
or above (lower limit of average range to the rest of ate degree (25.8%); this information was missing
the top 75% of the population); (b) accuracy or rate for 0.8%. Only four of the children with dyslexia
of single-word reading, spelling, or text reading was also had ADHD (2 inattentive only subtype and 2
below the population mean and at least one stand- mixed inattentive and hyperactive subtype).
ard deviation below their Verbal IQ, which has
been shown to be the best predictor of reading and First research question. Children with dyslexia
writing achievement; and (c) at least five family (80 boys and 42 girls) in a family genetics study of
members including both biological parents agreed dyslexia were compared to the fifth graders in the
to participate. longitudinal study of typically developing readers
The lower limit for Verbal IQ was set to limit, to and writers in Experiment 1. The same multiple
the extent possible, reading problems due to neuro- regression tests of the three models for contribu-
genetic disorders other than dyslexia that are more tions of executive function(s) to concurrent liter-
prevalent in children whose IQ falls below the 25th acy outcomes were used. The children with
percenttile. Although a minimum aptitude– dyslexia had a mean age of 138.3 months (11
achievement discrepancy was set to avoid excluding years 6 months; SD = 20.6 months). The fifth
children who had had considerable instructional graders in the third year of the longitudinal study
treatment, but were not fully compensated because had a mean age was 127. 56 months (10 years 7
of underlying dyslexia, the sample on average months; SD = 3.75). Of all the groups in the longi-
showed much more discrepancy. Affected children tudinal study, the fifth graders had a mean age
had reading and spelling achievement scores that that was closest to that of the dyslexics. Although
were on average 1.67 standard deviations below the range of ages was somewhat different for the
their Verbal IQs and also had associated process- two groups (typically developing fifth graders
ing deficits in phonological, orthographic, rapid from 119 months to 140 months and children with
automatic naming, and executive functions dyslexia 94 months to 183 months), it was the case
(Berninger et al., 2006b). Children were excluded if that the mode as well as the mean for the dyslexics
they had a positive history or diagnosis for devel- best matched that of the fifth graders in the longi-
opmental, neurological, sensory impairment, or tudinal study. Also, the children with and without
other disorder that would explain difficulty in dyslexia were compared on standardized tests
reading. All participants in the family genetics with age or grade norms that control for age- or
study gave informed consent using procedures grade-related differences.
approved by the institutional review board for
human subjects. Second research question. The mean level of per-
The 122 affected children (80 boys, 42 girls) had formance of boys and girls in each of the same two
a mean of 6.0 (SD 2.8) deficits on the 10 reading groups (children with dyslexia and children with-
measures used to determine inclusion criteria out dyslexia) were compared on the three measures
(accuracy and rate of single real word and pseu- of executive functions—inhibition, rapid auto-
doword reading, including prepublication and matic switching, and inhibition/switching.
published versions of the rate measures; accuracy
and rate of oral reading of text; and two spelling
measures) and a mean of 4.1 (SD 1.6) deficits on
the 6 writing measures (3 measures of alphabet Only measures that differed across studies for
writing, 2 spelling measures, and written expres- measuring the same reading or writing skills are
sion). Thus, they tended to be severely impaired in included in this section. All other measures, includ-
writing as well as reading skills. ing the three measures of executive functions, are
The majority of the affected children were described in Experiment 1 methods and were the
European-American (88.5%) but 5.7% were minority same across studies.

Reading accuracy measures. The untimed Word the younger and older cohorts. Data from the first
Identification and Word Attack subtests on the cohort were analyzed for Grades 1–4. Data from
Woodcock Reading Mastery Test (WRMT; Wood- the second cohort were analyzed for Grades 3–6.
cock, 1987) were given, which require participants Note that PAL RAS data were only collected from
to read single words and pseudowords, respec- Grades 1–5. Table 1 shows the means and standard
tively. The average internal consistency reliability deviations for each measured executive function at
coefficients for both subtests are .97 and .87, each grade. The values are coded in number of sec-
respectively. onds to complete the task. A decrease in value over
the grades represents improvement in perform-
Reading comprehension. The Woodcock–John- ance. As shown in Table 1, both cohorts improved
son Revised (WJ-R; Woodcock & Johnson, 1990) over time; that is, the number of seconds taken to
Passage Comprehension subtest, which employs a complete the task decreased for each of the three
cloze procedure in which the participant provides executive functioning measures. In order to deter-
the word that best completes a sentence, was given. mine whether the two cohorts could be combined,
The average internal consistency reliability coeffi- HLM was used to measure the difference between
cient for this subtest is .90. the intercepts and slopes of each cohort. Because
data for both cohorts overlapped at Grade 3, the
Rapid automatic switching (RAS). The Wolf Rapid Grade 3 value of time for both cohorts was cen-
Automatic Switching (RAS)—Letters and Num- tered at zero, representing Grade 3 for both
bers subtest (Wolf, 1986), which had been used to cohorts.
assess rapid automatic switching for the sample
with dyslexia instead of PAL RAS, requires the Inhibition. For D-KEFS Inhibition, intercepts
individual to alternate between rapidly naming a for each cohort at Grade 3 were not significantly
letter and a single-digit number presented in five different (p=.750; see Table 2). The difference
rows of 10 items each. Test–retest reliability over a between the two cohorts at the intercept was 0.93.
9-month intervention was .81 for this measure of The slopes were not significantly different (p=.388).
RAS. The overall value for the slope was −11.9, reflecting
the decrease in time (i.e., improvement in perform-
Data analysis ance) associated with each grade. Thus, the cohorts
were combined to form an overall trajectory of the
Multiple regressions were performed to test the
development of D-KEFS Inhibition from Grades
same three models as those in Experiment 1 for the
1–6. The trajectory of the development of inhibition
children with dyslexia. The results were then com-
showed steady improvement in inhibition over the
pared across Experiment 1 and Experiment 2 to
grades, as measured by a decrease in time it took
determine the differences in the relationship of
the children to complete the task across the grades.
executive functioning to literacy outcomes between
This result is consistent with the means and standard
children with and without dyslexia. In addition, a
deviations summarized in Table 1. The trajectory is
two-way multivariate analysis of variance was per-
shown in Figure 1.
formed for gender on each executive function
measure to determine whether there were mean dif-
Inhibition/Switching. For D-KEFS Inhibition/
ferences in executive functioning for children with
Switching, the intercepts for each cohort at Grade
and without dyslexia.
3 were not significantly different. The difference
between the two cohorts at the intercept was −2.40
(p=.365). There was, however, a significant differ-
ence between the cohorts for slope (p ≤ .001). The
overall value for the slope was −10.39, reflecting
the decrease in time (i.e., increase in performance)
associated with each grade. So, with time centered
Developmental trajectories of executive
at Grade 3, for Cohort 1 (Grades 1–4) the develop-
mental trajectory was 92.95+(−10.39) (grade)
For the first research question about typical while for Cohort 2 (Grades 3–6) the developmental
development of executive functions, HLM was trajectory was 92.95+(−4.94) (grade). Because the
used to model the developmental trajectories of values were coded in number of seconds to com-
three measures of executive functions: D-KEFS plete the task, the developmental trajectory
Inhibition, PAL RAS, and D-KEFS Inhibition/ reflected less improvement between Grades 3 and 6
Switching. Separate trajectories were modeled for (i.e., there was relatively less decrease in time taken

Mean times for Inhibition, Inhibition/Switching, and Rapid Automatic Switching

Cohort 1 Cohort 2

Grade Mean SD Mean SD

D-KEFS Inhibition 1 119.62 28.93

2 107.56 31.56
3 99.72 28.09 97.77 22.95
4 84.29 23.41 84.17 25.22
5 77.13 25.71
6 63.83 19.03
D-KEFS Inhibition/Switching 1 121.87 24.14
2 113.96 31.92
3 98.23 23.82 93.46 22.46
4 86.16 21.94 86.03 20.33
5 81.05 24.33
6 72.03 19.09
PAL Rapid Automatic Switching (RAS) 1 69.35 22.92
2 62.25 24.03
3 50.60 17.12 49.21 18.64
4 44.65 13.96
5 38.52 13.21

Note. Times are completion times in seconds. D-KEFS=Delis–Kaplan Executive Function System. PAL=Process Assessment of
the Learner. RAS=Rapid Automatic Switching.

Development of D-KEFS Inhibition and D-KEFS, Grades 1–6, and PAL Rapid Automatic Switching, Grades 1–5

Fixed effect Level Coefficient SE T-ratio df p

D-KEFS Inhibition One Intercept for younger cohort 92.92 1.47 63.42 239 .001
Δ in intercept for older cohort 0.93 2.92 0.32 239 .750
Two Slope for younger cohort −11.90 0.56 −21.11 239 .001
Δ in slope for older cohort 0.96 1.11 0.87 239 .388
D-KEFS Inhibition/Switching One Intercept for younger cohort 92.95 1.27 73.10 239 .001
Δ in intercept for older cohort −2.40 2.54 −0.95 239 .345
Two Slope for younger cohort −10.39 0.56 −18.53 239 .001
Δ in slope for older cohort 5.46 1.10 4.98 239 .001
PAL Rapid Automatic Switching (RAS) One Intercept for younger cohort 51.07 1.15 44.41 239 .001
Δ in intercept for older cohort 0.13 2.31 0.06 239 .956
Two Slope for younger cohort −9.96 0.62 −16.14 239 .001
Δ in slope for older cohort 7.21 1.19 6.05 239 .001

Note. D-KEFS=Delis–Kaplan Executive Function System. PAL=Process Assessment of the Learner. RAS=Rapid Automatic

to complete the task) than in the earlier grades. reflecting the decrease in time (i.e., increase in per-
This result may represent a change in the rate of formance) associated with each grade. So, for
development of inhibition/switching between the Cohort 1, the developmental trajectory was
early elementary grades and the later elementary 51.07+(−9.96) (grade) while for Cohort 2 the
grades; it does not mean that development came to developmental trajectory was 51.07+(−2.75)
a standstill. The trajectory is shown in Figure 2. (grade). Thus, similar to the results from D-KEFS
Inhibition/Switching, the developmental trajec-
Rapid automatic switching (RAS). For RAS tory for PAL RAS in Grades 3–6 reflected less
Words and Digits, the intercepts for each cohort improvement than that in the earlier grades (1–3).
at Grade 3 were not significantly different. The This change in slope over time may represent a
difference between the two cohorts at the intercept change in PAL RAS development between the
was 0.13 (p=.956). There was, however, a signifi- early elementary grades and the later elementary
cant difference between the cohorts for slope (p ≤ grades, with much improvement occurring in the
.001). The overall value for the slope was 10.39, early primary grades but some still occurring in

Older Cohort Older Cohort

Younger Cohort Younger Cohort
Mean Completion Time in Seconds


Mean Completion Time in Seconds

100 60
80 50

60 40

40 30

1 2 3 4 5 6 0
Grade 1 2 3 4 5
Figure 1. Trajectory of Delis–Kaplan Executive Function
System (D-KEFS) Inhibition in typically developing readers Figure 3. Trajectory of Process Assessment of the Learner,
and writers. Rapid Automatic Switching (PAL RAS) in typically developing
readers and writers.

Older Cohort of the correlations among all variables are availa-

Younger Cohort ble from the first author.
140 Next multiple regressions were conducted to test
Mean Completion Time in Seconds

three sequential, theory-driven models: entering

inhibition alone, entering inhibition followed by
100 rapid automatic switching, and entering inhibition,
followed by rapid automatic switching, and fol-
lowed by inhibiting/switching for each of the read-
60 ing or writing outcomes in Table 3 that summarizes
the findings. D-KEFS Inhibition was entered first
40 into the regressions based on theories emphasizing
20 the importance of inhibition in the development of
executive functioning (Barkley, 2003; Carlson &
0 Moses, 2001; Roberts & Pennington, 1996). PAL
1 2 3 4 5 6
RAS was entered next based on its significant corre-
lation with literacy outcomes, its use of alphanu-
Figure 2. Trajectory of Delis–Kaplan Executive Function Sys- meric stimuli encountered in reading and writing
tem (D-KEFS) Inhibition/Switching in typically developing materials, and research reviewed in the Introduction
readers and writers. that emphasized the importance of flexible set
switching in development of executive functions.
The D-KEFS condition that combined inhibition
the intermediate grades. The trajectory is shown in
and switching was entered last to evaluate whether a
Figure 3.
direct measure combining both of the executive
functions would contribute uniquely beyond inhibi-
Concurrent relationship of executive
tion alone or rapid automatic switching alone. A
functions to specific reading or writing
summary of the quantitative results for each of these
multiple regressions is also available from the first
The three executive functions were entered as author. The following sections are organized by spe-
predictor variables into hierarchical multiple cific reading and writing skills because the multiple
regressions for literacy outcomes at each grade. regression results depended on the literacy outcome.
Data from both cohorts were combined for Grade
3, while data from the younger cohort were ana- Reading real words and decoding pseudowords.
lyzed for Grades 1 and 2, and data from the older When entered alone, D-KEFS Inhibition uniquely
cohort were analyzed for Grades 4 and 5. Summaries predicted, at p ≤ .01, untimed and timed real-word
Comparing three models of executive functions in uniquely predicting concurrent literacy outcomes


Pseudoword Word reading Phonemic decoding Reading

Grade Model Word reading decoding efficiency efficiency Accuracy Rate comprehension Spelling Written expression

1 1 Inhib Inhib Inhib Inhib na na Inhib Inhib Inhib

2 RAS RAS RAS RAS na na RAS Inhib
2 1 Inhib Inhib Inhib Inhib Inhib Inhib Inhib Inhib Inhib
3 1 Inhib Inhib Inhib Inhib Inhib Inhib Inhib Inhib Inhib
2 Inhib RAS Inhib RAS Inhib RAS Inhib RAS Inhib RAS Inhib RAS RAS Inhib RAS Inhib RAS
4 1 Inhib Inhib Inhib Inhib Inhib Inhib Inhib Inhib Inhib
2 RAS RAS Inhib RAS Inhib RAS Inhib RAS RAS Inhib (RAS) Inhib RAS Inhib RAS
5 1 Inhib Inhib Inhib Inhib Inhib Inhib Inhib Inhib Inhib

Note. Model 1: Inhibition (Inhib) only. Model 2: Inhibition+RAS. Model 3: Inhibition+RAS+Inhibition/Switching[I/S]. RAS=Rapid Automatic Switching. Significant predictors in each model for
each literacy outcome listed in table. Scores that approached statistical significance have been included and are in parentheses.


reading and pseudoword decoding at all grades. Inhibition/Switching was entered third in Model 3,
However, when PAL RAS was entered second into it contributed uniquely in Grade 1 only. The pro-
the model after D-KEFS Inhibition alone, RAS portion of variance explained by the models was
was significant at p ≤ .001 for all word-level read- lower overall than it was for the reading tasks
ing tasks at Grades 1 and 5, except rate of reading measuring accuracy and efficiency. R2 ranged from
real words at Grade 2 level, and both rate measures .10 (Grade 3) to .18 (Grade 4).
at Grade 4. In this second model combining Inhibi-
tion and RAS, both Inhibition and RAS contrib- Spelling. D-KEFS Inhibition uniquely predicted
uted significantly to all word-level reading WIAT-II Spelling at all grades (p ranged from
measures at Grade 3 level, which had more power ≤.001 to .007) when entered alone in Model 1. It
because the two cohorts were combined. When D- continued to contribute unique variance in Grades
KEFS Inhibition/Switching was added to Inhibi- 3 and 4 when PAL RAS was entered in Model 2,
tion and RAS in the third model, it was generally although it no longer contributed a unique effect at
not statistically significant at the p ≤ .05 level, with any grade when D-KEFS Inhibition/Switching was
the exception of WIAT-II Word Reading (p=.028) entered in Model 3. PAL RAS was significant at
and TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency in p ≤ .001 when entered second in Model 2 at all
Grade 1 (p=.046). Regarding the proportion of grades. D-KEFS Inhibition/Switching did not con-
variance explained by the models, R2 for WIAT-II tribute unique variance at any grade level in Model
Word Reading ranged from a low of .18 in Grade 5 3. The proportion of variance explained by the
to a high of .31 in Grade 1. R2 followed a similar final models (R2) was variable and ranged from .16
trend on the WIAT-II Pseudoword Decoding task. (Grade 5) to .32 (Grade 4).
R2 values in models for timed tasks were higher,
with TOWRE Word Reading Efficiency ranging Written expression. When D-KEFS Inhibition
from .47 (Grades 2, 4, and 5) to .55 (Grade 1), and was entered alone, it uniquely predicted WIAT-II
TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency ranging Written Expression (p ranged from .001 to .004).
from .35 (Grade 1) to .51 (Grade 4). Notably, When PAL RAS was entered second in Model 3,
beyond Grade 1, D-KEFS Inhibition/Switching D-KEFS Inhibition continued to contribute a
generally did not add more than .01 to the R2 when unique effect in Grades 3 and 4. PAL RAS con-
following PAL RAS in the models. tributed uniquely in Grades 2, 3, and 4. When D-
KEFS Inhibition/Switching was entered third in
Reading text orally. D-KEFS Inhibition was sta- Model 3, all three executive functions assessed
tistically significant at p ≤ .001 when entered alone contributed uniquely only in Grade 3, which had
in Model 1 for accuracy and rate of oral reading the most power of all the grade levels because
outcomes at all grades for which it was available cohorts were combined at that grade level. How-
(Grade 2 and above). When PAL RAS was added ever, Inhibition/Switching did not otherwise con-
to the models, it added unique variance for both tribute uniquely, and none of the executive
tasks at p ≤ .001 at all grades, but D-KEFS Inhibi- functions contributed uniquely at Grades 1 or 5.
tion also contributed uniquely to accuracy and rate The proportion of variance explained by the
of oral reading in Grades 2, 3, and 4. When D- models ranged from R2 = .11 (Grade 5) to .26
KEFS Inhibition/Switching was added to the (Grade 3).
model, it was significant for accuracy and rate of Table 3 summarizes the executive functions that
oral reading only in Grade 3. Regarding the pro- contributed unique variance in models of concur-
portion of variance explained by the models of rent literacy outcomes for each grade. A psycho-
text-level oral reading outcomes, R2 for GORT metric measure of Inhibition significantly
Accuracy ranged from .29 (Grade 1) to .43 (Grades predicted every literacy outcome at each grade
3 and 5). In general, D-KEFS Inhibition/Switching level when entered alone in the regressions in
added little value to the R2 in models of text-level Model 1, but for many literacy outcomes in Model
oral reading. 2, when RAS was added to Inhibition, only RAS
contributed a unique effect after controlling for
Reading comprehension. D-KEFS Inhibition was shared variance with D-KEFS Inhibition. D-
statistically significant at p ≤ .009 when entered KEFS Inhibition/Switching contributed a unique
alone to predict WIAT-II Reading Comprehension effect to only a few literacy outcomes after control-
at all grades. When PAL RAS was added to D- ling for shared variance with Inhibition and RAS.
KEFS Inhibition in Model 2, RAS contributed Frequently, adding RAS to Inhibition in Model 2
uniquely in Grades 2, 3, and 5 and approached sig- or Inhibition/Switching to RAS and Inhibition in
nificance in Grade 4 (p=.052). When D-KEFS Model 3 resulted in RAS contributing uniquely to

reading and writing outcomes in typically developing to .11; D-KEFS Inhibition/Switching added to D-
readers and writers. KEFS and PAL RAS R2 ranged from .05 to .12).

Longitudinal relationships of executive EXPERIMENT 2

functions to literacy outcomes
To determine whether the development of
executive functions, as measured by slope, from
Comparing children with and without
Grades 1 to 4 significantly predicted literacy out-
comes at Grade 4, the three executive functions
was modeled using HLM. Within HLM, a residual As in Experiment 1 for children without dys-
file containing data representing the mean value lexia, measures of each executive function were
for the slope (fitted value) as well as each individ- entered into hierarchical multiple regressions for
ual’s deviation from that value was created and nine literacy outcomes for children with dyslexia.
exported to SPSS. Each individual’s deviation Summaries of the correlations among all the
from the mean was calculated using the empirical measures and the quantitative results of the multi-
Bayes’ estimate for each individual’s change over ple regressions for the children with dyslexia are
time (fitted value + deviation value). Regressions available from the first author. Findings are sum-
were performed using that value as a predictor for marized in Table 5 to facilitate comparison across
several academic outcomes. groups.
Results for each of the three executive functions,
which were analyzed separately, are displayed in Reading words and pseudowords. In contrast to
Table 4. The slope of D-KEFS Inhibition pre- the typically developing Grade 5 readers and writ-
dicted performance on all reading and writing out- ers analyzed in Experiment 1, D-KEFS Inhibition,
comes with the exception of WIAT-II Written when entered alone, did not contribute uniquely to
Expression, which was marginally significant untimed measures of real-word or pseudoword
(p=.08). The slope of PAL RAS predicted each decoding in the children with dyslexia. This meas-
reading and writing outcome (p ≤ .001). The slope ure of Inhibition was, however, significant at p ≤
of D-KEFS Inhibition/Switching performance also .001 for the timed real-word reading and pseudow-
predicted each reading and writing outcome (p ≤ ord decoding efficiency outcomes in children with
.05). The model that had PAL RAS and D-KEFS dyslexia. Wolf RAS was entered second into
Inhibition also had the highest R2 of the three exec- Model 2, and it was significant at p ≤ .005 for all
utive functions (PAL RAS R2 ranged from .21 to word-level reading outcomes whether accuracy or
.43; D-KEFS Inhibition only R2 ranged from .03 rate was involved. In none of the tasks did

Predicting Grade 4 literacy outcomes from slope of executive functions in Grades 1–4

R2 B SE ß t p

Slope of D-KEFS Inhibition predictor TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency .11 2.96 0.80 .32 3.69 .001
TOWRE Word Reading Efficiency .06 2.13 0.82 .23 2.60 .011
WIAT-II Pseudoword Decoding .05 1.48 0.60 .23 2.49 .014
WIAT-II Word Reading .07 1.90 0.63 .27 3.01 .003
WIAT-II Spelling .08 2.71 0.83 .29 3.26 .001
WIAT-II Written Expression .03 1.62 0.93 .16 1.75 .084
Slope of PAL RAS predictor TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency .43 1.29 0.14 .66 9.32 .001
TOWRE Word Reading Efficiency .27 1.01 0.16 .52 6.50 .001
WIAT-II Pseudoword Decoding .26 0.71 0.11 .51 6.36 .001
WIAT-II Word Reading .26 0.77 0.12 .51 6.40 .001
WIAT-II Spelling .27 1.04 0.16 .52 6.62 .001
WIAT-II Written Expression .21 0.97 0.18 .46 5.52 .001
Slope of D-KEFS Inhibition/Switching predictor TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency .12 1.57 0.39 .35 4.01 .001
TOWRE Word Reading Efficiency .05 0.97 0.41 .22 2.39 .018
WIAT-II Pseudoword Decoding .05 0.75 0.29 .23 2.56 .012
WIAT-II Word Reading .09 1.01 0.31 .29 3.29 .001
WIAT-II Spelling .05 1.02 0.42 .22 2.46 .015
WIAT-II Written Expression .06 1.16 0.45 .24 2.60 .011

Note. TOWRE=Test of Word Reading Efficiency. WIAT-II=Wechsler Individual Achievement Test–Second Edition.

D-KEFS Inhibition/Switching contribute a unique

Note. Scores that approached statistical significance have been included and are in parentheses. TOWRE=Test of Word Reading Efficiency. WIAT2=Wechsler Individual Achievement Test–Second
WIAT2 Written
effect when entered third into Model 3. For chil-

dren with dyslexia, the proportion of variance
explained by the final models was higher in general


for timed tasks than untimed word-level reading
tasks, as it had also been for children without dys-
WIAT2 lexia. TOWRE Word Reading Efficiency and Pho-
Summary of executive functions that significantly predicted literacy outcomes for children with dyslexia and typically developing readers and writers

nemic Decoding Efficiency R2 values were .36 and


.20, respectively, while WRMT-R Word ID and
Word Attack R2 values were .16 and .08, respec-

(Inhib) RAS
(Inhib) RAS
tively. However, R2 values for all word-level read-

ing outcomes were less for the children with than

(I/S) for those without dyslexia. These differences were
found during word reading and pseudoword
decoding tasks that were both untimed (R2 for chil-

dren with dyslexia=.08; for typical children=.20)

and timed (R2 for children with dyslexia=.20; for



typical children=.44).

Reading text orally. Similar to the results for the




typical readers and writers, D-KEFS Inhibition

was statistically significant (p ≤ .007) for GORT
(Inhib) RAS
(Inhib) RAS

(Inhib) RAS

Accuracy and Rate when entered alone in the


regression models. However, when Wolf RAS was



added, D-KEFS Inhibition did not contribute a

unique effect. Wolf RAS was significant (p ≤ .001)
for both tasks in the children with dyslexia, while


D-KEFS Inhibition/Switching did not add unique


variance. Similar to the word-level reading tasks,

R2 values for accuracy and rate of oral reading of


Edition. GORT=Gray Oral Reading Test, Third Edition. RAS=Rapid Automatic Switching.


passages were less in children with than in those

without dyslexia. For GORT III Accuracy, R2 =
WIAT2 Pseudo-
word Decoding

.17 in children with dyslexia and .43 in children

without dyslexia. For GORT III Rate, R2 = .29 in
children with dyslexia and .46 in children without


Word Reading

Reading comprehension. Results for children with

(Inhib) RAS

dyslexia differed from those for children without

dyslexia: D-KEFS Inhibition was not significant


when entered alone into the regression equation

(p=.941). However, similar to the findings for

children without dyslexia, Wolf RAS added a

significant unique effect (p ≤ .001), but D-KEFS



Inhibition/Switching did not add a unique effect.

Typically developing readers and writers

R2 values for reading comprehension were compa-

rably low in the children with and without dyslexia
(R2 =.18 and .13, respectively).

Spelling. Similar to results for children without

Children with dyslexia

dyslexia, D-KEFS Inhibition was significant when

entered alone into the regression equation
(p=.014), but did not contribute a unique effect
when Wolf RAS was entered second. Wolf RAS
added a unique effect (p ≤ .003) but D-KEFS Inhi-
bition/Switching did not. R2 values for spelling

were comparably low in the children with and the children with dyslexia on Wolf RAS or PAL
without dyslexia (R2 =.13 and .16, respectively). RAS. Gender differences were not found at any
grade in the typically developing sample.
Written expression. For the children with dys-
lexia, when D-KEFS Inhibition was entered alone,
it contributed uniquely to WIAT-II Written
Expression (p=.032). When Wolf RAS was entered
Development of executive functions
second, D-KEFS Inhibition did not contribute a
unique effect while Wolf RAS contributed
Results from the hierarchical linear modeling anal-
uniquely (p ≤ .001). D-KEFS Inhibition/Switching
yses showed that children continue to develop their
was entered third and did not add unique variance
executive functions through middle childhood,
(p=.379). The R2 for the children with dyslexia was
thus confirming the first hypothesis. However, not
higher than for the children without dyslexia,
all executive functions showed the same pattern of
although values for both were relatively low
longitudinal growth. Development of inhibition
(R2 =.18 and .11, respectively).
increased steadily from Grade 1 through Grade 6,
with no change in the direction of the slope over
Gender differences in executive
time. In contrast, development of rapid automatic
switching and combined inhibition and switching
Means and standard deviations for each execu- slowed down about the middle of elementary
tive function are listed separately by gender in school, although still showed some change.
Table 6. A main effect for gender was found for the Together, these findings suggest that inhibition,
children with dyslexia on two of the three measures which is considered to be fundamental to other
of executive functions: D-KEFS Inhibition F(1, executive functions (see Introduction), may have a
118)=7.16, p ≤ .05, with girls scoring higher longer developmental trajectory than the other
(M=8.73, SD=2.86) than boys (M=7.18, executive functions studied—rapid automatic
SD=3.06); and D-KEFS Inhibition/Switching F(1, switching alone or combined with inhibition.
118)=9.50, p ≤ .05, again with girls scoring higher Considering that development often shows discon-
(M=9.61, SD=2.52) than boys (M=7.88, tinuities, although development of rapid automatic
SD=2.97). Gender differences were not found for switching and inhibition/switching appeared to

Means for executive functions by gender

Males Females

Mean SD Mean SD

Children with dyslexia D-KEFS Inhibition 7.18 3.06 8.73 2.86

Wolf RAS 2.98 2.34 2.66 2.55
D-KEFS Inhibition/Switching 7.88 2.97 9.61 2.52
Grade 1 children without dyslexia D-KEFS Inhibition 0.32 0.85 0.44 1.14
PAL RAS −0.49 0.65 −0.52 0.56
D-KEFS Inhibition/Switching 0.40 0.83 0.63 0.92
Grade 2 children without dyslexia D-KEFS Inhibition 9.78 4.26 9.60 3.61
PAL RAS 0.35 1.51 0.18 1.19
D-KEFS Inhibition/Switching 9.96 3.92 9.12 3.47
Grade 3 children without dyslexia D-KEFS Inhibition 10.44 3.02 10.47 3.12
PAL RAS 0.22 1.39 0.05 1.23
D-KEFS Inhibition/Switching 10.81 2.79 11.41 2.76
Grade 4 children without dyslexia D-KEFS Inhibition 11.04 3.10 11.89 3.00
PAL RAS 0.01 1.23 0.07 1.14
D-KEFS Inhibition/Switching 10.92 2.96 11.57 2.42
Grade 5 children without dyslexia D-KEFS Inhibition 11.00 2.74 11.13 3.01
PAL RAS −0.19 0.88 −0.05 1.06
D-KEFS Inhibition/Switching 10.77 2.89 10.70 3.21

Note. D-KEFS=Delis–Kaplan Executive Function System. PAL=Process Assessment of the Learner. RAS=Rapid Automatic
Switching. RAS scores are reported in z-scores, with a lower number indicating better performance. first-grade D-KEFS Inhibition
and D-KEFS Inhibition/Switching scores are reported in scaled scores (M=10, SD=3), with a higher number indicating better

slow down from Grades 3 to 6, either or both may accounted for increased and held steady during the
show a growth spurt later in development. Longi- later grades for reading measures that are timed.
tudinal studies of middle-school and high-school Once children acquire the procedures for accu-
students could determine whether inhibition alone rately decoding and recognizing familiar words,
has a protracted course of development. Brocki executive functioning may play a role in the effi-
and Bohlin’s (2004) study of the development of ciency with which these processes occur in time. If
executive functioning using a similar Stroop-like executive functions are necessary to integrate and
inhibition task showed that executive functions precisely time multiple, sequential processes, then
may have a protracted course of development into individual differences in executive functions may
adolescence. influence how well reading fluency develops in the
upper elementary grades. However, it was not the
case that executive function measures, all of which
Concurrent contributions of executive were timed, contributed uniquely only to timed
functions to reading and writing measures of reading and writing. As shown in
Table 3, executive functions contributed to both
The hypothesis that executive functions would untimed (WIAT II Word Reading and Pseudow-
contribute differentially to literacy learning for ord Reading, Reading Comprehension, and Writ-
typically developing readers and writers was ten Expression) and timed (TOWRE and GORT 3
confirmed to some degree. However, across Rate) measures of reading or writing. Moreover, at
tasks and grades, for the most part Inhibition all grade levels measures of executive functioning
alone contributed uniquely, but adding RAS to contributed uniquely to both untimed and timed
Inhibition showed that RAS contributed real-word and pseudoword reading in the typically
uniquely over and beyond its shared variance developing readers and writers.
with Inhibition. This finding should not be inter- An unexpected finding was that the predictive
preted that RAS alone is the unique predictor, as ability of the executive-functioning measures used
this finding held when Inhibition was entered was relatively weak for reading comprehension. It
first and RAS second into the model. Thus, the may be that the kinds of executive functions
results provided concurrent and construct valid- assessed in this study contribute more to lower
ity for the theory that both Inhibition and RAS level word decoding and word reading than to
contribute to the reading and writing achieve- reading comprehension. For example, making
ment of typically developing readers and writers. inferences, predicting, extracting main ideas, and
However, one measure that combined Inhibition reflecting during reading comprehension may
and RAS did not uniquely explain the concur- require planning, perspective taking, and strategy
rent reading and writing achievement better than implementation, which are not the kinds of execu-
separate measures of Inhibition and RAS. tive functions assessed in this study. In the decod-
Including RAS in Model 2 or Model 3 also ing process, inhibition and set shifting occur
appeared in general to result in accounting for a moment to moment in linking letters and sounds.
larger proportion of the variance in the reading Planning and perspective taking involve projecting
and writing outcomes. one’s thinking across longer stretches of time and
Results also showed that the proportion of vari- space. Likewise, the kinds of executive functions
ance explained by executive functions in the read- assessed in this study may contribute more to
ing and writing outcome models varies by grade lower level spelling than to higher level written
and by task. For reading measures without a timed composition. Altemeier et al. (2006) found that a
component, executive functions predicted literacy higher order executive function—planning as
outcomes the most during the early elementary assessed by a Tower Task—contributed to exposi-
grades, as evidenced by a general decline in R2 val- tory written composition in third and fifth graders.
ues over the grades. One possible explanation is Thus, executive functions such as inhibition and
that as early readers are learning to decode, execu- set shifting may be qualitatively distinct from some
tive functions guide the process of learning to other types of executive functions required for
relate spoken and written words. At this time, inhi- higher level representation, planning, and problem
bition and rapid automatic switching are needed to solving. Put another way, just as there are lower
suppress irrelevant codes during phonological level and higher level literacy skills, there may also
retrieval of sounds for letters or names for the be lower level and higher level executive functions.
whole written word and to switch among the For writing, results for models of spelling and
constantly changing letters and written words, written expression show that executive functions
respectively. Conversely, the amount of variance do explain some of the variance in writing skills.

Nevertheless, results were not easily interpreted with than in those without dyslexia. One possible
because there was not a linear progression of vari- explanation for this finding is that individual dif-
ance explained through the grades for the writing ferences in executive function contribute more to
outcomes. For example, the predictive ability of normal reading and writing acquisition. Another
executive functioning in written expression possible explanation for this finding is that chil-
increased during Grades 3 and 4 and then declined dren with dyslexia may not engage or apply their
in Grade 5. Again, the kinds of executive functions executive functions to reading and writing as those
that are important in writing may not have been without dyslexia are able to do. Effective treatment
assessed. Conclusions about the relationships of dyslexia may, therefore, require more explicit
between executive functions and written expression instruction on self-regulation strategies for engag-
across development and nature of writing require- ing and applying executive functions during read-
ments require further research. ing and writing. Several studies of reading
comprehension and written expression show that
metacognitive and self-regulation strategies influ-
Longitudinal relationships between executive
ence outcomes and, moreover, can be taught
functions and reading and writing
(Gersten & Baker, 2001; Graham, 1997; Pressley,
2000; Swanson & Hoskyn, 1998; Wong, Ficzere, &
The development of each of the three executive
Kuperis, 1997). Yet another possible explanation is
functions from Grade 1 through Grade 4 predicted
that the executive functions of children with dys-
literacy outcomes by Grade 4, thus confirming the
lexia fall outside the normal range (Berninger
initial hypothesis that the executive functions
et al., 2006b) and thus display more restricted
directly influence literacy learning over the first
variance that does not explain the individual differ-
four grades. The growth trajectories showed that
ences in attaining different levels of literacy
executive functions develop over time; the multiple
achievement. In other words, children with dys-
regressions showed that individual differences in
lexia may indeed have significant impairment in
executive functions are related to individual differ-
executive functions even if such impairment does
ences in reading and writing achievement; and the
not contribute any or as much unique variance to
results showing that longitudinal change in each of
their literacy outcomes.
the executive functions is related to all literacy out-
comes in Grade 4, except for inhibition and written
composition, support a contribution of executive Gender differences
functions to literacy learning. Overall longitudinal
change in RAS accounted for the most variance in The hypothesis that boys with dyslexia would per-
Grade 4 literacy outcomes. form more poorly on executive functions than girls
with dyslexia was confirmed for executive func-
tions involving inhibition—alone or combined
Comparison of children with and without
with RAS—but not for RAS alone. This finding
suggests that the executive dysfunction related to
writing (Berninger et al., in press-a) and the gen-
The hypothesis that executive functions were more
der-related writing problems of dyslexics (Berninger
related to literacy achievement in children without
et al., in press-b) may be related to impaired inhibi-
than in those with dyslexia was partly confirmed.
tion; further research is needed on this issue. No
Executive functions predicted literacy outcomes
gender differences were found on any of the three
for children with and without dyslexia. For both
executive functions studied in the children without
children with and those without dyslexia, executive
dyslexia, consistent with the previous findings of
functions contributed substantially to timed tasks.
Welsh et al. (1991). It follows that impaired execu-
This latter finding may reflect the role of executive
tive functions in boys are most likely to explain any
functions in coordinating the precise timing for
observed reading and writing problems if the boys
coordination of orthographic and phonological
also meet diagnostic criteria for a developmental
codes (Wolf & Bowers, 1999). Also, RAS, entered
reading and/or writing disability.
after Inhibition in Model 2 or before Inhibition/
Switching in Model 3, was the most consistently
unique predictor of various literacy outcomes for Clinical significance
both children with and those without dyslexia. The
major difference between the two groups was that The results have significance for both diagnosis
the multiple regression models tended to explain and treatment. Executive functions should be
relatively less variance in literacy outcomes in children assessed for any student who struggles with learning

to read and write. On the one hand, level of involve considerable semantic information. Much
executive-function ability may have implications remains to be learned through research about how
for the amount of teacher-directed, explicit instruc- different kinds and levels of executive functions
tion that a student requires to learn self-regulation help readers and writers to link language and cogni-
during reading and writing (Graham & Harris, tion through semantics to construct meaning.
2005). On the other hand, level of executive-func- Original manuscript received 10 April 2007
tion ability may have implications for prognosis Revised manuscript accepted 5 July 2007
for response to instruction and improvement in First published online 9 November 2007
reading and writing. However, treatment studies
that examine response to instruction are needed to
test this hypothesis further. Researchers might REFERENCES
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