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Reading worksheets

Unit 1 48

Unit 2 49

Unit 3 50

Unit 4 51

Unit 5 52

Unit 6 53

Unit 7 54

Unit 8 55

Answer key 56
Unit 1
1 Read and tick (4) the correct option.
1 Parachuting trip
a. All students should complete the form by 7 pm. All new students who are coming on Sunday

b. Everybody needs to bring their ID card on Sunday. must fill out the attached form, if they
haven’t done so yet, and send it back before
c. New students should complete the form by 7 pm.
7 pm. If you’ve already parachuted with us,
this isn’t necessary, just bring your ID card.

a. Erin has already been to a fancy dress party. Hey Katy! Don't forget tonight’s party!
Have you ever been to a fancy dress party
b. Katy has never been to a fancy dress party.
before? I went to one in the summer and
c. Katy needs help with her costume.
dressed as a clown. If you need help with
your costume, let me know. Erin xxx

a. The safari costs £20. Sunrise Safari

b. People who arrive late will miss the safari. Please meet in reception at 5.30 am. If you
are not there on time we cannot wait and
c. They will watch the sunrise at 5.30 am.
you will lose your £20 deposit.

2 Read and choose the correct answer.

Hi Max!
How is your summer? I can’t believe it’s nearly over! Mine has (1) the best summer ever!
Botswana is the most amazing place and I have (2) some brilliant friends here. Next
summer, they have invited (3) back and I think you should come too. Yesterday, we
(4) driving through the grasslands, following a herd of elephants
(5) suddenly a pack of hyenas appeared. I thought they were going to (6)
the elephants but a local tribesman threw a stone at them and scared them off. Have you
(7) seen a hyena? They’re really scary!
Tonight we are going on a midnight safari - it’s the one thing we haven’t done (8) .
We’re going to look for nocturnal animals. I’m really excited!
Anyway, I’ll call you when I get back. Bye!

1. a. had b. been c. stayed 5. a. then b. next c. when

2. a. made b. done c. played 6. a. attack b. howl c. stare
3. a. me b. I c. my 7. a. never b. ever c. no
4. a. was b. go c. were 8. a. so b. too c. yet
Photocopiable Young Achievers 6 © 2016 Ediciones Santillana, S. A. 48
Unit 2
1 Read and match the people to the clubs.
Archie used to be in a Ellie used to be in a George wants to
singing theatre group choir but now she explore different
which rehearsed wants to experiment kinds of performing.
every day but now with different He’s happy to try
he is looking for kinds of music. She anything and is keen
something more creative. loves rap and writes her to develop his writing
He wants to try different things own poetry. She would like to skills. He doesn’t like dancing.
although he doesn’t really like continue singing if possible and He wants something with lots
poetry unless it’s improvised. is happy to rehearse a couple of of rehearsal time because this
He doesn’t want to sing. times a week. helps with his confidence when

b. Impro Style
a. Speak out! At our club you never know what
c. Word up
If you love the written word
Whether you want to to expect! Our story telling, acting,
and experimenting with how
act, sing or dance we will dancing and poetry recitals use
it's spoken, this is the club for
help you develop your improvisation techniques and we
you. We do everything from
techniques by rehearsing encourage our members to try
story telling to script writing
with our experts. We new things. We never work with
but our main focus is always
also offer help with script scripts so whether you say it or
poetry, with or without music.
writing and poetry. dance it, we don't care, just as
long as you don't plan it!

2 Read and tick (4) or cross (8).

Hey everybody, and welcome to my new blog! First of all, I’d like to thank all of you who read my
last one and I appreciate your patience while I organised this new one. And what’s changed here?
you might be asking. Well, quite a lot! Not only has the design changed but also the content. I used
to only focus on fashion but now I’ve decided to write about a wider variety of topics. So, let’s get
This week I went to the opening of a fantastic new shop called Everything Ethical. It’s a second hand
shop which sells everything froms clothes to CDs and DVDs and even recycled furniture. It also sells
new items, like jewellery and pottery, which are made by local artesans. Click here to find out more.

1. Clara wishes people had been more patient while waiting for her new blog.

2. Not much has changed on Clara’s blog, just the design.

3. The blog used to be about one subject but it is more varied now.

4. Clara went to the opening of a shop which sells only new products.

5. In the shop you can buy new products made at home and abroad.

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Unit 3
1 Read and complete the sentences.
A happier and healthier me!
by Alex Anderson
Do you follow a balanced diet and take regular exercise? Six months ago, if I had answered
that question honestly, the answer would have been no. But now, all that has changed and I
am the healthiest and happiest I have ever been!
I have always loved junk food and I used to eat it whenever I could. But even though I was
eating and drinking all my favourite things I never felt very happy. I used to feel tired and
depressed and that meant I just stayed at home watching TV. I used to think to myself, 'I wish
I could be more active and go and play with my friends', but I could never find the energy.
Then, one day my parents asked me to go to a lecture with them. They told me it was about
theatre but that wasn’t true! My parents were worried about me and wanted to help me so they had decided to take me
to a lecture about healthy living. It was the best idea they have ever had. The lecturer spoke about all the damage an
unhealthy diet can do and explained how it can make you feel really unhappy too. He also gave advice on how to improve
your diet and involve more exercise in your life.
Since then I have made lots of healthy changes to my diet and I take regular exercise too. I feel great and I don’t miss the
junk food. I do allow myself one exception though... Pizza night with my friends. But we always share. And if I can do
it, anyone can!

1. In the article Alex is telling us about 3. Alex’s parents lied to him about the lecture
. because they were
2. What do we learn about Alex’s lifestyle before .
he changed his diet? 4. What advice might Alex give to other people
He was . who want to have a healthier lifestyle?
It’s OK to eat unheathly food
2 Read and circle the correct option.
1 2 3
Safari Hi Joe, From: Marie
Sm_o_o_t_h_ies g, If I were you I would eat mo
re To: Billy
c itin
c, ex ng

i fruit and vegetables. That
Exot Thanks for the recipe
ener should help you feel less tire
d! book! If you have time this
Rachel xx
weekend you should come
Perhaps the best wa to my house and I’ll cook.
to start yo ur day !

a. The smoothies give you energy. a. Rachel eats lots of vegetables. a. Marie has cooked a dish for Billy.
b. The colours are exotic. b. Joe never eats fruit. b. Marie won’t have time to cook
c. Only have exotic smoothies. c. Joe feels tired. this weekend.
c. Marie has invited Billy to her house.

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Unit 4
1 Read and choose the correct answer.

In 1897 a novel was published which introduced a character that (1) go on

to become the most famous of its genre; Count Dracula. The book, Dracula, was written (2)
an Irish man called Bram Stoker and although it was not a best-seller in its day,
it (3) since sold millions of copies.
The novel takes place in Victorian times and is set mainly (4) England. It tells the
story of a vampire, Count Dracula, (5) has a thirst for blood. However, there is a
group of men that (6) to stop him.
If you are interested (7) finding out how the story ends then it’s time to read
the book, unless you're scared (8) vampires!

1. a. will b. would c. could d. can 5. a. which b. hat c. who d. whose

2. a. by b. for c. with d. from 6. a. say b. do c. dream d. plan
3. a. has b. had c. had d. having 7. a. in b. for c. on d. with
4. a. on b. up c. at d. in 8. a. to b. of c. from d. out

2 Read and tick (4) or cross (8).

Save the trees!

The pupils of Dallas Road The headmaster, Mr. Bellamy, Together, we came up with a
Secondary School have been said he felt proud that the plan of action.’
very busy recently but it’s students had shown such But the hard work has only just
nothing to do with their interest in the matter and begun, say pupils. ‘We would
normal, everyday school work. he encouraged them to act. like to be taken seriously so
The pupils and teachers have 'When the students found out we have organised a series of
decided to take on a new that the Town Hall had sold events which will take place
project which they believe some land near our school to over the next few weeks to
will benefit their town and its a construction company, who raise awareness about the
inhabitants for many years to would certainly cut down the importance of these trees. So,
come. And it’s all about saving majority of the trees in the let’s hope somebody listens to
the local trees. area, they were concerned us. Because we won't give up
and came to me for advice. without a fight!’.

1. The school’s pupils have only been busy with 3. Mr. Bellamy didn’t encourage the students to
their school work recently. take an interest in their local environment.
2. The pupils and teachers believe their actions 4. The pupils asked the headmaster for help in
will be beneficial in the long term. how to deal with the situation.

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Unit 5
1 Read and tick (4) the best holiday for Francesca.
Francesca has just taken part in a marathon and wants to go abroad to a warm
place where she can relax after training so hard. She wants peace and quiet but
would also like to be close to an area where there are restaurants and theatres.

Lost at sea A break from civilisation A peaceful paradise
We offer the perfect get If you need to relax and From any of our serviced
away for people who seek escape then look no further. rooms you will be able to
excitement and a challenge. At our peaceful resort you can enjoy the incredible views of
We will sail from island to disconnect from the world our idyllic island. Because of 4
island and while you will and enjoy the tropical climate remote location room service
not be asked to take part in a remote area where all you is available day and night, so
in the more physical side of need to worry about is what if what you need is complete
sailing, you may be required you want us to prepare for relaxation you know where to
to assist with the cooking your lunch. come. Nightly entertainment is
and more importantly the provided by our talented local
entertainment. musicians.

2 Read and circle T (True) or F (False).

A year ago I decided I take up a new hobby. That’s when I started writing short stories. To begin
with, I did it just for myself and I never thought I would show anybody else what I had written. But
one day my brother found my notebook and read my stories and he told me I should send them
to a publisher. At first I was really angry. I’m always fighting with my brother anyway so you can
imagine the fight we had after he read them.
But the next day I saw a competition for young writers in the newspaper and I decided to send in my
stories. I didn’t hear anything for a long time and in fact I have no idea what happened with the
competition but one day I got a phone call from a publisher who wanted to meet me. The day I met her
she said they wanted to publish my book! It’s a book of short stories, the same ones my brother read,
and I can’t wait to see it in the local bookshop! My family are going to throw me a huge party, I hope!

1. Karen has written a novel. T/F

2. She was happy that her brother read her notebook. T/F
3. She hasn’t won the competition. T/F
4. She is going to get her book published. T/F
5. Her book has more than one story in it. T/F

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Unit 6
1 Read and choose the correct answer.

Criminally Curious
The genre of television crime drama has always been popular but over the past decade this popularity
has (1) dramatically and spectators just can't get enough of these programmes.
Whether it's watching a detective and his team trying to (2) a crime or learning how crime
scene investigators (3) and analyse evidence these shows attract huge audiences. In fact,
in homes all across the world people feel like (4) detectives thanks to what they learn from
watching these series.
So, if you haven't discovered this genre (5) , next time you are (6) for
something interesting and entertaining to watch one of these shows (7) be a good option.
If half the world is already hooked, it (8) be such a bad idea.

1. a. raised b. increased c. doubled 5. a. from b. since c. yet

2. a. observe b. arrest c. solve 6. a. seeing b. watching c. looking
3. a. collect b. pick c. close 7. a. might b. must c. can't
4. a. professional b. amateur c. bad 8. a. hasn’t b. isn’t c. can’t

2 Read and circle the correct option.

1 Hi Joel,
I spoke to Andrea this morning. She said a. Andrea drank the milk.
she didn’t have breakfast here so it can’t b. Andrea didn’t drink the milk.
have been her who drank the milk. Let’s c. Andrea had breakfast at home.
keep investigating!
Kate xxx

Attention all clients! To enter
a. Both people must show their ID.
the swimming pool with guests it is
b. Only the gym member must show ID.
necessary that you show your gym
c. The guest must have their photo taken.
ID and a photo ID of your guest.
Thank you.

3 Matthew! I just spoke to our

teacher and she said one person a. None of the students want to make the decision.
can't choose the project, it has b. All of the students must be involved in the decision.
to be a group decision. c. The group find it hard to make a decision.
Call me! Sam

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Unit 7
1 Read and tick (4) the correct option.
Mobile phones are not a. Mobile phones must be switched off before entering.
allowed inside this b. You must leave your mobile phone at reception.
building. c. You cannot enter the building with a mobile phone.

Hey Anna, I need your help!
a. James has forgotten the name of the hurricane.
What was the hurricane that
we studied today called? b. James is going to help Anna with her homework.
James c. Today, only Anna studied hurricanes.

3 Everybody! Please have some

a. There aren’t enough cherries for everyone.
cherries for breakfast. We've got too
many and they need to be eaten! b. Mum wants everyone to have cherries for breakfast.
Thanks! Mum xxx c. The cherries are bad.

2 Read and tick (4) or cross (8).

A Photographic Journey
by Andrew Carol

Last week a photographer called Adam Potts came to our school and
told us all about his work. His photographs showed the most incredible
locations but his talk wasn’t just about these places. Adam is an ‘eco-
warrior’: he loves photography, but his main concern is raising awareness
about global warming. He hopes that his images will inspire people to start
caring for our planet.
After the talk we had a chance to meet Adam. He was really friendly and stayed with us for over an hour
answering our questions. I asked him a question about the photographs he took after the terrible earthquake
in the Philippines. I wanted to know if he was still helping the people there. Adam told me that with the
money he raised from selling his pictures he was able to set up a charity based in the Philippines which gives
temporary accommodation to homeless families and is also involved in the construction of new eco-friendly
housing using recycled materials such as plastic, metal and wood.
I was very impressed by Adam’s work and his passion for saving our planet so now I’ve decided I am going to
become an ‘eco-warrior’ too. However, perhaps I will have to find a different way to spread the word because
I take awful pictures!

1. The photographer talked about only one subject.

2. The photographer is worried about how we are damaging our planet.
3. There wasn’t enough time after the talk for the children to ask questions.
4. Adam used the money from his photography to help earthquake victims.
5. Only new matertials are used in the construction of the houses.
6. Andrew wants to be like Adam in the future but thinks his photos aren’t good enough.
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Unit 8
1 Read and choose the correct answer.
My first public speech by Sophie, aged 12
‘If I (1) made to speak in public, I’d took a (4) breath and hoped the
feel so nervous I think I would cry!’. That was words came out. And they did. Everyone was
what I had said to my dad just one month ago, incredibly proud (5) the school
but there I was, standing on the stage with the because of all our hard work and dedication.
microphone in front of me. The money we raised is (6)
I (2) believe I was doing it but we being put to good use… and I’m no longer
had been working really hard on a campaign to scared of public speaking!
raise awareness of problems in developing 1. a. had b. were c. be d. did
countries. Today was the day we (3)
2. a. wasn't b. can't c. wouldn't d. couldn't
to present our work and reveal how much we
3. a. had b. gave c. was d. made
had raised for the people living in those
4. a. deep b. hard c. large d. short
The headmaster, all the teachers and members 5. a. in b. at c. of d. for
of the press were waiting for me to start. I 6. a. already b. yet c. since d. not

2 Read and match the people to the summer camps.

Lianne is looking for a Sam wants to go to a

summer camp where Jack wants to be
summer camp where
she can develop her a film director
he can spend most of
drawing technique when he’s older.
his time practising his
and perhaps learn a new skill He wants theory
painting technique. He is not too
connected to the arts. She would and practice and would like
bothered about learning new
prefer not to be with people only to come away with some
skills but would like somewhere
from the UK, but doesn’t want examples of his work.
quiet with beautiful surroundings
to travel abroad. where he can relax too.

2 3
Lost in colours Art on film An artistic
This summer camp hosts a small Our camp is aimed at those exchange
number of students and we focus students who want to become Here in the UK at our multicultural
only on painting. Our remote and film directors. You will not only camp, there are students from
charming location means you can get to film your own work, but all over the world. We will
disconnect completely and be you will also be asked to read help you improve your chosen
inspired by your surroundings. books and give a presentation technique but also encourage
about your favourite film. you to try out new styles.

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Unit 1 Unit 3
1 1
1. c Suggested answers
2. a 1. a change he made in his life
3. b 2. staying at home watching TV
2 3. concerned about him
1. b 4. as long as you share it
2. a 2
3. a 1. a
4. c 2. c
5. c 3. c
6. a
7. b Unit 4
8. c
1. b
Unit 2 2. a
1 3. a
Archie - b 4. d
Ellie - c 5. c
George - a 6. d
2 7. a
1. 7 8. b
2. 7 2
3. 4 1. 7
4. 7 2. 4
5. 7 3. 4
4. 4

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Unit 5 Unit 7
1 1
c 1. c
2 2. a
1. F 3. b
2. F 2
3. T 1. 7
4. T 2. 4
5. T 3. 7
4. 4
Unit 6 5. 7
6. 4
1. b
2. c
Unit 8
3. a 1
4. b 1. b
5. c 2. d
6. c 3. a
7. a 4. a
8. c 5. c
2 6. a
1. b 2
2. a Lianne - 3
3. b Sam - 1
Jack - 2

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