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Monitoring Tool for Reading

School Year 2020-2021


Name of School Principal: REYMAN D. YANA
Name of School Reading Program : A
a. K to 3
b. Grades 4-6
c. Grades 7-10
d. Grades 11-12
Name of School Reading Coordinator: MARIEFE M. CARDANA
Directions: Please check the box corresponding to your answer and provide us with data and
information taken from October, 2020 to present. Please use other sheets if the spaces
don’t suffice the information/data you will provide.
1.What are the Reading Inventory Test you conducted to your learners this year ? ( Please
check what is applicable in your school)
Pre test__/____ Mid test _________ Post test ________ Others ( Please specify)
2. Who are the persons responsible in conducting the Reading Inventory Test of the Learners?
Class Advisers ____/____ Reading Teachers and Reading Coordinators __________
All Teachers _______ Parents & Teachers_____ Others ( please specify)
3.What are the modalities done in determining the reading performance/ability of the
learners on this pandemic time?
Home Visitation __/___ Phone Call/ Text ______ group chat ______ Virtual Oral Reading
_______ Others ( please specify)
4.Enumerate the activities that you did related to reading inventory through home
visitation. Please enumerate as many.
a. Provide reading materials c. let the learners read
b. guide the learners to read d.
5. How often are texting, calling , group chats and virtual reading done in a month?
Once ___/__ Twice ______ Thrice _______ Four Times _______ Others ( Please specify)

6. Enumerate the activities that you did related to reading inventory through phone call/
text. Please enumerate as many.
a. c.
b. d.
7. Enumerate the activities that you did related to reading inventory through group chat.
Please enumerate as many
a. b.
c d.
8. . Enumerate the activities that you did related to reading inventory through virtual oral
reading . Please enumerate as many
a. b
c d
6.Why did your school venture on home visitation?
a. no internet connection c.
b. lack of gadgets to the parents d.
7. Why did your school venture on social media assisted activities? (Please be in details with
your answer)
a. c.
b. d.
8. Why did you venture on both home visitation and social media assisted activities?
a. c.
b. d.
9. What are the reading materials distributed to the learners?
SLMs_____ Textbooks_____ DAP ELLN Materials _____ Levelled Reader Materials_____
Teacher Made and contextualized Materials_____ ERK_____ Others ( Please specify)
10. What reading related activities do you require the learners to do with the materials you
distributed to them? ( Please specify)
a. familiarize alphabet sound c.
b. familiarize alphabet name d.
11. Enumerate and specify the support extended to school reading program by your
e.g. LGU- 100 copies of Health Book
11. What are your suggestions to continue delivery of reading activities even during the
pandemic? Why?
Answer: My suggestions to continue delivery of reading activities even during the pandemic is
to provide more colourful reading materials especially to the lower grades.
( please use a separate sheet of paper)
12. If you are to change some aspects of your reading program, what will they be? Why?
No comment, jejeje
13. How did you disseminate your school reading program?
I have no idea,jejejej
14. Who are the stakeholders of your school reading program?
a. teachers
b. PTA officials
c. parents
15.What technical assistance do you need from the : ( Please be specific)
 district office
district training about reading program
b. division office
division training about reading program

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Consolidated by: Submitted to the Div office by:

Sch. Reading Coor Sch.Principal Dist. Reading Coor PDS/ Di

District Consolidated Template

Name of District:
Name of PSDS/DI
Number of Elementary Schools
Number of Junior High Schools
Number of Senior High Schools
Number of ALS CLC
Number of Private Schools

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