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Setting: Suburban General Practice

Patient: You are a 25-year-old student and have been feeling extremely
tired. You have come to see your GP as you are concerned you may be
experiencing chronic fatigue syndrome. You have generally experienced
good health in the past.

· When asked, explain that you believe you may have chronic
fatigue syndrome.

· Explain that you have been feeling fatigued for about 3 weeks,
and daily activities (e.g. shopping, cooking, studying) leave you
extremely tired. You constantly experience “brain-fog”. Sleep does
not refresh you.

· Explain that there have been no changes to your daily life or

routine. You have recently returned from an overseas holiday. You
became ill at the end of your trip (vomiting/diarrhoea) and your
symptoms began soon after. You did not seek medical treatment at
the time.

· Insist you have chronic fatigue syndrome as you have researched

it online. You do not feel a blood test is necessary.

· Ask if there is anything you can do to improve your condition now.

· Finally agree to the doctor’s suggestions and recommended tests.

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