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Level 4 Professional Diploma Unit 3 Project Proposal pro forma

Name Aiden McKenzie

Pathway Acting
Project title Small Company Performance (Nuns – Robert Luxford)
Section 1: Rationale
Reflect, review and summarise your progress and achievements since September, and the
knowledge, skills and understanding that you have acquired. What do you know now and how is
it helping you develop as a performer compared to what you knew and could do before you
started the course. Comment on how developing these skills over the course of the year will help
you going into this project.
Over the past 2 and a half years I have strengthened my abilities as a performer throughout the
Level 3, Level 3 extended and Level 4 Professional diplomas at Stamford college. Since
September I have learnt multiple skills that I will require to make a successful career in the
performing arts industry. These skills include how to choreograph, how to record a self-tape, how
to make original music for a play and how to devise theatre. We also learnt how to perform a full-
scale socially distanced production. I am also looking forward to studying Music and Musical
Theatre at Chichester University from September. This project will help me develop my
independence and creativity, these skills are helpful and needed for university.
Section 2: Project concept
Explain your ideas for your small company performance project. Briefly give an overview of how
you plan to present your performance and the resources and skills you will need. Explain what
you personally hope to get out of this project.
We Have chosen to do a piece from Off the Wall Plays called Nuns, written by Robert Luxford.
This is a satirical-comedy play, with two acts. The show follows three sisters of a nunnery who
try to overthrow their mother-superior to gain smoking rights. We plan to stay true to the original
script whilst adding stylised transitions in between scenes. We also plan to use minimalistic set
and wear habits. As this show has characters that are all female, Daniel and I will be in drag,
which should hopefully add to the comedic effect of the show. I am working with Abigail Croxton,
Daniel Hall, and Micha Greenwood, because we all have a strong rapport with one another, and
all enjoy each other’s company. We also all know that we can rely on each other to get work
done, that we can all take onboard criticism and that we can bounce from one another’s energy.
We are all excited to start working on this project, and ready to make a fun and light-hearted
performance. I am working on the lighting and sound design, Micha is focusing on choreography
and marketing, Daniel is going to oversee gathering props and ensuring that everything is safe,
whilst Abi is focusing on Set Design.

Section 3: Evaluation
How will you know if your production is a success? How will you make sure that you do
everything needed for the production and your written work in the time given? How will you
reflect on and evaluate your work and progress? How will you make sure that these reflections
help you to progress and are useful to the process? What do you plan to do to overcome these
potential problems?
We shall know the production is a success when our audiences give us feedback, about how
they enjoyed the performance. To make sure that I am working to a good schedule, giving me
time to do everything required for the deadline, I will set myself early deadlines on my time-
management app (asana) to ensure that I stay on top of my work, and do not fall behind. To
evaluate my progress, I shall keep an actor’s log, to evaluate my work in rehearsals, and how we
have progressed towards the final production. I will also get peer reviewed fortnightly, and have
my lecturers watch run throughs to make sure that we are producing a strong piece of theatre. I
will know that this production will be successful personally if I don’t freeze on stage and forget
my lines and can make it through the show without feeling terrified.

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