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Agility Name:_________

Race:__________ HIT POINTS:____
Animals MAX: ____
___/20 (CHA):_____
DEXTERITY SPEED:____ Action Point
Psych AP:_______ COST ARMOUR:____
___/20 WALK 1 Walk up to
Deception maximum speed
(CHA):_____ RUN 2 double
Knowledge maximum speed
___/20 (FOR):_____ with -3 to
INTELLEGENCE attacks against
Intimidation you.
(STR):_____ SINGLE 2 Fire once using
___/20 Pilot MODE any ranged
FORESIGHT (INT):_____ weapon
BURST 3 Split weapons
Doctor MODE burst rating at
___/20 (INT):_____ up to two
CHARISMA Engineer targets
(INT):_____ THROW 3 Throw one
object up to its
___/20 Perception max range
(FOR):_____ STAB 1 Stab once at a
single target
(CHA):_____ SLASH 2 Slash once,
hitting up to 2
Sleight of hand targets in range
(DEX):_____ INTERACT 1 Interact with the
Stealth world
(DEX):_____ HEAVY STAB 2 Stab with d-3
Gunnery bonus damage
(CON):_____ HEAVY 3 Attack up to 3
SLASH targets with d-3
Melee bonus damage
(STR):_____ OPEN 1 Use inventory
(CON):_____ CHARGE 3 run and do one
Revive free heavy
(CON):_____ melee.

Throw OVERWATCH 1 fire on the first

(STR):_____ enemy to move.
Big Guns
Small Guns
 AGILITY: every five points in agility grants one Dodge roll when you fail an Armour
OR toughness save. Additionally, reaching 10+ gives the “Spring Bones” PERK,
Mastery allows you to move first when combat begins.
 ANIMALS: A rating of +15 gives “animals Friend 1” a rating of 10+ gives “animal
friend 2” Mastery allows you to order Tamed Creatures to your bidding
 PSYCH: Psychic power levels are unlocked with each milestone (marked on psychic
spells table) additionally mastery grants a single re-roll for each failed casting roll.
Each level lets you cast 1 more spell per turn.
 DECEPTION: Deception rating of 10+ unlocks the “silver tongue” PERK, Mastery
unlocks the “Second Guess” Perk.
 KNOWLEDGE: A level of 10+ unlocks the “old World Blue’s” PERK, Mastery
allows you to add +2 to ANY skill roll for you or an ally once per turn
 INTIMIDATION: At rating 10+ you gain the “monstrous fear” PERK. Mastery lets
you Intimidate ROBOTIC creatures.
 PILOT: A piloting skill of 16+ allows you to perform “booster” and “ramming”
Maneuvers, a skill of 10+ grants “emergency dive” and at 6+ you gain the “ace of
spades” PERK. Mastery lets you attempt 2 Maneuvers per round.
 DOCTOR: at 12+ you gain the ability to revive downed Characters without
“Morphine Pens” and at 8+ you can heal +d6 damage without using up the aid kit.
Mastery allows you to revive dead Characters that have died within 3 turns.
 ENGINEER: A rating of 14+ lets you heal damaged ROBOTIC Characters, while a
rating of 10+ unlocks the “nuts n’ bolts” PERK. Mastery lets you Damage CRAFT
 PERCEPTION: Having a skill of 8+ unlocks the “dead-eye” PERK.
 PERSUASION: at Rating 10+ you can attempt to persuade CREATURES, at 6+ you
can Persuade ROBOTIC npc’s and CREATURES
 SLIGHT OF HAND: when you reach a Rating 14+ you get the “right in front of you”
PERK Mastery allows you to place items into inventories.
 STEALTH: once you reach a rating of 10+ you gain the “living shadow” PERK And
you may hide 1 item for every 4 points put into STEALTH.
 GUNNERY: reaching gunnery 12+ gives the “select target” PERK, and at 8+ you can
fire smoke storms
 MELEE: at 12+ you can Perform a skill check to “Parry melee Hits”, at 6+ Dual
wielding melee weapons does not incur a penalty to Slash attacks. Mastery Gives the
“blade Lord” PERK.
 TOUGHNESS: your toughness rating can only be used as a save up to 8+, after this,
the saving statistic does not go up, but the skill does. Once you have reached
Toughness 6+, you gain the “too Tough to die” PERK. Mastery lets you perform Two
Toughness saving rolls.
 REVIVE: at 14+ you can revive PETS, at 10+ you can Revive yourself with 3-HP,
Mastery Unlocks the “till Death do us part” PERK.
 THROW: at 10+ you can throw CREATURES, Mastery lets you re-roll failed rolls,
for each point in THROW you can throw items 1cm further (starts at 4cm)
“Spring Bones”: you do not take fall damage.
“Animal Friend1/2”: lets you make creatures a PET, amount depends on what
level the perk is.

“Second Guess”: npc’s will not break your Stealth or Undo Deception checks
when you fail either.

“Silver Tongue”: ROBOTIC npc’s can be deceived.

“Old World Blues”: you can now understand pre-Rapture History and items.

“Monstrous Fear”: CREATURES can now be intimidated.

“Ace of Spades”: you can Perform Manoeuvres BEFORE you move.

“Nuts N Bolts”: you can re-program ROBOTIC npc’s, but not MACHINA’s.

“Dead-Eye”: all weapons RANGED weapons get +4 Range.

“Right Infront of You”: stealing in front of the target or while not stealthy does
not automatically fail.

“Living Shadow”: npc’s Must re-roll a successful perception checks to break

your Stealth.

“Select Target”: you can now target Small Craft.

“Blade Lord”: When making a Slash or Stab attack, roll a d-10, on a 9+ the target
Drops their current weapon.

“Too Tough to Die”: when you would normally be Downed or even Killed, you
may Cheat death and revive for free once per day.

“Till Death Do Us Part”: once per game, you can revive the WHOLE CREW even
from death.

Each Race has specific unique abilities exclusive to them, these can be both positive, and negative,
and may be used in a multitude of ways.
HUMAN: Humans are boring if not able to adapt better than others.
SPEED: 6 Action Points: 5 HP: 20

PERK: Boosted Learning; Gain 3 extra XP with each level.

FELINIDS: Cat-like people with a hatred for water

SPEED :7 Action Points: 6 HP: 18

PENALTY: when in water, all skills have a -10 penalty and speed is reduced to 3.

PERK, Clamber: Felinids can climb on any non-slippery surface, however, can only use one hand
while doing so.

PERK: Night vision: no penalty when in the dark

PERK: Claws: +2 to melee skill and +2 Armour piercing to all melee attacks

HUDŌRAJJA: Hudorajja are a reptilian semi aquatic species, they excess in warm and shallow
SPEED: 6 AP :5 HP: 24

PERK: aqua affinity; When in water from 0 to 400 meters, gain +5 movement and +5 agility.
lose -3 movement and -5 agility in Deeper water.

PERK: Spit: spit either a tough, sticky slime or a poison ball up to 12 cm, this ability can only be
used once every two turns. Poison ball does 6-TOXIC damage to target.

khodyachaya ryba (walking fish): a rare, barely understood race of Deep-water fish people who
require special equipment to survive above water.
SPEED :5 AP :4 HP: 19

PERK: mental channelling; +5 to psych roll for each hand that is empty
Can see in the dark

PERK: Deep one; When in water from 400 to 1000 meters, gain +5 movement and +5 agility.
lose -3 movement and -5 agility in shallower water)

PENALTY: Technologically dependant; Will suffocate over 3 turns without Breathing apparatus
unless underwater

MACHINA: a race of Sentient Machines collectively called the “Machina” their one defining trait is
having a “control card” which can be inserted into new bodies
SPEED: 4 AP: 4 HP: 10

PERK: Steel Skeleton: Machina’s do not heal, instead they can only be healed by using the
ENGINEERING skill, they are not affected by BLUNT, TOXIN or DROWNING damage.
PERK: CONTROL CARD: a Machina’s “mind” is stored on this card, should the item be destroyed
they are killed, however the card can be swapped between different robotic bodies and even into a
ship or station.

PERK: Target Protocol: Machina's suffer -2 to melee and shooting rolls, but may choose to
“overcharge” their system, gaining +2 to Melee and Ranged rolls in exchange for -1 movement until
they turn the protocol off.

SPECIAL: ROBOTIC BODY: at the start of the game, a Machina must choose what class their
robotic body is, this can be either:
 Engineering robot: has a built in Servo tool and a toughness of 9+. 2 MOD-slots
 Military Robot: has a built in Servo-Cannon and a toughness of 12+. 2 MOD-slots
 Service Robot, can wear apparel, has a toughness of 14+. 4 MOD-slots
Only the service robot may wear apparel, a Machina’s toughness skill relates only to its “control
card” otherwise they must use the toughness for their chosen body, a Machina’s control chip may be
willingly ejected by the player.


Every Character we make will in one way or another carry a part of us, it might be
personality, looks or anything else, and this is not a bad thing.

In the distant future of 2055, Large, Walking fish people with water tanks to help breath on
land live alongside literal cat girls/boys from japan, while the backstory of the world as a
whole is supposed to function with some semblance of realism, the inherent “silliness” of
everything means there is no “true” way of doing something.

Your characters, and those they interact with can be any species, race, gender, have any
preference in anything they do or come across. The only limit should be your own
imagination and how willing you are to play the character, this doesn't mean you should play
as something you disagree with, but that its ok to do so, even if that character you play is a
child murdering scumbag, it’s only a game, so have fun!










ITEM-1 Name: Type: Description

ITEM-2 Name: Type: Description

ITEM-3 Name: Type: Description

ITEM-4 Name: Type: Description

ITEM-5 Name: Type: Description

ITEM-6 Name: Type: Description

ITEM-7 Name: Type: Description

ITEM-8 Name: Type: Description

APPAREL: Mod Slots ( 0 )


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