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UCK360E – Automatic Control I

Prof. Emre Koyuncu

In order to automatically adjust for the sudden weight shift due to passengers rushing, the
airline is mechanizing a pitch-attitude auto pilot. The figure shows the block diagram of the
proposed arrangement. We will model the passenger moment as a step disturbance
𝑀! (𝑠) = 𝑀" /𝑠, with a maximum expected value for M0 of 0.6.

a. What value of K is required to keep the steady-state error in 𝜃 to less than 0.02 rad by
assuming system is stable,
b. Show the root locus with respect to K and explain what is the value of K when the
system becomes unstable?
c. Suppose the value of K required for acceptable steady-state behavior is 600. Show
that this value yields an unstable system with roots at

𝑠 = −2.9, −13.5, +1.2 ± 6.6𝑗

d. You are given a black box with rate gyro written on the side and told that when
installed, it provides a perfect measure of 𝜃̇, with output 𝐾# 𝜃̇. Assume K = 600 as in
part (c) and draw a block diagram indicating how you would incorporate the rate
gyro into the auto pilot. (Include transfer functions in boxes.)
e. For the rate gyro in part (d), sketch a root locus with respect to KT .
f. What is the maximum damping factor of the complex roots obtainable with the
configuration part (d)?
g. What is the value of KT for part (f)?
h. Suppose you are not satisfied with the steady-state errors and damping ratio of the
system with a rate gyro in parts (d) through (g). Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of adding an integral term and extra lead networks in the control law.
Support your comments using MATLAB (or similar e.g. Julia) or with rough root-locus

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