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Ref: ME/CR/ 314/ 1 T6 10 June 2021

From: Senior Chief Executive, Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and

To: Directors, Zones 1 - 4



It has been decided that, with a view to ensuring a safe operation of schools, resumption of
studies for the first term for Academic Year 2021-2022 will occur in a phased manner and in
strict compliance with the sanitary protocol for schools.

This resumption will involve the following:

Date Activity

Monday 14 June 2021 Admission in Grade 1

14 June – 18 June 2021 Prepare Pedagogical Readiness at School level

21 June - 02 July 2021 Educational TV Broadcast for all Grades

05 July - 27 August 2021 Physical presence of pupils on a staggered basis.

2. Admission in Grade 1

(a) Pupils of Grade 1 will report to school on Monday 14 June 2021 and meet with their
class teachers.

(b) Where the class size is more than 20, the cohort per class will be split in two groups
with an alternate Educator.
(c) Heads of Schools will make arrangements for distribution of textbooks to parents of
Grade 1 pupils on that day.
3. Pedagogical Readiness: 14 June – 18 June 2021

Teaching staff are required to be present at school during the period 14 June – 18 June
2021 to assist in the admission of pupils, take cognizance of class allocations and in preparing
pedagogical readiness. Heads of Schools are required to organise meetings in this respect and
inform their Educators accordingly.

Schools will organise distribution of textbooks to pupils of Grades 2 - 6 during this


Date Grade Time

15 June 2021 2&3 A–L

09 00 – 12 00
16 June 2021 4
17 June 2021 5 12 00 – 14 30

18 June 2021 6

4. Resumption of Studies

(a) 21 June - 02 July 2021– Remote Learning

During the initial two weeks of the first term, pupils of Grades 1 to 6 will study remotely
by way of Educational TV Programmes that will be broadcast on the National Channels of
the MBC.

(b) 05 July 2021 – 27 August 2021 - Physical Presence of Pupils at School

Classes in school premises will start on Monday 05 July 2021. Pupils will attend school
in a staggered manner as hereunder:

Day Grade
Tuesday & Thursday Grades 1 , 2, 3
Monday, Wednesday & Friday Grades 4, 5, 6

5. Sanitary Protocol for Schools

Schools should strictly abide by the established Sanitary Protocol for Schools. A detailed
Protocol can be accessed on the Ministry’s website.
The main elements of the Protocol are as follows:-
(i) Regular cleaning and disinfection of schools
(ii) Proper wearing of masks at all times
(iii) Temperature check upon arrival
(iv) Regular hand washing
(v) Physical distancing to be maintained at all times
(vi) Proper ventilation in the classrooms
(vii) Provision of an isolation room.

6. Other Issues
PE classes will be conducted exclusively outdoors subject to physical distancing. Group
Sports will not be allowed.
School assembly and any activity that involve student gathering should not be held.
Canteens will operate under strict sanitary conditions. Food handler’s certificate and
proper and safe food storage and packing practices will have to be ensured.
Breaks/Recess will be organised in a staggered manner.
Heads of Schools should draw the attention of all staff and other personnel to Government
Notice No 119 of 2021 with regard to restricted access to educational institutions.

7. It would be appreciated if all Heads of Schools could be informed of the above and be
required to make necessary arrangements for a safe resumption of studies.

A. Ghoorah (Mrs)
for Senior Chief Executive

C.c: Executive Director, SeDEC

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