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Different Survey techniques and Equipment’s

It means all types of survey which need to support the Construction, Planning, design and
projects, which include positions, laying out alignment, positons and construction of the project.
In Civil Engineering it includes all types of survey related to construction field which help in the
execution of project.
Surveying is the art of determining the relative positions of different kind of projects on the
surface of the earth by measuring the distances like horizontal and then prepare a map to any
required suitable scale. In this field, survey is only done in horizontal plane.
Objective of Surveying
The purpose of surveying is to prepare a sketch to show the different positions of the objects on
the surface of the earth. Suitable scale is use to draw a sketch. It shows the natural features of a
country such as towns, villages, road, railways, rivers etc. Map may also show different
engineering works and some objectives are as
•Distance and angle between different objects can be determine.
• Map or plan are preparing to represent an area on a horizontal plan.
• By using the knowledge of science and technology one can develop a method and use it in
• Measurements problems can be solving.
Principles of Surveying
1. By using the measurement from two reference points we can locate a position
2. To work from whole to part
Uses of Surveying
A portion of the Surveying capacities is given underneath.

• Maps (Topographical guides) shows slopes, waterways, towns, towns, woods and so on are set
up by studying.

• Survey is needed for arranging and assessment of new designing activities like water supply
and water system plans, mines, railways, spans, structures and so forth
•Map (Cadastral guide) shows the field houses and different properties limits, which are set up
by looking over.

•Map (Engineering map) shows crafted by designing like streets, rail routes, structures, dams,
and so on are set up by studying.

•Ground information on reviewing is utilized to set out a work and move subtleties from map.

•Hydro-realistic review is utilized for arranging of route of courses and harbors.

•Military key arranging and military guides are set up by studying.

•Mine overview is perform to investigate mineral riches

• To deciding various layers in the earth covering, topographical studies are required

• Archeological study are used to uncover relics of old occasions.

Gear's utilization in review

The distinctive hardware's utilization in review are as per the following


Theodolite is an estimating instrument utilized in concentrating to flat points and vertical points
with the little low telescope that may move inside the even and vertical planes.

It is an electronic machine that looks sort of a microscopic telescope. It is generally used for the
assessment of vertical and flat points. The precision with that these focuses may be estimated
goes from 5mins to 0.1 secs. It is utilized in triangulation framework.

Theodolites are used everyplace from building objections to rule road centers. It gauges focuses
using age-old principles of math's and helps assessors in setting up careful regions..
Uses of Theodolite in Surveying
Theodolite uses for some reasons, yet primarily it is utilized for estimating angles, scaling points
of constructional works. For instance, to decide Highway focuses, tremendous structures' special
theodolites are utilized. Contingent upon the work nature and the precision required, theodolite
creates more curved readings, utilizing perplexing countenances and swings or various situations
for wonderful measuring survey.
Followings are the significant uses of theodolite: 

 Measuring horizontal and vertical angles by using theodolite Locating points on a line
 Locating focuses on a line
 Finding the distinction in the level
 Prolonging survey lines
 Ranging bends
 Setting out grades
 Tachometric survey

The theodolite helps us in the engineering field. This instrument assumes a significant part in
estimation of level points, vertical points, bearing, and so forth To utilize theodolite, it is
important to think about theodolite parts, sorts of theodolite, and for what it is primarily used in
the field.

Parts of a Theodolite
To get a knowledge of the parts of a theodolite is significant. The parts ought to be acclimated
with one another. Without guideline of the parts can't be worked precisely. At whatever point
theodolite uses in sites, each part treats appropriately. Relies upon setting the parts, the
estimating result could be changed or corralled. Theodolite comprises of some primary parts, for

 Telescope
 Horizontal plate (Circle)
 Vertical Circle
 Index outline
 The guidelines
 The upper plate
 The lower pale
 Plate level
 The leveling head
 The shifting head
 Magnetic compass
 Tripod
 Plumb bob

These theodolite parts are examined momentarily underneath.

Telescope-It is use to see the item. It turns about a horizontal axis in the vertical plane. It very
well may be up to an exactness of 20 degrees.

• Horizontal plate (Circle)- It is use for estimating the horizontal angles.

• Vertical Circle-It is utilized for estimating the vertical point.

• Index outline The edge comprises of level and vertical wings. This edge is furthermore
called a t-edge or Vernier frame. The horizontal wing assists with requiring the estimation of
vertical points and the upward wing assists with grasping the telescope at the needed level.

• The guidelines Standards resemble 'A' molded and for that, it is known as A-outline. The
guidelines' edges support the telescope and permit it to turn about the upward pivot point.

• The upper Plate-It is the base on that norm and vertical settled. It likewise assists with
turning the principles and telescope consistently for right estimation. the upper plate should be
even to the alidade pivot and organize to the trunnion axis. The instrument should be evened out
and this level is accomplished by change of three-foot screws and keen an unequivocal cylinder

• The lower pale-The lower plate is that the foundation of the whole instrument. It homes
the foot screws and the conveying for the vertical axis. it is stringently associated with the tripod
stand heightening get together and doesn't modifier or shift. Even points are estimated with this

• Plate Level-Plate levels are lifting by the upper plate that is the legitimate points to each
extraordinary with one they are arrange to trunnion axis. Plate levels work with the telescope to
patch wrong vertical points.

• The leveling head-The leveling head comprises of two equal three-sided plates called
tribrach plates. The upper one is called as upper tribrach plate and is utilized to even out the
upper plate and telescope with the assistance of adjusting screws gave at its three finishes. The
lower one is known as a lower tribrach plate and is associated with the tripod stand.
• The moving Head-Shifting head conjointly comprises of two equal plates that are altered
one over the inverse among a restricted reach. Moving head lies underneath the lower plate. It is
useful to bring together the total instrument over the positioning.

• Magnetic compass-A roundabout box compass or attractive compass is mounted on the

Vernier scale between the guidelines. It is accommodated taking the attractive bearing focuses.

• Tripod-The theodolite is mounted on an incredible stand once getting utilized inside the
field. The mount's legs are solid or outlined. At the lower end of the legs, pointed steel shoes are
given to ask them pushed into the base. The tripod stand head has male screws on that the trivet
of the evening out head is in a bad way.

• Plumb bob-To focus the instrument unequivocally over a station mark, a plumb bobis
suspended from the snare fitted to the absolute bottom of the focal vertical axis.

The theodolite has other more parts are - Level cylinder, Foot Plate, Standard Frame, Upper
Clamp, Trunnion Axis, Lower Clamp, Vernier Frame, Inner Axis, Outer Axis, Altitude Level,
Leveling Screw, Clamp Screw.

Types of Theodolite
There are different sorts of theodolites for various motivations behind various constructional
works. Normally, four sorts of theodolites are utilizing in site works for various measuring
points. For example,

1. Repeating Theodolite
2. Directional Theodolite
3. Electrical Digital Theodolite
4. Total Station

To clearly saying, theodolites can be additionally arranged into two sorts

1. Primary Theodolite
2. Electronic Digital Theodolite

Theodolite Classification 1

This characterization of theodolite contains four kinds of theodolite which are examined

Repeating Theodolite

This kind of instruments is confined for areas where

• the support isn't consistent, or

• area for utilizing other such instruments is restricted.

Directional Theodolite
Angles are gotten by deducting the main bearing reading from the second direction reading. This
reads bearing rather than angles. The non-rehashing instrument has no minor movement.

Electrical Digital Theodolite

Normally deciphers and records flat and vertical points. Kills the standard perusing of scales on
graduated circles

Total Station
The total Station helps in the functions of a theodolite for measuring angles, an EDM for
measuring gaps, digital data, and information. Examples of Total Stations are the Nikon DTM
801, Topcon, and Geometer 400 series.

Theodolite Classification 2
This arrangement of theodolite contains two kinds of theodolite which are examined beneath.

Primary Theodolite
Primary Theodolite can be two types.
1. Transit Theodolites: 
A theodolite is named a transit theodolite once its telescope will be transited i.e. rotated
through a whole revolution regarding its horizontal axis within the vertical plane.
2. Non-Transit Theodolite 
In this kind, the telescope cannot be transited. They are mediocre in utility and have as of
now become out of date.

Electronic Digital Theodolite

This kind of theodolite gives the value of perception straightforwardly inside the view
board. The exactitude of this kind of instrument fluctuates inside the request for 1" to
10". It has additionally two sorts.

i. Vernier Theodolites:

 For graduated circle reading, measuring points reading is corrected by Vernier and this
theodolite is termed as a Vernier theodolite.
ii. Micrometer Theodolites:

Micrometer theodolite provides to browse the graduated circle.

This Digital theodolite is also known as Modern Theodolite and can perform the following

 Distance measurement
 Angular measurement
 Data processing
 Digital display of point details
 Storing data is an electronic field book

Auto level

It is a leveling instrument, or automatic level used to develop and verify points in the horizontal
plane. Vertical staff is used in surveying and building to measure differences in height & to
transfer, measure and set heights.

The level is installation on a tripod stand and, depending on the kind, both more or less or as it
should be set to a leveled condition using footscrews (levelling screws). The operator appears
thru the eyepiece of the telescope at the same time as an assistant holds a tape degree or
graduated workforce vertical at the factor below size. The staff and team of workers are used to
accumulate and/or transfer elevations (stages) for the duration of website surveys or building
construction. Measurements usually starts from a benchmark with recognized top determined by
means of a previous survey, or an arbitrary factor with an assumed height.

Advantages of Auto Level

 It is very to use Auto level.

 no adjustment for staff reading is needed in auto level as the real reading is visible from
the eyepiece.
 the bubble can be adjusted from any facet and any perspective with any three screws
 Auto level has an inner compensator mechanism which automatically adjusts the line of
 the measurement accuracy of the auto level is higher.
 auto level consequences are very dependable.
 Auto level saves money and time.
 the price of the auto stage is less expensive.

Disadvantages of Auto Level

 Vertical angles can’t be measured.

 Auto level measured the horizontal angle is not very accurate.

Total Station
A total station is an electronic/optical tool used in surveying and constructing OF building that
uses electronic transit theodolite at the side of electronic distance meter (edm). It's also included
with microprocessor, digital records collector and storage gadget.
The device is used to degree sloping distance of object to the instrument, horizontal angles and
vertical angles. This microprocessor unit permits for computation of records collected to further
calculate the horizontal distance, coordinates of a factor and decreased stage of factor.
Statistics collected from total station may be downloaded into computer/laptops for similarly
processing of statistics.
Total stations are mainly utilized by land surveyors and civil engineers, both to report features as
in topographic surveying or to set out features (along with roads, houses or barriers). They're also
used by archaeologists to document excavations and through police, crime scene investigators,
private accident reconstructionist and coverage groups to take measurements of scenes.
A survey instrument total station has 4 important features:
Angle measurement
Total stations use complex optical scanning era to degree extraordinarily certain digital bar codes
that are etched on reflective components. This enables the total station orient the distances and
angles between bodily objects. A total station can be capable of measuring angles right down to
zero.5 arc-seconds.
Distance dimension
The stations use modulated infrared service indicators to determine the distance between
themselves and their target objects. When this infrared light is contemplated off a prism or a
surveyed item, a complete station determines the space among itself and the reflecting object.
Most total stations are dependent on reflective prisms to decide distance, but general stations that
do not need prisms are known as reflector-less TS (Total station).
Coordinate measurement
The stations can use trigonometry and triangulation to determine the coordinates of unknown
points. These gadgets can decide coordinates so long as there may be an unrestricted line of sight
between a total station and the favored point. Some overall stations will also be ready with global
navigation satellite system (gnss) that make determining coordinates even less complicated.
Data Processing
Some total stations have onboard computer systems which could carry out primary capabilities,
but others are designed to write statistics to outside, hand-held computer systems. In both case,
surveying statistics can be offloaded from a ts onto an external computing device or pc laptop to
perform greater complicated evaluation techniques.
What are the programs of total stations?
Whether you have got a Nikon general station or a device this is made via a distinctive logo,
there are some of unique programs in which you may use this kind of devices. Right here are
some examples of not unusual applications for TS devices:
Construction - Due to the fact construction is increasingly depending on building information
modeling (Bim), the usage of correct surveying information from Total stations is rather crucial
on this enterprise. The use of Total station units in construction substantially decreases exertions
Mining - A mining agency may also use a Nikon total station or a total station made through a
extraordinary emblem to determine absolutely the places of tunnel ceilings, walls, and flooring.
This information is then processed with the aid of CAD programs, which assists mining groups
in designing the format of tunnels..
Meteorology - TS are also utilized in meteorology to tune the locations of weather balloons.
Those devices make it less difficult to decide the moves of climate balloons in higher-stage
winds. Total stations can also be used in aviation weather forecasting packages, and they may be
used to decide the peak of cloud layers. Lastly, meteorologists can also use Total stations to
decide forecasts for rocket launches.
Total stations are brilliant pieces of surveying technology that permit surveyors, contractors, and
foremen to get accurate measurements and reduce down on man hours and chances of inaccuracy
in their surveys.

Global Positioning System (GPS)

Global Positioning System (GPS) is developed by U.S. department and is called Navigational
System with Time and Ranging Global Positioning System (NAVSTAR GPS) or simply GPS.
For this purpose, U.S. Air Force has stationed 24 satellites at an altitude of 20200 km above the
earth’s surface.  The satellites were positioned in this type of manner, at least 4 satellites can be
visible from any factor on earth.
The consumer desires a GPS receiver to discover the location of any point on ground. The
acquire approaches the signals received from the satellite and compute the location (latitude and
longitude) and elevation of a point as regards to datum.

Chains and Tapes

Taking correct measurements is one of the maximum crucial duties a land surveyor have to
whole. There may be a selection of gear that can be used to take measurements which includes
tapes, rulers, chains, and laser devices. Pocket tapes are ideal for small-scale measurements
whilst measuring wheels, nylon lined metal tapes (Nyclad tapes), and fiberglass tape measures
can be used for larger distances.

Advocated merchandise on this category:

Nyclad Tape Measures – best for jobs requiring correct measurements in harsh climates or
inclement weather, nylon-covered steel tapes offer a flexible and sturdy choice with the delivered
benefit of a selection coefficient much like that of a steel drag chain.

Fiberglass Tape Measures – to be had in a spread of lengths, fiberglass tape measures are
plastic-lined for durability however stay lightweight enough for easy portability and are much
less possibly to kink the manner a metal tape can.
Measuring Wheels – also known as a surveyor’s wheel, measuring wheels characteristic a
rotating wheel that measures the gap among points even as walking and is first-rate applicable
for inspection or estimation paintings.
Laser Measuring Devices – for the remaining in particular measurement, laser era is capable of
measuring inclination, slope distance, and azimuth, further to making both vertical and
horizontal calculations.

Plane table survey

The plane table surveying is one of the fastest and easiest strategies of surveying. Plotting of
plans and discipline observations may be achieved at the identical time in plane table surveying.
It is useful for the subsequent cases:

1. It is high-quality geared up for small-scale surveying i.E. Any kinds of fields

2. Where compass survey fails to perform plane table survey is used in surveying industrial

Temporary changes of The Plane Table

1. Centering
This manner is to ascertain that the point on the floor is represented appropriately on the paper.
It's miles done with the assist of plumbing fork and plumbing bob.The pointed quit (at the higher
hand) of the plumbing fork is saved on paper and at the alternative give up, a plumb bob is
constant. The board is shifted manually till the bob hangs precisely over the peg of the station.
This work can be tiresome however a prerequisite for any in addition sports.

2. Leveling
Leveling is performed so that the drawing board remains parallel to the floor. It is completed
inside the following three techniques:
I. Ordinary tilting the board
Ii. Via ball and socket association or
Iii. By way of adjusting the legs of the tripod.
3. Orientation
The technique through which the location occupied by way of the board at numerous survey
stations are kept parallel is called the orientation. Within the plane table surveying, the whole
table wishes to be moved at several stations to finish a survey. Each time the table is moved one
has to ensure that the new station is parallel to the preceding one in any other case the traces
drawn on paper will now not constitute the equal traces on the field. Methods of orientation are: -
1. Orientation by means of magnetic needle:

This approach is used when it isn't always feasible to bisect the preceding station from
the brand new station. This method is not a whole lot reliable and prone to mistakes
because of variations of the magnetic area.

2. Orientation by means of Back Sighting:

This is a greater dependable method. On this technique, a specific line drawn from the
previous station is drawn again from the new station. This method is referred to as back-
sighting. One does no longer always have to draw the road the second one time as an
alternative test if the brand new line superposes over the previous one or now not..

These survey techniques and equipment’s are the backbone of survey without utilization of these
type of equipment’s survey cannot be done. Every surveyor/Engineer should have a complete
knowledge of every technique which use in survey. Lack of knowledge can lead to wrong
information. By using Theodolite, Total station or auto level different angles, distances can be
achieved. I would suggest that survey should also be done by using the satellite information
different topographical features should be studied from satellite images it will help in efficient
1. civiltoday. (2019). What is Plane Table Surveying? Setup & Methods. Civil Engineering.


2. Dumpy Level Survey–What, Where, How, Parts. (2019). Civil Engineering.

3. What is theodolite? Uses of theodolite in surveying. (2020). Civil Engineering.

4. Land Surveying Equipment & Tools for Professional Land Surveyors. (2018). Baseline

Equipment Company.

5. The Constructor. (2016). Surveying Archives.

6. What is Engineering Surveying? | Land Surveyors Perth. (2015). Land Surveyors.

7. Definition, objective, principle & uses of surveying. (2018, September 11). We Civil



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