Guideline For Special Activity Application

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Guideline for Special Activity Application

To all prospective applicants

Greeting you in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and of Cambodian Christian Protestant Community (CCPC)!

We warmly welcome you from our deepest heart on behalf of all the members of the CCPC. Please, complete and send
to the CCPC office all the following letters, documents, fees, and forms in the listed below.

All the necessary requirements must be fulfilled within a month from your initial request. After your requirement is
completed, the normal procedure for permission will take at least a month or months, depending on the scale of your
special project. Thus, it is essential for you to submit this application as soon as possible.

We recommend you to take a necessary and precautionary advice from the designated CCPC officials who are in
charge of your project(s), before you take any action on your project.

* Prerequisite: All the activities must be operated by the CCPC regular members, unless the board meeting allows
them with temporary permission for foreign organization involved. Otherwise, the delegate(s) of the
CCPC will lead the activity with you.
* Procedure: Each submitted activity case must be initially reviewed by the charged board director and summit to the
board meeting for its final decision.

* Requirements for Application:

1. A Requesting Letter from the representative of the foreign organization for your activity, if the foreign
organization is directly involved (with two name-card attached.)
2. A Requesting Letter from the local organization representative, cooperating with the foreign organization for
your activity (with two name-card attached).
3. A Resume (C.V.) from the local organization representative with two visa photos attached (attach a brief
summary of your important mission work in Cambodia).
4. A Copy of Passport: personal information and visa page in the passport, if the local representative is foreigner.
5. Two References from other pastors or church leaders who are legally responsible for your work.
6. Application Fee: USD20.00 for each activity in the region will be used for its procedure fee.
7. Activity Plan(S) in detail:
The following descriptions must be thoroughly explained in your activity plan(s).
a) Title of your activity
b) Purpose and goal of your activity
c) Scope of your activity (e.g., massive evangelism or revivals, church planting or inauguration,
orphanage, school and so forth)
d) Regional scale of your activity (e.g., area of Phnom Penh, or in Takeo province, or through the whole
country, or it could be multifold scaled activities).
e) Duration of the activity.
f) Anticipated participants in the activity: Number of leaders and congregations involved
g) Implementation of the plan in detail: when, what, where, who, how…etc.
h) Financial plans in detail: Income resource, Anticipated expenses.
8. Legal Acceptance Letter for Legal Liability for any accident, medical, legal dispute, etc.
9. Deposit for activity: e.g., anticipated persons 1000 * $ 0.25 * 4 days = $ 1,000)
10. Attention: If you request us to take a quick response earlier than a normal procedure, then you are responsible
to pay the board member’s transportation and room and board, since some board members come from the remote
*** Appropriate donation is accepted for proper administration of CCPC.

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